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Author: Celebrate Recovery

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This is a podcast that shares life change stories, courage, hope and leadership wisdom, centered around the Celebrate Recovery principles. Come along for the journey.
121 Episodes
As we work principle 6 and step 8, one of the hardest parts of the recovery process is leaning into the space of grace through forgiveness and making amends. But one of the greatest keys to sustainable recovery and growth is the application and living out of this important part of the recovery journey. In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, interviews a sister in Christ, Renee. She shares an important part of her story and how this principle and step became life-changing and life-giving for her.
This step is perhaps one of the scariest parts of the recovery journey. It can honestly feel like too much to face on our own. So, why should we practice Step 8 and Principle 6 in the recovery journey? Is it really worth it? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will give us reasons why we should carry out this important step and principle for sustainability and longevity in our recovery journey toward healing and freedom.
What does it look like to humbly ask God to help remove all of those shortcomings and character defects that may have been revealed through the recovery journey? Is there a purpose behind this important step, or is it just another part of the process to keep us busy? Why is this step essential toward the ongoing process of allowing God to purify us from all unrighteousness? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will unpack Step 7, and give us the important reasons behind the “why” in working this step. 
As someone who has experienced Jesus Christ’s transformative power, it’s amazing to see the difference it makes in our life! But what do we do once we’ve experienced it? Is the journey over? Or, does God have a bigger plan in the process for our life in what He does with that freedom? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will unpack this important topic regarding the things we need to be aware of as someone who has been set free, and the actions and tendencies that result in the life of someone who has experienced such an incredible gift.
How do we break generational dysfunction in our own family system? Are there things, mindsets, patterns, or habits that have been passed down to us that we have been repeating that we may be passing down to the next generation? Through Celebrate Recovery we have tools to face our family dysfunction and take responsibility for ultimately developing a new legacy and path toward freedom. Facing these things starts with us so that we can walk in true transformation and redemption through Christ. In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will walk us through a great conversation around healing from family dysfunction toward healing.
Kareena first heard about Step 10 in Principle 7 and was full of fear. In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will invite us into a life-change story interview with Kareena as she walks us through the process of moving her heart to a posture of vigilance and growing into an understanding of the necessity of working this step and principle for ongoing growth and health in her life and recovery.
We’ve done the hard work of Principles one through five, and now we come to the conclusion of identifying some of the character defects that may be keeping us from moving forward - fully and sustainably - toward healthy recovery. Working Step six & Principle five of Celebrate Recovery is a critical point in our journey. What does it look like to become entirely ready to remove those character defects? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will continue the conversation in answering the “why“ to working the Steps and Principles of Celebrate Recovery. 
As we walk this road to recovery, it is important to understand that the season we are in now will not last forever. God is doing something in us regardless of whether we see it or not. Learning how to organize and honor the season we are in - while holding onto hope for the bigger NEW season that God has in store for us - is so critical. In this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, unpacks some of the differences between old and new seasons of recovery, and ultimately turns the corner on embracing and understanding the greater benefits of a new, purposeful season of recovery.
When we come to this part of the process where we admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs, it can be very scary and overwhelming. We’ve been answering the question, "Why would we ever do this?" In this podcast Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will unpack this important topic to give us oxygen for carrying out this step along with principle 4 to move us forward to the “what” of the recovery process.
We've been exploring the "why behind the what" of working the steps in recovery. And it's always good to hear about someone's personal journey through this process. In this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will explore one fellow struggler's experience of working Step 4 and the hope and healing that can be found through it.
Understanding the “why” behind step 4 and principle 4 is essential to facing this difficult and important step. Why would we openly examine and confess to someone we trust our own faults and the faults done to us? Why would we walk through the process of identifying our hurts, hangups, and habits? It’s not an easy step, but it's so worth it. In this podcast Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, walks us through understanding why this is such an important step as we tackle the lessons in Book 2 of the Celebrate Recovery curriculum.
All the steps of Celebrate Recovery are so crucial to our growth and healing. However, this principle and step are extremely critical to sustainable recovery and not just sobriety. When we can understand why we do the work in Lessons 5 and 6 of Celebrate Recovery where we apply step 3 - consciously choose to commit all our life and will to Christ’s care and control - it gives us oxygen to do what comes afterward. Join Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, as he has an important conversation around principle 3 and step 3 of Celebrate Recovery.
Having worked Principle 1 and Step 1, the next part of the journey is moving into Principle 2. When we can embrace the fact that we matter to God and He has the power to help us recovery, everything changes! Understanding the value of this principle and step is essential to building momentum and strength for what comes next in the process. Join Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, as he continues this conversation - guiding us through the wisdom behind walking through these CR lessons and principles toward healing.
In the Celebrate Recovery process, we walk through some core lessons that are attached to some essential principles of recovery. This can be so life-changing. Is there value in answering the questions and working through these lessons? Why does it take so long? Am I wasting my time? Is this just a way to fill up my time? Great questions! In this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will walk us through the “why” to working principle one and step one of Celebrate Recovery towards healing and freedom. Understanding the “why” can lead to great oxygen to carry out the “what” - which is the recovery process.
One of the Celebrate Recovery curriculum lessons asks an important question: What does living one day at a time mean to you? In this episode Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field, Director of Celebrate Recovery, unpacks this important topic as he challenges us to consider what a "living one day at a time" mentality looks like?
Sometimes the holidays can be difficult as we navigate staying on the road to recovery while facing the outside distractions and challenges that the enemy tries to use to take us out. What are some ways that we can enter into this holiday season to struggle well and actually grow through the season and come out better for it? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will walk us through some thoughts and tips as we learn how to cling to Jesus and His promises to give us hope and renewal during the holiday season.
What does it look like to invite Jesus into our recovery process? In this Part 2 episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, continues the conversation around some practical steps we can take to invite Jesus into our recovery process and the fruit we can expect from that very important life decision.
In Celebrate Recovery we understand that Jesus has to be the center of our recovery. But what does it look like practically to invite Jesus into our recovery process, and what is the fruit of that choice - whether we’re just starting out or already on our recovery journey? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, begins to unpack this important topic.
Perseverance can be one of the most challenging things for us to develop, but also one of the most critical for sustainability in staying on the road to recovery. What are some practical things that we can process and apply to our lives as we explore the possibilities of strengthening our perseverance? How do we persevere as we continue our journey of healing and freedom? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will give some important nuggets to chew on and journal out as we share with our sponsor and accountability team to help grow us and strengthen our perseverance.
One of the greatest gifts we can receive in recovery is the undeserved gift we call "grace." But sometimes it can be difficult to accept grace and walk in it on our road to recovery. What does it look like to give yourself some grace? How can grace impact us personally? In this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, visits with a fellow Celebrate Recovery leader, Izzy, to hear her heart regarding how grace has impacted her personally & the different facets of grace in her life.