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Central Baptist Church Sermons

Central Baptist Church Sermons

Author: Central Baptist Church Pretoria

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Free sermons are provided by Central Baptist Church Pretoria for download in MP3 format
2182 Episodes
Your prosperity and pain: Is this luck or love
Avoid the trap of worldly wisdom pt 2
What is your investment strategy
Avoid the trap of worldly wisdom
Can you be sure of your salvation?
At risk of losing your first love
Do not put God to the test
Wholehearted in service
Worship God. God alone!
By this... we know that we have come to know Him
The Temptation of Jesus
Do you have an advocate?
A life turned upside down
Being transformed from the ordinary into the extraordinary
An opportunity to start on a clean slate
Christmas Service
Christmas Service
A unique act of grace
Serving God's way
Serving God’s way