Clarity Cafe Podcast

This self-help podcast is a judgment-free zone where people can come relax and pour themselves a little break from reality as we let the good vibes flow. Each week in our sip-sized self-improvement podcast, we connect with listeners as we share all our feels and fears, and together, we learn to sip and savor this amazingly messy thing called life.

Coming Home

In this episode of the Clarity Cafe podcast, our hosts and special guest Jackee Stang touch on the concept of finding our “home” within ourselves and the importance of protecting it. They share real moments where they have felt disconnected from their “home” and what they did to help them reclaim their safe space and find happiness. 


Simple Ways to Lighten Your Day

Isn't it fun when little things happen throughout the day that brings a smile to your face? Episode #59 is a fun convo on simple ways to shift the vibe of your day when things are a little rough. It’s the little things, like playing your favorite song, having a laugh with a friend, or putting a flower on your desk that can change the whole vibe of your day if it's not going as planned. So join us in this little giggle fest made with love to lighten your day!


Flowers: A Metaphor For Our Lives

What a sweet-smelling episode we have for you this week Clarity Fam! (Yup, we said smelling not sounding!) because this week we want ya’ll to wake up and smell the roses!Yes! We are over here literally talking about flowers! Well, we are really talking about how flowers are a wonderfully beautiful metaphor for our lives and our evolution as human beings :) Just as flowers blossom from a tiny bud, flowering into something beautiful, we too grow and thrive in all our health and beauty at different times throughout our lives. And just like flowers, no two moments are the same. No two relationships are the same. Not even two of our lives are ever the same.There is something so powerful in drawing all these amazing parallels between flowers and ourselves that is just too good not to make your heart melt thinking about it next time you see your favorite flower. So enjoy this episode. We know we did.


Recovering From A Crummy Exchange

Trust us when we say this episode is a game-changer when it comes to helping us deal with the fallout from some crummy exchange. One minute we are happy as larry plodding along through our day, not bothering anyone, when boom…the next minute someone says something to us that throws us off our whole darn day…Good news though, help is here! We have some tips and tricks up our sleeves to help us manage our mood when the vibe is off. We can either let those things ruin our day, or we can flip that mindset, get some perspective and find some neutrality. Remember their attitude says a lot more about them than it does about you. So don't take it personally and learn how to bounce back :)


Work Burnout! How to Find that Work / Life Balance Again!

Burn baby burn! Until we BURNOUT that is! Today’s episode is a topic we all can relate to. The dreaded work burnout… and what a freakin topic and a half it is, right? Why does it feel like we got back from the great pause and boom! Work commitments accelerated like mad and there we are driving full speed down burnout road, where the only thing that will stop us is a brick wall!Hang on tho, there is no way we are going to let our Clarity Fam take that kind of a road trip! So phew, take a breath and settle in a minute. This episode is here to force us to slow down and think. A reminder that although we all have a tendency to push ourselves a little bit too far day after day, we can’t forget to take time out to take care of ourselves. Our lives really do depend on it.


Special Guest Wolfstang - Transforming Trauma Through Creativity!

This is a Clarity Cafe first Fam! In this super special episode, we extend a very warm welcome to our amazingly talented friend, honorary Clarity Sister, and talented singer-songwriter Jackee Stang AKA Wolfstang. And what an epic story she has for you this week!  Tune in to hear how she transformed her pain and trauma by tapping into her creativity! Yup, channeling all those badass vibes into none other than… music, writing and producing her very first album “Daddy Wounds!” We are super proud of her healing journey and so appreciative to have her showing up with us here to share how embracing that little fiery creative spark inside of us, and doing something a little differently than the norm, can jump-start us on the path to healing.


The Power of Music

This week’s little Clarity Cafe episode is quite literally music to our ears ;) This super uplifting chat is dedicated to The Power of Music! We are in awe of the fact that no matter the time in our lives, whatever we might be going through, we can always look to music to bring us joy, to help lift us up when we are down, and to connect us to ourselves, the people we love and even complete strangers!So come vibe with us as we take a minute to connect back to our musical roots, reminisce a little, and talk about how we can train ourselves to create more positive vibes in our lives, healing our souls…all through the power of music!


Expectations vs. Agreements

Unreasonable expectations! We all got 'em. Sometimes we expect too much of ourselves, sometimes we place all those expectations on others, sometimes our expectations create limiting beliefs and sometimes we get caught up doing a little of all of them!Whatever “expectation” jam you are in, don’t worry Clarity Fam, because in this week's episode we are going to take a little sip and savor how to best manage our expectations based on the reality of the situation.So let's dig in and begin this exploration of expectations – our own expectations, what to do with them, and how to sort and manage them. And let’s not also forget how to manage and handle other people's expectations of us too!At the end of this episode, we are defo gonna walk away with some clarity on expectations, which in turn will hopefully take a lil’ pressure off, because let’s be honest here…. expectations can cause a lot of undue stress. Oh and this topic is a special listener request! So shout out for requesting it, thank you very much.


