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Chess Journeys: Tales of Adult Improvement
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Chess Journeys: Tales of Adult Improvement

Author: Dr. Kevin Scull

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A podcast dedicated to the journey of adult chess improvement. Each week a guest will join me to discuss what has worked for them, what hasn't worked as well, and the status of their journey.
164 Episodes
Ep 78 Matthew (1850 USCF)

Ep 78 Matthew (1850 USCF)


This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Matthew. He’s a dedicated chess improver who picked up the game at 48. He initially struggled greatly, but with dedication and focused study, he has lifted his rating as high as 1900 USCF. Matthew spent a lot of time talking about the adult brain, its limitations, and how he has sought to overcome them. It was a wonderful interview for us older adult improvers that face the reality of slower data acquisition and processing power. Brain Resource: Be sure the check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
Ep. 164 Glenn (1000 USCF)

Ep. 164 Glenn (1000 USCF)


This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Glenn. He’s an adult improver using data analysis to augment his improvement. We discussed his journey starting at 750 USCF with the goal of making 1200. Glenn has worked on the London, tactics, and visualization. Recently, he’s built an Excel spreadsheet to drill himself on errors in his games. It’s a fun chat about perseverance through ratings loss and having fun improving. Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Ben Johnson, host of the Perpetual Chess Podcast. We talked about his recent chess journey, his thoughts on consistent play, and his new Chessable Course, Identifying Critical Moments. I also provide a brief tournament report from the Southern California Open, where I went 1-5. We briefly discussed the games and discussed the challenges of dealing with poor tournament performances. Ben’s Chessable Course: Ben’s book: Perpetual Chess Improvement Use this link and the code Scull20 for 20% off of your Chessbook purchases at Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Jan. He’s an adult improver with a career and horses to care for. He makes time for chess on his own time. We discussed his improvement approach which includes spending however much time he feels like spending with chess, studying with the Chess Dojo, and getting coaching through his Youtube channel: Chess Under Fire. Talking with Jan about chess improvement felt so free and fun.  Chess Under Fire Channel: Use this link and the code Scull20 for 20% off of your Chessbook purchases at Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
Ep. 161 Evan (2150 USCF)

Ep. 161 Evan (2150 USCF)


This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Evan. He’s a returning guest that is pursuing master. Evan shared how his own improvement process has changed in the last 2 years, and provided a lot of advice for chess improvers. He outlined a system for examining critical position, extolled the virtues of Johnathan Rowson’s books, praised endgame studies, highlighted the value of tactics training, and suggested less time with openings. We also explored handling emotions, especially while losing. He talked about his method of fully accepting a loss and then starting over with a new goal during lost positions. This one is full of actionable improvement advice. Use this link and the code Scull20 for 20% off of your Chessbook purchases at Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Nicholas. He’s a busy family man who gained 500 rating points in the last two years. We talked a lot about his main strategy of cycling tactics. He tried the 7 circles / woodpecker method many times during his life. But in the last 2 years, he has finished it twice. Both times resulted in large rating gains. He also talked about changing his openings to allow for more improvement, endgame work, and examining his games to find out where he is going wrong. Pump Up Your Rating helped him format an improvement program, and he has followed it with great success! Use this link and the code Scull20 for 20% off of your Chessbook purchases at Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Marc. He’s an adult improver trying to juggle life and chess. We had a great conversation about chess improvement. This included his suggestion of emulating a player, less opening theory, and listening to how better players process chess. Marc also explained his theory that our ratings are not a measure of our knowledge and overall skill. Rather ratings are a measure of our worst moves and ability to compete effectively. We also discussed letting go of rating and improvement goals. Marc claims that chess can be enjoyed by playing the game you love!  Check out Marc’s Youtube and Instgram accounts: and Use this link and the code Scull20 for 20% off of your Chessbook purchases at Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Paul. He’s a lawyer with a family trying to juggle his life and chess improvement. We talked about his approach to improvement which has included opening work, tactics, Silman’s endgame course, and rapid games. Lately, Paul has started a new project, examining classic games. He uses a new approach that he calls Common Law chess. Hiis approach starts by quickly playing through the game and then working backwards to understand the story of the game. It’s an intriguing approach that he outlines in his substack: thinkinglikeachessplayer. Paul’s Substack:  Use this link and the code Scull20 for 20% off of your Chessbook purchases at Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
Ep. 157 Julio (1300 USCF)

Ep. 157 Julio (1300 USCF)


