DiscoverChristian Dementia Caregiving: Conversations To Ease the Stress, Overwhelm and Burden of Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care From A Biblical Perspective.
Christian Dementia Caregiving: Conversations To Ease the Stress, Overwhelm and Burden of Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care From A Biblical Perspective.
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Christian Dementia Caregiving: Conversations To Ease the Stress, Overwhelm and Burden of Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care From A Biblical Perspective.

Author: Lizette Cloete, Christian Dementia Coach

Subscribed: 9Played: 40


Are you a Christian Caregiver overwhelmed by the challenges of dementia or Alzheimer’s? Do you find yourself asking questions like: “How can I survive dementia caregiving?” or “What does dementia caregiving look like from a Christian perspective?” This podcast is designed for you. We offer real hope and help by providing practical, faith-driven solutions to make dementia care easier.

Answering Your Most Pressing Questions:
How to survive dementia caregiving? Caregiving is a long journey that can be emotionally and physically exhausting. This podcast helps you not only survive but thrive by grounding your caregiving approach in faith.

What is dementia caregiving from a Christian perspective? Explore how Biblical principles can guide your caregiving journey, offering strength and hope even in the most challenging times.

How do I care for elderly parents with dementia? Discover practical strategies for providing care that honors your loved ones, while managing the daily responsibilities that come with dementia caregiving.

What are common dementia behaviors, and how do I manage them? Dementia can bring challenging behaviors like agitation or confusion. Learn how to manage these behaviors with grace and faith, using proven caregiving techniques and Biblical insights.

How do I cope with dementia behaviors through faith? Faith can be a powerful tool in caregiving. We’ll discuss ways to keep your faith strong, helping you cope with even the most difficult dementia-related behaviors.

What are the stages of Alzheimer’s disease, and how can I prepare? Understanding the stages of Alzheimer’s can help you prepare for what’s to come. We break down each stage, offering insight into what you can expect and how to care for your loved one.

How do I know if my parent has dementia symptoms? Early detection is key. Learn about the common symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s so you can seek help and make informed decisions for your loved one.

Can I practice self-care while being a dementia caregiver? Yes, and it’s essential. Caregiver burnout is real, and this podcast offers practical advice on balancing caregiving with self-care, so you can maintain your health while caring for someone else.

How do I provide spiritual care for someone with dementia? Explore ways to integrate spiritual care into your daily caregiving routines, helping your loved one maintain their connection to faith even as their cognitive abilities change.

When should someone with dementia go into a care home? Deciding when it’s time to transition your loved one to professional care is never easy. We discuss how to approach this decision with faith, peace, and clarity.

What are the best Christian dementia support groups, and how can I find them? Connecting with a community that understands your journey is crucial. We guide you on where to find Christian dementia caregiver support groups that align with your values.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease? We cover the symptoms of Alzheimer’s in detail, helping you recognize signs early and providing guidance on how to navigate the journey ahead.

Why Christian Dementia Caregiving Is Different:
Unlike other caregiving podcasts, Christian Dementia Caregiving offers a unique combination of faith-based caregiving and practical solutions. Grounded in Biblical principles, we provide strategies that help you manage the emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges of dementia caregiving.

We address the specific needs of Christian caregivers, helping you:

Find peace in your caregiving journey.
Cope with stress using faith-driven techniques.
Prepare for each stage of Alzheimer’s with confidence.
Prevent caregiver burnout through faith and practical self-care strategies.
Make difficult decisions about care homes, end-of-life care, and more with spiritual clarity.
Join Our Christian Caregiver Community:
Caregiving doesn’t have to be lonely. Through this podcast, you’ll find a supportive community of like-minded Christian caregivers who understand your struggles and offer the encouragement you need. Together, we can make dementia caregiving easier while glorifying God, despite the diagnosis.

Subscribe and Connect:
Subscribe to the podcast today to get regular insights and support. We cover everything from practical tips to faith-based encouragement, offering you the tools and hope you need to succeed in your caregiving role. Visit for additional resources, free workshops, and support to help you navigate your caregiving journey.


