The buzz: “Next Gen Mobility: Some people say it’s all about the journey…Anyone who can successfully implement a change in the way we use our automobiles will transform our society, and will likely reap considerable rewards…” (
The buzz: “While optimism prevails, companies have achieved varying degrees of success in implementing Industry 4.0” (, 2016). You want to deliver on the Industry 4.0 vision.
The buzz: “Sawyer the Robot will work for the equivalent of $4 per day. And he's never in a bad mood.
The Buzz: “85% of manufacturers consider the ‘connected workforce’…robots and humans working together being routine in manufacturing by 2020…an essential element in their business strategy” (
The buzz: ‘The digital thread refers to the communication framework that allows a connected data flow and integrated view of an asset’s data throughout its lifecycle across traditionally siloed functional perspectives.
The buzz: “In the past 50 years, organizations have gone from thinking about a sequential, linear series of steps—design, plan, source, make, deliver—to networks of dynamic, interconnected processes and systems.”
The buzz: "The evolution toward Industry 4.0…presents some key challenges that automotive manufacturers must overcome if they wish to remain competitive” ( Industrial and automotive manufacturers have been investing in Industry 4.
The Buzz: “85% of manufacturers consider the ‘connected workforce’…robots and humans working together being routine in manufacturing by 2020…an essential element in their business strategy” (
The buzz: “The benefits of Industry 4.0 for aerospace and defense (A&D) manufacturers are enormous, but involve critical decisions on digital investments and an increasingly cyber-aware ecosystem” (
The buzz: “The benefits of Industry 4.0 for aerospace and defense (A&D) manufacturers are enormous, but involve critical decisions on digital investments and an increasingly cyber-aware ecosystem” (
The buzz: “While optimism prevails, companies have achieved varying degrees of success in implementing Industry 4.0” (, 2016). You want to deliver on the Industry 4.0 vision.
The buzz: “Real-Time Data Is The Future Of Smart Manufacturing” (, Dec. 2019).
The buzz: “The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment” (Warren Bennis).
The buzz: “In this 4th revolution, we are facing a range of new technologies that combine the physical, digital and biological worlds… [.