Changing Worldviews on

Exposing the worldviews behind the current issues of our increasingly complex world, with interviews of well-known authors, public policy and pro-family experts, religious leaders and apologists for the faith, in a lively, compelling and informative format.

Trump Assassination Attempt, Biden Out/Kamela In, Drag Queen Last Supper

After a major crash of our computer/sound systems which prevented us from producing our show, we are back! So much has happened in the last two weeks:Joe Biden stepping down from his bid for re-election; Kamela Harris stepping in to that spot; The assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life, escaping a fatal wound to the head with the bullet hitting his head, for which he gives all the credit to God to save him; and the horrific mocking of the Lord's Last Supper at the opening of the Paris Olympics with Drag Queens impersonating Jesus and His disciples, in drag. We cover it all, and wrap up with the speech by the young black pastor, Lorenzo Sewell of 180 church, at the RNC. To support this ministry financially, visit:


4th of July Special Edition - Worth Fighting For

As Americans we celebrate freedom on the 4th of July, but also we are grateful for those who gave their all for the freedom we enjoy today. There's much that is not right in our nation, but just like we celebrate our family members who may not be perfect because they are ours, we celebrate our nation because it is ours, and we also work to preserve what has been great about America for our children and grandchildren. Reading of Declaration of Independence by Max McLean Featured songs: "In God We Still Trust" by Diamond Rio "Star Spangled Banner" by Sandi Patty To support this ministry financially, visit:


World Agendas & The Rise of Population Control

Guest: Steven Mosher, President of Population Research Institute, on the often shocking agendas behind Population Control, part of world agendas to control the world, part two. Jesus told us who is behind it all -- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 Featured song: I Was Gonna Be by Rachel Holt To support this ministry financially, visit:


The Rise of W.H.O. & Global Gov't Control

Guest: Steven Mosher on Population Control part of the global agenda to control, but first unpacking the news with the upcoming Presidential election, and then a look at the agenda of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), and the radical agenda of one-worlders to even control our food. Featured Song: "After the Great Reset" by Neal Fox To support this ministry financially, visit:


MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL - Giving Honor Where Honor is Due

Guest: William Federer, Author and Modern Day Historian on unknown facts about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as we honor those who gave all for our freedom. "Greater love has a man than he lay down his life for his friends." Freedom isn't free. Featured Song: Star Spangled Banner by Sandi Patty To support this ministry financially, visit:


U.S. Economy & End-times Military Coalition Against Israel

Guest: Ron Rhodes, Author of 60 books including "Northern Storm Rising - The Emerging End-Times Military Coalition Against Israel." First up - are we being lied to about the U.S. economy; then the danger facing Israel and America, and the significance of Biden cutting off defensive weapons to support our biggest ally, Israel.Many predict WWIII. To support this ministry financially, visit:


Anti-Israel Campus Protests in America

Guest: Erick Stakelbeck, Author of "The Terrorist Next Door," "ISIS the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam," and "The Brotherhood - America's Next Great Enemy," and Host of The Watchman on TBN delivering the inside, on-the-ground story about what's really happening in Israel and the Middle East and how it affects every American, including on our college and university campuses happening today with pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests. What's behind it all? Featured song: "God is on the Throne" by Steven Curtis Chapman. To support this ministry financially, visit:


Iran Attacks Israel - Why & Who Are The "Twelfth-ers"?

Guests: Joel Rosenberg, New York Times bestselling author of 17 novels and 5 nonfiction books with 5 million copies in print; founder and Editor-in-Chief of two news and analysis websites, and; and host of THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN, Erick Stakelbeck, Author of "The Terrorist Next Door," "ISIS the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam," and "The Brotherhood - America's Next Great Enemy," and Host of The Watchman on TBN delivering the inside, on-the-ground story about what's really happening in Israel and the Middle East and how it affects every American, give insights into the agenda and acts against Israel by Iran and why. "Twelfth-ers" - this is key in order to understand. Plus, why are there promoters of this in the U.S. government? Featured song: "Overcomer" by Mandisa To support this ministry financially, visit:


EASTER SPECIAL - Jesus' Passion

Guests: Steve Reyes, David Hughes, on the Passion of Jesus. Plus, some amazing testimonies you won't want to miss. To support this ministry financially, visit:


