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Dr. Paul’s Worldviews

Author: Paul Derengowski, PhD

Subscribed: 61Played: 313


Dr. Paul’s Worldviews is an interactive podcast that deals with contemporary issues of the day from a historical, biblical, Christian worldview. Whether it is exposition of biblical passages, defense against the claims or accusations of false religions, cults, and sects, or simply addressing daily newsworthy items, Dr. Paul often goes where few Christians dare to tread. So, pull up a chair, turn on your brain, and get ready to be challenged and informed. Above all, get ready to act in a positive way that honors the Lord Jesus Christ.
129 Episodes
The Apostle Paul had made numerous plans to visit Rome, but had been thwarted each time. Paul makes it evidence that, perhaps, this time, he was going to make it. He longed to see the Roman Christians, even though this was one church that he never started. What he wanted to do while among the Christians in Rome was to strengthen them, as well as be encouraged. He was obligated by his call as a "slave" and an apostle carry his mission to everyone: both Greeks and barbarians, to the wise and the foolish. This section of Romans is easily applicable to Christians today, even though oftentimes those reading it, blow past it, without giving it much thought. Dr. Paul hopes to encourage the podcast listener to slow down just a bit and consider the heart-felt conviction of the Apostle Paul in these seemingly insignificant opening words about what Christian ministry is about.
The Apostle Paul was one of the most prolific writers in the New Testament. His greeting to the Romans Christians in Romans 1:1-7 is the most outstanding of any of his letters. It is literally chocked full of theological information and personal insight unseen anywhere else. In it Paul not only deals with Jesus' deity and the Trinity, but he lays it on the line, personally, over his commitment to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is the perfect start to what many have called the Christian Constitution. Moreover, Paul gives us a taste that "meat" that he put on the skeleton Jesus started was not contrary to it, but complimentary of it.
The Apostle Paul is the author of Romans; very few, if any, dispute that fact. But, what do we really know about Paul and where do we get our information? Also, what about the critics of Paul? Was Paul a loose canon and a renegade when it came to his brand of Christianity? Was there are wall of separation between him and Jesus? Did he ever meet Jesus, whether before Jesus' crucifixion or afterward? Some seem to think so. Join Dr. Paul as he begins his exposition of the Roman letter by taking a brief look at the Apostle Paul's life, including his interaction with the person of Jesus, and then Dr. Paul's rebuttal of the Apostle's critics.   Questions & Comments:
The Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans is the most profound, insightful, and theologically stimulating treatise in the New Testament. Not only have individual lives been transformed by reading it, whole cultures have been "Reformed" by putting into practice its instruction. In a world where so many people are clamoring for answers, whether about government corruption, lawlessness, and "climate change," the Book of Romans stands out as a shining beacon amid the darkness. Please join Dr. Paul as he begins his exposition through what some have labeled "The Christian Constitution." Your soul will be glad you did.
In Part 3 in this series of podcasts about Roman Catholicism, Dr. Paul takes a look at the Roman Catholic doctrine of Tradition and the Bible. As will become evident, despite all the ”lip service” concerning the Bible, the Roman Catholic Church actually subordinates the Bible beneath its ”Traditions.” In that respect, the Bible not really an authority at all in matters of faith and practice. It becomes a springboard, instead, to all kinds of anti-biblical, anti-Christian teaching.
In Part 3 in this series of podcasts about Roman Catholicism, Dr. Paul takes a look at the Roman Catholic doctrine of Tradition and the Bible. As will become evident, despite all the ”lip service” concerning the Bible, the Roman Catholic Church actually subordinates the Bible beneath its ”Traditions.” In that respect, the Bible not really an authority at all in matters of faith and practice. It becomes a springboard, instead, to all kinds of anti-biblical, anti-Christian teaching.
Dr. Paul continues his analysis and explanation answering the question on why Roman Catholicism is not a viable option for those who might consider it a fair representation of Christianity. First, he looks at Roman Catholicism’s priesthood, which has absolutely no resemblance to the priesthood found in the Old Testament, nor the priesthood of believers found in the New Testament. Second, Dr. Paul examines the Roman Catholic idea of the gospel. Time permitting, he will show how tradition corrupts both.
There are billions of human beings that are a part of the Roman Catholic Church. Millions of others are contemplating on joining the RCC this year, mainly because they believe that Roman Catholicism offers the closest option of being authentic Christianity. But, is that necessarily the case? Is Roman Catholicism a Christian entity OR does it promote heretical teaching at the most basic levels of who God is, who Jesus is, and a less than priestly leadership to make it something other than Christian?
Dr. Paul finishes his critique of the deconstructionist fad by discussing four faulty presuppositions that drive it. 1. Pastoral/church leader neglect in equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. 2. Damning biblical illiteracy among those who claim to be "Christians." 3. Falsely assuming that "good works" are what makes a Christian. 4. A brazen declaration that God has not spoken.
In this episode, Dr. Paul reconstructs the deconstructionist arguments by pointing out what he/she must presuppose in order to cling to his/her false ideology. 1. Too many people falsely equate a particular religious experience or edifice with being Christian. 2. Too many people falsely assume that once they "deconstruct" their "Christianity," they are no longer religious, and hence are purely rational, logical, or reasonable. 3. Too many people falsely assume that the words of the Bible can be twisted or contorted every which way, and that their "interpretation" is as correct, good, and virtuous as anyone's.
Dr. Paul reconstructs the deconstructionist ideology by pointing out the many fallacious presuppositions the deconstructionist has adopted to try and make it sound plausible. By pointing out the fallacies of assuming that person rearing in a Christian home makes one a Christian, that everyone inherently possesses unbridled, unhindered "free will," and that personal experiences or church membership makes a person a Christian, Dr. Paul shows from Scripture that none of those things are true, and hence the deconstructionist has deceived him- or herself. Also, Dr. Paul turns relationship counselor toward the end of the program when a young man calls in for advice. Who would have thunk it? Dr. Paul supplants Dr. Phil.
