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Catholic Answers Live

Author: Catholic Answers

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Catholic Answers LIVE is a daily, call-in radio program that airs live from 6-8 pm ET.
2025 Episodes
Questions Covered: 03:31 – How would you respond to Dr. James Madden’s objections to near death experiences? 12:15 – If I get to heaven, is Andrew the name he will call me by or will he have another name for me? 16:11 – How many pipes does Jimmy have? 17:25 – I’m a revert. How would I feel in heaven if a loved one wasn’t there? 20:42 – Do some textual variants within the New Testament be due to variants from different manuscripts? 23:41 – When will you go on a speaking tour and will you come to Mississippi? 28:54 – How do I respond to someone who says the keys in Mt 16 cannot be the singular key of authority mentioned in Rev 3 and Is 22? 33:55 – Do we have free will in heaven? 41:29 – Does the Church have a definitive teaching on what the sensory experience of purgatory will be like? 48:55 – I was baptized in a non-denominational church and am in OCIA. Where would I be salvation-wise right now if I were to die since I haven’t received any confession? 53:20 – Were all the 95 Theses of Martin Luther wrong? …
Questions Covered: 16:27 – How can I help a friend get out of a bad situation where a child is involved? 19:13 – I’m contemplating divorce and need advice. 22:50 – What bothers me about the church is that when someone is in a relationship with a narcissist, the Church doesn’t take into consideration the pain caused by that person. What are your thoughts on this? 28:45 – My son is going through a separation due to his wife coming out as bisexual. Please pray for us. No one ever talks about the devastation that’s left behind. 34:05 – Ive been married for 30 years and my wife no longer wants to be close to me and wants to separate. What’s your advice? 41:51 – Is it better to stay in a marriage than to divorce? How do you deal with all the conflict and misery? 46:03 – I want to share what helped my husband and I save our marriage. 49:35 – I’m new to Catholicism and have been divorced 3 times. Will this preclude me from becoming Catholic or being married ever again? …
Questions Covered: 03:10 – Why isn’t there an instance in the bible where a child is adopted into faith? 07:52 – What is the Catholic view of Matthew 16:28? Is it an unfulfilled prophecy? 14:33 – Is it sinful to work on Sunday? 20:28 – Today in class they were talking about schizophrenia and my teacher asked if anyone was religious, to make a comparison between the two. I didn’t raise my hand. Did I do something wrong by not speaking up? 28:52 – I just found out that one of my friends is a Freemason. Am I still allowed to associate with him? 37:48 – Would a land value tax be better than an income tax in light of Catholic Social teaching on just taxation? 51:00 – What does the mark of the beast mean? Are we all born with it? What was Jesus doing after the Resurrection but before the Ascension? …
Questions Covered: 03:36 – Why was it necessary for Jesus to Send the Holy Spirit if it seems as though we got everything we need with Jesus and the sacraments? 13:08 – How do I explain to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader boys why they don’t wear head coverings in Church in light of 1 Cor. 11:6-7 and Act 18 where Paul shaves his head? 29:22 – If the constitution is more of a Protestant document, does it conflict with anything in our Catholic faith? 37:08 – What are your thoughts on the authorship and dating of Genesis? 44:26 – What is the mechanism of action for the devil’s temptations on the world? …
Questions Covered: 04:02 – How do we reconcile God the father being a singular entity in the Old Testament to God prior being seen as a polytheistic idea? 16:37 – How long did it take to replace Judas among the twelve and how did it happen? 20:54 – Could you explain some of the contents of the Gospel of Thomas and why it’s not in the canon? 28:52 – Why doesn’t the office of apostle exist anymore? Why did Jesus have to be crucified? 41:54 – I dread being asked the following question: How can we defend the teaching of the Church when there are some situations where our own leadership refuse to defend it and sometimes even want to change the truth? How would you respond? 46:31 – When I picked my confirmation name, I chose it after a secular person. Can I pick a specific saint now with that same name? 49:24 – How do you explain Pope Francis’ comments with a sort of communion with Muslims and worshiping the same God? …
Questions Covered: 04:37 – If Adam and Eve did not possess the beatific vision but the saints now do, was it better for humans to fall? 07:34 – I’m ethnically Jewish and looking to convert. What’s the history of antisemitism within the Church and how prevalent is it within the Church today? 18:15 – How would you answer the objection: Jn 8 has been shown to be a later addition using historical critical methods, but the Council of Trent claims they are true and infallible. This would make the claim untrue. 24:08 – Was Jesus joyful? 34:03 – Is it possible, theologically, for there to be a fourth person in God? 37:54 – I’m Protestant. Is the bible a living translation that the holy spirit guides you when you read it? If so, why do we need the Church? 46:28 – Did some of Jesus’ apostles doubt his resurrection? …
