Chelten - a church of hope

Sunday sermon recordings from Chelten - a church of hope in Dresher, PA.

"I am praying for you": The Power of Intercessory Prayer

Discussion Questions • • • Have you experienced someone interceding in prayer for you, and if so, how did it affect your situation or your heart regarding the circumstances you were facing? Daniel's prayer was deeply rooted in the promises and character of God as revealed in Scripture. How can we more effectively incorporate Scripture into our own prayer lives? How does interceding for broader communal or societal issues challenge or change us personally?


Identifying with Christ

"Identifying with Christ" Romans 6:1–11  • • • Discussion Questions Where did you personally connect with something shared in one of the baptism testimonies? What does it look like for you to publicly identify with Christ through your words and actions in the places you live? Work? Play? Where are you tempted to shrink back? How does the Gospel enable and empower you to be a bold witness for Christ?


The Horns of Power

Discussion Questions How does leaning on the sovereignty of Jesus help you in your suffering? Do you find yourself getting sucked into the idea that you need more control? How can you look like Jesus in those moments? Do we recognize our pride for what it really is? How have you excused your own pride in the past? What does it look like to surrender your pride to Jesus this week? How has God both humbled and exalted you recently?


Hope Changes All Things: A Story of Resurrection

Discussion Questions Reflect on a time of failed hope and its impact on you. How does this align with the idea that we are "hope-shaped creatures"? What narrative do you often find yourself sharing about your life? Is it a success story, a discovery story, a self-martyr story, or a story of hope and grace? What are some ways you can demonstrate and live out the hope of resurrection through your love for others?


True Greatness

** Sermon Title: **True Greatness Sermon Passage: Daniel 7:13-14; Mark 10:32-45 Speaker: Jon Shepherd


All Nations Under the Son of Man

Sermon Title: All Nations Under the Son of Man Sermon Passage: Daniel 7:1-18 Speaker: Bill Krewson


The Life of Daniel for 21st Century Christians

Discussion Questions How does remembering gratitude in your prayer life impact your perspective and resilience during challenging times? What does Daniel's testimony tell us about the importance of our conduct and testimony in our workplaces and communities? How does understanding Christ's presence, love, and sacrifice for us change the way we face our own "lions' dens"?


Divine Hand in a World of Delusion and Defiance

Sermon Title: Divine Hand in a World of Delusion and Defiance Sermon Passage: Daniel 5:13-31 Speaker: Jin Lee


Beastly Pride

Discussion Questions • • • How is pride connected to all other sin? What areas of life are you tempted to believe and live as if you have control over? When has God humbled you? How did you respond? How does life with Jesus free us from the pride and the need for control?


Problems of Christianity

Discussion Questions How can we effectively communicate the unique claims of Christianity while also respecting differing perspectives? How does the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego challenge our understanding of suffering and deliverance? How do we reconcile the reality that God may not always deliver us from earthly suffering with the promise of ultimate deliverance through Jesus Christ?


All Nations Under God

Daniel 2:31-45 • • • Discussion Questions In what direction are your emotions taking you now: anger, fear, joy, peace? How can you specifically pray for our nation, its leaders, and the coming election? What are you doing to build God’s kingdom that will outlast all nations?


Daniel’s Conviction for Cultural Engagement Without Compromise

Discussion Questions How can we learn from Daniel's refusal to compromise on certain issues and identify the non-negotiable aspects of our lives, avoiding both rigidity and legalism? Considering Daniel's wisdom in engaging with culture while maintaining his distinct identity, how can we cultivate spiritual discernment to navigate the complexities of cultural engagement in our present-day context? When making decisions about education, career, social interactions, and friendships, how can we apply the principles seen in Daniel's life? What biblical guidelines can guide us in making wise and faithful decisions in these areas?


Serve: (With Your) Spiritual Gift

Discussion Questions How can we honor and value the contributions of those who may feel unnoticed or less significant? Share examples of how the church, as a body, can ensure that every member feels valued. Discuss the historical impact of Christians serving others. How can the church today continue this legacy of impactful service beyond its walls? How can your church community prioritize love over individual preferences and gifts?


Cultivate: Spiritual Gifts

Discussion Questions How can you cultivate the gifts and talents God has given you in order to better serve others? As you interact with others this week, how can you help them identify and cultivate their gifts?  How does fear keep you from using your spiritual gifts and talents? Now preach the gospel to that fear.


Identify: Spiritual Gifts

Discussion Questions Describe how you have been impacted by someone's spiritual gift. How would you describe your own spiritual gift? Think of three of your Christian friends. Now try to identify their spiritual gifts.


Understand: Spiritual Gifts

Reflect on your spiritual journey. How have you seen your spiritual gifts and fruit develop over time? How might someone confuse their talents or natural abilities with spiritual gifts? How can this confusion impact their service within the church or their spiritual growth? Reflecting on the discussion of spiritual gifts as enablement for service, why is it crucial to recognize their purpose in the context of building up others and serving the body of Christ?


God's New Year's Resolution

Discussion Questions How has the favor of God transformed your relationship with him? How has the favor of God transformed your relationship with others? How has Jesus blessed you to be a blessing for someone else in 2024?


The Christmas Branch is Coming

Read Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:8-12 • • • Discussion Questions What “tree" of false hope has been cut down? How has Jesus, "the Branch,” brought you hope when you needed it?


Hope for a Waiting Heart: Finding Light in the Darkness

Discussion Questions "Waiting is a wall that reveals the heart." What anxieties or strengths have been revealed within you during your current season of waiting? Imagine the day Jesus' promise of light is fully realized. What emotions do you anticipate experiencing, and what might these emotions reveal about you? Think of someone in your life who is currently struggling with uncertainty or despair. How can you share your story of hope with them in a way that feels authentic and encouraging?


Unexpected Comfort

Discussion Questions What are some unexpected ways you have been comforted in times of difficulty or pain? How can we cultivate patience and trust in God's timing, even when it seems slow or uncertain? What's your perspective on God working through individuals deemed unworthy or flawed? How can we overcome our judgments and prejudices against them?


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