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Chief Influencer

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Chief Influencer is a podcast that explores how today’s successful leaders inspire and influence others to make an impact in the world. They aren’t just Chief Executives, they’re “Chief Influencers.” We interview a range of leaders and uncover how they build authentic connections - both inside their organizations and beyond. Your next breakthrough idea may come from a Chief Influencer facing similar challenges in a completely different sector.
67 Episodes
This episode of Chief Influencer features Eric Pan, the President and CEO of the Investment Company Institute (ICI). The conversation explores Eric's background, including his roles with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, his tenure as a law professor, and his transition to leading ICI. Eric emphasizes how effective communication is crucial in addressing diverse audiences and achieving industry goals. Just because you aren’t an expert in a certain industry, doesn’t mean that you can’t understand certain topics. In addition, Eric shares how clear and respectful messaging tailored to different groups ensures that information is accessible and relevant. He highlights the role social media plays as a two-way communication tool, enabling organizations to not only share information but also gather valuable feedback from their audience. He shared that balancing factual data with emotional storytelling enhances engagement and makes complex topics more relatable. He emphasized that as technology continually evolves, adapting communication strategies to incorporate new tools and platforms is essential for staying current. Additionally, he noted that understanding and addressing stakeholder perspectives allows for more effective advocacy and aligns industry efforts with the needs and concerns of various groups.Takeaways:Be Genuine: When communicating complex information, be genuine in your enthusiasm and interest. Your passion can make others care about the topic too.Respect Different Viewpoints: Recognize that everyone has a valid perspective. Understanding and respecting those views can help in effectively communicating your message.Use Both Data and Stories: Combine logical data-driven points with emotional, human-interest stories. This dual approach can help you connect with a wider audience.Adapt Across Platforms: Different platforms attract different audiences. Being active on various social media channels like LinkedIn can help leaders reach a diverse set of stakeholders.Leverage Social Media Authentically: Treat your social media presence as an authentic voice for your opinions and initiatives. Use it to articulate key viewpoints and engage directly with your audience.Two-Way Communication: Influence is not just about pushing your message out but also about listening to feedback. Utilize platforms that allow for this two-way interaction.Empower Your Team: See social media as an organizational tool, not just an individual one. Encourage other members of your team to also have a voice and contribute to the collective message.Quote of the Show:“Just like fund investing is the democratization of finance, social media is the democratization of communication.” Links:LinkedIn: Website: 
In this special episode of Chief Influencer, hosted by Anthony Shop, we brought together four leaders from diverse sectors to share insights on inspiring, influencing, and connecting with communities. Today’s guests include Daniel Buezo, Founder and CEO of Kids of Immigrants, Jennifer Sirangelo, President and CEO of Points of Light, Jean-Claude Brizard, President and CEO of Digital Promise, and Gina Schaefer, Co-Owner of a Few Cool Hardware Stores and Author of Recovery Hardware. They discuss the importance of community, civic engagement, technology in education, and impactful events, from the Points of Light Awards to ComplexCon. Each guest emphasized the power of recognizing and supporting community efforts, fostering civic duties, and the mutual growth from leader-community interactions.Takeaways:Leverage Unexpected Ideas: Great ideas often come from unconventional places. Don't be afraid to look outside your immediate industry for inspiration and solutions.Serve and Build Community: Dedicate efforts to building and serving your community. As demonstrated, community support can be a driving force and provide invaluable inspiration.Embrace Continuous Learning: Never stop learning because each new experience brings valuable lessons. Even seasoned leaders can benefit from continuous education and reflection.Recognize and Empower Others: Recognize the extraordinary contributions of individuals in your community. Formal recognition can inspire and mobilize people towards community service.Utilize Technology Wisely: Use technology as an enabler to address challenges. Technology should complement and enhance your core vision and initiatives, not overshadow them.Foster Open Communication: Encourage open dialogues within your community and organization. Honest conversations can highlight critical issues and foster stronger relationships.Invest in Community Events: Hosting community events can significantly boost engagement and create a sense of belonging. It offers a platform for interaction that goes beyond traditional customer service.Links:Gina Schaefer: LinkedIn: Website:  Daniel Buezo: LinkedIn: Website: Jennifer Sirangelo: LinkedIn: Website: Jean-Claude BrizardLinkedIn: Website: 
Peggy Rajski is an Oscar-winning filmmaker and a founder of The Trevor Project, the first 24/7 suicide prevention organization dedicated to serving LGBTQ+ young people. She recently concluded her 18-month term as Interim CEO of The Trevor Project. During that time, she focused on expanding crisis intervention services, strengthening partnerships with SAMHSA and Vibrant Emotional Health for the national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, elevating Trevor’s prevention program strategy, and defeating anti-LGBTQ+ legislation through strategic advocacy. The Trevor Project remains a leading force in crisis intervention, driven by Peggy’s mission-first approach and commitment to leveraging storytelling for social impact. In celebration of her tenure and passing the baton to The Trevor Project’s new CEO, Jaymes Black, we are thrilled to resurface this interview with Peggy Rajski!In this insightful interview, Peggy discusses her inspiration for founding The Trevor Project after directing her Oscar-winning short film Trevor. She details the challenges and successes, including the crucial HBO airing with Ellen DeGeneres, and the night the first-ever 24/7 suicide prevention hotline for LGBTQ+ youth launched. She shares her thoughts on leadership, highlighting the importance of authenticity, allyship, and adaptability. Over 25 years, The Trevor Project has evolved with changes in media, and collaborated with notable figures like Daniel Radcliffe and Dylan Mulvaney. Peggy’s reflections underscore the power of passion, dedication, and resilience in making a significant impact.Takeaways:After directing the film Trevor, Peggy saw the massive need amongst LGBTQ+ youth for some kind of support system. This need was the inspiration behind forming The Trevor Project and its mission, “to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, & questioning young people.”The motivation for Peggy’s film was seeing that LGBTQ+ young people were four times as likely to make an attempt on their lives than their straight peers. Peggy knew that the medium of film could be uniquely used to educate people on this issue.The most important group Peggy had to reach was the young people in dire need of The Trevor Project. Crucial to this were the relationships Peggy built with voices in the media interested in this larger story. When Peggy realized that there was nowhere for LGBTQ+ youth to get specialized support, particularly with suicide prevention, the