Chat out of Hell

<p>How did two massive dorks create the greatest car karaoke music of all time? Join equally massive dorks Emma Crossland and Sam Wilkinson as they delve into the works of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman and try to work out where the magic came from.<br><br><br><br></p>

Episode 1.5 - Paradise by the Dashboard Light | Nowhere Fast

Meat Loaf's sexiest song makes it to the table. Join Sam and Emma as they delive into Paradise by the Dashboard Light then Nowhere Fast, and have a stab at the real questions in life :Which is sexier, a woman on a motorbike or a girl band?What's the best lascivious sound you can make?What IS a huckleberry?Next time: We'll wind up series on in style with Loaf/Steinman's last song Train of Love and watch the dumbest music video Meat Loaf has ever made, with I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth...


Episode 1.4 - It's All Coming Back to Me Now | Modern Girl

In the wake of Brighton Fringe we needed some slammin' music to stir us from our lethargy. And this episode provided it in spades. It's All Coming Back to Me Now and Modern Girl gave us all sorts of nonsense to chew over:Three different versions of one bangin' power ballad? Got it.Two music videos about ghosts and one about filth? Sorted.A visit with Captain Kirk to the planet where the only surviving adult is Meat Loaf? Regrettably that too.Next time: Emma sticks with her copy of Bad Attitud...


Episode 1.3 - Martha | Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Comedians Emma Crossland and Sam Wilkinson know a bit about Meat Loaf but, as they're rapidly learning, not enough to do a review podcast. Still, they'll give it a good old go.This episode ventures into some lovely territory as we discuss Martha and the merits of Tom Waits's original versus Meat Loaf's swelling orchestral arrangement, then we all feel a bit sick as we talk about Where the Rubber Meets the Road's horrible sexual politics.Plus there's a bit of chat about the lovely time that Em...


Episode 1.2 - You Took the Words Right out of My Mouth | Midnight at the Lost and Found

The shallowest deep delve in to the works of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman continues.Comedians Emma Crossland and Sam Wilkinson know a bit about Meat Loaf but, as they're rapidly learning, not enough to do a review podcast. Still, they'll give it a good old go.This episode sees the pair dive into Hot Summer Night and its creepy weird opening dialogue, before getting deep into why the smoky dive bar of Midnight at the Lost and Found would never work in Britain.The video of the man in the strange ...


Episode 1.1 - Bat out of Hell | Not a Dry Eye in the House

The shallowest deep delve in to the works of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman begins here.Comedians Emma Crossland and Sam Wilkinson know a bit about Meat Loaf but, as they're rapidly learning, not enough to do a review podcast. Still, they'll give it a good old go.In this opening episode our pair cast their critical eyes over the songs Bat out of Hell and Not a Dry Eye in the House and act like they could do better. Chat out of Hell is a is a review podcast: all music extracts are used for review/...


Coming Soon! Chat Out of Hell

An exciting new podcast from the Crossland & Wilkinson House of Nonsense.Episode One drops 22nd April.


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