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Champagne Strategy

Author: Hybrency

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Uncovering the secrets behind world-class commercialization strategy for senior executives - garnished with tech & Champagne.

Learn from people who've bridged the strategy gap between planning, execution and measurement. They'll have battle scars to show, skin in the game and money in play. Most aren't famous but there's zero commercial agenda here, so heeding their wisdom is priceless.

Listen to an episode if you dare, but you've been warned. There's no going back.

Keep taking your blue pills - or press play
95 Episodes
Brain Hurt Scale = 5/10. Following on from part 1, we explore a paper that studied thousands of online retailers between 2020 and 2022. The findings from this study have massive implications on the digital marketing industry, decision-makers, executives and investors. They analyzed 100's of billions of digital marketing expenditure and looked at how this affected customer acquisition and growth. Finding that not only have costs increased on average but firms who targeted certain customers and used particular channels realized the greatest drops in yield. So why are so few in the industry talking about something so momentous? There are a few reasons for that which we discuss near the end.
Brain Hurt Scale = 8/10. Why is Apple all about privacy all of a sudden? Why is it so vogue for governments around the world to legislate user data protections? Take a trip back in time all the way through to the present to understand where it all started and where it's going. From the birth of Google Analytics, the cookie, UTMs through to Meta and Google ads, conversion columns and everything else in between. Why do we no longer hear the story about the stay-at-home mom who found online retailing success by mastering Facebook or Instagram? Why was there a mobile app boom that's since fizzled out? In the second half we then talk about the implications of the privacy crackdown. What this means for the industry supply chain and all the participants. Especially digital marketing platforms like Google, Meta and programmatic display. Is everyone operating in time that no longer exists and in denial? Why don't they want to change? Find out answers to all these questions by pressing play
Brain Hurt Scale = 5/10. Want a crash course in AI without the sale pitch? Listen to people who have actually used it for years without the buzzword consulting BS getting in the way. Listen to this episode and get the perfect grounding in what you need to know. The terms you need to know. The history you need to understand in order to be confident talking about it even if you haven't used it very much. How did it start? Where did this new wave come from? What's an LLM? What's a diffusion model? What are the different brands? Is it better than a human? How do you prompt it properly to get results that are actually useful? All these questions answered and more. This summary was even written by AI
Brain Hurt Scale - 2/10 - The first of a world-wide mini-series exposing true life stories behind the number 1 impediment to workplace success - politics. Mike Harris is an accomplished former executive and consultant with deep personal skills in consulting, sales, marketing, operations and product. He gives us three examples from a storied career. The first of which is 30mins about a successful turnaround at Phillips. On the surface all three stories are about political conflict and resolution. But also cover common constraints you'll frequently encounter in the workplace: interdepartmental cooperation, incentive dynamics, culture, capability, alignment and executive communication. But they're also just great examples of basic strategy hygiene: diagnosis, problem identification, objectives and action. A skill Mike says has been lost in the face of a few modern trends that are getting in the way. Even though his first story is from the 90's, the takeaways are perhaps even more relevant today than they've ever been. So no matter what sized business or what position you're in, I'd be very surprised if you don't learn something very valuable by listening to this series of wisdom-laden episodes. Especially if you want to know how to deal with people to get what you need done Let the games begin!
Brain Hurt Scale = 4/10. Why does ChatGPT provide me with terrible responses. Why does DALL-E give me an image that's terrible? Learning how to brief creatives is an art form. After all, their job is to create artwork so this probably shouldn't come as a surprise. But if you've never created something yourself, you'll be oblivious as to how it all goes down. That mismatched perspective can all be fixed by listening to this episode where Brett Friedman goes through start-to-finish the entire process that goes on behind closed doors when you hire an agency. So if you want to be left to your own devices fumbling around using Canva or Photoshop or dealing with Upwork freelancers that's fine. Or if you're an AI creative guru who is adept at prompting the most sophisticated technology on the planet but can't get something back you like... This is the episode you need to listen to. Now
Brain Hurt Scale = 6/10. Republished with permission of an interview John James did with Cognism's Jamie Skeels on The Loop podcast. The Brandingmag articles caused quite a stir and Jamie was keen to dig a little deeper into some of the issues it raised for practitioners. How do we target people to build brand and sales at the same time? Which channels should we use? How do we sell these campaigns (or not) to senior directors and executives? What are the red flags or reasons not to invest in a brand campaign? Is John the antichrist when it comes to brand advertising? All important questions that are answered in this guest interview. Nice one gov-ner!