choice to take action and create resources was clear. It’s vital to share your message through communication channels already used by your audience. The night that Trevor was presented by Ellen DeGeneres and aired on HBO Family, The Trevor Project call center received over 1,500 calls.Honesty is integral to building a cohesive brand that can speak uniquely to different stakeholders, such as donors, staff, and those being served. This requires being clear and consistent on what the brand stands for and its mission.Evolving how you meet your audience where they are is critical. The Trevor Project expanded its services from primarily voice-based to chat-based. This mirrors the growing shift amongst younger generations toward text messaging. The Trevor Project must continuously adapt to the times to continue serving LGBTQ+ youth.Peggy considers the expertise built up within The Trevor Project to be “open source” as the organization sits on many boards and commissions to help protect the mental health needs of historically underserved groups.Leaders need to be storytellers every day of their lives, throughout meetings, introductions, etc. To be a great storyteller, you must be clear, concise, and compelling. Your stories should convey who you are, what you’re doing, and the difference you want to make. Quote of the Show:“Film can make you feel things. When it's working, it bypasses the brain and it goes to your heart.” - Peggy RajskiLinks:Twitter: LinkedIn: The Trevor Project Website: Shout Outs:Dr. Jay Nagdimon - Mental Health ExpertEllen DeGeneres - Comedian and TV PersonalityElton John - MusicianSting - MusicianDaniel Radcliffe - ActorDylan Mulvaney - Influencer and ActivistKara Swisher - Host of On With Kara SwisherScott Galloway - Author and Host of the Prof G PodHard Fork - PodcastLongform - PodcastThis American Life - PodcastSerial - PodcastSoul + Spirit - PodcastTen Percent Happier - PodcastTara Brach - Meditation teacher and Podcast Host
In this special episode of Chief Influencer, host Anthony Shop brings together highlights and lessons on LinkedIn from prominent leaders—Steven Taylor, President and CEO of the Arthritis Foundation, Johnny C. Taylor Jr., President and CEO of SHRM, Allan Golston, President of the United States Program at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Emma Wade-Smith, His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for North America and Consul General.The episode delves into how these leaders use LinkedIn to drive leadership and influence while maintaining authenticity. They discuss strategies for engaging with their team, combating isolation, and building a positive organizational culture through genuine interactions on LinkedIn. Key takeaways include the importance of authenticity, active engagement, and showing genuine care to leverage LinkedIn for impactful leadershipTakeaways:Prioritize Authentic Engagement: Engage genuinely on LinkedIn by responding personally to comments and messages. Avoid fake posts and always use your authentic voice, even if it includes typos.Listen with Heart and Mind: Show genuine interest in your team by listening to their concerns and taking actionable steps. Create structures that facilitate open communication, such as moving your office to a more accessible location.Two-Way Communication: Foster a two-way exchange on LinkedIn. Engage with followers by responding to their comments and questions, showing that you value their interaction.Personal Recognition: Use LinkedIn to recognize and uplift team members and colleagues by commenting on their achievements, birthdays, or work anniversaries. Personalized recognition can significantly boost morale.Thoughtful Content Sharing: Share content that resonates with your audience. Incorporate visuals like videos and images to grab attention. Avoid overliking, and engage meaningfully in conversations.Human-Centric Leadership: Demonstrate care for your team by acknowledging their hard work and involvement on social media. This builds a supportive and warm organizational culture.Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Stay open to trying new LinkedIn features and techniques to see what best resonates with your audience. Adapt and innovate continuously to keep your engagement fresh and meaningful.Links:Steven Taylor,LinkedIn: Website: Johnny C. Taylor JrLinkedIn: Website: Allan GolstonLinkedIn: Website: Emma-Wade Smith LinkedIn: Website: 
In today’s episode host Anthony Shop introduces Brooks Bell, a technology entrepreneur who shifted her career focus after being diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at age 38. Brooks founded Lead From Behind, a campaign powered by the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, aimed at destigmatizing colonoscopies through celebrity awareness, significantly increasing public participation in the screening. She also discusses her new venture, Worldclass Clothing, designed to make colonoscopies more approachable and funding procedures for underinsured communities. The conversation highlights the importance of early detection, effective health communication, and leveraging humor and celebrity influence in public health campaigns. Takeaways:Identify Influencers: When promoting an initiative, identify key influencers whose personal stories or backgrounds align with your cause. This can significantly enhance the credibility and reach of your campaign. For example, the success of having Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney involved in the colonoscopy campaign shows the impact celebrities can have in normalizing and promoting essential but often stigmatized procedures.Leverage Personal Stories: Personal experiences can be powerful advocacy tools. Brooks Bell used her diagnosis of stage 3 colon cancer to inspire and educate others about colon health. Leaders should explore how personal stories within their organization or community can be leveraged to advance their mission.Stay Informed and Adapt Regulations: Awareness of regulatory changes is crucial. For instance, the change in the recommended screening age for colonoscopies from 50 to 45 in 2021 highlights the importance of staying informed about updates. This allows leaders to make timely and relevant adjustments in their advocacy and policies.Rebrand for Broader Appeal: Sometimes, a new brand or sub-brand can effectively reach a wider audience. Brooks Bell's insight to create Lead From Behind, a brand that doesn't mention colon, rectal, or cancer, made the message more appealing to healthy individuals who might not typically engage with cancer-related content.Highlight Positive Outcomes: Emphasizing the positive results of an action can encourage participation. For example, informing people that their colonoscopy showed no signs of disease means they won't have to think about it for another decade can motivate them to get screened. Leaders can highlight these long-term benefits to promote engagement.Collaborate with Experts: Collaborations with agencies or experts in branding and public relations can significantly enhance a campaign. The partnership with Maximum Effort, a film production company owned by Ryan Reynolds, to build and launch Lead From Behind demonstrates how expert involvement can create a strong, recognizable brand.Quote of the Show:"Cancer is sad and scary. Before my diagnosis, recognizing my mindset then, that's the audience we need to reach. We had to create something people would wear that's funny and energizes the cause without making them uncomfortable. Links:LinkedIn: Instagram: Website: Shout Outs:Colorectal Cancer Alliance: Bell Inc: Worldclass Clothing Website: Worldclass Clothing Instagram: Maximum Effort: Ryan Reynolds Rob McElhaneyZocDocs: The Awkward Conversation That Led to My Colon Cancer Diagnosis at Age 38:
