Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast

<p>In this podcast, we will check in regularly with Captain Paul Watson to speak about recent news and events regarding the oceans and their ecosystems. We will also feature interviews with other members of the Neptune's Pirates, especially once campaigns are in full swing. Periodically, we will post educational episodes highlighting the importance of marine organisms and what you can do to help the oceans. For the latest news and updates, please subscribe to this podcast (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio), and rate and review us if you like what you hear. The Captain Paul Watson Foundation is focused on the protection and conservation of the Ocean through direct intervention supported by education, documentation, research activities and partnerships with other NGO’s, governments and international institutions like the United Nations. To help the cause, go to</p>

E39 - Dennis Alvey - Crew Member Aboard the JPD

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation podcast, we get a chance to speak with deckhand Dennis Alvey. Dennis is a veteran volunteer with Captain Watson, having served on the Cleveland Amory in the 1990's. Dennis gives us insight into a day in the life of a deckhand aboard the John Paul Dejoria. He also shares his advice for those who are thinking about volunteering with Neptune's Navy. These are critical times for the crew as they get ready to confront Kr...


E38 - Captain Locky MacLean on the Bandero

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (CPWF), we will be speaking with Captain Locky MacLean who is currently on our new ship the Bandero. The Bandero is in Hobart, Tasmania preparing for its first mission. Locky describes the aspects of the Bandero that make it the perfect vessel for the kind of work that CPWF does out at sea. The Bandero was built by the Japanese government to patrol the southern district of Japan's maritime boundary. Captain Ma...


E37 - New Ships with Captain Paul Watson

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we speak with Captain Watson about two new ships added to the Neptune's Pirates fleet, the Bandero and the Nemesis. The Bandero was recently acquired (with the help of John Paul Dejoria) to help confront the Japanese Whalers in the Southern Ocean, while the Nemesis was acquired (with the help of Dale Vince) by the Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK team. Paul also mentions the initiative by Sea Shepherd France to ...


E36 - Imogen Sawyer - CPWF UK - Iceland, the Faroes, Namibia

In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast we get to speak with another member of the CPWF UK team, Imogen Sawyer. Imogen gives us great insights in to the whaling situation in Iceland, the slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands, and the seal hunt in Namibia. Imogen shares her first hand accounts of what is is like to be on campaign in these places. Her passion for saving marine life is contagious and if you would like to get involv...


E35 - Operation Bloody Fjords 2024 - Faroe Islands - Rob Read

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast we get the chance to catch up with Rob Read. Rob gives us insight into changes coming to Operation Bloody Fjords for 2024. Operation Bloody Fjords is an effort to end the grindadráp (the slaughter of pilot whales and other dolphins) in the Faroe Islands. Rob makes it clear that the CPWF UK is moving to new strategies in order to achieve this goal. Past missions have focused on documenting the grinds, but thi...


E34 - Announcing Operation Ice Storm with Rob Read and Captain Paul Watson

In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast we have the pleasure of speaking with Rob Read from CPWF UK and Captain Paul Watson. Rob and Paul talk about the urgent need to stop Kristján Loftsson from killing more endangered fin whales this year. While Loftsson still needs to secure a permit from the Icelandic government to kill whales, Rob and Paul point out that Loftsson's immense wealth and political power often means that he gets what he wants. Unfort...


E33 - Octopus Farms with Sophika Kostyniuk and Paul Watson

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we will be speaking with Captain Watson and Sophika Kostyniuk, the Managing Director of the Aquatic Life Institute. Sophika and her team have helped to get legislation passed in Washington state to ban octopus farming. During the course of our conversation, Paul and Sophika talk about aquaculture and point out the cruelty of keeping octopuses in farms.It is our hope that other countries and states will follow the state...


E32 - Elissa Phillips - In the Crow's Nest of Loftsson's Harpoon Ship in Iceland

In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast we get the chance to hear the courageous story of Elissa Phillips. In September of 2023, Elissa and Anahita Babaei delayed the departure of Kristján Loftsson's harpoon ships by climbing into the crow's nests. Elissa shares with us what the whole experience was like, and even gives us a glimpse into her experiences as a volunteer for the CPWF UK monitoring the whaling station in Iceland. The courage of Elissa a...


E31 - Gary Stokes - CPWF UK

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast we will be speaking with Gary Stokes, the Special Investigations Officer for the CPWF UK. Gary has spent the past twenty years investigating and exposing the shark fin industry, gaining international media coverage as being featuring in both ‘SEASPIRACY’ and more recently Eli Roth’s ‘FIN’. When not exposing the shark fin industry, he can be found investigating shipping routes for transnational wildlife crimes or on a beach an...