Questions Covered: 03:41 – What happens to tribes that are not exposed to Christianity? 18:36 – I’m a sponsor for a friend in RCIA. He has been donating to a Shriners hospital in honor of his friend. Is this a problem for him as he discerns the faith? 28:46 – What mechanism do you have to rationalize today being right compared to the Church being wrong in the past on topics like Geocentrism? 36:39 – Why does Mark’s gospel not mention Mary’s presence at the crucifixion? 45:04 – Why does Jesus have to announce our sins in the final judgment? Does purgatory exist after the final judgment? …
Questions Covered: 06:15 – Is it a good idea to use Acts 9:40 as proof for intercession with the saints? 13:40 – What’s the difference between, Redemption, salvation and justification? 25:14 – What is the state of a person commits a mortal sin, repents, dies but never had a chance to make it to confession? 32:11 – How do respond to the claim that since the Rothchilds family donated to the Vatican they have control over it? 35:59 – Why did they put baptism ahead of the wedding feast in the luminous mysteries? 51:15 – What does it mean to be out of God’s grace and that we can’t merit anything for ourselves? …
Questions Covered: 01:58 – Did Job commit blasphemy? 05:09 – How much do the errors of people copying the bible affect the inerrancy of scripture? 11:55 – John 6 What’s the proof that what he is saying is not just symbolic? 21:07 – Rev refers to the mark of the beast. Is there a correlation to the mark of the beast and the upcoming digital dollar? Are we living in the age described in Revelation? 36:54 – What is the Church’s position on God writing the law on the hearts of man? Was that just exclusive to the Old Testament? 42:51 – Was creation a literal 6 days? 46:41 – When did God reveal his name to mankind? 53:31 – How did Mary know he could perform a miracle at the wedding at Cana if this was his first miracle? …
Questions Covered: 04:01 – Did Jesus write five books that were not included in the canon? 08:50 – How do we make sense of 2 Sam 21? David avenging the Gibeonites. 15:53 – How do we interpret Matthew 5:20? 24:12 – In 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Paul mentions body, soul and spirit. What’s the difference between body, soul and spirit? Is one more important than the others? 30:55 – The bible says believe and be baptized. Is the intention of baptism important to the validity of the baptism? Does the pastor baptizing have to intend salvation? 35:35 – Is Judas betraying Christ correlated to receiving Jesus in grave sin? 41:12 – Is the story of the Witch of Endor in 1 Sam evidence that those in the afterlife can hear us, leading to evidence for the intercession of the saints? 49:37 – It’s really weird that Mary Magdalene washed Jesus’ feet with hair. Would it have been considered weird back then too? …
Questions Covered:  02:04 – Does priestly celibacy fall into the category of binding traditions that are not necessary?  08:24 – Where in the bible does it say we can pray to the saints in heaven?  15:40 – Did God create us to be sinful in light of Paul’s struggle with “the flesh”?   20:11 – I wasn’t raised religious and am looking into Catholicism. How do I reconcile my differences with the teachings of the pope if I want to become Catholic?  28:36 – What will be the outcome of the Synod on Synodality?  30:53 – How do I respond to my friends who believe 1 Peter 3:21 refers to Baptism of the spirit and not Baptism by water?  34:45 – Why can’t people break the law of physics when demons can?  41:20 – Why do some Catholic Universities have same-sex student unions or groups?    45:10 – Can you clarify the reference to Mary’s other children?  48:06 – Is the Sacrament of Baptism impacted if the parents are not Catholic, but influenced by extended Catholic family?  51:08 – Does Romans 4 teach that we are guaranteed Salvation?  …
Questions Covered: 03:52 – Is it acceptable to consume media from artists involved in the occult and artists who impact people in a negative way?  11:02 – 1 Cor 3:10-15 referencing purgatory or the final judgment?  15:32 – Is watching football wrong?  21:08 – What is your opinion on the connection between Colossians 2 and Ephesians 2? What does faith mean?  29:28 – Richard Dawkins makes a comparison between transgenderism and transubstantiation. What’s your rebuttal?  37:47 – How can I start a bible study?  44:09 – What Catholic traditions are not in the bible?  50:17 – When a Jehovah’s Witness asks why we pray to dead people, should I say?  …
Questions Covered: 12:55 – How is it that we can call Mary, our life, our sweetness and our hope in the Hail Holy Queen? 18:38 – As a Latin rite Catholic attending a Byzantine church. Should I follow the customs of the west or of the east when it comes to my children receiving the sacraments? 20:05 – Could there be other creation aside from angelic beings that have knowledge and reason? 32:32 – When the teaching on infallibility was declared during Vatican 1, they sighted hundreds of instances of infallibility being used. Now we hear that infallibility has only been used twice. Why is there a discrepancy? 40:30 – What platform should you vote for if one supports the death penalty and the other supports abortion? 51:18 – Is it a sin of omission if someone passed away and I never offered masses for them if I knew they did something wrong? …
Questions Covered: 02:47 – Is it licit for the laity to assume the orans posture during the Our Father in Mass? 12:40 – I’m a catechumen. Why does the Church sprinkle instead of submerge for baptism? 22:52 – My Baptist friend taunts me saying ‘nailed it’ referring to Luther and the 95 Thesis. What would be a good reply to this snarky remark? 31:51 – How do I communicate to people my age (college age) that euthanasia is wrong? 44:07 – Would it be out of line to say that Protestantism is meant to be a direct insult to God? …