Host Anthony Shop interviews the Honorable Jacques Pitteloud, Switzerland's Ambassador to the United States. Since his appointment in 2019, Ambassador Pitteloud has leveraged his extensive Foreign Service career since 1987, serving in diverse locations such as Saudi Arabia, Kenya, and Uganda. Pitteloud passionately discusses his mission to redefine perceptions of Switzerland. He underscores the robust economic and technological bonds between Switzerland and the U.S., underscoring the need to tailor communications for different cultural contexts.Addressing the evolving landscape of diplomacy, Pitteloud highlights his innovative use of social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube to foster engagement and transparency. Drawing from his leadership experience across organizations of varying scales, he advocates for public education as a tool against misinformation, emphasizing the importance of trust in leadership.Takeaways:Embrace Social Media: Leaders should be willing to leverage social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to communicate their messages effectively. While there's a risk, approaching it with positivity and humor can significantly enhance engagement and brand image.Adapt Communication Style: It is crucial to understand and adapt to different communication styles based on cultural and linguistic contexts. Tailoring your message to fit the audience's expectations can build stronger connections and trust.Trust Your Team: Building trust within your team is essential. Start by assuming that your team members are competent and letting them do their jobs. Micromanaging can stifle creativity and productivity.Stay Educated: Continuous learning is vital for effective leadership. Regularly reading and staying informed about industry trends, history, and current events can provide a deeper understanding and better decision-making.Balance Personal and Professional Brands: Authenticity in leadership can be enhanced by blending personal passions and professional responsibilities wisely. Sharing personal interests or hobbies can make leaders more relatable and approachable.Address Misinformation Strategically: Given the rise of misinformation, it is vital to educate your audience and provide well-analyzed, contextually rich information. Immediate responses are less valuable than meaningful interpretations of events.Lead with Humor and Positivity: Humor and positivity in communication can make leaders more approachable and their messages more memorable. Self-deprecating humor, in particular, helps create a connection without offending others.Quote of the Show:"There are so many embassies, so many countries vying for two minutes of attention from decision-makers. How do you distinguish yourself from the crowd? If social media is a means to achieve that, as long as it remains nice, decent, and sometimes even funny— why not? So, we made the video, and suddenly it was reaching hundreds of thousands. There were a few other instances, and then there was the Instagram thing. On We Are The Embassy of Switzerland, which I never thought would reach the 3.4 million mark. I mean, if Kim Kardashian needs some paying advice from me, she can call me."Links:LinkedIn: Website: Shout Outs:Marcellus Rolle: Swiss Impact USA: Washington Post Article Featuring Ambassador Pitteloud’s Bird Painting:'s (not Sweden's) Impact in the United States Video: Wall Street Journal: 
Today, we are honored to host Dr. E. Anders Kolb, President and CEO of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).With a distinguished background as a pediatric hematologist oncologist, Dr. Kolb's journey is intertwined with a deeply personal commitment—fueled by his wife's battle with follicular lymphoma—to eradicating these diseases. Today, he leads LLS with a vision that combines compassionate patient care with pioneering research.In this episode, Dr. Kolb shares his insights on fostering community engagement, driving scientific innovation, and advocating for health equity. His leadership style, marked by empathy and a steadfast dedication to improving patient outcomes, underscores his role in guiding one of the most influential organizations in cancer research and patient support.Takeaways:Embrace a Learner's Mindset: Always approach new situations with a willingness to learn, listen before acting, and consider experts' opinions. This mindset fosters continuous growth and effective problem-solving.Understand the Business: Take the time to deeply understand the business operations and challenges, even if it requires a significant investment of time, such as through a listening tour or similar initiative.Stay Connected to the Mission: Ensure that all team members remain focused on the organization's mission. Start meetings with a "mission moment" to ground everyone in the purpose of their work, which can keep the team inspired and aligned.Advocate for Patients and Families: As a healthcare organization, always prioritize the needs of patients and families in your initiatives. This strengthens any organization's credibility and trustworthiness and ensures that efforts are patient-centered.Inspire Through Communication: Use empathy in your interactions to connect emotionally with your team and motivate them. Sharing patient stories and emphasizing the impact of their work can enhance commitment and drive.Lead by Example: Demonstrate humility and a willingness to learn from others, regardless of your position. This leadership style fosters a collaborative environment and encourages others to adopt a similar approach.Solve the Big Problems: Lean into the challenges faced by the community you serve. Collect stories and data to identify systemic issues and work collaboratively to find meaningful solutions. This approach ensures that the organization addresses the root causes of problems effectively.Quote of the Show: "In our company meetings, we always start with a mission moment, grounding ourselves in the patient experience and celebrating exciting innovations from our research funding. This ensures everyone is present, inspired, and ready to dive into our work."Links:LinkedIn: Website: Shout Outs:Nemours Children’s Health: Sidney Kimmel Medical College: Today: Philadelphia Magazine: SEMA: Fast Company: AKACA: Myeloma Link: PedAL: FDA: 
In this episode, host Anthony Shop introduces Bryan Corbett, President and CEO of MFA, the voice of the global alternative investment industry. The conversation explores Bryan's extensive background in both public and private sectors, including his tenure at the Carlyle Group and his role in the George W. Bush administration. Key topics include the significance of alternative investments, MFA's approach to member engagement, effective communication strategies, and leveraging social media. Bryan also shares insights on leadership philosophy, teamwork, and accountability, offering valuable lessons for leaders on internal and external influence, underscored by the importance of clear goals and consistent communication.Takeaways:Effective Communication: Emphasize the importance of clear and focused communication, both internally within the organization and externally with stakeholders. This includes tailoring messages for different audiences and ensuring they are concise and relevant.Member Engagement: Develop a coverage model where each member is assigned an executive responsible for maintaining the relationship. This personalized approach ensures members feel valued and addresses their specific needs.Proactive Media Strategy: Highlight the shift from a reactive to a proactive media strategy, stressing the importance of conveying the industry’s message first, building media relationships, and preparing for TV appearances with clear, simple messages.Utilizing Social Media: Illustrate the significance of using LinkedIn for outreach and communication to maintain relationships and share key content effectively.Goals and Accountability: Establish clear, organization-wide goals that cascade to individual teams, fostering alignment, accountability, and performance tracking. This practice was essential for building trust and ensuring focus on shared objectives.Team Collaboration and Leadership: Leverage team input and foster a collaborative environment in leadership style. Recognizing the value of collective insights, empowerment of the team drives better decision-making.Adapting Practices from Other Industries: Implement a coverage model borrowed from investment banks to enhance member engagement. This adaptability demonstrates the importance of learning from other industries' practices and customizing them to fit organizational needs.Quote of the Show:"Whenever there's skepticism, you have to address it. It's not just about having a good story; you need the data and research to back it up." Links:LinkedIn: Shout Outs:Carlisle: CNBC’s Squawkbox: Washington Post: Noah Theron: President George W. BushThe White House: 
