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Challenge Mania

Author: Challenge Mania

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MTV Star Derrick Kosinski (@DerrickMTV) & actor / comedian Scott Yager (@SHOTOFYAGER) dive head first into the MTV Challenge universe, interviewing past, present and future contestants, breaking down Challenge news and episodes, and laying down new challenges to anyone and everyone.
889 Episodes
Scott Yager and Mark Long are joined by one of our most massive lineups ever!This is a FREE PREVIEW of our Full Live Show from Saturday in Dania Beach.To hear the WHOLE THING, AD-FREE...go here:
Scott and Lindsay talk Episode 2 of Survivor 48 and wrap up this Season of the Traitors by talking the finale! www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott Yager is joined by Corey Lay to talk Challenge All Stars and everything we have and haven't seen!www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Shopwww.ChallengeMania.Live
Scott Yager returns with his ALL WRESTLING talk podcast to discuss Cena' Heel Turn, the Road to Wrestlemania and answer YOUR questions!www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott Yager is joined by Devin Walker.This is Scott's Full Interview with Devin Walker about All Stars, Season 40, Dario, Frank, Sam, Leroy, the differences between the two shows and more!www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott takes your uncensored questions from www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott reveals plans and ticket info for NASHVILLE, ATLANTA and PHOENIX and teases what might be Challenge Mania Live ON A BOAT in 2026!?www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.ShopNASHVILLE ON SALE NOW HERE:
Scott and Lindsay are back to break down the Survivor 48 Premiere and talk about the events in NYC!Plus a bit of Traitors talk at the end!www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott Yager is joined by Devin Walker to break down Episode 5 of All Stars 5 and talk the season as a whole and more!This ia a FREE PREVIEW of a longer episode that is currently exclusive to Maniac Level Patrons and above at www.ChallengeManiacs.comWATCH this entire episode here:www.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott Yager is joined by Adam Larson to talk All Stars 5, Crypto, Cara, Cancel Culture and MORE!www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott returns with a massive Q&A Pod taking your questions about anything and everything, including a few of those topics that had been on everyone's mind lately like Challenge Cancel Culture and where it stands today. Plus Scott talks SNL50 and why SNL matters so much and MORE! Available Ad-Free to ALL PATRONS!www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott Yager is joined by Weston Bergmann to talk Episode 4 of All Stars: Rivals.This is a Free Preview of a much longer episode that is Exclusive to Maniac Level Patrons and above at and Wes' Patrons at the full thing here:LISTEN to the full thing here:In the Full Episode Wes and Scott cover this week's episode, the season as a whole, the state of The Challenge and spend the last 15-20 mins or so talking about Traitors Season III.Become a Weston Bergmann Patron at where he covers All Stars AND Traitors each week! A great bang for your buck! Going Maniac (or above) at will also get you Maniac Level Pre-Sales for upcoming Live Shows going on sale soon like ATLANTA & PHOENIX!www.ChallengeMania.Live for Tix - PITTSBURGH (6/28) Now On Sale!Fort Lauderdale - 3/8Milwaukee - 3/16NYC - 5/4Chicago - 5/25STL - 6/8Pittsburgh - 6/28Atlanta - 7/13 (On Sale Soon!)www.ChallengeMania.Shop for SWAG including the Brand New Derrick "Are You Not Entertained" Shirt!
Scott Yager is joined by The Godfather Mark Long!MARK LONG is here for a nice little snackable bonus episode in an attempt to mobilize the maniacs for tomorrow's Episode 4 of All Stars 4!With the ratings increasing every week, the labeling and DVR issues resolved and RuPaul's Drag Race in our sights, we think we can pass the reality standard-bearer tomorrow night, February 19th!SET THOSE DVRS! WATCH LIVE! AVAILABLE TO ALL PATRONS AND MEMBERS!If you enjoy watching interviews like this, sign up at the Maniac-Level or above! VIDEO IS TYPICALLY A BONUS PERK FOR MANIACS and ABOVE!GET TIX FOR CHALLENGE ACCEPTED WRESTLING SHOW: THE CODE YAGER FOR CHALLENGE MANIA SECTION)GET TIX TO CHALLENGE MANIA MILWAUKEE AND ALL OTHER EVENTS AT WWW.CHALLENGEMANIA.LIVE
Ep. 460: AMBER B Returns!

Ep. 460: AMBER B Returns!


Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by Double Agents Champ Amber Bortzotra.Amber B returns to the show to talk becoming a mom, the sacrifices she made to return to The Challenge, playing alongside a Rival, what makes her and Fessy Rivals, the format of Rivals and MUCH MORE! for FULL VIDEO of this and all our interviews, plus Bonus Pods, Pre-Sales and MORE!PITTSBURGH PRE-SALES at THIS WED 2/19 for our Return to Pittsburgh on Saturday, June 28th!www.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Scott and Lindsay are BACK to finally wrap up Survivor 47, Preview Survivor 48 a bit and talk about Season 3 of Traitors so far. Traitors talk is in the second half with an ample spoiler warning.www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager break down Episode 3 of All Stars 5: Rivals.Watch this FULL episode HERE: to this FULL episode HERE: MANIA goes on sale Next Wednesday, February 22nd at www.ChallengeManiacs.comwww.ChallengeMania.Livewww.ChallengeMania.Shop
Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by Bananas, Mark, Aneesa, Aviv and Ed LIVE IN PHILLY on Saturday, January 10th. To celebrate the Eagles Super Bowl Win here is the FULL LIVE SHOW AUDIO from that epic afternoon at Helium!To get LIVE SHOW TIX for FLORIDA, NYC, STL and more...head to for Pre-Sales, Videos, Ad-Free Audio, Bonus Pods and MORE!www.ChallengeMania.Shop for SWAG!!
Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager break down Episode 2 of The Challenge All Stars 5: Rivals.This is a Free Preview of a much longer podcast that is exclusive to Maniac level Patrons at above. You can hear it or watch it below. FULL AUDIO: VIDEO:
Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by Frank Sweeney.Frank is making his return to The Challenge on All Stars 5: Rivals, which premiered last Wednesday on MTV. He joins us to discuss returning after all these years, why some of his San Diego cast-mates aren't alongside him, which Rivals pairs are legit and MUCH MOREWATCH this interview here:
Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by All Stars 5's FRANK SWEENEY to help break down the Premiere Episode and discuss Frank's return from an over a decade hiatus! This a Free Preview of a longer episode breakdown podcast that is currently exclusive to Maniac level Patrons and above at www.ChallengeManiacs.comYou also get FULL VIDEO of this, all of our episode breakdowns, bonus podcasts and long-form cast interviews. Everything goes up early and entirely ad-free at www.ChallengeManiacs.comVIDEO HERE: to our interview with Frank from 2019 HERE: for TIX to Shows and Events like:DANIA BEACH - 3/8MILWAUKEE - 3/16NYC 5/4CHICAGO 5/25STL 6/7www.ChallengeMania.Shop for SWAG!
Comments (52)

Adam Hatfield


Apr 17th
Reply (1)

Adam Hatfield


Apr 6th

Adam Hatfield

#ChallengeMania Really looking forward to this. been a fan of Jon Murray's for a few decades now lol.

Mar 29th

Adam Hatfield


Mar 16th

Adam Hatfield

#ChallengeMania #TheChallengeAllStars #TheChallenge

Feb 8th
Reply (2)

Michael Wasson

you gonna talk about AS2?? I'd pay money to watch you pole wrestler everyday. I wanna hear you.

Dec 5th

Adam Hatfield

#ChallengeMania #TheChallengeAllStars

Nov 24th
Reply (1)

Adam Hatfield

#ChallengeMania #TheChallenge

Nov 16th
Reply (1)

John Reichwein

I wish C.T would. I met dude a few times years back in Boston, Charleston in fact and that dude is a street Guy. That goofball Fessal needs to rest his neck or get it broken

Aug 10th

Adam Hatfield

#ChallengeMania #TheChallengeAllStars #TheChallenge

Jul 12th

Stephanie Durham

mustard is a real deal. so is pickles juice. it is really the vinegar that helps.

Jul 9th

Adam Hatfield

#ChallengeMania #TheChallengeAllStars

Jun 16th

Adam Hatfield


Apr 12th

Adam Hatfield


Apr 4th

Adam Hatfield


Mar 30th
Reply (1)

Adam Hatfield


Mar 24th
Reply (1)

Adam Hatfield

Excited to finally get to watch the All Star Challenge!! #ChallengeMania

Mar 17th

Patrick Filiberto

greedy af on patreon!

Dec 21st

Adam Hatfield


Nov 2nd

John Reichwein

Biggest cheater in the game. Dude would of never won on the island if it weren't for Kenny an that's a fact, that means no ruins an season 21 was handed to em. He deserves season 22 I give em that season 25 was sketchy. He took amphetamines on 28 which means he smuggled drug's an MTV still caters to his ego

Aug 24th