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Christ Church of Mt Airy Sermons
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Christ Church of Mt Airy Sermons

Author: Christ Church of Mt Airy: Mt Airy, MD

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Christ Church exists to glorify God by building a community of Spirit-filled disciples living on gospel mission.
492 Episodes
Why Moses?

Why Moses?


God chooses flawed Moses to represent His people. God works through Moses and Aaron's imperfect priestly lineage to accomplish His perfect plan. He displays His power, keeps His promises, and leads His people to freedom.
Jesus has made reconciliation with God possible for believers. Baptism, a symbol of our union with Christ, is for those drawn by God to faith and repentance, calling on Jesus' name. The Lord's Supper commemorates and proclaims Jesus' death.
We hear seven glorious promises from the LORD directing us where to go in times when things go from bad to worse. They soothe our souls and speak to what our hearts crave. Jesus tells us to bring our burdens to Him and He will deliver and bless us in our trials.
Where to Go with Guilt

Where to Go with Guilt


Psalm 51 shows us how to process our emotions and bring our burden of guilt to God. By acknowledging and confessing our wrongdoing, we are brought to repentance and restoration. Only God can transform our sinful hearts and make us righteous through the cross of Jesus.
God does great things for His people, and over the last ten years, specifically for this church, we celebrate the blessings we have received through God’s grace. We are unified by Him to glorify Him and His endless love and perfection in the cross of Jesus.
Knowing God is key to believing in Him when life goes from bad to worse. Seeking the truth about God will guard you from believing the lies of the enemy. Bring your “why?” questions to God, and He will help you.
Like Moses, we cling to a God unlike any we can image, made possible through a covenant of His grace. God's priority for you is does not conform to our idea of ease, rather it is for your knowledge of God's sovereignty over all and His fathomless concern for you.
Believe God

Believe God


God made you, knows you and perfects His strength through your weaknesses. He calls you to be His ambassador and through the power of Christ, the ability to accomplish whatever He leads you to do. Believe Him.
God's Way of Planning

God's Way of Planning


God is showing us how He works! He accomplishes His plans using His people, power, and perfect process. We can trust that God’s plans always succeed at maximizing His glory and our good.
God Reveals His Name

God Reveals His Name


God explains His name to Moses in steps. (1) "I Am" the eternal and absolute sovereign of the universe (2) "I Am" transcendent AND near to people. (3) "I Am" the LORD forever. Remember and proclaim it.
God reveals Himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush and gives him a mission and the promise needed to accomplish it. Through this encounter we learn about God’s perfect timing, supreme holiness, mercy, and presence—always with us. We also learn how the same promise that enabled Moses’ mission, also enables ours today.
What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it about behavior, political stances or moral status? Paul’s letter to the Philippians makes it clear that being a Christian means you have had an authentic encounter with the risen Christ, that your heart has been changed by the resurrected Jesus. A Christian Counts every Good Work As Loss, Counts Knowing Christ as Everything, Received Righteousness By Faith, Needs Jesus’ Resurrection Power and Is Aiming For Resurrection From the Dead.
God is the Hero

God is the Hero


Moses foreshadows the rejection of Jesus' salvation offer. God wants to deliver us, and yet without God's own intervention we will reject Him. God is the hero at work in our lives to rescue us!
God shows His love through His plan to save us at the right time by the substitutionary death of Jesus. The more the gift cost the giver and the less the recipient deserves it, the greater the love is seen to be. God poured out His wrath on His only Son so that you and I could be saved.
God is with you and is active in your world. God prepares you today, as he did in the past, for the trials ahead by promising He will be with you. Even as God works in your waiting, He hears you, remembers you, sees you, and knows you.
A Transactional God?

A Transactional God?


Is our relationship with God transactional? Is God's blessing dependent on our obedience? Yes, God has always required perfect obedience for blessing. Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us by hanging on the tree. The blessings of God come to all His people through the perfect obedience of Jesus.
Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all newborn Israelite boys. But they feared God more than Pharaoh and spared the babies lives. Their fear honored God because He is the most powerful and most worthy; He is most able to protect and satisfy our souls.
God Takes a People...

God Takes a People...


God takes the Israelites as His chosen people. God sees His people in their affliction. For you, too, God strengthens your faith and is faithful to make His blessing abound in hardship and suffering.
God is a Sending God

God is a Sending God


God's salvation is marked with justice, forgiveness, mercy, generosity, love, and freedom! The Church is sent by God to share His message with the world. Jesus models for us how to spread the good news by sharing a meal, spending time with, and having concern for others.
Live for Jesus so that His NAME will be glorified in you. In scripture we see the uses of God's name presented under three main categories: (1) God empowers His people (authority given by the Lord of creation) (2) God is infinite (praiseworthy in everything) (3) God shall be glorified (the awe of his reputation and attributes)