In this episode, Maya Ajmera, President and CEO of Society for Science and Executive Publisher of Science News, shares her inspiring journey. From founding the Global Fund for Children at just 23 years old to revitalizing Society for Science, Maya has pioneered impactful initiatives. This show highlights her role in establishing a vast grassroots network for vulnerable children, her strategic transformation of the Science News Media Group and her work ensuring a strong future for the Society’s world-class STEM competitions. Maya's leadership emphasizes the power of storytelling and community engagement in education and youth empowerment, offering valuable advice on fostering entrepreneurial spirit and leveraging storytelling for influence in leadership roles.Takeaways:Empower Your Team: Hire exceptionally smart people and give them the freedom and support to innovate. Allow them to bring their best ideas forward and give them opportunities to take initiative.Leverage Storytelling: Storytelling is a powerful tool for making connections and influencing others. Personal, relatable stories can build lasting connections and help convey your organization's mission and values.Promote Community Building: Actively reach out to and engage with your community members, whether alumni, employees, or partners. Building an organic, engaged community can lead to valuable collaborations and stronger support for your mission.Innovate Through Feedback: Listen attentively to your audience's needs and adapt your products and services accordingly. Engaging with your users, like teachers or students, can provide critical insights that drive innovation and improvement.Develop Young Talent: Create programs and opportunities to bring in and nurture young talent. Encouraging project-based learning and offering platforms for young people to showcase their skills can lead to the discovery and development of future leaders.Capitalize on Serendipity: Be open to opportunities that arise unexpectedly. Networking and building relationships in unconventional situations can lead to significant support and partnerships.Intrapreneurial Culture: Foster an intrapreneurial spirit within your organization. Encourage your team members to think like entrepreneurs, bring their ideas to the table, and drive projects that can transform and grow the organization.Quote of the Show:“Failure gives you more answers than you know. Science opened my mind to new ways of thinking about the world.”Links:Twitter: @mayaajmeraLinkedIn: Personal Website: Company Website: Shout Outs:The Global Fund for Children: https://globalfundforchildren.orgScience News Media Group: Regeneron: Regeneron Science Talent Search: Back to School: Breath We Take: from Australia to Zimbabwe: Academy of Arts and Sciences: Science Board: Duke University: The Aspen Institute: Henry Crown Fellowship: Echoing Green Fellowship: Richard B. Fisher: Former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Dr. Prem Parkash SehgalDr. Vickers BurdettDr. Margaret HollydayJohn Hecklinger: Co-CEO of Global Fund for ChildrenHayley Roffey: Co-CEO of Global Fund for Children  Kennedy Odede: Founder and CEO of Shining Hope for CommunitiesMeg Garlinghouse: Vice President, Social Impact for LinkedIn Dr. Cheryl Dorsey: President of Echoing Green Wendy Young: President of Kids in Need of Defense 
Congressman and Chief Influencer Andy Kim was recently victorious in the NJ primary election for the United States Senate representing the Third Congressional District of New Jersey. Congratulations, Congressman Kim! In celebration of his achievement, we are pleased to revisit his insightful interview with our host, Anthony Shop, from earlier in the campaign season. As we approach Independence Day, it's inspiring to see leaders like Congressman Kim embodying the spirit of service and dedication to our nation.In this episode, Congressman Kim delves into his journey from serving in various government roles, including at the Pentagon and in Afghanistan, to campaigning for the United States Senate. As a career public servant and the first Democratic member of Congress of Korean descent, Congressman Kim emphasizes the importance of integrity, bipartisanship, and advocacy for democracy. He discussed his legal battle against New Jersey's 'county line' ballot system to promote fairness in elections. He also reflected on the personal and professional challenges faced when taking a stand against party norms. Highlighting the profound impact of his efforts to maintain the Capitol's dignity post-January 6th, Congressman Kim stresses the significance of authenticity and connecting with constituents through storytelling. He also delved into the critical need for leadership that embraces risk, engages with diverse perspectives, and is rooted in a commitment to public service and democratic values. Congressman Kim emphasized the power of showing up, engaging earnestly in both digital and physical spaces, and maintaining a commitment to service above self.Takeaways:Leaders should always remember they are part of something larger than themselves. Engaging in public service or contributing to communal goals can guide decisions and actions, fostering a holistic approach to leadership.In today's digital age, leaders need to be physically present and authentically engage through digital platforms. Direct access to social media allows leaders to showcase their genuine selves, building trust and rapport with their audience.A key characteristic of influential leaders is their ability to take calculated risks after considering all available information. This willingness to step into the unknown while being informed can lead to monumental changes and growth.Through storytelling, leaders can connect deeper, sharing personal motivations and beliefs. This cultivates a stronger, more personal connection with the audience, allowing leaders to communicate and inspire action effectively.Creating an environment where honest and diverse opinions are valued is crucial for leaders. This ensures a well-rounded understanding of situations and fosters a culture of openness and trust.Leaders must learn to be comfortable with discomfort to cultivate resilience and adaptability. This ability allows them to navigate challenges more effectively and take bold steps when needed.By recognizing and valuing the contributions of others, leaders can foster teamwork and collective success. Leadership is not about individual accolades but about collaboratively working towards common goals.Quote of the Show:“If you're only having comfortable conversations in life, it means you're not talking to everyone you should be talking to.” - Congressman Andy KimLinks:LinkedIn:  Andy Kim for New Jersey (Website): US Congress - Andy Kim: Shout Outs:The Pentagon: The U.S. Department of State: The White House National Security Council: The U.S. Military: Behind the viral photo of Rep. Andy Kim: President Barack Obama on LinkedIn: Susan Rice on LinkedIn: General David H. Petraeus on LinkedIn: General John R. Allen: 
