Catalog & Cocktails: The Honest, No-BS Data Podcast

<p>Catalog and Cocktails is an honest, no-BS, non-sales-y conversation about data and analytics. This is your unfiltered chat about everything interesting in data and metadata management, DataOps, architecture, and beyond. Join Juan Sequeda and Tim Gasper to explore emerging topics and hear from visionary leaders across the data space. </p>

We need your Honest No-BS Feedback! What should we do next?

Thanks to all Catalog &amp; Cocktails #honestnobs data podcast listeners who have been following us for 4 years. Tim and Juan are going to take a break for a few weeks to brainstorm what’s next, and we would appreciate your honest no-bs feedback! We would love your input:- What new topics should we cover?- What topics should we dive into?- Should we have a new format (e.g panel, debates)?- Who would you like to see as a guest?Reach out to us on LinkedIn or email to share your feedback!


What is AI Ops with Brandon Gadoci

AI Ops is a new and upcoming role focused on understanding and improving the business process by using AI. In this episode, Brandon Gadoci, VP of AI Ops at shares his experience on how to get started and what are the opportunities for the business.


TAKEAWAYS - What is AI Ops with Brandon Gadoci

AI Ops is a new and upcoming role focused on understanding and improving the business process by using AI. In this episode, Brandon Gadoci, VP of AI Ops at shares his experience on how to get started and what are the opportunities for the business.


4 Years of our Honest No-BS Podcast, Live from Gartner D&A Summit in London

We can’t believe it’s been 4 years since the start of Catalog & Cocktails! In this episode, Tim and Juan will reminisce on 4 years of the podcast, reflect on developments in the data world, and share takeaways from Gartner Data & Analytics Summit in London. We'll also close with tips for those looking to start their own podcast.


Everything you wanted to know about Knowledge Graphs but were afraid to ask with Ora Lassila

Knowledge Graphs are gaining more and more attention due to their role of structuring data and knowledge and providing accuracy for LLMs through GraphRAG. In this episode, we are joined by Ora Lassila, one of the “fathers” of RDF graphs and semantic web, which are the foundations for modern knowledge graphs, where we will dive into the questions you’ve always wanted to ask but haven’t.


TAKEAWAYS - Everything you wanted to know about Knowledge Graphs but were afraid to ask with Ora Lassila

Knowledge Graphs are gaining more and more attention due to their role of structuring data and knowledge and providing accuracy for LLMs through GraphRAG. In this episode, we are joined by Ora Lassila, one of the “fathers” of RDF graphs and semantic web, which are the foundations for modern knowledge graphs, where we will dive into the questions you’ve always wanted to ask but haven’t.


Leadership transformation in this Data and AI world with Sol Rashidi

CDO, CDAO, CAIO, CIO, CTO! Oh my, it's a cluster! Sol Rashidi joins Tim and Juan to help navigate this cluster, sharing honest no bs advice from her vast experience in the Data and AI world. If you are a leader, or a practioner aspiring to go to leadership, this is the must listen episode!


TAKEAWAYS - Leadership transformation in this Data and AI world with Sol Rashidi

CDO, CDAO, CAIO, CIO, CTO! Oh my, it's a cluster! Sol Rashidi joins Tim and Juan to help navigate this cluster, sharing honest no bs advice from her vast experience in the Data and AI world. If you are a leader, or a practioner aspiring to go to leadership, this is the must listen episode!


Demystifying Vector Databases with Bob van Luijt

When you think about Gen AI applications, one of the first things that comes to mind is Vector Databases as part of the stack. In this episode, Tim and Juan chat with Bob van Luijt, co-founder of Weaviate, to demystify Vector Databases.


TAKEAWAYS - Demystifying Vector Databases with Bob van Luijt

When you think about Gen AI applications, one of the first things that comes to mind is Vector Databases as part of the stack. In this episode, Tim and Juan chat with Bob van Luijt, co-founder of Weaviate, to demystify Vector Databases.


Crawl, Walk, and Run on How to be AI Ready with Peter Kromhout and Mariam Halfhide

Everyone wants to be doing AI and we know that data is at the center. So, how do we become AI Ready? Tim and Juan chat with Peter Kromhout and Mariam Halfhide from Xebia to discuss strategies and techniques to become AI Ready.


TAKEAWAYS - Crawl, Walk, and Run on How to be AI Ready with Peter Kromhout and Mariam Halfhide

Everyone wants to be doing AI and we know that data is at the center. So, how do we become AI Ready? Tim and Juan chat with Peter Kromhout and Mariam Halfhide from Xebia to discuss strategies and techniques to become AI Ready.


Who’s buying Data Catalogs and Why? with Neil Burge

Neil Burge has been researching who’s been buying data catalogs and why. His LinkedIn posts are a gold mine for data practitioners, leaders and vendors. In this episode, Tim and Juan chat with Neil to go over his research, learnings and recommendations for the data industry.


TAKEAWAYS - Who’s buying Data Catalogs and Why? with Neil Burge

Neil Burge has been researching who’s been buying data catalogs and why. His LinkedIn posts are a gold mine for data practitioners, leaders and vendors. In this episode, Tim and Juan chat with Neil to go over his research, learnings and recommendations for the data industry.


Data Security and AI: How to get them on the same page with Jesse Sedler

Data governance and security may be scary and hard, but with the right solutions in place, data teams can enable the right balance between security and usability to drive their businesses forward!


TAKEAWAYS - Data Security and AI: How to get them on the same page with Jesse Sedler

Data governance and security may be scary and hard, but with the right solutions in place, data teams can enable the right balance between security and usability to drive their businesses forward!


Live from Data Council Austin: what’s your honest no-bs take of the data world?

Tim and Juan will be attending Data Council Austin and will be live interviewing anyone who wants to be interviewed! One question: what’s your honest no-bs take of the data world?


What data will say when you're willing to listen with Scott Taylor you hear that? It's the Data Whisperer. And he's here to tell a story: A data story. He'll disclose some hard-won truths. He'll philosophically approach the idea of truth before meaning. There may even puppets.


TAKEAWAYS - What data will say when you're willing to listen with Scott Taylor you hear that? It's the Data Whisperer. And he's here to tell a story: A data story. He'll disclose some hard-won truths. He'll philosophically approach the idea of truth before meaning. There may even puppets.


Gartner Data and Analytics 2024 Takeaways: Metadata is Everywhere with Cris Hadjez from Norwegian Cruise Lines

What are we hearing at talks and in the hallways at Gartner Data and Analytics 2024? AI is not only the cool kid, Metadata is everywhere. Join us to learn about the latest takeaways from the conference.


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