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Cat Talk Radio

Author: VoiceAmerica

Subscribed: 166Played: 5,740


Cat Talk Radio is all about cats, what makes them do what they do, why they occasionally misbehave and what cat guardians can do to fix it. We educate you on how to modify unwanted cat behavior by providing the proper environment and stimulation, enabling cats to express their natural behaviors in ways that are preferable for both the humans and cats. You will learn how to have fun with your cat, fascinating cat facts and be inspired to try new things, which will lead to a happier relationship and closer bond with your cat. We’ll also call attention to the plight of cats in our country, feel compassion for their challenges and share the message.
290 Episodes
I could've also titled this "5 Things I Wish You Talked to Your Vet About". Only about 40% of you cat owners actually take your cat to the vet. And when you do, it's usually because your cat is having a medical issue.
Molly is joined by Dr. Valarie Tynes, a veterinarian with a specialty in behavior, to talk about commonly prescribed medications for cat behavior issues.
Molly attends the major pet shows each year to keep a finger on the pulse of what's happening in the "cat space". She's usually got a list of things she's seeking to improve cats (and their owner's) lives.
Listener Questions

Listener Questions


You guys sent in some great questions! In this episode I talk about flea and tick medications, making international flights with your cats, GI issues and food allergies, Pyometra, and non-recognition aggression.
We all know cats rely on routine, but how do we maintain that if our own lives are unpredictable?
Intercat Tension

Intercat Tension


Intercat tension is a common issue in multi-cat households, and it can turn your peaceful home into a feline battleground. Join us as we talk about what it is, how to recognize it, and what to do if you suspect it's going on.
Cats and Cancer

Cats and Cancer


Breast cancer survivor Jessica Baladad's cat was diagnosed with cancer.
Listeners have written in this past week with questions about caring for their aging felines. This episode is a great mini-handbook of the things you need to keep in mind when caring for your senior cats.
Our listeners sent in some great questions this week! One asks if a cat who was under-socialized as a kitten can still be taught to like touch. Another listener from Dubai asks about feeding her kitten raw food. And much more....
Thinking about adopting a cat, or another cat? Molly and Dewey talk about the 5 reasons why you should not do it.
What is "mental stimulation" in cats? Why is it important? What will happen if my cat is not being adequately mentally stimulated? Molly and Dewey talk about this issue and the dangers of having a cognitive atrophied cat.
Do cats suffer from depression? They sure do! Molly and Dewey talk about 5 signs your cat might be depressed, what causes it, and what you can do to help.
One of the most terrifying thoughts I can imagine, is if my cat got out. A couple listeners sent in emails asking who they could hire to help them find their cats. I knew just who to reach out to - Kat Albrecht of Missing Animal Response Network.
Berta B.
Poo Podcast

Poo Podcast


Yep, today we talk all about your cat's poo. Why? Because it's a good indicator of your cat's overall health. And it grosses Dewey out.
Are cats low maintenance pets? Some people choose to own cats over dogs, thinking that they require less. Molly and Dewey talk through some of these common myths and misperceptions.
One woman writes about her losing sight and being concerned about interpreting her cat's body language. Another has graciously taken in a community cat, only to be repaid with spraying. Stacey has a cat who is an accomplished door-dasher.
TNR or Sanctuary?

TNR or Sanctuary?


One of our listeners wrote in asking my opinion about cats who live on the streets. She saw a debate on social media over removing "feral" cats and relocating them to a sanctuary. She brings up hard questions, such as "what to do with the older ones?"
Listeners have sent in questions about their cat's butt smell, diet, neutering, aggression, strollers, litter box issues and more! We'll cover all these great questions in this episode.
A listener, Teague, emailed asking about taking your cat hiking and when Dewey and I talked about this episode, we thought we'd share our personal experiences.
Comments (1)

Aurelia A

I absolutely love listening to Cat Talk Radio! As a cat lover and guardian, this podcast has been a valuable resource for me to understand my furry companions better. Molly and Dewey provide a wealth of information on various cat-related topics, from understanding cat behavior ( ) to solving common issues like misbehavior and litter box problems.

May 31st