Be Your Own Health Advocate

We are dropping the facts this week on Clarity Cafe! Starting with this little doozie…that nothing, and we mean NOTHING, is more important than your health Fam! Unfortunately for us… it’s usually the thing we neglect the most… ugh, right?Well, it’s a good job we are rolling up this week to give you a special promotion, to appoint you as CEO of your own health from this point forward. Yup, this episode teaches us to be large and in charge of our lives and bodies and reminds us that everyone else is just a consultant. If they are one of the good ones, they will improve your health, and if they gaslight you or don't give you the answers you're looking for… move on.Don’t stop until you get what YOU need. Congratulations on your promotion in this episode.



An episode worthy of itself this week Clarity Fam. In this poignant and personal episode, we get really deep on the subject of our self-worth and how if we don't recalibrate our self-worth compass away from seeking external validation, then we will never feel 100% whole.Acknowledging it's a lifelong practice to master feeling worthy…that goes for all of us. This episode is here to share that there are ways to turn inward and recognize where we might be holding onto beliefs that cause us to question our worth.It’s a game-changer when we can finally say, “I am enough here and now,” and that is exactly why we encourage you to join us on this journey and reset your mindset towards self-validation and recognizing that you are completely whole… just as you are.


Going For What You Want in Life

This week we are feeling the EMPOWERED VIBES because our topic is all about putting yourself out there and really going for what you want in life!Yes, it’s big, juicy and we love it! But to make it a little bit more digestible and actionable for you, we are going to focus on one small (but super important!!!) piece of it in this episode. The very first step to getting what you want in life…which is figuring out what it is you actually “want” to go get!So get ready, pull up those bootstraps, and learn some valuable self-development tools so you can start asking yourselves the right kinds of questions to figure out what you might be missing from your life now. Then get some clarity (no pun intended) and perspective on what it is that you actually want in life! Finally… go get it, Fam… that is…right after you've got the latest episode downloaded here ;)


Decluttering Your Headspace

What better way to jump into Spring AND Season 5 than taking a minute to dig in and declutter our lives first!!!!We don't mean declutter in the literal sense, like cleaning out your car or closet; we mean the important stuff, the oh-so juicy mental and emotional feels!? In much the same way, decluttering mentally and emotionally allows us to let go of old things hanging around our headspace, negative people, shame & guilt, or whatever is living rent-free in our head, and bring us into the present moment. Only then can we have clear space from which to create the next moment of our life.But first, Cali and Barb are here to help you break down the attachment to those little houseguests in your head because sometimes that attachment can be super strong and we have to be ready to ask if they are worthy of your mental and emotional energy anymore.


Find Strength & Connection In Vulnerability

One word for the last episode of Season 4 - P-O-W-E-R-F-U-LWhy? Because we are channeling our inner vulnerability goddess Brene Brown, it is not to be missed! It turns out hosts Cali and Barb share similar sentiments around authenticity, connection, and courage. They are all about dispelling the myth that vulnerability is weakness and encouraging us to realize that it is our most accurate measure of courage! “When we dare to drop the armor that protects us from feeling vulnerable, we open ourselves to the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to our lives.”  - Dr. Brene BrownSo dare to give this episode a whirl and watch how YOU WILL GET STRONGER as you allow vulnerability into your life. As your vulnerability shines through, true connections will be made, connections both with ourselves and others.But what does it even mean to truly be vulnerable? You’ll have to listen to find out…


Put Self-Care First!

Join us on this episode where Cali & Barb talk through how YOU CAN MAKE SELF-CARE A PRIORITY in your life and how to avoid the pitfalls of forgetting to give it to yourself daily. Spend a quick 20 minutes as they share wisdom and experience on how to build more resilient and sticky self-care habits, get more out of the practice while giving you some new ideas to work with.Self-care is how we keep our batteries charged and maintain a healthy perspective on our lives. Self-care is something that builds us up and when we run into a deficit of it, our lives slowly become draining and eventually overwhelming as we try to battle through losing our sense of wellness. Remember no one else may notice if you skip that yoga class, take time to read a book, or take that walk in the sunshine… but your body, mind, and spirit will definitely experience the lack of time being invested in your personal sense of wellbeing. 


Limitless Healing

Fam.. we've been working on something really special and finally the time is just right to share it with you! In this very special episode of Clarity Cafe we are dropping our very own Limitless Healing App! We poured our heart and soul into creating something that will help us all heal on a deeper level by providing a safe place for people to develop their own internal navigation and loving inner voice. Teaching people how to heal themselves has become our life's mission. Turning people's perception from feeling like they are never enough to always enough, from being fearful to feeling safe and from pain and suffering to finally feeling well and wonderful.You see, helping people is just what we do and we really hope you love this little gift from us to you. Hang in, because we’ll go into wayyyyy more detail in the episode and take the time to explain; how it all works, what to expect and how to get the most out of the app. So dive right in and ride the waves with us and repeat out loud “I am safe”, “I am well” and “I am enough.” Remember...YOUR HEALING IS LIMITLESS.


Developing a Learning & Loving Mindset

Welcome to a very special episode that’s all about…L O V E! And we’re not talking about love for your fam, friends, or pets, but the most important person…Y O U! Come with us as we explore how to cultivate a learning and loving mindset that allows you to grow and change as your heart and mind do. It's easy to slip into being hard on ourselves, overly self-critical and straight-up mean in the way we talk to ourselves. The thing is, you and your inner child deserve to be spoken to with kindness and compassion! You may be older now and we know you’ve experienced a ton that makes you feel like you shouldn't mess up anymore… but making mistakes is part of being human, and your inner child is still in there begging to be loved no matter what! So take a little listen and share this episode with a friend to spread the self-loveee <3 


Healing From Trunk Sized Emotional Baggage

We talked about small and medium baggage in Season 1 and now, true to our promise, we are finally ready to take on the big mama of baggage in Season 4!  Let’s face it, baggage is scary and the bigger stuff is even scarier. Sometimes it’s invisible, but sometimes, when we least expect it, we look back in our rearview mirror and it's right there blocking our view! Look, nobody is saying we need to face this monster head-on, or even alone for that matter… but rather, let's take it in small steps…chipping away at it like a block of ice. And know that if you work hard at identifying the triggers and dealing with them, that ice will eventually melt away. We always believe in you, Clarity Fam, and in this episode, we have a feeling you’ll be one step closer to your best self. Leave us a review and let us know how we’re doing!     


Inspiring Community Contributions

We all know the saying “be the change you wish to see in the world,” right? And this week, that’s what we’re all about! You don’t need to be a superhuman or a celebrity to become an activist for change. It doesn't even necessarily require a ton of time or money...none of that. All it takes is a human who cares enough to see a brighter and more positive home for themselves and their fellow earthlings. In this gentle episode, we want to help y’all see the power you hold within you. Especially in this age of information and social media where you have the ability to reach far and wide right at your fingertips…so instead of getting caught up in criticizing and judging people and situations in the world, embrace your rights AND responsibility to become an activist for change for the better. Who knows, maybe one day your name will go down in history, and you can say, “it all started with a little cup of clarity.


Learning to Handle Unreasonable Requests

Perspective & Priorities Fam. Yup, we are throwing out the double “P’s”  in this useful little episode that is all about how we can be more “large and in charge” of the (unreasonable?!?) requests being thrown at us on the regular. It’s a fact that life can get a bit overwhelming sometimes, and when we think we've finally gotten stuff sorted…someone (or something!) comes along and piles even more on our plates! Or worse yet, we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves thinking we can do more than we can! These situations can be uncomfortable and just downright overwhelming. So, let’s flip the script on this already and chat for a hot minute about how to remedy these stressors and find a solution that best suits everyone involved. Don’t get us wrong…sometimes we need to grind to get things done, but it’s not always 100% necessary. And in those instances, it’s okay to just. say…. NO. Take a listen, learn and grow with us this week and make sure to check out our socials @ClarityCafePodcast. 


Giving Authentic Compliments

We seem to have lots to say about things we don’t do so well, but how often do we stop, acknowledge, and compliment ourselves and each other for the things we are doing well? Sadly, it's probably not as often as it should be. No worries tho Fam, that's exactly why we have dedicated this episode to taking the time to inventory and acknowledge the things we do well… and do right! That way we can practice truly admiring ourselves and each other in more genuine and loving ways. For the record, we don't mean throwing around those flippant kind of compliments. We are talking about authentic compliments – the heartfelt ones that make us feel good, and the world a little better place to live in for each other. So give this episode a whirl, get to know the difference between authentic and inauthentic compliments, and why not drop us a little compliment in a podcast review section while you’re at it :)


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