Authentic leadership originates from one's core character and values, which guide their actions and decisions. Embracing this approach enhances leadership effectiveness. It demands deep self-understanding and acceptance, as this authenticity steers our choices and inspires others.In our latest episode, Dr. Gregory Fowler, President of the University of Maryland Global Campus, joins host Anthony Shop to discuss how authenticity impacts leaders and allows us to create connections with our audiences. Tune in to discover how authenticity inspires us all to be positive influences and shape a future where genuine self-expression leads to greater empowerment.Takeaways:Lifelong learning and adapting to new challenges are important for any leader. Leaders should model this by continuously seeking new knowledge and encouraging a culture of ongoing education within their organizations.Learning practical skills can support any type of professional growth. These skills empower individuals to adapt, innovate, and excel in their careers, laying a solid foundation for long-term success and versatility in a dynamic work environment.Intentional and transparent educational design is crucial for success. By clearly communicating the objectives and benefits, individuals can understand the path to their goals.Be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of diverse populations. This includes providing accommodations or flexibility as support.Social media platforms can be a valuable tool for sharing success stories and connecting with potential audiences. By elevating real experiences, institutions can inspire and motivate others.The traditional residential college experience is evolving, with more students seeking flexible, online, and competency-based education. Schools must adapt to this shift by offering programs that meet the needs of today's learners.Leadership is often influenced by personal experiences and the support of family and community. Leaders can draw strength and inspiration from their backgrounds and use these stories to connect with and inspire others.Quote of the Show: (Options)“I say that we have to be like Sherpas on a mountain. We have to be capable. We can't climb the mountain for you, but we can climb it with you.”Links:LinkedIn: UMGC Website: Shout Outs:Roy Romer: WGU PioneerMichael Okerlund Leavitt: Founder of WGUWGU: Graw
In this compelling episode, we are joined by Cary Hatch, a revered entrepreneur and brand advocate who has transformed MDB Communications into an industry powerhouse and now serves as Senior Counsel at Hart. Cary shares her journey from purchasing her employer at age 30, to leading through numerous economic challenges, and building robust relationships. Recognized among the 100 most powerful people in Washington. She’s been named to the Washington Business Journal's Power 100 and is an American Advertising Federation Silver Medal honoree. Cary offers invaluable lessons in grit, leadership, and influence. From advising on managing corporate reputations to reflecting on the evolving role of consumers, Cary underscores the need for leaders to blend financial fluency with strategic communication to navigate today's complex business landscape. Tune in for a deep dive into the intersection of marketing, governance, and consumer engagement, and learn why having a communications expert on your board could be crucial for your brand's success.  Takeaways:Fear of failure is a very powerful feeling. Instead of letting it paralyze you, use it as fuel to propel yourself forward. Leveraging this fear can drive your determination and commitment to succeed against the odds.Give yourself permission to try, ask questions, and learn. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and seek new knowledge. Continuous learning and curiosity are crucial for personal and professional growth.Be fluent in the language you need to gain a seat at the table and be taken seriously. Understanding metrics, terms, topics, and even, “board speak” is essential to communicate the value of marketing and communications effectively. This fluency bridges the gap between marketers and others, fostering better collaboration.Overperform to ensure that you're memorable, and overdeliver to ensure that you're taken seriously. Exceeding expectations ensures that you stand out in your field and build a strong personal and professional reputation. Consistently delivering exceptional results will solidify your credibility and influence.Not everything important is measurable and not everything measurable is important. Focus on setting both hard and soft metrics to evaluate success comprehensively. Understand that qualitative impacts can be just as crucial as quantitative ones in driving long-term value.Know the intersection of your brand and your customers' needs, both internally and externally. Aligning your brand's values with the genuine needs and concerns of your audience builds trust and loyalty. Demonstrating this alignment through actions rather than mere statements is key to authenticity.Over-delivering for your customer fosters strong, lasting relationships. Going above and beyond in your service or product offerings can transform transactional interactions into loyal partnerships. Small, thoughtful actions that surprise and delight your customers leave a lasting positive impression.Quote of the Show:“For the people who are always told what they can't do, and then they prevail, that's what inspires me.” Links:Twitter: LinkedIn: Personal Website: Business Website: Shout Outs: Spencer Stuart: https://www.spencerstuart.comHarvard Business Review: Edelman Trust Barometer: RepTrack: Liz WaingerShelley Lazarus: Former Chairman of Ogilvy Mather Cricket Whitton: CEO of SpanxJohn Hedricks: Former Chairman of Discovery Inc. Ted Leonsis: CEO of Monumental Sports & EntertainmentKevin Plank: Founder and Executive Chairman of Under Armour
Allan Golston is the President of the United States Program at The Gates Foundation. The foundation is dedicated to advancing educational opportunities and ensuring equitable academic and economic outcomes for all students, particularly those from low-income backgrounds and students of color. Allan's unique leadership approach hinges on the power of influence through reciprocity, authenticity, and storytelling. In today's episode, Allan delves into his career journey from public accounting to philanthropy, the importance of building trusted partnerships, the evolution of leadership styles, and leveraging digital platforms like LinkedIn for reciprocal influence. Stay tuned to gain valuable insights on balancing data-driven decision-making with personal storytelling to drive impactful change and the importance of creating authentic connections in both personal and professional spheres.Takeaways:Treat leadership as a continuous practice, not a destination, and continuously strive for self-improvement. Allan Golston emphasizes that leadership is an ongoing process. He makes it a point to learn and grow each day, preparing to be even better the next day. This practice of self-reflection and ongoing improvement can help leaders stay dynamic, relevant, and effective.Be authentic in your leadership and influence based on genuine interactions rather than projecting a persona. Early in his career, Golston found that employers expected employees to project a certain persona or dress a certain way as part of instilling confidence in clients. However, as his career evolved, he realized that authenticity became crucial for effective leadership as his responsibilities grew. Leaders should focus on genuine connections and interactions, which build trust and authenticity.Embrace a two-way influence model. Listen and be open to being influenced while also trying to influence others. This influence needs to be reciprocal. Authentic listening and a willingness to be influenced are as important as trying to guide or direct others. This approach builds mutual respect and understanding.To drive meaningful impact, deeply understand your audience. This is crucial for making informed and impactful decisions. Leaders must invest time learning about their