Chinese Audio Book '献歌' 'Song Offering' by Tagore 泰戈尔

'献歌', ‘Song Offering’ by Tagore 泰戈尔. Literally they are worshiping songs, actually they are LOVE songs poems gitanjali 吉檀迦利

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Relation in last life 前缘 by Xi Murong

LOVE promise, before the sea, on peak of the mountain #Love prose, daily and average Nice and beautiful to tears because common and daily #席慕容 #爱情 #誓言 #山盟海誓 #Romance #诗歌 前 缘 人若真能转世 世间若真有轮回 那麽 我的爱 我们前世曾经是什麽 你 若曾是江南采莲的女子 我 必是你皓腕下错过的那朵 你 若曾是逃学的顽童 我 必是从你袋中掉下的那颗崭新的弹珠 在路旁的草丛中 目送你毫不知情地远去 你若曾是面壁的高僧 我必是殿前的那一柱香 焚烧著 陪伴过你一段静默的时光 因此 今生相逢 总觉得有些前缘未尽 却又很恍忽 无法仔细地去分辨 无法一一地向你说出


You won't miss toon sprouts for its daoism sense 香椿芽和椿树的道教含义

Toon tree refers to Dad, 8000 y-o, means very long life in Daoism. 椿树代指父亲,活8000岁。Watch neighborhood flowers in nun cap and clothes. 穿着道袍去看花; 意味双全 不容错过 #Slow life #Live in the Mountain #Leave family and city stay in the mountain as nun #青城云姑   #Style Life #隐居   #谦退之心


Chinese Audio Book '献歌' Song Offering by Tagore 泰戈尔

Literally worshiping songs, actually LOVE songs poems. Full book 103 sections, 107 mins, 17600 Chinese words, 5.99 us d to my P**pal, send email to "" then I tell my p/ account. I will send you the mp3 files after I get payment. mp4 with the words on screen, 7.99 us d, word files with/without pinyin, 2.99 us d. It pushes/tap you to think you are a Child, you feel your eyes and heart pure and calm, and beautiful, to see the world. It is about lotus flowers, children and mother, sky and land, sea waves, butterfly, missing you, beggar, travel, music, of course it includes death.


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