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Chinese Explained

Chinese Explained

Author: Kate Gu

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Welcome to Chinese Explained!

I am Kate. This podcast is about helping Chinese learners learn about China, understand Chinese culture and speak Chinese like a native. I hope you will enjoy this podcast!
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28 Episodes
Chatgbt助力学汉语!想了解用Chatgbt练习汉语有哪些又简单、又高效的方法吗?快来收听这期节目吧~ Chatgbt helps you learn Chinese! Want to know some simple and effective ways to practice Chinese with Chatgbt? Tune in to this episode now~ | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website: Instagram:  @_chinese_explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
你知道这些含有“冷”的词语(“冷笑话、冷板凳、爆冷门儿、冷血动物、冷言冷语、冷不丁”)是什么意思吗?快来收听这期节目吧~ Do you know what these words containing "冷" mean? Let's find out in this episode~ | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Cocktail Hour by Aaron Kenny 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
想知道为什么很多中国地名里有“阴”“阳”这两个字吗?快来听这期节目吧~ Do you want to know why many Chinese place names have the words "Yin" and "Yang"? Let's find out in this episode~ | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
想学习跟电影、电视剧有关的常用词语吗?快来听这期节目吧~ Would you like to learn common words related to movies and TV series? Let's find out in this episode~ | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
想了解中国北方的早市和夜市吗?快来听这期节目吧~ Would you like to know about morning and night markets in northern China? Let's find out in this episode~ | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
今天我们来聊一聊怎么取一个好的中文名。在这期节目中,你不但会学到有用的取名小技巧,而且还会了解到不同年代的人取名有哪些偏好。 Today we are going to talk about how to choose a good Chinese name. In this episode, you'll learn useful tips as well as the preferences of different generations. | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | Website: | Instagram:  @_chinese_explained | Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Frozen in Love by Aakash Gandhi 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
这期节目我们来聊一聊2021年度汉语十大网络用语——“觉醒年代”、“YYDS”、“双减”、“破防”、“元宇宙”、“绝绝子”、“躺平”、“伤害性不高,侮辱性极强”、“我看不懂,但我大受震撼”、“强国有我”。网络用语虽然是一种语言现象,但它们同时也记录着这一年比较重要的事件或者流行文化。透过这些网络用语大家可以了解到2021年在中国人们都关注了哪些问题。 In this episode, we are going to talk about the Top 10 Chinese internet buzzwords of 2021. Although the internet buzzword is a linguistic phenomenon, it also records the key events and pop culture of the year. These 10 buzzwords can give you an idea of what topics people are concerned about in China in 2021. 这将是我们2021年的最后一期,希望Chinese Explained在过年去的一年里为大家的汉语学习之旅增添了一些不一样的色彩。感谢大家的订阅和建议!我们2022年再见啦,新年快乐! This will be our last episode in 2021, and I hope Chinese Explained brought different colors to your Chinese learning journey this year. Thanks for your subscriptions and suggestions! See you in 2022, happy New Year! | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | Website: | Instagram:  @_chinese_explained        | Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. A Night Alone by TrackTribe 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
想跟一个女孩问路,是叫她小姐?女士?还是其他什么称呼?或者在公司,管比自己大的女同事王小丽叫王姐,还是叫小丽姐,哪一个更合适?这期节目我们将聊一聊让很多朋友头大的问题——汉语的称谓语 Chinese address terms。 In this episode, we are going to talk about how to address people in Chinese, including family address terms and social address terms. | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | Website: | Instagram:  @_chinese_explained | Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
在这期节目中,我们将学习怎么用汉语来描述一个人,比如性格,外貌等等。  In this episode, we are going to talk about how to describe a person in Chinese, such as personality, appearance, etc.  | Page of this episode | Host: Kate  | Website:       | Instagram:  @_chinese_explained | Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music:  1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Easy Seas by Chris Haugen 3. Invisible Beauty by Aakash Gandhi 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
在这期节目中,大家将会听到一段与音乐、听歌有关的对话。在这个对话中,有很多超级实用的词语和表达,它们是你用汉语聊音乐时的必备词汇。快来收听吧! In this episode you're going to listen to a conversation about music. There are a lot of very useful words and expressions in the dialogue that you need to know when you're talking about music in Chinese.  | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios  2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios  3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen  4. We'll Meet Again by Jeremy Blake 5. 岁月神偷 by 金玟岐