It is becoming a growing fad among many who seem to think they were once Christians, and now because they are enlightened, reasonable, or logical, they are no longer Christians. Christianity is a ”myth” to them. They are rational and no longer religious. But, have any one of them truly ”deconstructed,” much less ”deconverted” from Christianity? Or have they simply been fed a line of diabolic nonsense from some secular humanist philosophy professor, coupled with egregious discipleship at their former churches, and are now useful idiots (in the biblical sense) for the "Liberal" (a misnomer) agenda?
Climate change is all the rage these days. The “scientists” have spoken about an impending Doomsday, if we all do not immediately get rid of our gas-powered vehicles and go purchase electric ones. The world is becoming unbearably hot and if humanity does not do something radical, then it will all be over except the crying. The Bible actually addresses climate change; just not in the way that most of the “scientists” and their panic-stricken clientele wish to characterize it.
Many on the Left end of the political spectrum have started using the C-word (i.e. "cult") to describe former President Donald J. Trump as a "cult leader" and those who support him as "cult" follower. In fact, the whole MAGA movement is rife with "cultism." But, are Donald Trump's critics even aware of what a cult is, much less what they represent? Is Trump really comparable to Charles Manson? Has Trump ordered the execution of anyone? Has Trump "forced" ordered his followers to commit suicide? Or is that Trump's critics are merely abusing a term, that was out of vogue only a few short years ago, to smear him and his followers? If so, how is that not cult-like in itself? Dr. Paul considers these questions, and others, to clarify what a religious cult is, as well as expose the ulterior for even using the term "cult" at all.
Many on the Left end of the political spectrum have started using the C-word (i.e. "cult") to describe former President Donald J. Trump as a "cult leader" and those who support him as "cult" follower. In fact, the whole MAGA movement is rife with "cultism." But, are Donald Trump's critics even aware of what a cult is, much less what they represent? Is Trump really comparable to Charles Manson? Has Trump ordered the execution of anyone? Has Trump "forced" ordered his followers to commit suicide? Or is that Trump's critics are merely abusing a term, that was out of vogue only a few short years ago, to smear him and his followers? If so, how is that not cult-like in itself? Dr. Paul considers these questions, and others, to clarify what a religious cult is, as well as expose the ulterior for even using the term "cult" at all.
Another article was published recently describing the apostasy that is prevalent in the "Church." The idea conveyed by the author is that apostasy is leading the way for the Antichrist to be successful in duping many people upon his arrival. Dr. Paul contends that apathy among many of those same churchgoers is rife, as well, and will only add to the misery they will experience. So, what can be done? Complain to our political leaders? Pass more laws to allow prayer in school? Ask God to rapture everyone that's worthy of being raptured? What?
The Book of Revelation is choked full of mystery and intrigue. But, according to the Apostle John, those who read, listen, and put its words to practice will be blessed by it. So, why would anyone despise it? Dr. Paul takes a look at some of its themes, including the ransom by blood of the Lamb of God, the spurious rapture doctrine, the stubbornness of the wicked, the mark of the beast, the coming of the Lord, the Great White Throne Judgment of the "dead," and the new heavens and new earth.
Did you know that Christians still sin, but that confessing sin is something that God will forgive (and forget) and wipe the slate clean? Did you know that the devil has children too? Did you know that one definition of love is to live a life that obeys God's commandments? Did you know that a Christian is NOT to imitate evil, but to imitate good? Did you know that Christians are to contend for the faith, because certain ungodly people have crept into the faith and are perverting the doctrine of grace? Did you know that Jesus and the apostle predicted that scoffers of Christianity would come, and that to suffer persecution by them is actually a good thing? These are only a few things found in the Letters of John and Jude. They are some of the things that cause some to love the Bible and others to hate it. Tune in for a lively discussion about the Bible: the greatest document in man's possession.
Did you know that the Apostle Peter taught "Once Saved, Always Saved"? Did you know that the Apostle Peter taught that Christians should subject themselves to secular government authority? Did you know that the Apostle Peter taught that ALL Christians are to be apologists, and not just a few professionals who just happened to run off to Bible College or Seminary? Did you know that the Apostle Peter countered the notions of those who claim that Christianity is a "myth" and did so using the same method the critics used to exalt themselves? Did you know that the Apostle Peter taught on "climate change"? He did on all these subjects, as Dr. Paul's continues to show what is in the Bible that causes some to love and others to hate it.
What makes some people love the idea that they can work their way to heaven? Why do some people hate the idea that godly works are necessary to validate their professed faith? Why are are not demons Christians? After all, they believe in God too. When is freedom of speech not such a good thing? Does it seem like life just goes by way too fast? Finally, if you know the right thing to do, and then not do, what is that considered to be in God's sight? All of these and more are discussed by Dr. Paul in this latest podcast on the contents of the Bible: why some people love it and others hate it.   Questions and comments may be directed   Enjoy
Comments (1)

Skeptical Listener

The objection to Mrs. Borowicz's prayer is NOT theological, but an objection to her using prayer to demonize adherents of other religions. She suggests we have gone away from the foundational moorings of Christianity, but Christianity was never the foundation of our country - religious freedom is! To ask for forgiveness for (presumably) a Muslim being sworn in is exactly the opposite of what our founders had in mind!

Apr 5th