This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Julio. He’s a middle school math teacher, adult improver, and newly minted senior. We talked about his massive ratings gains over the last 2 years, nearly 700 points. In fact, Julio gained 400 points in the last month!! We discussed his training regime, success at the senior open, and the chess program that he runs at his school.  Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Hooman. He’s a medical student that got into chess as a stress reliever. Hooman has seen massive rating gains in a short period. We talked about his improvement journey which is mostly instructional videos, playing a lot of rapid games, and some Chessable work. He talked about playing for the university team, chess in schools charity work, and his improvement journey. Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Joe. We talked a lot about his years long struggle to break through the beginner levels of chess. He felt frustrated by his lack of progress. We talked about his 5 step plan for improvement that has resulted in a lot of ratings success. His process focused on filing holes, learning basic chess strategy, basic endgames, and improving his tactics. Zen mode on Lichess and faith in doing the work were key components to his success. Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with John. He’s a 47 year old pastor trying to juggle life, family, and chess improvement. He spoke about his journey and resources that he found most useful. John highlighted Chess Tactics from Scratch and the Polgar mates book as two helpful resources. We also discussed a variety of topics such as agism in chess, the Chess Dojo, OTB vs. online chess, and chess coaching. Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Shannon. During the last 20 years, he’s picked up chess a few times. However, in the last year, at 50, he’s improved about 400 points. We talked about the different sources he uses, the importance of openings in his improvement, and the impact of being 50 on one’s development. Shannon has studied a lot but sometimes struggles with actually playing enough games.  Shannon’s Youtube channel - Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with CM Sandro, otherwise known as LionChess. We focused on his chess journey, pursuing the FM title, and his coaching journey. Sandro credits most of his improvement to the small habit of 5 intense puzzles a day and one rapid game. Especially intriguing is his coaching approach which involves levels based on learning that are not tied to rating gain. Be sure to check out Sandro’s Youtube: Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Kamryn, otherwise known as Kamryn Heidi on Youtube and Twitch. We talked about her journey since out last chat (ep. 73). Kamryn has continued to see ratings gains in blitz, bullet, and USCF. We also discussed our experiences at the National Open in Las Vegas last weekend. We both had an amazing time and had successful tournaments.  Check out Kamryn’s Youtube channel: Check out Kamryn’s Twitch channel: Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Omar, otherwise known as ChessVonDoom. We talked about his journey/addiction with playing chess. We discussed a wide range of issues from obsession, coaching, chess celebrity, thoughts of quitting chess, and chess commentary. It was a wide ranging episode with Omar’s positivity on full display. Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Jay Garrison about his meteoric rise from 1901 to 1907 in just 2 years! It was a great conversation about the pains of the pits of despair. Over a 2 year span, Jay hit his floor of 1700 twice, and he reflected on the pains it caused. Jay talked about his process, rethinking his process, and eventually overhauling his process. Now Jay spends most of his time turning knowledge into skill with a lot of blitz against higher rated opponents.  Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
Ep. 148 Dylan (1250 USCF)

Ep. 148 Dylan (1250 USCF)


This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Dylan. He’s a high school teacher, parent, and dedicated chess improver. In a few years, Dylan has gained a lot of ELO on Lichess. But we talked about his comparably low USCF rating. Dylan talked about resources that helped him on his journey such as Naroditsky, Chess Brahs, and Hanging Pawns videos. He also talked about running the chess club at his school and for his young child.  Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
Ep. 147 FM Ingvar Thor

Ep. 147 FM Ingvar Thor


This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Ingvar. He’s the assistant tournament director of the Reykjavik Open, FIDE trainer, and FIDE arbiter. We talked about his massive jumps in the early 2000’s and his quest to reach IM today. Ingvar recommended three books that he credits for a quick 300 point jump, especially Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy. Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.
Ep. 146 Noah (1750 ECF)

Ep. 146 Noah (1750 ECF)


This week on Chess Journeys, I spoke with Noah. Noah has gained about 500 points in the last year. We spent a lot of time discussing tactics training, and how Noah applies learning science to his approach. We talk talked about over the board chess, reading chess books, and his opening experiment. Spoiler alert, Noah has only worked out a black repertoire as part of an experiment. Noah’s friendly and energetic approach to learning is contagious! Use this link to purchase Next Level Training: Be sure to check out the Chess Journeys Merch Store! You can support the show and look amazing in the process. I’ve been streaming somewhat regularly on If you would like to be a guest on Chess Journeys, contact me on Twitter or fill out the following Google Form: As always you can support the show at  Also, be sure to check out my Chessable page at   If you are considering using Aimchess, please use the code drscull30.