May the Lord bless and keep you, and see you in the next episode.
149 Episodes
Are you finding it difficult to balance your relationship with your loved one and the endless caregiving tasks? This can be one of the most challenging aspects of dementia care, but what if focusing on your bond with them could actually ease the caregiving journey? In this episode, Lizette reflects on their own experiences as a family caregiver, diving into the concept of relationship-centered care.  The shift from focusing on just the patient to placing the relationship between the caregiver and the person with dementia at the forefront has been pivotal in their journey.   Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Have you ever wondered when it’s the right time to move your loved one with dementia to a new living environment? This is a question that many caregivers face. Let’s imagine Sarah, a devoted daughter caring for her father, who has dementia. For months, she’s noticed subtle changes in his memory and how he interacts with his home. He no longer remembers where the pots and pans are or how to get food from the fridge. Sarah knows that his safety is a growing concern.  But when is the right time to make the transition to a new living environment?   Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Are you ready to think about life after caregiving? Imagine you’re on a never-ending journey, with each day bringing new challenges and uncertainties. This is how many caregivers feel while navigating dementia care.  You might be overwhelmed by the daily tasks—grocery shopping, doctor appointments, and managing the health of your loved one. But have you ever paused to think about your life after caregiving? In today’s episode, we explore a different perspective: the future beyond caregiving. Let’s break away from the day-to-day grind and reflect on what happens when this chapter of your life ends.   Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Have you ever wondered if there’s a better way to approach dementia caregiving?  In today’s episode, a heartfelt journey through the highs and lows of caregiving sheds light on some often-overlooked truths that could change the way you see this role. Picture this: You’re in the middle of your daily routine when suddenly, you realize that your loved one is struggling more than usual.  Maybe it’s forgetting your name or asking the same question repeatedly. The small, subtle changes have crept in so slowly that it’s only now hitting you. This realization brings on a flood of emotions. You’re not alone. If you’re feeling like dementia caregiving is a struggle, this episode offers hope. It’s not about having all the answers but about taking small steps towards a caregiving journey that is sustainable, supported, and centered on faith. Caregiving can indeed feel like a burden at times. But with the right tools, community, and understanding of your unique strengths, it’s possible to navigate this journey with compassion and grace. If you’re ready to make your caregiving experience more manageable, consider finding the community that supports you and strategies that align with who you are. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!    
Do you struggle to connect with your loved one who has dementia? Imagine visiting your mother, who is deep into her dementia journey. You bring her a toy from home, desperate to find something to bring comfort or joy.  It’s simple—a child’s bucket toy—but something amazing happens. Your mother, who has been disengaged, suddenly lights up. She’s curious. Her hands, once clenched, reach out to explore this new object.  That simple moment sparks something much bigger—an idea that will change the way we think about caring for those with dementia. In this episode, Lizette speaks with Angela Fairhurst, the creator of Geri-Gadgets, an innovative product designed to engage and enrich the lives of individuals living with dementia.  Angela Fairhurst is a seasoned entrepreneur with a passion for innovation. As the CEO and Founder of Geri-Gadgets® (, Angela has carved out a niche in the realm of senior care with her groundbreaking patented products. Angela's expertise spans multiple domains;  She’s a seasoned television and event producer, and an Executive in Charge of Production at Fairhurst Productions, Inc, and former Executive Director of the Chambers Group, a consumer products marketing firm.  Now she's bringing her wealth of experience and creativity to the forefront of dementia care.    Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Have you ever thought about the many roles you've adapted to throughout life? Caring for someone with dementia is one of those unexpected transitions that can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.  Let’s explore how embracing this new role can be an opportunity for personal growth and connection.   It’s easy to feel isolated as a dementia caregiver, but remember, you’re not alone. There are communities of caregivers who are walking similar paths. Seeking out support from others who understand your struggles can make the journey more manageable.  Joining a meetup or support group, where you can share your experiences and ask questions, can provide the strength and encouragement you need. Embracing the role of a dementia caregiver is not without its challenges, but with the right mindset, understanding your strengths, and leaning on a supportive community, you can find purpose and peace in this vital role. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Have you ever wondered how to recover after your dementia caregiving journey ends? Whether you’re still caring for a loved one or have finished that chapter, the path to emotional and mental recovery can feel unclear. Imagine climbing a mountain, intensely focused on reaching the summit. For caregivers, the summit is the care of their loved one. But what happens after you reach the top?  The descent—recovery—is often overlooked. We seldom talk about what happens after caregiving ends, but it's just as important.   As you walk this new phase, know that you are not alone. The lessons from your caregiving days can help shape the next chapter of your life. Whether you’re still caring for a loved one or are transitioning out of that role, take time to reflect, learn, and heal. And most importantly, be kind to yourself—you've already climbed the mountain. Now, it’s time to descend with grace, carrying the wisdom you’ve gained along the way. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Is caring for a loved one with dementia weighing heavily on your emotions? Caring for someone with dementia is one of the hardest jobs imaginable, but it's also filled with moments of love and connection. However, there are days when the weight of it all feels unbearable.  If you're feeling overwhelmed, you're not alone. In today's episode, we’ll explore a key aspect of dementia caregiving that many shy away from: coping with the negative emotions that arise.  And we'll look at practical, often overlooked strategies to help you along this journey.   Remember, you are not alone on this journey. There is no shame in reaching out for help. Whether it’s through counseling, community support, or a monthly dementia coaching session, finding resources to process your emotions is crucial. Take that step toward caring for yourself just as much as you care for your loved one. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Imagine this: it’s three years from now, and you’re looking back at this challenging season of caregiving. Would you feel happy with the way things turned out?  As caregivers, it’s easy to get lost in the daily demands of caring for a loved one with dementia. Stress and overwhelm become constant companions. But what if there’s a way to shift your perspective, find peace, and even experience personal growth through the process? That’s exactly what was discussed in this insightful episode, aimed at Christian caregivers of loved ones with dementia.  Lizette sheds light on practical ways to approach caregiving, focusing not just on managing day-to-day tasks but also on reflecting on how this journey shapes your future.   Caregiving is tough, but with a shift in mindset, it’s possible to move from overwhelm to peace. Spend a few moments reflecting on your own caregiver journey.  What challenges need to be addressed? What strengths can you lean on? Most importantly, how can you look back on this season feeling at peace with your progress? By taking proactive steps now, you’re not just helping your loved one—you’re investing in your own growth and well-being for the future. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Have you ever wondered how chiropractic care help your loved one with dementia? Imagine this: You're a caregiver for a loved one with dementia. Your days are filled with endless tasks, emotional challenges, and a constant stream of worry.  One day, someone suggests an unconventional idea—upper cervical chiropractic care. At first, it sounds unrelated to dementia, but as you learn more, you discover it could be a game-changer. Dr. Ramon Pino, co-founder of Clarity Chiropractic ( in Mauldin, SC, is a specialist in upper cervical techniques. Originally from Winston-Salem, NC, he found his passion for chiropractic care through its life-changing effects on patients.  A top graduate, Dr. Ramon has participated in chiropractic mission trips to Haiti and Guatemala and is committed to helping patients of all ages, including those with ADHD, anxiety, and stress, through gentle, precise adjustments.   Being a caregiver is a challenging and noble role. But you don't have to do it alone. Whether through upper cervical chiropractic care or other supportive measures, there are ways to find relief and improve both your life and your loved one’s.  Embrace the possibilities, and take one small step today toward a healthier tomorrow. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Have you ever thought of your caregiving as a labor of love? Lizette reminds us that all labor is active, just as God actively created the world in six days. Our caregiving, too, is an active decision. It’s a way to serve our loved ones and honor God.  The episode invites us to see this labor not as a burden but as a gift. It’s an opportunity for spiritual growth and sanctification.   The episode concludes with a call to embrace gratitude. Being grateful doesn’t mean ignoring the challenges. It means acknowledging God’s hand in every aspect of your caregiving journey.  You are seen, and your labor is not in vain. This message of hope and encouragement is a powerful reminder that God is with you, guiding you every step of the way. By reframing your perspective on caregiving, you can find joy and fulfillment. It’s about seeing caregiving not as a burden but as a blessing.  A chance to grow, to serve, and to honor God. So, take a moment today to be grateful for your journey. You are making a difference, and you are not alone.   Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Are you finding it challenging to connect with your loved one who has dementia?  You're not alone.  Many caregivers face similar struggles and wonder how to better communicate and engage with their loved ones.  In this episode, two caregivers shared their personal experiences and the unique strategies they've discovered to navigate the ups and downs of dementia care.    These insights are more than just tips; they are real-life strategies that have helped caregivers manage the complexities of dementia care.  Remember, you are not alone in this journey.  By focusing on emotional connections, utilizing repetition, applying distraction techniques, and caring for yourself, you can create a more supportive and nurturing environment for your loved one. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Are you worried about your loved one with dementia experiencing a fall?  This is a common concern among caregivers, as falls can drastically affect the quality of life for those with dementia and their caregivers.  In this episode with Dr. Pooja A. Patel, we discussed essential strategies to prevent falls and keep your loved ones safe.  Dr. Pooja A. Patel and her proactive care planning services in are designed to empower adults and their families to navigate the complexities of aging, healthcare, and long-term care with confidence and clarity. Falls are a significant concern, but with proactive measures and an attentive approach, you can minimize the risk for your loved one with dementia.  Remember, early prevention is key, and even small changes can make a big difference.  Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance to create a safer environment for your loved one. By focusing on these often-overlooked aspects of fall prevention, you can help ensure a safer and more comfortable life for those you care for. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Discover the Unique Benefits of Dementia-Supported Cruises for Dementia Caregivers With Kathryn Speer Shoaf Are you missing out on a unique opportunity for rest and growth? Kathy Shoaf, owner of Elite Cruises and Vacations (, is uniquely qualified to understand travel challenges and develop effective solutions. She has 20+ years of clinical and management experience in Geriatric, Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Senior Housing as a registered nurse and adaptive technology professional.  She is a Certified Dementia Educator, A Certified Accessible Travel Specialist, a Fellow at the American College of Healthcare, an Athena Nominated Senior Care Advocate, and an American Express Travel Agency Award Winner.  She personally accompanies each and every cruise group and sometimes even brings her parents along! As a caregiver for a loved one with dementia, have you ever considered taking a cruise designed especially for your needs? Many caregivers feel overwhelmed by the constant demands of their role.  But what if there was a way to find respite, gain valuable education, and create joyful memories all at once?   Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Have you ever wondered how to handle hallucinations in your loved one with dementia? As a caregiver, you might feel overwhelmed when your loved one sees or hears things that aren't there. It’s common to feel unsure about what to do next. This blog post will guide you through some practical tips to help you navigate these challenging moments with love and grace. Hallucinations occur when a person sees, hears, smells, or feels something that isn't real. For those living with dementia, this can be a distressing experience.  However, understanding the nature of these hallucinations can make a big difference in how you respond. Hallucinations in dementia don’t always need to be feared. By approaching the situation with patience and understanding, you can provide comfort to your loved one. Remember, if the hallucination isn’t causing them distress, it might not need intervention.  However, if it is, consider seeking medical advice to explore further options. Your role as a caregiver is invaluable, and these moments, while challenging, offer an opportunity to connect with your loved one in a profound way. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Are You Noticing Clutter in Your Loved One's Home? As caregivers, we often wonder if the changes we see in our loved ones' homes are just signs of aging or something more. Have you noticed clutter piling up in unusual places? This could be an early sign of dementia. In the world of dementia care, there's a big difference between clutter and hoarding. Clutter happens when items accumulate and create a disorganized environment. It’s common to see piles of laundry or scattered bills. While it can make life difficult, clutter doesn’t usually pose serious health risks. Hoarding, on the other hand, is a more severe behavior. It involves collecting items and refusing to part with them. This can lead to unsafe living conditions, such as narrow hallways filled with newspapers or spoiled food hidden in corners.  Hoarding often stems from deeper psychological issues, but in dementia, it might not be true hoarding. It could be a result of cognitive decline affecting the ability to organize and plan. By understanding the difference between clutter and hoarding, and knowing how to address it, you can help maintain a safe and supportive environment for your loved one. Keep these tips in mind as you continue your caregiving journey. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Are you prepared for unexpected behaviors in dementia caregiving? Caregiving for a loved one with dementia is a journey filled with love, challenges, and sometimes unexpected behaviors. One aspect that is often not discussed enough is how to handle sexually inappropriate behaviors.  