Cinco Ranch Church of Christ

Our weekly sermon series - updated each Thursday

Wait... That's It?!

The book of Jonah gets pretty weird at the beginning of the story, but It might have an even weirder ending. Jonah is livid with God for sparing the city of Ninevah and he lets God hear about it. This is a VERY common tendency that we have in our own lives. We have a tendency to want to play God and when God doesn't move in the ways we think that He should, we blame Him for our inability to see past our own shortcomings and justifications. Praise God for the fact that we are not Him though, for we would be so lost if this were the case. Scripture: Jonah 4:1-11


Who Knows?

Scripture: Jonah 3:6-10


Wait, He's Grateful?!

Jonah kicks off with a very weird beginning to his story when he gets swallowed by a fish. However, the only thing that might be weirder than being swallowed by a fish is to be grateful to be swallowed by a fish and that's exactly how Jonah felt while he spent three days in the belly of the fish. This is about more than just being grateful though. This is about noticing God moving and redeeming our story like He redeemed Jonah. Scripture: Jonah 1:17-2:10


Wait, What Happened!?!

Scripture: Jonah 1:11-17


Let's Dance

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20


Palm Sunday

On this Palm Sunday, we recognize the triumphant entry of Jesus into the holy city of Jerusalem. It is also on this day that we are invited to not only recognize who Jesus is, but to also accept His function in our own lives. We live as though we dictate our own fate or destiny, in shouting Hosanna though, we not only praise Christ, but we ask Him to save us the way that only He can. Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11


Glimpses of Glory

Jesus has always carried a reputation for loving and looking after the "least of these" and it's something that we find very compelling about the story of Christ. However, we also love the idea of justice or vengeance against those who wrong others, especially the "least of these." So what happens when Jesus chooses to reach out specifically to someone who was notorious for taking advantage of weaker people? What does this mean for us? Essentially, we are invited to experience a microcosm of Luke's gospel and Jesus's purpose for coming into the world. Scripture: Luke 19:1-10



We live in a society that deeply believes in and values merit-based entitlement. We have a tendency to believe that when we have accomplished certain tasks, then we should receive our due reward. Jesus turns this teaching upside down in a parable about an entitled group of workers. With that said, he also talks about the last being first and the first being last. This morning, we will explore what the real meaning might be behind this famous saying. Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16



Oftentimes we have an idea of the kind of person that is getting into heaven. It is someone who has done the right things, lived the right kind of life, and inspired others to do the same. While I don’t think that is wrong it would still be impossible for our very “best” person to make it on their own. Ancient Israel, and in our passage, the disciples struggled with this too. If someone like the rich young ruler couldn’t get into heaven, what chance does anyone have? Yet we serve a God who makes the impossible possible. Isn’t that good news for the very “best” and “worst” of us? Scripture: Matthew 19:16-30


Transforming Greatness

Jesus' ministry took place during a time when children were not highly valued. Outside of being a "future asset," children weren't really valued much at all. They were fairly low on the pecking order. Jesus turned his culture upside down with his teaching the disciples that children were actually the greatest in the Kingdom. Kids are now seen through a different lens in our culture and society today. This gives us new and fresh opportunities to love kids in ways that can truly change the world and introduce others to the way of Christ. Scripture: Mark 9:33-37


Shiny Faces and Deep Voices

This week we are kicking off a new series that will take us all the way to Easter! We begin at the furthest point north that we believe Jesus went during His ministry. It is in this place that something truly incredible happens as Jesus is transfigured. A lot of questions can come from this though. Why did only a few get to see this? What was the significance of who got to be there and why did this happen in the first place? While there are a myriad of potential answers to some of these questions, the beauty is in the simplicity of the overall story. Scripture: Matthew 17:1-9


When We Pray

Prayer is a core theme and discipline to the Christian faith. It's a core discipline to other faiths as well. While this is an integral aspect of our relationship with God, it is something that we have limited ourselves on for quite some time. When we examine our lives and ask ourselves why there isn't something deeper going on, perhaps it is our opportunity to wonder about it with God, as opposed to expecting God to perform for us. Scripture: Colossians 4:2-6


Child of God

When parents find out they are expecting, they being to prepare. We start thinking about names, dreaming of what they will become and the titles they will hold. Should we name them after a parent or a historical figure? Should we encourage them to be a basketball player, a dancer, or a doctor? Most importantly is the question of how do we teach our children to be a Child of God. We need to teach them what it means, how to get it, and how to live our lives with it. It is the most important title that they will ever have and it is our job to guide them to taking it on.


New Life

What separates Christ-followers from everyone else? Less or no sinning? That tends to be the answer from many whom you might talk to. However, God invites us into a different way of living, an alternative lifestyle. This life isn't about doing all of the right things or even not doing the wrong things. This life is about living differently from everyone around you because this new life is more liberating than any other life that you could imagine. Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17


Looking Like God

As we prepare to ring in a new year, we being preparing by making plans and setting goals. What if we chose not just to be more like God, but to even look more like God? how might one go about doing that? What would be the results and how would they change us? At our very core, the focus would need to be the same that it has always been: Jesus Christ. Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20


Love Has Arrived

The Advent season culminates in the arrival of baby Jesus. While we celebrate bringing in a new year, this season is celebrating everything changing as well. Out of darkness comes light. Out of depravity comes fulfillment. It was lowly shepherds who heard this news first and they couldn't help but drop everything to join in the celebration. This morning, we remember this invitation to join in the celebration. Scripture: Luke 2:8-20


Choosing Joy

Life comes at us in seasons. Some seasons are easier to work through than others. Some seasons are busier than others. Regardless of the season, a choice is always laid out before us. While happiness is a state of being which we are always told to strive for, it is only a temporary feeling. Joy is what we can choose even in busy or desolate seasons and joy is what God invites us to experience at the birth of His Son. Scripture: Luke 1:46-55


Preparation for Peace

Christmas has not received the nickname of "the most wonderful time of the year" for nothing. There is a difference in the air. Decorations look different, homes and trees look different. In a time when leaves have fallen and died and cold should have kicked in, there is an excitement about our environment. A major reason for all of this isn't circumstance, it's preparation. As peace comes to earth, God invites us to prepare ourselves for the gift of His Son and His birth.


Stay and Wait

As we prepare for the Christmas season and the celebration of the arrival of Jesus, we sometimes  find ourselves in a place that we hate in our current day and age: waiting. We wait for school or work to let us off, we wait to travel to see friends and family, we wait for Christmas. In a time where so much of our lives are built around NOT waiting, this is a discipline that God has set before His people in all phases of life. We wait for Jesus and God waits with us. Scripture: Isaiah 64:1-9


The Full Circle of Friendship

Scripture: Ruth 4:14-17


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