internal and external teams and stakeholders and broader audiences to tailor their actions and communications effectively.Aim to ensure equitable outcomes in your leadership practice and organizational goals. Leaders should prioritize creating inclusive environments and opportunities that benefit all, especially the underrepresented or marginalized groups.Openly share your personal stories and learn from the stories of others. This practice fosters a deeper connection and understanding within the team, helping to build a cohesive and empathetic workplace culture.Start interactions with personal concerns and show genuine interest in your team’s well-being. Instead of diving straight into work-related discussions, begin with personal conversations. Asking about someone's well-being or family circumstances shows empathy and builds a culture of care and support.Quote of the Show:“I fundamentally believe that influence has two key dimensions. Number one is that it has to be reciprocal. You have to be open to being influenced as much as you are trying to influence. The second is that you have to know when it’s best to influence directly or empower others to influence and carry the critical messages.” - Allan GolstonLinks:LinkedIn: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Website): Outs:Stryker: Harley-Davidson: Aspen Institute - The Henry Crown Fellowship Program: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: The William Jewell College: John Lewis: 
Max Friedman is the Co-Founder and CEO of Givebutter, an all-in-one nonprofit fundraising and CRM platform that has powered nearly $2 billion in donations. Having started the company in his college dorm room, Max's journey highlights the blend of self-taught technical skills and a mission-driven approach to make online giving fun, social, and transparent. In this episode, you’ll learn how Givebutter's unique branding and commitment to transparency have contributed to its success and how Max's leadership strategies, especially in a remote work environment, emphasize values and culture to drive impact and growth. Additionally, Max shares insightful advice on engaging the next generation of donors, adapting nonprofits to modern fundraising techniques, and the importance of building a strong team culture even when remote. Tune in to discover how Givebutter is revolutionizing the fundraising landscape and inspiring change across the nonprofit sector.Takeaways:Transparency should be a throughline in everything you do, from your mission to your operational policies. Ensure your team and customers have a clear view of your pricing, product roadmap, and internal guidelines. Implement transparent pricing models and make your company's mission and vision public. Consider making internal documents like handbooks and guides accessible to everyone, including potential new hires and the public.Even in a fully remote environment, creating a strong and cohesive culture is possible by establishing clear values, vision, and operational guidelines that everyone understands and adheres to. Develop a comprehensive handbook that includes your company’s mission, vision, values, and operational rules. Use this as a cornerstone to onboard new employees and to maintain cultural consistency.Personal connections can significantly enhance your fundraising efforts. Utilize peer-to-peer fundraising to tap into personal networks, making it easy for individuals to share your cause within their communities. Develop programs that encourage your supporters to become ambassadors for your nonprofit. Provide them with easy-to-use tools to share their experiences and solicit donations from their networks.Create a feedback loop where customer inputs are regularly collected, analyzed, and acted upon. Ensure they are communicated back to the customers once improvements are made. Implement a system to aggregate customer feedback and make it publicly accessible so that users can see the status of requested features or reported issues. Notify customers when their feedback has led to concrete changes or new features.Recognize that remote work requires flexibility and autonomy. Understand that employees value the ability to manage their schedules and workflows in a way that suits them best. Encourage flexible working hours and remote work options. Set clear expectations upfront about what remote work entails and provide support for employees to adapt to this mode of working.Utilize platforms like Slack to create interactive channels that mimic the social aspects of an in-person office. These channels can include common interests like pets, sports, and hobbies to foster connections. Create multiple Slack channels around different topics and encourage employees to join. Introduce standing social meetings where employees can connect informally.Building and maintaining personal relationships is critical in fundraising. A simple thank you call soon after a donation can significantly increase the likelihood of future donations. Implement a process where donors receive a personalized thank you call or message within 24 hours of their donation. Use this as an opportunity to build a genuine relationship rather than just an impersonal transaction.Quote of the Show:“Break through the noise and get the next generation of modern changemakers involved.”Links:LinkedIn: Givebutter Website: Shout Outs:Forbes: The George Washington University: Children's Miracle Network Hospitals: The Nonprofit Marketing Summit: Bessemer Venture Partners (BVP) Forge: Zilker Metropolitan Park: The New England Patriots: Tom BradyPatrick Mahomes
Shawn Martin is the Executive Vice President and CEO of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), a medical specialty organization representing 130,000 family physicians and medical students nationwide. In his role, Shawn provides strategic leadership to the AAFP and directs the mission-driven work of the nation's largest primary care organization. In this episode, Shawn shares his journey from being the son of a rural family physician to heading the AAFP, discusses the evolving role of leaders in the digital age, and explains his strategies for managing stakeholder dynamics and combating misinformation. Shawn also explains his innovative communication approaches, including using media ambassadors, and how he balances personal and professional branding on social media. Listen to gain insights into consistent and disciplined communication and the importance of being present and relevant as a leader in a digital world.Takeaways:Cultivate and train members within your organization to become media ambassadors. This strengthens your message through authentic, expert voices, enhancing brand presence and credibility.Establish a predictable communication rhythm with your team, board, and external stakeholders. This will build trust and ensure that your message is clear and cohesive across all channels.Leaders should engage in social media to authentically represent their brand and connect with their audience on a personal level.Promote and amplify expert voices within your field to position your organization as a reliable source of truth. This will counter misinformation and build public trust.Regular media training for your spokespeople can vastly improve their effectiveness in representing your brand accurately and positively in public forums.Whether it's celebrating new members or industry achievements, taking time to recognize and honor these moments fosters a positive organizational culture and strengthens community ties.Stay true to yourself and your organizational values while remaining relevant and engaged in the current discourse. This will humanize your brand and strengthen connections with your audience.Quote of the Show:“Leaders have to be relatable in the modern social media era. People want to know that you're not always scripted, and you're out there, you have opinions, and you're willing to engage in this public discourse that's taking place.” - Shawn MartinLinks:LinkedIn: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) - Website: Shout Outs:Modern Healthcare: The Hill: Family Doctor: JAMA Network: Adam Grant: Kobe BryantJP Morgan: 