你在唐人街或者汉语教材上看到的很多中国元素,不能完全展现当代中国春节的样子。那些你以为中国人春节都做的事儿,有一些已经不像以前那么流行了,或者因为社会的发展而发生了变化。在这期节目中,我首先会给大家介绍一下春节习俗的变化,然后再教大家几个好用的拜年常用语。 A lot of Chinese elements you see in a China Town or in textbooks doesn’t really represent the Spring Festival in China today. Some of the things you would expect Chinese people to do during Spring Festival are not as popular as they used to be, or have changed due to the development of society. In this episode, I will first introduce the changes of the Spring Festival customs, and then teach you a few common expressions of Spring Festival greetings. | Page of this episode  | Host: Kate | About Me:  Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music:      1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
很多来自网络游戏的词语引申出了新的意义,它们走出了游戏圈儿,渐渐成为了汉语的常用词。在这些词中,有两个是大家必须要知道的,那就是"秒杀"和"开挂"。如果你想了解它们在网络游戏中是什么意思,人们在日常对话中又是怎么使用它们的,那就快来收听这期节目吧! | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background Music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
有人问:“听说在中国读研究生不仅不花钱,还能赚到钱,这是真的吗?”这期节目我们就来聊一聊在中国读研究生的几个现实问题。 | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background music:     1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Just Stay by Aakash Gandhi 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
我们每天都在用手机——用手机打电话、用手机照相、用手机发邮件、用手机付钱,可是跟手机有关的词你知道多少呢?在这期节目中,你将学到跟手机外观、功能等有关的常用词。 We use our cellphone every day—to make calls, to take pictures, to send emails, to make payments, but how many words about cellphone do you know? In this episode, you will learn the most common words about the look and function of a cellphone. | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background Music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 4. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
Do you have this experience-you have been learning Chinese for quite a while, but still don't know how to greet people naturally in everyday conversation. If so, this episode is made for you! Listening to this episode and start greeting your friends and colleagues like a native! | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background Music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
失业很可怕,但是在35岁的时候失业,往往会让自己怀疑人生。在这期节目中,我们来聊一聊最近微博上非常热门的话题,那就是很多35岁以及35岁以上,在科技巨头公司工作的人正在失去他们的工作。 Losing your job is scary, but losing your job at the age of 35 makes you doubt yourself. In this episode, we are going to talk about a trending topic on Weibo that is people working at big tech companies are losing their jobs at or above the age of 35. | Topics: [00:25] 本期话题介绍 Introduction of today’s topic [01:01] 腾讯在劝退哪些员工?Which employees are Tencent persuading to resign? [04:10] 劝退“高龄”员工给公司带来什么好处 What are the benefits of persuading the “elderly employees” to resign for companies? [04:57] 员工失业的压力 The stress of losing a job [05:54] 被裁的员工去做什么了? Where did they go after being fired? | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background Music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 3. If You Close Your Eyes I'm Still With You by Late Night Feeler
Do you know what  "刷 Tik Tok"  means? Join me for the discussion on how to use "刷" like a native.      | Topics: [02:12] 刷牙 (shuā yá)     [03:12] 刷卡 (shuā kǎ)     [06:33] 刷剧 (shuā jù)     [07:46] 刷Tik Tok (shuā Tik Tok) | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained     | Background Music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Wipe it Down by BMW Kenny 3. Everglow by Patrick Patrikios 4. Spanish Rose by Chris Haugen 5. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz | Related Articles: Facial Recognition Payment
In this episode, you will learn 5 natural ways in response to others’ compliments–four phrases for non-formal situations and one for formal situations. | Page of this episode | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained | Background Music: 1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz 3. 没有人不比我快乐 created by Fine乐团 (cover by Kate)
Gaokao (National College Entrance Exam) is a big event in China, many people consider it as a life-changing opportunity. Gaokao is so important, but what is it like? What are the tests about? With so many people taking the exam every year, how many of them could actually make it? Can gaokao be a life-changing opportunity as before? These will be what we are going to talk about in this episode.  高考在中国是一件大事儿,很多人把高考看作改变命运的机会。2020年高考的报名人数达到了1071万,创下了历史新高。高考在中国这么重要,那么,它怎么举行?什么时间举行?有没有年龄限制?高考考什么?每年有这么人参加高考,到底有多少人能考上大学?高考还能不能像以前那样成为改变命运的阶梯?这些都将是本期节目我们将要聊的内容。  | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained    | Background music:     1. Grut by Patrick Patrikios 2. Just Stay by Aakash Gandhi 3. Invisible Beauty by Aakash Gandhi 4. Arms of Heaven by Aakash Gandhi 5. One Step Closer by Aakash Gandhi 6. Touching Moment by Wayne Jones 7. If You Close Your Eyes I'm Still With You by Late Night Feeler
In this episode, you will learn the second usage of 真是的 which is to show politeness when people visiting you with gifts.     | PDF of this episode     | Host: Kate | About Me: Website:      Instagram:  @_chinese_explained       Twitter: @Ch_Explained     | Background music: Puppy Love by Bad Snacks / Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz    