DiscoverChoose Happy with Marie | Stop Negative Thoughts, Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Use Positive Affirmations, Live a Happy Life
Choose Happy with Marie | Stop Negative Thoughts, Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Use Positive Affirmations, Live a Happy Life
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Choose Happy with Marie | Stop Negative Thoughts, Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Use Positive Affirmations, Live a Happy Life

Author: Marie Mota Lee - Happiness Coach, Affirmations Author, Positive Mindset Mentor

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✨ The Go-To Podcast for Women Who Want to Learn How to Choose Happy for Living their Life ✨

*** Top 2% Podcast Globally ***

👉 Do you want to live a happy life free of negative thoughts?
👉 Struggling to implement healthy habits despite the books you’re reading or the You Tube videos you’re watching?
👉 Are everyone else’s expectations keeping you busy and you have no time or energy to do what makes YOU happy?

✨ Hi, I’m Marie, Happiness Coach, Host of The Choose Happy with Marie Show, and author of the Choose Happy Affirmation Cards. For most of my life, I experienced negative thoughts that was triggered by childhood trauma. And, it was controlling my life. I turned to self help books to help bring about the changes that I so desperately needed. But, none of them actually worked. Why not? Because, my inner voice was standing in my way. I discovered affirmations. These are positive statements that tells our brain what we want for ourselves and for our life. I found examples online, but they just didn’t resonate with me. Maybe you’ve experienced this as well? Plato once said: “necessity is the mother of invention”. And, so one day, I decided to write my own. And, they worked! Little by little, my life was beginning to transform itself! If this worked for me, maybe this could be helpful to others as well. And so, equipped with my passion to help people, I began sharing my affirmations on social media in 2020. They were a hit! I took the 30 affirmations that I authored and designed the Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck.

✨ In this podcast, I’ll teach you how to:
- use affirmations to implement healthy habits
- tangible ways to break free from the negative thoughts
- Ideas for living a happy life
- On a foundation of self worth

✨ Join me in choosing happy for living your life. No more negativity, we’re choosing happy!

✨ Next Steps ✨

👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download):
👉 JOIN our Free Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration:
👉 LEARN about Choose Happy, website:
👉 Instagram: @choosehappywithmarie
78 Episodes
Hello, In today’s show, you’ll learn about what’s happening in our brain when we’re having negative thoughts and I’ll share with you 3 ways you can pivot the next time you’re faced with a situation that is triggering negative thoughts.  Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:  👉  DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus positive affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy guidance and inspiration: 👉 EPISODES mentioned in today’s show:  04 | Why Your Brain 🧠 Focuses on Negative Things and Tips to Overcome the Negativity Bias 28 | Are You Addicted to Negative Thinking? Sharing What I Did (and continue to do) to Break Free from Negativity 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 BUY the Affirmation Card Deck: 👉 Email: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, Negativity – it can suck us in – especially when we’re feeling tired and something happens that we didn’t plan for and yep, we start down the negativity hole.   We can change this – we don’t have to go down the negativity hole.  How?  By first becoming aware of what is happening and changing or our response to the situation.  In today’s show, I’m sharing with you 4 ways you can choose happy today.  They’re easy to implement so, come on in, it’s time to choose happy! Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:   👉  DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus positive affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy guidance and inspiration: 👉 EPISODES mentioned in today’s show:  37 | Complaining Wires Your Brain for Negativity: Bring Joy to Your Relationships [Bonus: Relationship Affirmation] 👉 TODAY’S QUOTE: “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” ( Ralph Waldo Emerson) 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 Email: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, Today, we’re digging into affirmation cards – what they are, the benefits of using them and suggestions on how to use positive affirmation cards.  I’m also sharing how I created the Choose Happy affirmation card deck.  A friendly reminder The Choose Happy affirmation card decks are on sale until May 11th.  Apply the discount code:  MOM2024 at checkout.   Link to purchase is on the website: Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:   ⭐ TIME SENSITIVE OFFER ⭐:  Choose Happy Affirmations Card Deck On Sale NOW until May 11th.  Use Promo code:  MOM2024 for 20% off. 👉  DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus positive affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy guidance and inspiration: 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 Email: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, In today’s show, I’m giving you a refresher on affirmations and their benefits.  I’m also introducing you to the Choose Happy affirmations in case you are not familiar with them yet.  The Choose Happy affirmation card decks go on sale TODAY until May 11th.  Apply the discount code:  MOM2024 at checkout.   Link to purchase is on the website: I’m also introducing you to the NEW Choose Happy Guided Affirmations (with music).  Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:   ⭐ TIME SENSITIVE OFFER ⭐:  Choose Happy Affirmations Card Deck On Sale NOW until May 11th.  Use Promo code:  MOM2024 for 20% off.   👉  DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus positive affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy guidance and inspiration: 👉 TODAY’S QUOTE: "It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief.  And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."- Muhamed Ali 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 Email: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, A few weeks ago, I was re-watching the Queen movie on Netflix.  And there was a quote said by Freddie Mercury that has stayed with me:  “Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Just like you taught me, papa.” When we have negative thoughts, we are already setting us up for negativity.  Thoughts turn into words and then they turn into our actions – how we choose to live our life.  In today’s show, I’m sharing with you 10 examples of negative self-talk that I have said myself or, that I’ve heard others say –  including our listeners (those that have shared with me). I hope by bringing these words into the open and giving some reflection from a positive perspective can be helpful to you in case you are using these words in your life.  Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:  👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus positive affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy guidance and inspiration: 👉 LISTEN to Related Episodes: 67 | 5 Ways to Minimize Negative Self-Talk 👉 QUOTE: “Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Just like you taught me, papa.” [Freddie Mercury] 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 Email: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, What if we lived our everyday life being guided by love?  What would that look like?  In today’s show, I’m sharing with you 5 ways to live a happy life based on love.   It’s time to break free from negativity and let love guide our way.  Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:   👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 LISTEN to Related Episodes: 37 | Complaining Wires Your Brain for Negativity: Bring Joy to Your Relationships [Bonus: Relationship Affirmation]   👉 QUOTE: “What screws us up the most in life is the picture in our heads of how it’s supposed to be.”   [unknown] 👉 BOOK referenced in this episode:  The 5 Love Languages by Gary D. Chapman 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 Email: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, Did you know affirmations can be a powerful tool to enhance your mindfulness practice?  Used regularly, affirmations can help promote positive thinking, reduce stress and anxiety and improve our self-esteem.  In today’s show, you will learn how they can be incorporated into a mindfulness practice and I’m doing a guided affirmation with you using one of the affirmations from the Choose Happy affirmation card deck.  Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:  👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 LISTEN to Related Episodes: 6 | What are Affirmations 🤔 and Why Positive Affirmations Do Not Always Work? 65 | My #1 Happiness Hack for a Happy New Year: Word of the Year 2024 67 | 5 Ways to Minimize Negative Self-Talk 👉 BUY the Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck: 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 EMAIL: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, It’s the winter season for many of us and not all of us like the cold and snow.  We may be spending more time indoors and our negative thoughts may be affecting our mental and physical health.  In today’s show, I’m talking about negative thoughts and giving you 5 ways you can minimize the negative self-talk.  Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:  👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 LISTEN to Related Episodes: 4 |Why Your Brain Focuses on Negative Things and Tips to Overcome the Negativity Bias 👉 QUOTE: “Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.” (Lisa Hayes) 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 EMAIL: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, I hope you’re having a good start to the new year.  In today’s show, I’m sharing with you something that happened to me over the holiday season.  I burnt out.  Anyone can get feelings of burnout and, it often happens to those of us with people pleasing tendencies.  In the show, I’m reviewing possible signs of burnout and ideas of what you can do if you are feeling burnt out.  It’s time to get real that maybe – just maybe – we are doing too much. Cheers, Marie   Next Steps:  👉 DOWNLOAD the FREE Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide (with bonus affirmations): 👉 JOIN the Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 LISTEN to Related Episodes: 21 | Are you a People Pleaser? 10 Signs That You Have the Habit of People Pleasing BONUS:  Self Worth Affirmation 👉 QUOTE from today’s show: “Give up the delusion that burnout is the inevitable cost of success”: Arianna Huffington 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy: 👉 EMAIL: 👉 Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, It’s a new year, time to embrace new year resolutions, or is it?  In today’s show, I’m introducing you to the ONE hack that I’ve been using to break free from negative thoughts and take action for living the life I really want for myself and my family.  If you’re ready to make this year THE year where you break free from negative thoughts and start choosing happy for living your everyday life, you won’t want to miss this episode.  This hack will empower you to choose differently this year.  I’m giving you the 5 steps on how to do it in today’s show.  Come on in, it’s time to choose happy! Cheers, Marie   Quote mentioned in today’s show: “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”  Oprah Winfrey   Episodes Mentioned in Today’s Show: 3 |Design Your Choose Happy Vision Board 62 | Why I Buy My Own Holiday Present (and You Should Too) 64 | Break Free from Remembering the Negativity of the Year: Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection ❤️   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 LEARN about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, Do you find it difficult to remember happy days of the past year?  Do you find yourself so focused on what went wrong that you can’t remember anything good?  In today’s show, you will learn why we often remember the bad better than the good – negativity bias?! I’ll introduce you to journal prompts and how they can help break free from negative thinking and, I’ll share with you my go-to journal prompt to remember the positive things that happened in the past year. Cheers, Marie   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, What would it feel like to wake up Christmas morning and have a present under the tree for you that brings you so much joy?  In today’s show, I’m inspiring you to buy a Christmas present for yourself.  And, no, it’s not selfish to do this!  It’s self-care and self-love ❤️. Cheers, Marie   Quote in today’s show: “Nobody knows you like you know yourself.”   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website:
Hello, Do you prioritize self-care in your everyday life?  So many of us don’t do this.  In today’s episode, I’m talking about self-care – the importance of self-care and three (3) possible reasons you may be using to not prioritize self-care in your daily life.  This is also the final call out for the NEW Choose Happy Self-Care Holiday Countdown Calendar that will be sent out to Choose Happy members.  Ensure you are signed up on the website (link below) by November 29th midnight EST to receive it in time to start it on December 1st.  Cheers, Marie   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, Worrying not only sucks our mental energy but it also has negative physical effects on us.  In today’s show, I’m digging into what is worrying, why we do it, and I share with you a positive affirmation that is my ‘go-to affirmation” when I start feeling worried about something in my life.  It’s time to ditch worrying, or atleast worry a little less! Cheers, Marie   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life?   👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, In today’s show, I’m introducing you to a limiting belief that was standing in my way of trying new things.  One year later, I’m sharing with you the 3 ways my life has changed from doing CrossFit workouts.  I hope this episode inspires you to challenge limiting beliefs that may be standing in your way. Cheers, Marie   Episodes mentioned in today’s show: 15 | Do Something New This Year: My CrossFit Story and Positive Self-Talk   Choose Happy Birthday Sale Enter discount code:  BIRTHDAY2023 for 30% from the following two products: Choose Happy affirmation card deck Link here Choose Happy downloadable PDF (30) affirmations available for instant download on Etsy Link here.  NOTE:  This offer ends on October 31, 2023 at midnight EST.   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, In today’s show, I’m introducing you to a limiting belief that may be standing in your way of living a happy life.  A limiting belief that may be happening through negative self-talk.   It’s time to ditch the negativity of this limiting belief. Cheers, Marie   Episodes mentioned in today’s show: 01 | You Are Worthy of Happiness 04 | Why Your Brain Focuses on Negative Things and Tips to Overcome the Negativity Bias   Choose Happy Birthday Sale Enter discount code:  BIRTHDAY2023 for 30% from the following two products: Choose Happy affirmation card deck Link here Choose Happy downloadable PDF (30) affirmations available for instant download on Etsy. Link NOTE:  This offer ends on October 31, 2023 at midnight EST.   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello, today is a special episode. Celebrating 1 year of The Choose Happy with Marie Show!  🎉😀 In today’s show, I will be talking about the top 5 things about the show and top 5 things about me, your host.   Also, I will be sharing with you the discount code for saving 30% off for the Choose Happy affirmation card decks and I will introduce you to a new product offering that I created over the summer for you. Come on in, it’s time to choose happy!  Cheers, Marie    Episodes mentioned in today’s show: 34 | Unhook from Negativity and Choose Joy: Find Joy in Your Everyday Life 32 | Stop Being Afraid of What Could Go Wrong and Focus on What Could Go Right 28 | Are You Addicted to Negative Thinking? Sharing What I Did (and continue to do) to Break Free from Negativity 42 | Want to Feel Happier in 5 minutes? 5 Happiness Hacks to Activate Happiness [Bonus:  Happiness affirmation from the Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck] 29 | 5 Choices You Can Make Every Day to Live a Happy and Fulfilling Life [Bonus: Happiness Affirmation] 01 | You Are Worthy of Happiness 04 | Why Your Brain Focuses on Negative Things and Tips to Overcome the Negativity Bias   Choose Happy Birthday Sale Enter discount code:  BIRTHDAY2023 for 30% from the following two products: Choose Happy affirmation card deck Link here Choose Happy downloadable PDF (30) affirmations available for instant download on Etsy. Link here   NOTE:  This offer ends on October 31, 2023 at midnight EST.   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello! Your morning routine can impact the rest of your day.  It’s time to stop crawling out of bed last minute and hoping you have a great day.  In today’s show, I’m putting together all of the elements of the Choose Happy Morning Routine and, it’s time to start implementing it into your everyday routine (in case you haven’t done that yet). Cheers, Marie   Choose Happy Morning Routine Series include the following episodes: 47 | Choose Happy Morning Routine for September Self Improvement Month 48 | Ditch Morning Negative Thoughts Through Movement: The Benefits of Morning Walks 🚶🏽‍♀️ [Morning Routine Series] 49 | 3 Ways to Connect with Yourself Every Day [Morning Routine Series] 50 | Want to be Happier? Learn Something New Every day [Morning Routine Series]   Quote mentioned in today’s show: “We are what we repeatedly do” by Aristotle   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello! Do you ever feel like you want to learn something new but, you don’t have the time?  Or, the energy.  What if you could … what would you learn?  In today’s training, I’m introducing you to the 3rd element of the Choose Happy Morning Routine which is the ‘thinking’ element.  Join me as we make learning a priority in our every day life ❤️. Reminder:  Choose Happy members received the Choose Happy Morning Routine checklist on August 26th.  If you would like to receive it, send me an email with the subject line “Checklist”.  Cheers, Marie   Choose Happy Morning Routine Series include the following episodes: 47 | Choose Happy Morning Routine for September Self Improvement Month 48 | Ditch Morning Negative Thoughts Through Movement: The Benefits of Morning Walks 🚶🏽‍♀️ [Morning Routine Series] 49 | 3 Ways to Connect with Yourself Every Day [Morning Routine Series]   Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie
Hello! Today, I’m introducing you to the ‘listening’ element of the NEW Choose Happy Morning Routine Checklist.  I’m talking about why it matters to take the time to listen to our inner self, the ways we can do this and questions you can use to reconnect with yourself during this time in your morning routine. Reminder:  Choose Happy members received the checklist on August 26th.  If you would like to receive it, send me an email with the subject line “Checklist”.  Cheers, Marie   Mentioned in Today’s Show: Episodes: 48 | Ditch Morning Negative Thoughts Through Movement: The Benefits of Morning Walks 🚶🏽‍♀️ [Morning Routine Series]     Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life? 👉 SIGN UP to receive FREE resources such as the Choose Happy Morning Routine Guide and Checklist and bonus affirmations (PDF instant download): 👉 JOIN our Facebook Community for choose happy inspiration: 👉 Want to learn more about Choose Happy, website: 👉 Questions? EMAIL: 👉 Connect with me on Instagram:  @choosehappywithmarie