Brain Hurt Scale = 3/10. A live recording of that time I was invited by James Pember to speak at the inaugural SXSW Sydney 2023. Note: this is a repost with permission of an episode of the Own The Moment podcast by Komo Technologies. James interviews me on-stage in front of 70+people and I try to answer a series of questions completely impromptu. James is a product leader and host of a podcast run by martech firm Komo Technologies. They have a podcast called 'Own The Moment'. Reposting here because I think the questions and answers will be of interest to you all. There were many things I wish I had said or rephrased or prepared for, but I suppose that's the nature of live interviews. What do you think?
Brain Hurt Scale = 5/10. No one in B2B buys based on value. Procurement and buying committees don't operate how you think they do. And why do 50%+ of B2B purchases end in a no-decision? If you want your career to be occupied with creating ads, rely on correlation, work status and manipulate company politics to get ahead. Nothing wrong with that, it's fine. Go for it. You will do well. But if you actually want to affect revenue and profit, this is an episode you can't miss. Dale and John reveal some of the dirty secrets that lie hidden deep within the industry. Use this rare information to get ahead as a challenger brand and succeed in the marketplace if you want to. Learn the history of Salesforce's success. The one that doesn't get talked about. Learn why some of these academic 'laws' of marketing actually work or don't work in real life. Why should you be really skeptical about the propositions ABM vendors and demand-gen platforms sprout? What lies do marketing heads and vendors tell you which you should actually ignore? Start listening to get head. Or be left behind.
Brain Hurt Scale = 2/10. Racing car driver, Marketing Week columnist, retail media speaker and coach to marketing directors. Colin Lewis joins us for the first episode of 2024. While we were supposed to talk about retail media, this was one of those rare chances to tap into someone's mind that's experienced a depth and breadth of experience that's exceedingly rare. Colin's worked in multiple countries. Reinvented his specialty many times over. Put his money where his mouth is with his own businesses and worked for others to pay the bills. Big and small brands. For decades. Colin oozes stoic wisdom in a discussion that everyone from all angles within the industry can appreciate. We explore everything from marketing fundamentals to direct response and brand advertising. So get involved and start learning. Up your game. Start thinking like, a director
Brain Hurt Factor = 4/10. The conclusion and penultimate episode of a 6 part series which explores brand campaigns. Questioning whether Apple's famous Think Different brand campaign was as successful as everyone thinks it is. This episode starts with a short recap of where we left off in 5.2. Then goes into revealing THE key growth factor behind Apple's explosive growth. Before discussing the genesis story behind this entire brand campaign. A story which was difficult to discover. Full of snippets of quotes from Steve himself, YouTube videos, experts in the field and other podcasts. By the end, you'll be able to walk away with a clear view of what the campaign did and didn't achieve. And - WHY it was created in the first place. Which will be likely different to what you believe it is. Make sure you at least listen to or read 5.1 and 5.2, if not all the episodes from part 1-6. Very red pill. Consume now with caution.
Brand hurt scale = 6/10. This is a direct follow on from the previous episode 5.1 which continues the story behind Apple's famous Think Different campaign. Here we go much deeper, analyzing the campaign's impact on Apple financially, both short and long term. Which is hard in audio form because a lot of the visuals are missing. But you'll learn ways you can properly assess any brand campaign and call out brand marketers who think they've delivered value, but haven't. Four expert opinions and three reputable studies are cited which you can use to support your argument either way. So was Think Different really one of the best brand advertising campaigns in history? Exactly how did it impact the company for better or for worse? Ultimately, it's up to you to decide but find out by having a listen and come to your own conclusions by the end. *For more details and visuals go to the Brandingmag website to access the full article.