St. Patrick - Separating Truth from Myth

Guest: William Federer, Best-Selling Author, Historian, President of Amerisearch, separates the fascinating truth about St. Patrick from myth. Plus, find out Sharon's favorite Irish recipe and hear a Favorite Song: an old Irish Hymn, "Be Thou My Vision" by Nathan Pacheco To support this ministry financially, visit:


Be an Instant Survivor

Guest: James Moorehead, author of 'Instant Survivor" - How to plan for and hopefully prevent crisis in the future personally, financially, relationally and health-wise. Regain hope during or after a crisis. Some say the future is your friend, actually it’s your faith that is your friend for the future. To support this ministry financially, visit:


What Every American Needs to Know

Guest: William Federer, Historian Author of "What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an," shares clear facts that give understanding for the reasons of the horrific terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023, and the resultant war. Described as Israel's '9/11' this issue must be addressed with truth, justice and compassion. To support this ministry financially, visit:


What's Ahead for 2024 - Open Doors in the Midst of Chaos

There are predictions and there are trends and then there are agendas. We start the new year off with what the 'experts' tell us is coming...but also what global elitists are planning. We expose the darkness by shining a light on what is being their own words. This is the year to be diligent to see what 'kingdom' we are getting our information from...the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness. However, no matter how much chaos may occur in 2024 with the upcoming Presidential election, and world events and agendas, there is hope this year because God's plans are good, including opening doors for us to go through, for which He will prepare us to enter in victoriously, regardless of the 'giants' in the land. SONG: Steven Curtis Chapman, We Are More Than Conquerors. To support this ministry financially, visit:


NEW YEAR SPECIAL 2024 - The Year of the Open Door

Ring in the New Year with us as we look back at 2023 and forward to 2024. Look for breakthroughs and doors to walk through in the coming year (which we'll elaborate on next episdoe) but for now be encouraged there is always hope for things to change for the better, both for us as individuals and our families and our nation(s). Jesus promises that He is making 'all things new.' Happy New Year 2024! To support this ministry financially, visit:



It's time to lay aside our worries and concerns and look up, like the Wise Men did, for it's the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. And we do just that with interesting, mostly unknown, facts about the Wise Men, encouragement and favorite songs...and a special Hughes family closing. Merry Christmas everyone! To support this ministry financially, visit:



The headlines this Christmas report that many Americans are 'skipping Christmas' this year because of money woes. There is a divide between what the government says the economy is like, and what families know to be true. The cause? Inflation. Many are getting new credit cards just so they can buy gifts for their kids this year. And 75% of Americans are planning to cut back on expenditures not just for Christmas but for the next six months. Will this dampen Christmas celebrations? Many say 'no' and that they will find new ways this year to celebrate, not unlike generations in the past had to do. This is good news. Plus, hear clips of some of the most recent U.S. Presidents' Christmas comments at the annual National Tree Lighting. Which mirror your values and beliefs? To support this ministry financially, visit:


ISRAEL IS AT WAR! What Does This Mean?

Guest: Myles Weiss, Messianic Pastor, Host of Hope Behind the Headlines Middle East expert gives update and important background and biblical perspective in light of the current attack by Hamas on Israel and Israel's declaration of war. Is this WWIII? Special closing song: The Forgotten People by Ted Pearce. To support this ministry financially, visit:


Time to Prepare: Natural & National Disasters - EMP

Guest: Author Michael Maloof, former senior security policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. September is National Preparedness Month and this week we look at possible EMP other threats. To support this ministry financially, visit:


Time to Prepare - For the New World Order

Globalism (aka New World Order) is already underway, promoted as good for nations and individuals. But it is not. Alliances such as between China, Russia and Iran forming against America, are a looming threat, but also global institutions such as the WEF (World Economic Forum) and their 'Great Reset' are against nationalism and for global government, are also eminent threats, not just governmentally, but morally. The agenda is anti-God, anti-people, anti-family, population control (elimination) and is gaining power right before our eyes, even if we don't see it. Be informed so you can be prepared for what's you won't be deceived or scared. To support this ministry financially, visit:


Time to Prepare - For Economic Control

What are some of the most frigthening things we are facing as a nation and world toay? We'll address some of them during September's National Preparedness Month, beginning with this episode focusing on economiccal issues currently and in the future. And how does it all fit in with what the bible says is coming? The goal on this series is to be prepared, not scared, and part of that preparation is not just practically but spiritually. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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