Questions Covered: 02:20 – What is the Catholic stance of Miaphysitism? 07:49 – If Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant, could we correlate the story of someone touching the old ark and dying to Joseph potentially touching Mary to him potentially dying? 16:46 – Would it be correct to say that the second person of the Trinity had a human nature since the beginning since God is outside of time? 22:08 – My brother is into Krishna and reading a lot about it. Where can I start on engaging him? 29:52 – Can you recommend a good Catholic audio bible? 32:07 – Who authorized the removal of books in the bible? 35:33 – Are dating show marriages grounds for annulment? 42:36 – What is being baptized in the Holy Spirit? 45:19 – How can Satan be in God’s presence in the story of Job if no unclean thing can be in God’s presence? …
Questions Covered: 08:35 – How do I start a conversation with a member of the satanic temple? Their biggest hang up is the problem of evil 16:20 – Are American Catholics deserting Israel? 24:05 – Why is the Catholic God ok with ritualistic cannibalism? How did the miracle of Lanciano go from bread to flesh? 36:10 – Wasn’t Papal infallibility a 19th century invention? If so, can you really backdate it 2,000 years? 42:58 – How do I get off a double minded mindset? I’m tired of church hopping. 47:01 – How available is contemplation for lay people? …
Questions Covered: 04:04 – Is masturbation a mortal sin that would at least allow you to go to purgatory? 14:37 – What are the rules for non-Catholics to get to heaven? 19:52 – Why does the Church normally issue communion in one kind? 24:21 – I’m Catholic and married. If I feel called to be a priest, would it be morally wrong to become an Anglican priest in order to try to become a Catholic priest? 29:06 – How is NFP not contraception? 35:29 – I don’t think first class relics should be distributed. The body of saints should be kept together. 42:25 – In the Divine Mercy it says we offer the body of Jesus. How is it we can offer the body of Jesus to God? 49:38 – Can you help me better understand the Catholic teaching on justification and how it differs from the protestant understanding? …
Questions Covered: 05:30 – Why are marriages a Catholic sacrament? 14:32 – Do you have any empirical evidence that Catholicism is true? 29:44 – How can there no longer be public revelation but we still accept private revelation? 36:02 – How come the Church can reject their own baptism if they were done wrong but can accept protestant baptisms on a whim? 47:53 – Why should we call priests father if the bible specifically says not to call a man father? 51:31 – I’m a catechist. Why does the Church not follow Lev. 19:28 and when it comes to tattoos? …
Questions Covered: 03:35 – Is there a restricted number of religious orders that can be formed? What do the initials mean after the names of religious?  13:03 – In the book of Acts Paul confronts Peter regarding Peter’s refusal to eat with gentile believers. If the Pope makes a similar error today, who confronts him and how is it done?  31:42 – What kind of initiatives do we need a bishop’s permission for?  41:19 – Mark 9:29 says these kind are driven out by prayer and fasting. I have heard that the “and fasting” part is a scribal entry. How can we know that Jesus actually said this?  47:19 – What prayer do you say, or any prayer when you see crosses on the side of the highway  48:53 – Are there spiritual dangers of apologetics? If so, what are they?  50:44 – Hi this is Jeff from Huntingdon, TN. We know that God does not judge a person that is mentally unstable the same as others. What about people that have personalities, environmental situations and inclinations that could be considered almost impossible to overcome, even with a lifetime of praying for those traits to end? Will they be judged the same at the end of their life?  …
Questions Covered: 08:02 – How come Peter never wrote any gospels? Were the 4 who did write the gospels considered superior over the others?  13:42 – Did the power that Pharoah have in the story of the Exodus come from demons?  17:22 – I have recently had long-time, life-long, cradle Catholics tell me that there is not much of a difference between being a Catholic and being Lutheran. One of them, in particular, is actively exploring his options to leave the Catholic Church to join the Lutheran Church. What are the most compelling things that you would share with Catholics like this to encourage them to stay in the Catholic Church?  24:38 – What is the Catholic Church’s belief about whether the Blessed Mother physically “delivered” Jesus as in “labor and delivery?” Is it the Church’s belief that since she is ever-virgin that she did not go through birth in the same way as all women? How does this relate to Revelations Chapter 12 verse 2?  31:30 – How does the idea of God being “pure act” square with the fact that God chose to do certain things and not other things?  37:27 – When I go to Confession and I say “”I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life””, and I am absolved by the priest, why would I need to go to Purgatory. Aren’t all my sins forgiven?  44:03 – The Apostles’ Creed has a line saying that Jesus “descended into hell.”  Please explain this, since that is the last place he should be!    49:37 – Did the Old Testament period realize God was a trinity?  …
Comments (16)