Brand hurt scale = 2/10. The episode everyone has been waiting for is here. This is the story behind the famous Apple Think Different campaign. Touted as one of the best brand advertising campaigns in history. But is it? This is the first of three parts which explores the history of this campaign and analyzes whether it was as successful for the company as everyone makes out. Deeper analysis will follow in 5.2 before we explore the genesis story and implications from those findings in 5.3. For more details and helpful visuals, go to the Brandingmag website to access the full article. But for now, sit back, relax and have a listen
Brain hurt score = 3/10. If you've been listening to the series so far, you should know what a brand campaign is, where they came from and how advertising and branding works. So what does a brand campaign do? Or not do? In part 4 of the Brand Campaign mini-series we explore 8 legitimate reasons for a brand campaign and 8 red-flags you need to be aware of. By the end of this episode you'll have a very robust filter through which to make an informed decision if you're considering buying into the idea of a brand campaign or rejecting it. 16 for and against reasons are given that include quotes, practical explanations and excerpts from interviews with practicing experts. At the end we summarize part 1 through to 4 and set the scene for the episode everyone wants to listen to - an analysis of Apple's famous Think Different brand campaign where everything you've learnt so far will be put into practice. But before we get to the protein, you need to eat your greens. Come on...have a nibble. What are you waiting for?
Brain Hurt Scale = 2/10. Note - this is the audio version which is an extended yet similar and different version of the written article which includes diagrams and videos. If reading is your thing go here - but this audio version is more story-like so it makes for perfect listening. Why do some people say 'performance marketing' when all really mean is Google search? Why do digital marketers have an allergic reaction when they're asked to use an offline channel? Why do advertising agencies love brand campaigns but hate digital? Why is the Silicon Valley growth discipline deeply ironic? And what's all of this got to do with Brand Campaigns! Sometimes to understand why we use terms we need to understand history. Understand the etymology of these terms. Terms like performance marketing, brand marketing, ATL, BTL, growth hacking, growth marketing, demand generation, demand capture - oh gee I could go on all day. Because there's reasons why all these terms exist, and why we use them - and that history is fascinating. If this episode doesn't give you an 'a ha' moment then no episode will. We leverage the power of memetics and research so you'll learn: How these terms originated Why using them is problematic Why people who do, are unaware how their thinking has been warped subconsiously Why DTC started in 1845 in the US - not the 90s or 2000's Which channel American Expressed used to create an entire category (credit cards) Why advertising agencies started in the first place, and why they still hate 'performance'. WARNING: This episode is not recommended for those who work in the advertising industry - as it will pop bubbles and may negatively affect your ability to sell You've been warned - listening to this episode will alter your perspective forever. So play with caution because this is very forbidden fruit you're about to taste, And there's no going back.
Brain Hurt Scale = 2/10. Learn all the hot topics, struggles and opportunities in the current environment from the perspective of two fractional CMO's. After shooting the breeze about coffee (Skip to 4mins in to miss the coffee talk intro) Gregory Kennedy and John sit down to talk about what they're both seeing on the ground right now. With significant declines in the yields and measurement of various digital media over the years, they discuss different ways to move forward and embrace a revised approach to the marketing function. What's the difference between West and East coast business culture? Why is the crazy valuations in the recent tech boom not even comparable to what happened back in the late 90s? Why is revenue growth and positive economics so important now? How have digital channels changed over the years? Gregory has worked in senior marketing roles at tech companies like InMobi, TapSense, NextRoll, Sojern and Noteable. Embrace the future. Leave the shackles behind. This is an easy listen. That won't leave you in a bind.