E30 - Joshua Farinella - The Whistleblower and the Shrimp

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we will be speaking with Joshua Farinella. Joshua was a general manager at a shrimp canning plant in India. During Joshua's time there, he became very concerned with many of the practices the company was using in order to pass audits and maintain their monthly production goals. Joshua is a courageous whistleblower who has gathered a great deal of evidence that exposes the harsh realities of shrimp farming. ...


E29 - Rob Read - CPWF UK

In today's episode we speak with Rob Read, the leader of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK. Rob and I talk about the many campaigns the CPWF UK is working on, like the Ghostnet Campaign, Operation Silent Seals, and Operation Bloody Fjords . We get into detail about whaling in Iceland and the slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands. Rob and his team have been documenting the slaughter in the Faroe Islands for many years and as Rob tell us, it is...


E28 - Alex Neubauer - CPWF IRELAND

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, I have a chance to speak with the leader of CPWF Ireland, Alex Neubauer. Alex and I talk about the Ireland Chapter of CPWF and some of the issues that are occurring around Ireland. We talk about many topics, including seals, octopuses, oyster farms, salmon farms, and cold water coral reefs. If you live in Ireland and you would like to volunteer for CPWF Ireland you can reach out to them through facebook. He...


E27 - Jackson McMuldren

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast we are speaking with Jackson McMuldren of Nahoia Kai Productions. Jackson was a crew member on Operation Paiakan which sailed to Iceland and later onto the Faroe Island. Jackson tells us about his adventures both in Hawaii and on the John Paul Dejoria. He has encountered some fascinating sea life during his travels. If you are into underwater photography / videography we talk a little bit about camera gear t...


E26 - Hitman For the Kindness Club - Captain Paul Watson

In this episode we speak with Captain Paul Watson about his latest book Hitman for the Kindness Club. Here is a little bit about his book - Spanning 1961 to 2022, this electrifying collection of essays captures the spirit, mettle, and moxie of one of the most intrepid environmentalists of our times. Paul Watson developed an enduring passion for the wild as a youngster. This zeal propelled him on an uncharted adventure of outward exploration and inner evolution, with pivotal turning poin...


E25 - Ocean Killers Campaign - with Captain Watson and Lamya Essemlali

In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast we will be speaking with Captain Watson and Lamya Essemlali. Paul and Lamya will give us insight into Operation Ocean Killers, a joint campaign between the Captain Paul Watson Foundation and Sea Shepherd France against the Super Trawlers that are wiping out large schools of fish. The Super Trawlers are enormous vessels that target Mackerel, Herring, and Blue Whiting. These fish are important food sources for la...


E24 - Pirates Get Things Done; Catching Up with Captain Watson

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, I will be catching up with Captain Watson. We will discuss the passing of Tokitae, whaling around Iceland, and the slaughter of the pilot whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands. Captain Watson also fills us in on new things happening at the foundation. Support the Show.


E23 - Pilot Whales Slaughtered in the Faroe Islands

In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, I speak with Captain Watson about the recent grindadrap in the Faroe Islands. About 80 to 100 pilot whales were slaughtered in the Torshavn harbor, right next to a visiting cruise ship. Unfortunately the John Paul Dejoria was unable to make it to the harbor before the whales were beached and slaughtered by the Faroese people. Captain Watson hopes that with the help of the on-shore volunteers we will be able sa...


E22 - Whaling Suspended in Iceland!

It is a very special day, the Icelandic Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries has suspended the fin whale hunt until August 31, 2023. With the crew of the John Paul Dejoria II close to Iceland, the Icelandic government has chosen to keep Loftsson and his killer harpoon ships at dock. Captain Watson joins us to give an update on this wonderful news. Support the Show.


E21 - Update on Operation Paiakan with Captain Paul Watson

In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we will be catching up with Captain Paul Watson on the John Paul Dejoria II ship. Captain Watson and his crew are on their way to Iceland to stop the killing of endangered fin whales. Captain Watson also talks about the brutal slaughter of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands which was taking place as we were recording this podcast. Support the Show.


E20 - Captain Locky MacLean - Crossing the Atlantic in the JPD II

In this episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation podcast we catch up with Captain Locky MacLean. Captain Locky is currently crossing the Atlantic Ocean with the crew of the John Paul Dejoria II. They are on their way to New York City where they will undergo final preparations for Operation Paiakan. Captain Locky gives us an update on the progress the crew has made with the ship. He also talks about their urgency to get the campaign started to keep Kristjan Loftss...


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