German E Aguillon

Saludos!!!!! Bendiciones

Aug 9th


Cure for insomnia

Dec 22nd

Bryan Zulueta

I've been listening to the podcast for half a year now. I was a Catholic until secular ideas took over me to the point I became confused about everything. All the things Catholic I learned from childhood I questioned and not knowing what to believe. When I lost God, I lost hope. You guys there don't know how you are changing and making me back to Catholic faith. It feels like I'm too late to have discovered this podcast.

Dec 16th

Linda k. Flores

one of your callers ask if God made all people....which includes Jews muslims hindu, why is it Catholics claim they are the only ones going to heaven?

Jan 14th
Reply (2)

Nicholas Johnson

Great range of topics. not only the saints, but other crucial Catholic beliefs, like connection to the physical world.

Jan 3rd

Nicholas Johnson

Minute 32: homosexuality as an example of the sacrifice God is calling us to make.

Sep 30th

Elena Delgado

I believe Me. Schoeman meant Septuagint instead of the Sanhedrin, referring to the Greek translation of the scripture

Mar 14th

Elena Delgado

amazing interview, I learned so much from listening to this!

Mar 13th

Patricia Yex

my daughter thinks that she likes the same sex. what can i do

Mar 12th
Reply (1)

Lucy Rivera

I love this show and adore all the great speakers but if I may offer just a little bit of constructive criticism.... please let the callers talk more, I feel like they barely get to ask a question because the host and guess start of talking and spend to much time talking before getting to the callers. But then when the callers do ask questions the guest spends 10 minutes answering the question leaving no room for follow up questions or caller feedback. I humbly offer my opinion, but seriously THANK YOU for all you do for us Catholic Answers!

Jan 17th
Reply (1)

Jamie Bennett

Trent is great

Aug 6th

Lucy Rivera

Why does each episode stop playing after just a few minutes I've tried multiple Catholic Answers Live episodes and none of them play all the way through.

Feb 4th