Brain hurt scale = 6/10. This is the second half of the former episode which will complete the audio version of Part 3's article. In the former episode we covered in detail the first determinant of effective advertising - reach. In this one, we explain what is 'brand' and how 'branding' actually works or doesn't work. Then we explore the third factor which is all about making products 'easy to find and buy'. Followed by even more myth busting at the end to put everything into a practical context. This is an audio episode version of the first half of part 3's article published at Brandingmag - But some people wanted the audio version. So here you go
Brain hurt scale = 7/10. Isn't it funny how we all think we know how advertising works, but very few of us know about the scientific side. Even fewer have married up science with the practical considerations of what it's like in an applied work setting. Until now! After learning about what brand campaigns are in part 1 and understanding the etymology. We were then left with a gaping hole. How does brand advertising work? And to know how brand advertising works, we first need to understand how all advertising works. What is 'reach'? How do you know if you have it or not? What is 'brand'? How do you know if your ad had branded or not? What is 'advertising'? How do you know what is and isn't advertising? This is an audio episode version of the first half of part 3's article published at Brandingmag - But some people prefer audio. So here you go audiophiles
Brain Hurt Scale = 4/10. Here's a quick synopsis of the first part of six. An article series that tries to answer a very basic question. What is a brand campaign? Go to to read the full article which includes a lot of useful diagrams, videos, links and extended explanation that doesn't make it into this quick 18-minute synopsis. Part 2 is also fresh off the press. So if this perks your interest, follow your nose and read that article also to get the rest of the juicy details. But, if you're more of an audiophile and want some added commentary, this will give you something the written versions don't. Including the story of how it all started and why it's got everyone in a bit of a tizz. See you on the other side
We'll spend thousands of dollars a month on ads yet routinely underinvest in the quality of the creative. Even the biggest agencies do it. They cheapen out on the quality of the audio track. But great music can make or break a movie or TV series. It can also be the difference between advertising and promotions that your audience either remembers or doesn't remember. Raj has recently taken this to the next level. Investing his own money into the production of an entire rap album. I haven't met too many companies who have done that before. Even more interesting is that this album talks about a sector which most would find very boring indeed - B2B SaaS! I this hair-brained creativity gone wild or is there method to the madness. This is something we just had to get the scoop on. It doesn't' matter if you like music, rap or Raj's tracks or not. You'll learn about a few mediums all rolled into one. It starts with audio aka sonic branding, then goes onto how to craft better webinars, then a sales pitch in the context of startups seeking funding, and finishes with events. But don't worry, there's strategy throughout as we discuss how he inserts audio into branded content for maximum gain. And by listening to the full episode, you'll start to understand how all of these things link together - after all - this is one of the hallmarks of good strategy - a coherent set of actions. And yes, you'll also learn how to pitch your startup to investors using his trademarked Que Pasa method. You'll learn how to take your events to the next level. And some of the secrets behind creative production if you wish. But, the more important learning here is exactly how Raj uses this music he's produced to drive value and achieve business goals. And that story is a very interesting one. One that no one else has discussed with him - until now. Want to be GOAT to Market? Yes I do I do I do
You know all those famous authors and people on social media with posts that are wildly successful? You may be surprised to learn, it's probably not them. Most don't even manage their own accounts. But, who's work then are we really reading? Who's DM's are we really slipping into? Today we're going to delve into the murky world of ghostwriting. And it reminds me of that famous scene from Fight Club - because.... It appears, the first rule of ghostwriting is that you don't talk about ghostwriting. And while, today's guest is very tight-lipped about the people he manages, we do get him to spill some beans and expose some of the dark secrets within the industry. And this is all very Wizard of Oz From a hip-hop group who imploded after their ghost-music-writer secret was revealed on stage, to the downfall of a famous business personality who ironically, ran a ghostwriting firm. You'll learn about juniper trees, gin, tonic and why we still treat newborn babies in a particular way. You'll learn why chasing vanity metrics with content and social media is a futile exercise, The difference between high and low-quality content, and much, much, more. The perfect episode for executives and senior leaders as well as anyone in the content industry, social media folk, marketing strategists and of course those running a business. Skip to around the 6 min mark if you want to miss the gin sipping and genesis story and I'll see you on the other side.