Captivate + Convert with Christy Cegelski

What if you could attract the people you actually WANT to work with, render the competition irrelevant, and get paid to do what only YOU can do? The Captivate and Convert Podcast with Christy Cegelski will show you how. As a connection-driven conversion copywriter and email strategist, Christy talks all things copywriting, marketing, and branding. Each week she'll share tips and strategies designed to help you become known in your niche so you'll have ZERO competition, as well as in-depth conversations with other online biz experts. Expect a few fun, thought-provoking "Christy Questions" that just might make you shift in your seat a little bit (because that's the stuff you really want to know!)

Understanding Your Business Finances With Melissa Houston

“The best way to know what’s going on in your business, and to know your business intimately, is to know your business numbers.”— Melissa HoustonIs it better to have $1 million in revenue or $300k in revenue? That’s a trick question — and this episode explains why.My guest Melissa Houston is an certified accountant and financial strategist who makes it easy to understand your business finances — and loves empowering women entrepreneurs to make that money. (I highly recommend checking ou...


Business By Design With Amisha Shrimanker

“This is one of the self care things that I did: delete social media altogether for 90 days.”— Amisha ShrimankerWe’re busting some myths on this episode of Captivate + Convert! First up: to grow your business, you have to HUSTLE.My guest Amisha Shrimanker is living proof that the hustle myth falls flat — taking time off is actually part of her business strategy. Amisha heads up The Copy Crew, a boutique copywriting agency that works with online entrepreneurs and coaches. I’ll tell...


Running A Business & Living With A Chronic Illness With Melissa Harstine

“The most effective copy is going to come straight from your customers’ mouths.”— Melissa HarstineThere are many reasons to choose entrepreneurship over a traditional job. We love to talk about time freedom, the personal fulfilment of being your own boss, and the joy of doing what we love… and yes, all those things are great! But many of us also start businesses out of health-related necessity — and we don’t talk about that enough!Customer research specialist Melissa Harstine left ...


Building A Business & Being A Mom With Katie Kastner

“It’s almost unavoidable now, to see ‘success’ being a certain dollar amount, and that should be the metric for everybody… I never started thinking that I was going to have a 6-figure anything in my first year. I went into it wanting to work for myself.”— Katie KastnerThis episode is for all of the mom entrepreneurs out there. Being a business owner is hard work, but navigating the path of entrepreneurship while ALSO raising young kids turns the dial up to 11 — and I think it’s imp...


Metrics That Matter With Donna Dube

“There is this outside pressure that we have to reach a certain bar, and I think that’s not the way to go about it… Don’t worry about what the other guru is doing and what your business bestie is doing. This is YOUR business — where were you last year and what do you want to do with it this year?”— Donna DubeLet’s unlock a secret weapon in your business: your metrics.In this episode, Productivity Plus founder Donna Dube shares some great insights on how to match your mission and vision ...


A Stress-Free Visibility Strategy With Lisa Benavidez

“If we are focused on the visibility and why we’re afraid to show up, we’re making it all about ourselves, versus making it about the people that we get to impact, whether it’s one person or one million people. ”—Lisa BenavidezNot sure where or when you should show up online in order to connect with your dream clients — and not interested in posting on your socials 24/7? This episode is for you!Showing up and being the face of their business can be a struggle for a lot of women, especially if...


Reinventing Yourself After Hardship With Peta O'Brien-Day- Part 2

“One of the things that helped me the most was taking a step back and being realistic... Continual learning is important, but you have to be realistic about how much you can actually take on and how much content you can consume.”— Peta O'Brien-DayWhere would you end up if you had to rebuild from nothing?Peta O'Brien-Day is a copywriter and former social worker who had a super challenging path to entrepreneurship after the unspeakably tragic early death of her first husband. (This i...


Reinventing Yourself After Hardship With Peta O'Brien-Day - Part 1

“I’d grown up being sure that my purpose in life was to have a vocation that really helped people… I don’t think anymore that life should be all about serving other people. Being nice and doing good things for other people is great and really important, but I’m important, too.”— Peta O'Brien-DayThis week’s episode is the first of a two-parter that digs into some pretty heavy topics. Peta O'Brien-Day is a nurturing copywriter who helps biz owners nail a clear brand voice and connect...


Launching With A Simple Website With Samantha Mabe

“The funnels, and the pop-ups, and all these extra opt-ins — you don’t need those in order to run a successful business. What you want to do is send people to the place you want them to buy, and make sure that they are a good fit for you.”— Samantha MabeIf launching (or re-launching) your website is on your To-Do List, then this episode is for you!My guest Samantha Mabe designs customized Squarespace website for service providers and coaches. Her specialty? Designing simple, strategic w...


What An OBM Does + If/When You Should Hire One With Erika Macauley

“Do a time audit… One thing that business owners and CEOs do constantly (and I see so much more in online businesses than brick-and-mortar businesses) is they undervalue their own time.”— Erika MacauleyIf you’ve ever wondered whether an online business manager is a good fit for your business, then you’ll definitely want to tune into this episode!You can just call my guest, Erika Macauley, the Chief Get-Sh*t-Done Officer. OBMs and VAs have become extremely popular in the online busi...


