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Children’s Stories
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Children’s Stories

Author: Sumita D

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Fables for children for night time. Stories will put your children to sleep with calm music.
26 Episodes
This is a story of the Eagle & the Beetle. Moral of the story is that even the weakest may find means to avenge a wrong.
This is a story of the Hare & the Tortoise. Moral of the story is that the race is not always to the swift.
This story is about The Wolf & the Crane. The moral of this story is that expect no reward for serving the wicked.
This is a story of the Cock & the Fox. Moral of the story is the trickster is easily tricked.
This is a story of the Stag & His Reflection. Moral of the story is we often make much of the ornamental and despise the useful.
This is a story of the Fox & the Stork. Moral of the story is do not play tricks on your neighbors unless you can stand the same treatment yourself.
This is a story of the Fox & the Leopard. Moral of the story is that a fine coat is not always an indication of an attractive mind. So don’t worry about how you look, emphasize on how you think and how you feel.
This is a story of the Frog & the Mouse. Moral of the story is that those who seek to harm others often come to harm themselves through their own deceit.
This is a story of the Heron. Moral of the story is that do not be too hard to suit or you may have to be content with the worst or with nothing at all.
This is a story of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Moral of the story is that the evil doer often comes to harm through his own deceit.
This is a story of the Mother & the Wolf. Moral of the story is that do not believe everything you hear.
This is a story of the Dog & His Reflection. Moral of the story is that it is very foolish to be greedy.
This is story of the Fox & the Crow. Moral of the story is the flatterer lives at the expense of those who will listen to him.
This is a story of the Ant & the Dove. Moral of the story is that a kindness is never wasted.
This is a story of the Man & the Satyr. Moral of the story is that the man who talks for both sides is not to be trusted by either.
This is a story of the Wild Boar & the Fox. Moral of the story is that preparedness for war is the best guarantee of peace.
This is a story of the two goats. Moral of this story is that it is better to yield than to come to misfortune through stubbornness.
This is a story of the Crow & the Pitcher. Moral of this story is that in a pinch a good use of our wits may help us out.
This is a story of the Oak & the Reeds. Moral of the story is that better to yield when it is folly to resist, than to resist stubbornly and be destroyed.
This is a story of the Owl & the Grasshopper. The moral of the story is that flattery is not a proof of true admiration. Do not let flattery throw you off your guard against an enemy.