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Catholic Bible Study

Author: Augustine Institute

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World-renowned Catholic Scholars from the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology lead in-depth Catholic Bible Studies to help the faithful encounter the Scriptures to further understanding and devotion to the inspired Word of God. These Bible Studies are brought to you by FORMED and are made possible by the Mission Circle giving society. Consider furthering the mission of the Augustine Institute to help Catholics understand, live, and share their faith by visiting today.
86 Episodes
Dr. Pitre takes time to answer numerous questions regarding the material covered over the course of the study.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
What is the Resurrection? What do we mean when we say Jesus “rose from the dead”? Dr. Pitre lays out the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus, focusing on three things:the empty tomb, the appearances of Jesus to his disciples, and the fulfillment of scripture.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
Why would Jesus, who preached about the love of God, detachment form worldly goods, and love of one’s neighbor, be so violently opposed that his enemies arranged his execution? In this session, Dr. Pitre looks at the details surrounding Jesus’s trial and Death and what these details reveal about Jesus and his mission.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
What answers can we give skeptics who think that the early Christians exaggerated stories about Jesus and made him out to be something he was not? Dr. Pitre takes an in-depth look at three particular New Testament passages that show Jesus’s revelation of his divinity and his disciples’ understanding that Jesus is the one true God.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
Who did Jesus claim to be? Who was he? Looking at Jesus’s own words and his fulfillment of two key Old Testament prophecies in the Book of Daniel, Dr. Pitre opens up Jesus’s oft repeated promise to usher in the Kingdom of God.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
Some attempt to cast doubt on the reliability of the Gospels, asserting they were written too late in the first century to provide accurate information about Jesus. Is there any evidence that the Gospels were written closer to the events they describe? And how did the disciples’ training as students influence the reliability of their witness?  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
Do the Gospels tell us the truth about Jesus? Or should we view them as folklore, fables, or legends? Dr. Pitre demonstrates how the Gospels are best understood as ancient biographies, and, consequently, as reliable sources of historical information about Jesus.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
The early church is not silent on the authorship of the Gospels.  From the earliest members of the Christian faith, the early Church Fathers, we learn how well-attested it was that the Gospels are in fact written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.   Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
Can we trust the Gospels? Were these accounts written by individuals with firsthand knowledge of Jesus Christ? Dr. Brant Pitre begins this series by examining why the Gospels are reliable sources of information about Jesus and by looking at the historical evidence that backs up this claim.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
As the study comes to the end, we pause to reflect on some questions that have arisen during our journey through Mark's Gospel.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
Those mocking Jesus at the foot of the Cross are silenced when he utters a single sentence. As Jesus breathes his last and the Temple veil is torn, Mark records the words uttered by the Roman centurion, words which signal that God's people will finally see, hear and understand.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus's hour finally arrives—the hour of betrayal and suffering, but also the hour of salvation and glory. Christ the King will be falsely accused, mocked, and tortured, but he will ascend the throne of the Cross and draw the whole world into his reign of love.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
The Temple in Jerusalem was God's glorious dwelling with his chosen people, but it was only a house made by human hands. Jesus proclaims a new Temple, not made with hands, that surpasses the stone building in Jerusalem. Jesus gives himself to us and to dwell in our hearts, anticipating the day that we will dwell with him in Heaven.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
As the final week before his Passion begins, Jesus has stern warnings for those who would oppose God by rejecting his beloved Son. Will we also reject his words, or will we heed the call to be faithful by rendering unto God the things that are God's?  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
As Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem, three times he predicts his approaching Passion. In response to the disciples' rejection of his words, Jesus works to heal their understanding both of his kingship and of the true nature of Christian discipleship.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
The mystery of the bread, the Eucharistic Presence of God, begins to be revealed in the miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fishes. Jesus reveals himself as the divine giver of a new manna. Yet, as Isaiah foretold, the disciples struggle to understand the significance of his deeds.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
In the midst of a great storm the disciples cry out in fear. Jesus's words to his frightened disciples are also a challenge to us. In the storms of our life, will we focus on the wind and waves and give in to fear, or will we keep our eyes firmly fixed on Christ in faith?  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
The voice of the Lord calls the cosmos into existence and shakes all creation with its power. Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God, speaks with the same power and authority. But we must have ears to hear if his word is to bear fruit in our lives.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
Jesus's appointing of the Twelve Apostles and his many mighty signs show him as the mighty savior who rescues us from the snares of the devil and from sin, saving us from oppression and for the intimate relationship of discipleship.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
When Jesus says to the paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven," the scribes and Pharisees are taken aback and question, "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" Who is this Jesus who has come to earth with heavenly authority, not just to heal temporal ills but for much more. As his mission unfolds, opposition mounts and the scribes and Pharisees attempt to sow discord between Jesus and his disciples.  Buy Your Bible on Catholic.Market.Watch Bible Studies on FORMED.Sign Up for FORMED.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle.
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