The majority of us stream music as part of our daily routines, often without considering the intricate process that enables us to access our favorite tracks. Drawing upon his expertise in streaming policy from the UK and beyond, Graham Davies is the President and CEO of DiMA, the Digital Media Association, in the United States. He shares why we should care about streaming and highlights its diverse stakeholders, particularly focusing on the creators of the music itself.With a focus on promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in the music industry, Graham leverages his influential position to advocate for policy changes that support a fair and balanced music streaming environment.In this episode, Graham joins host Anthony Shop to discuss the imperative for leaders to embrace ongoing change through strategic development, problem-solving, and a continuous pursuit of learning and listening. They also explore the importance of fostering open communication and integrating diverse perspectives to foster collaborative and innovative solutions.Takeaways:Leaders should view change as an opportunity for growth and seek new challenges to push their and their organization's boundaries.Fostering an open and collaborative environment is crucial for innovation. In order to achieve industry-wide progress leaders need to bring different stakeholders together and emphasize the importance of collective effort to reach shared goals.Building and maintaining relationships across an industry facilitates mutual understanding and cooperation. Collaborating with various entities leads to more holistic and beneficial outcomes for all involved.Clear and effective communication is foundational for influence and leadership. Sharing a vision and ensuring it's understood is essential for rallying support and driving change.Understanding differing perspectives and striving for compromise is vital in negotiations and leadership. Thus, recognizing the importance of compromise ensures that leaders achieve sustainable solutions.Leadership requires a clear strategic vision and direction. It is a necessity to have a strong, forward-thinking plan to guide organizational and industry evolution.Optimism and resilience in the face of challenges encourage progress and innovation. Leaders need to understand the value of perseverance in achieving long-term goals.Quote of the Show:“As a leader, you've got to be open at all times to hearing what people have to say.” - Graham DaviesLinks:LinkedIn: The Digital Media Association (DiMA): Shout Outs:The Ivors Academy: PRS for Music: The UK Council Of Music Makers: The British Copyright Council: ASCAP: Amazon Music: Apple Music: Feed FM: Pandora: Spotify: YouTube: The Black Music Action Coalition: The Music Artists Coalition: The GRAMMYs: The Graduate School of Political Management - College of Professional Studies at The George Washington University: Jacob Collier: Björn Ulvaeus from ABBA on LinkedIn: 
Jeffery J. Mondak is a renowned professor of political science at The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He is known for his research on misinformation and his creative approach as a poet and songwriter for children.In today’s episode, Jeffery and host Anthony Shop explore the impact of misinformation and the value of diversity and creativity in leadership. Jeffery shares compelling findings from his recent research on misinformation, revealing how nearly half of Americans struggle to differentiate between fact and opinion, highlighting the implications for leaders in navigating today's complex information landscape.Jeffery highlights the impact of education, political bias, and misinformation on public opinion and societal divisions. Additionally, he reflects on his unique journey into children's poetry and songwriting, emphasizing the power of engagement and creativity in education. He underscores the value of inclusivity, critical and creative thinking, and the necessity of fostering a culture that appreciates diverse perspectives for richer, more effective outcomes.Takeaways:A true leader remains a lifelong student, openly admitting there's always more to learn from others, especially those they lead. Leaders need to understand the value of being open to new perspectives and ideas and effective leadership involves mutual influence and learning.Encourage teams to think both critically and creatively. Empowering individuals to analyze and innovate ensures that they're not just consuming information but are actively engaging with it and contributing valuable insights.Successfully navigating today's complex information environment requires distinguishing fact from opinion and recognizing one's own biases. Leaders need to train their teams in these skills, promoting a culture of critical discernment and open-mindedness towards different viewpoints.A vibrant, innovative team is built on diversity. This goes beyond demographic factors to include diversity in thought, perspective, and experience. Incorporating new viewpoints fosters growth and breakthroughs, preventing stagnation.Involving team members in problem-solving and decision-making processes boost creativity and ownership. A participatory approach to leadership cultivates a more dynamic and committed team.Challenges and obstacles are opportunities for growth and creative problem-solving. Drawing inspiration from unexpected sources or situations leads to breakthrough findings and solutions.Establishing a shared understanding of facts is crucial before delving into interpretations or strategic decisions. As leaders, ensuring that your team agrees on the factual basis of discussions can facilitate more productive and less polarized outcomes.Quote of the Show:“Leaders should keep in mind it's perfectly reasonable for people to have different points of view on things. There's this tendency in all realms when people interact, to think; if you disagree with me, I'm right and you're wrong.” - Jeffery J. MondakLinks:The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Jeffery J. Mondak: Nothing to Read, Newspapers and Elections in a Social Experiment (Book Link): The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Website: Matthew Mettler & Jeffery J. Mondak - Fact-opinion differentiation: Jeffery J. Mondak - Study: Americans struggle to distinguish factual claims from opinions amid partisan bias: Shout Outs:NPR: Society Of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators: American Association of Physics Teachers: Matt Mettler - The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: The Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review: Billboard Hot 100: University of Pittsburgh: 