These can be particularly distressing, especially for Christian caregivers who strive to care with compassion and understanding.   Sexually inappropriate behaviors can be troubling, but it’s important to recognize that they are often not intentional. These behaviors arise from the brain's physical changes due to dementia. The person’s ability to filter and control impulses diminishes.  What was once just a fleeting thought can now manifest as an action. Approximately 25% of people with dementia may exhibit these behaviors, especially in the later stages of the disease.   As a Christian caregiver, it's vital to remember that dementia caregiving is not just about the physical tasks but also about spiritual growth. These challenging behaviors are reminders of our shared humanity and the sinful nature that everyone grapples with.  Viewing these behaviors through a biblical lens can help you manage them with grace and patience. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Is your loved one struggling with incontinence?  Managing incontinence is a common challenge for caregivers of loved ones with dementia. This episode offers practical insights into using pull-ups and briefs, helping you maintain your loved one’s dignity and comfort.   Incontinence products like pull-ups and briefs are essential tools for caregivers. Both serve the purpose of protecting outer clothing and maintaining dignity. But they cater to different needs. Pull-ups are similar to underwear. They are discreet and comfortable for those who are still mobile and relatively independent. They’re ideal for outings or when your loved one wants to maintain a sense of normalcy.  On the other hand, briefs look more like traditional diapers. They are more absorbent, making them better suited for nighttime use or for loved ones with more severe incontinence.   Incontinence care is a sensitive and essential part of caregiving. By using these tips, you can help your loved one maintain their dignity while ensuring they are comfortable and well-cared for. Remember, being prepared and staying calm are key to making this process as smooth as possible.   Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Are you struggling to manage anger and aggression in your loved one with dementia?  These challenging emotions can feel overwhelming, but there are practical ways to navigate them while maintaining peace for both you and your loved one. Anger and aggression in dementia aren’t random. They often stem from deeper triggers. These could range from physical discomfort to emotional distress.  The key to managing these episodes lies in identifying the triggers. Keep a detailed behavior log. Note the time, environment, and events leading up to the outburst. This log can reveal patterns, helping you anticipate and prevent future episodes.   By incorporating these strategies, you can create a more peaceful caregiving experience. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. There are communities and resources available to support you as you care for your loved one. Feel free to join our monthly "Ask the Dementia Coach" sessions for personalized guidance and support. Together, we can make the caregiving journey less stressful and more fulfilling. Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  
Are you worried about your own risk of dementia while caring for a loved one? If you're a caregiver for someone with dementia, you might have asked yourself, "Could this happen to me too?" It’s a common concern, especially when you're witnessing the challenges your loved one faces.  But here's some good news: about 40% of dementia cases are preventable. Yes, you read that right. Nearly half of dementia cases could be avoided with the right knowledge and actions.   Our guests Alisha Timon, RN, BSN and Mandy Crow, MD, discuss the critical yet often overlooked topic of dementia prevention. Their company, VitalOp Wellness ( helps you combat chronic conditions like diabetes and obesity with over 30 years of combined patient care experience.  The app offers video-based content, nutrition guidance, health tracking tools, and access to hundreds of healthy recipes—all from medical professionals.  Stay organized, monitor key health metrics, and take control of your well-being. Download the VitalOp Wellness app today.   One of the least discussed aspects of dementia care is the power of prevention. It’s not just about managing the disease once it’s diagnosed but about taking steps to reduce your own risk.   The information you’ll find here isn't what most websites will tell you—it's actionable, research-backed strategies that can make a real difference.   Understanding that dementia is not an inevitable part of aging empowers you to take control. You can influence your future by making informed choices today.  Prevention doesn’t just protect your health; it gives you back a sense of control, something many caregivers feel they’ve lost. By focusing on these often-overlooked aspects of health, you can reduce your own risk of dementia while continuing to care for your loved one. Your health matters, too—make it a priority.   Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today!   Join the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook Group today for more support:   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Mentor" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered.   Register For Your Personalized Dementia Care Audit Get Individual Guidance & Support! Only One Available Per Month. Be a Co-Creator of the podcast and get a customized audit of your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!  