The buzz: “The budgets are opening up to HR and they’re going digital with everything” (Laura Zifchak, PeopleDoc). It’s the time of year for HR to reflect and move forward.
The buzz: “HR can’t evade talent analytics any longer and the function must be willing to adapt and evolve” (Aaron McEwan]. Despite HR’s pronounced interest in analytics, an “execution gap” exists between intent and action.
The buzz: “Whether you see it or not, data exfiltration is a real risk for most organizations” (McAfee: Grad Theft Data). McAfee research shows that more than 40% of data breaches could be attributed to company insiders, i.e., employees.
The buzz: “Millennial expectations are shaping where technology is going and where the modern worker will be” (Amber Hyatt, SilkRoad
The buzz: “I’m not the woman president of Harvard. I’m the president of Harvard” (Drew Gilpin Faust at WEF 2015). The World Economic Forum has been studying global readiness for gender because it’s as much an economic problem as a global talent necessity.
The buzz: “For employees, chatbots deliver an unmatched level of employee experience, from real time answers for HR questions to personalized learning and development” (Jeanne Meister).
The buzz: “…take dramatic technological change as an invitation to reflect about who we are and how we see the world” (Klaus Schwab). What’s most remarkable about business in the 4th Industrial Revolution? The blurring lines between people and technology.
The buzz: “If HR wants to continue to play a critical role in helping businesses anticipate and manage organizational change, it must have technology at its core” (Meghan M. Biro).
The buzz: “We live in a global village. No country can live in isolation of others like Robinson Crusoe” (Li Keqiang). You can’t be global without being local.
The buzz: Nearly 11% of the workforce is made up of full-time agile workers…39% of ‘permanent’ non-agile workers said they are likely to take a positon in the future in that category.” (Randstad Workplace 2025 report).
The buzz: Nearly 11% of the workforce is made up of full-time agile workers…39% of ‘permanent’ non-agile workers said they are likely to take a positon in the future in that category.” (Randstad Workplace 2025 report). While HR technology is helping companies model new workplace design and workforce fit scenarios, they may be failing to analyze roles that require permanent vs. contingent staff, i.e., freelancers, contractors, and temporary workers. Is your HR organization reviewing and reconsidering the status quo in time to prepare to welcome and embrace the agile workforce? The experts speak. Don Miller, Deloitte: “We’re gonna turn this team around 360 degrees” (Jason Kidd). Gerarda Van Kirk, Accenture: “Always in motion is the future” (Yoda, Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back). Dr. Patti Fletcher, SAP SuccessFactors: “Change means that what was before wasn't perfect. People want things to be better” (Esther Dyson). Join us for HR: Get Ready for the Agile Workforce!
The buzz: “Ethics is the new competitive environment” (Peter Robinson, Mountain Equipment Co-op). Business leaders today are expected to set a moral compass that defines their company’s role as a ‘citizen’ invested in making the world a better place.
The buzz: “Ethics is the new competitive environment” (Peter Robinson, Mountain Equipment Co-op). Business leaders today are expected to set a moral compass that defines their company’s role as a ‘citizen’ invested in making the world a better place. Their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs are a key indicator of brand equity and the company’s value to consumers, employees, partners, and investors. Where is your true north? The experts speak. Bonnie J. Addario, ALCF: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” (N. Mandela). Chris Johnson, Mercer: “Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand” (Karl Marx). John Matthews, SAP: “As corporate citizens of the world, it is our responsibility – our duty – to serve the communities where we do business by helping to improve…overall daily life, plus future prospects" (H Schultz). Join us for Your Corporate Moral Compass: A Culture of Community.
The buzz: “Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as team is another story” (Casey Stengel).
The buzz: “Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as team is another story” (Casey Stengel). HR’s focus and practices have traditionally focused on individuals, often guided by hourly wage roles and professional sports where teams win and individual players are rewarded. But the workforce and how we work have changed. What will it take for HR to invest in collaboration tools and workplace design that shift culture, policy and practice to support teams? The experts speak. Kevin McConville, EY: “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future” (Yogi Berra). Nathan Ott, The GC Index®: “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things” (Mother Teresa). Dr. Patti Fletcher, SAP SuccessFactors: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” (Einstein via Matthew Kelly). Join us for HR From One to Many: Shifting the Focus to Teams.
The buzz: “J&J’s leaders estimate that wellness programs have cumulatively saved ...0 million on health care costs over the past decade; 2002-2008, return was $2.71 for every dollar spent.” (
The buzz: “J&J’s leaders estimate that wellness programs have cumulatively saved ...0 million on health care costs over the past decade; 2002-2008, return was $2.71 for every dollar spent.” ( From insurance provide to wellness enabler, HR’s role may include a focus on the workforce’s welfare because good health and well-being practices influence how we work with and relate to each other. But some people worry that the “fitbitization” of HR wellness programs may cross a line. The experts speak. Linda Townsend, Release Well-Being Center: “The part can never be well unless the whole is well” (Plato). Grant Gordon, Artemis Health: “If you keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can oftentimes arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions" (Steve Jobs). Joe Sherwood, SAP SuccessFactors: “Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats” (Voltaire). Join us for Health and Wellness: HR’s New Call to Action.
The buzz: “There’s a pure and simple business case for diversity: Companies that are more diverse are more successful” (Mindy Grossman).
The buzz: “There’s a pure and simple business case for diversity: Companies that are more diverse are more successful” (Mindy Grossman). Pop quiz: How many unconscious biases are at play in the human brain–even yours–right now? 150! Why does this matter? Unchallenged biases form an unquestioned “reality” that challenges HR's ability to create an inclusive workplace. What can HR do to attract, retain, develop diverse talent? The experts speak. Noah G. Rabinowitz, Deloitte: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been” (Wayne Gretzky). Barbara Marder, Mercer: “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.=” (Steve Jobs). Dr. Patti Fletcher, SAP: “The big percentage is us, the real people, and we have to say something. You have to speak up. You have to” (Leslie Jones). Join us for Moving Beyond Bias: Can Technology Really Help?
The buzz: “Computers, machines, robots and algorithms are going to be able to do most of the routine, repetitive jobs… even… lawyers…are going to be susceptible” (Rise of the Robots).