Savvy Self-Care With Rachel Letham

“YOU are your business. Therefore, you’ve got to make sure that you’re doing the best that you can for your own wellbeing.”— Rachel LethamShould self care actually be a part of your business plan?The short answer: YES.My guest is Rachel Letham, a positive mindset and self care coach who helps successful-yet-stuck female business owners and stressed-out, ambitious moms achieve professional growth and personal balance.The goal? Building businesses that feel as good on the inside as they l...


Being An Entrepreneurial Couple With Steven Cegelski

“These days, there’s no loyalty at a job. They use you as long as they need you, and then you’re gone. If you have your own customer base… they’re not all going to fire you at once.”— Steven CegelskiQuitting your 9-to-5 and launching your own biz can feel pretty scary. Doing it when your partner is ALSO running their own business? Even scarier!But when it works, being part of a power couple is fabulously fulfilling!My guest for this episode is Steve Cegelski, serial entrepreneur and own...


ENCORE: Selling On Instagram: What To Do & What NOT To Do

“The online world is so flooded. I teach that you should build that brand foundation first, before you even worry about social media.”— Taylor DanielsI’ve heard your requests, and now I’m delivering — this episode is all about best practices for growing your biz using Instagram! My guest for today is Taylor Daniels, brand strategy coach and Instagram expert extraordinaire. In 2019, Taylor was running a virtual assistant agency and noticed a lot of clients were requesting help in st...


ENCORE: How To Generate $75k From Your Freebie

“I knew it would help me… get a pulse on who my audience was.”— Sara Vartanian Does your lead magnet need a glow-up? It may be time for you to consider going high-touch. This week’s guest is Sara Vartanian, an incredible launch strategist and copywriter who happens to be one of my besties! Sara has been featured in Forbes and shared her amazing skills in countless popular online programs, so I know you’re going to love what she shares in this episode! He...


Showing Up For Yourself Before Your Business With Alexa Martin

“You can’t think your way into a new state of being. You have to actually get out there and do something.”— Alexa MartinWonder whether working with a coach is all it’s hyped up to be? Then this episode is for you!Alexa Martin is a mindset and life coach who helps her clients break up with their phones and fall in love with their lives, but she wasn’t always a believer in the power of coaching.In fact, Alexa resisted the idea of working with a coach for a long time... even while actively...


Upgrading Your Internal Dialogue With Amy Collins

“The stories we tell ourselves lay out how everything goes for us, and certainly our perspective on it.”— Amy CollinsThis week’s episode is the second half of my interview with copywriter Amy Collins!If you missed out on last week’s episode, I definitely recommend checking it out. We dive deep into the psychology of storytelling in sales copy (and why you should be having a LOT more fun with your brand emails)!This week, we focus on the stories that we tell OURSELVES.(Hello, imposter sy...


Why Stories Matter + How To Use Them Effectively With Amy Collins

“The most important thing is not so much what you share, it’s how you’re able to tie that into your CTA, but also how it is going to relate to your audience.”— Amy CollinsHow often do I get to record an episode that talks about both copywriting tips and erotic novels?My guest Amy Collins is a copywriter who specializes in copy infused with attention-grabbing anecdotes and captivating brand stories. (And as someone who’s worked as an Uber driver, stand-up comic, novelist, and wine wholes...


Shifting Your Energy Around Selling With Julie Gohring

“The seller doesn’t really have the power… the buyer now has all the power.”— Julie GohringWhen I say “salesperson,” what pops into your head? Was it a stereotypical slimy car salesman? Was it a pushy timeshare agent?When it comes to those “Most Trusted Professions” lists, salespeople generally tend to fall at the bottom — and that can be blamed on the old paradigm for selling. This sales style can be seen in movies like National Lampoon’s Vacation: pushy, aggressive, and often kinda sl...


Building a Team to Grow Your Business With Emily Milling

If you think that you’ll be able to scale your biz effectively without a team, then you really need to listen to this episode of Captivate + Convert!It’s true that most entrepreneurs launch without even having a partner, let alone a team. In those early days of building your empire, you get used to wearing all the hats, taking on all of the responsibility… and having all of the control.But here’s the thing about solopreneurship — as your biz grows and you take on more tasks and longer hours, ...


Microdosing & Mental Health Part 2 With Kathleen Oh

“What people do find is that they find themselves… who they are and how they show up.”— Kathleen OhWe’re raised to believe that happiness is like an equation — if you achieve X, Y, and Z, you’re going to live happily ever after.But if you’re living in the real world, you already know that it doesn’t work that way. Integration coach, breathwork facilitator, and psychedelic guide Kathleen has worked with financially thriving six- and seven-figure entrepreneurs — people who seem from the ou...


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