Johnny C. Taylor serves as the President and CEO of SHRM, a global organization dedicated to advocating for the interests of workers and workplaces. With a membership of 325,000 individuals spanning 165 countries, SHRM is a leading authority and convener on contemporary workplace issues, impacting millions of workers and families worldwide.At the core of Johnny's leadership philosophy lies a belief in the transformative potential of personal branding and workplace civility. He underscores the importance of authenticity, urging leaders to remain true to themselves across professional and personal spheres. Johnny distinguishes himself as a leader committed to fostering positive influence and meaningful connections by prioritizing trust and civility.In today’s episode, Johnny shares his approach to embracing change and prioritizing his digital presence. He discusses the challenges of navigating difficult conversations and promoting inclusivity while highlighting the strategic significance of personal branding in cultivating trust and influence. Moreover, Johnny offers insights into modern leadership complexities, advocating for embracing change and exploring the integration of AI in the workforce.Takeaways:The world is evolving rapidly, and leaders must cultivate a mindset that welcomes change as an opportunity for growth and innovation. By practicing adaptability, leaders can navigate challenges and seize new opportunities more effectively.Authenticity is crucial in today’s workplace. Leaders need to be genuine, transparent, and true to their values. This builds trust and credibility, creating a stronger connection with their teams.The shift to remote and hybrid work models has shown the importance of trusting employees. Leaders should focus on outcomes rather than monitoring every step, fostering an environment of empowerment and respect.Disagreements are inevitable, but how we handle them makes all the difference. Leaders should promote healthy, respectful discourse and encourage teams to 'disagree better,' enhancing collaboration and understanding.Inclusion goes beyond diversity numbers. It’s about making every individual feel valued and heard. Leaders must strive to create workplaces where everyone feels they belong, contributing to a more cohesive and productive environment.With AI and automation reshaping job landscapes, leaders must guide their teams toward embracing new technologies. This includes identifying new skill requirements and preparing employees for future challenges and opportunities.Leaders should prioritize effective policy-making that benefits the workforce and the organization over political considerations. This approach ensures decisions are made based on data, fairness, and the company's and its people's long-term well-being.Quote of the Show:“We have to create an environment where we can disagree better. Where we can have a civil conversation, and that doesn't mean you compromise on your values and what you believe in.” - Johnny C. TaylorLinks:LinkedIn: SHRM Website: Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval (Book link): Shout Outs:Roy Abdo on LinkedIn: Digital Revamp (Website): 
Steven Taylor is the President and CEO of the Arthritis Foundation, an organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the lives of nearly 60 million Americans with arthritis. They align advocacy and science with patient priorities, drive progress through awareness, education, and research, and empower individuals with arthritis to live fuller lives.Steven delves into his unique approach, characterized by his unwavering commitment to cultivating a supportive community, both internally and externally, while discussing their utilization of social media as a valuable tool for amplifying their mission. At the core of Taylor's leadership is a profound empathy, drawn from his personal journey, which drives his pursuit of impactful transformation.Stay tuned to gain valuable insights into empathetic leadership, the significance of building inclusive communities, and the lasting effects of genuine care and recognition. Steven emphasizes the importance of enjoying life, saying yes to more, and saying no to less, highlighting the need for mutual inspiration and collaboration. This encapsulates the core of impactful leadership, illustrating how a supportive environment can lead to organizational success, whether enhancing quality of life or advocating for a cure.Takeaways:Leaders should prioritize genuine, open communication with their team and community. Personal stories and experiences inspire and connect people on a deeper level. Publicly recognizing the work of volunteers, staff, and colleagues fosters a culture of appreciation and motivates everyone to continue their efforts. Understanding and acknowledging the challenges others face, including chronic diseases or personal losses, make leaders more approachable and relatable. Creating opportunities for engagement, such as virtual events or water cooler conversations, helps build a supportive community, especially in remote work environments. Being active and visible on platforms like LinkedIn strengthens personal branding for leaders and shines a spotlight on their organization’s mission and achievements. Whether adopting new technologies or embracing virtual worlds for team engagement, leaders must remain flexible and open to change to keep their organizations forward-thinking. Leaders can achieve greater impact by seeking consensus and fostering collaboration across various stakeholders within and outside their organization.Quote of the Show:“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” - Steven TaylorLinks:LinkedIn:  Arthritis Foundation (Website): Shout Outs:The Sjögren’s Foundation: Brené Brown on LinkedIn: Sabrina Sexton on LinkedIn: Sarah Miller on LinkedIn: Shannon Marang Cox on LinkedIn: The California Coast Classic Bike Tour: Lauren Clanton on LinkedIn: The National Health Council: The National Institutes of Health: Cass Wheeler on LinkedIn: Nancy Brown on LinkedIn: The American Cancer Society: The American Diabetes Association: Brian Saber - Fundraising for Introverts: Harnessing Our Powers for What Matters: 
Bill Smith is the Founder and CEO of Inseparable, an organization dedicated to advancing mental health policy. Additionally, he holds the position of Chair at Civitas Public Affairs Group, a firm he co-founded. At Civitas, he guides philanthropists, foundations, and donor collaboratives on various policy objectives alongside national non-profit organizations striving for progressive policy advancements.In today’s conversation with host Anthony Shop, Bill shares insights into his impactful journey of shaping mental health policy and empowering the LGBTQ+ community politically. He delves into the founding motivations behind Inseparable, stressing the significance of research and genuine communication in driving policy transformations. Bill also discusses successful strategies for achieving significant policy victories across different states.Together, they explore leveraging research for influence, simplifying intricate messages effectively, and harnessing authenticity and encouragement to propel social change. Bill advocates for leaders to recruit individuals smarter than themselves, fostering a culture of brilliance and collaboration within organizations, thereby ensuring success through collective intelligence and expertise.Takeaways:Be yourself in your communications and leadership style. Authenticity resonates with people and builds trust. Establish a genuine connection with your team, stakeholders, and audience.Surround yourself with people who are more intelligent than you. This approach enhances your team's overall capabilities and fosters learning and innovation.Determine the core areas or issues that need addressing and concentrate your efforts there. A focused approach ensures impactful outcomes and better allocation of resources.Before embarking on any major project or initiative, invest in research. Understanding the opinions and needs of your audience is essential for crafting messages that resonate and to make informed decisions.Research and data are invaluable; let them guide your communications, decisions, and strategies. Even if the findings challenge your assumptions, being open to data-driven insights can lead to more effective outcomes.Develop messaging that is straightforward and resonates with your audience. Simplifying complex ideas into relatable, engaging narratives can amplify your influence and the impact of your messages.Personalize your communication to build deeper connections. Whether through emails, social media, or direct engagement, sharing your journey, challenges, and successes can inspire and engage people more effectively.Quote of the Show:“At the end of the day, you have to listen to research because if it's done well, it's telling you what people think and it's telling you what you need to hear.” - Bill SmithLinks:LinkedIn: Inseparable (Website): Civitas Public Affairs Group (Website): Shout Outs:The Gill Foundation: Jan Van Lohuizen: 