Clarity in the Fast Lane

Exhausted by the chaos of modern life and work? You're in the right place. This podcast is about breaking the mold and building your life and career through unconventional ways of thinking and operating. The world feels like a dumpster fire, but the story is not fully written yet. It's possible to align your values, work, and impact. We explore how.

Staring death in the face

We’re all going to die. And it’s scary. As I age, I become increasingly present to death. Here are a few ways to look at approach aging and death with grace and compassion.


From no confidence to a $100K salary jump - Miranda’s story

If you’re a dissatisfied professional, listen up! In the next 20 minutes I’m going to describe how to quit your job and land a higher paying role that you love — Even if you don’t know exactly what you want or what you’re qualified for. I’ve helped hundreds of professionals just like you navigate career transitions and land jobs that they love, making top dollar. This week we dive deep into how these clients did it and how you can do it to.


How and when to quit your job

Want to leave your job but don’t know how or when to do it? This week I break it down step by step so that you get an actionable plan in place and start moving toward a career that truly fuels you + pays the bills. I also provide a high level overview of my networking framework / strategy called a Whisper Campaign. It’s the first steps you can take to build immediate momentum. For more info on this tool, click the link below. I offer an entire free masterclass to walk you step by step through the process:


How to find clarity in the chaos of life

Clarity can feel illusive. This week I break it down into four steps you can follow to get create more clarity in your life. I also reference a therapist in New York City who is phenomenal resources. Her contact information can be found at the link below:


How to handle burnout, without burning out

The solution to burnout is simple: work less. So why don’t we do it? This week I explore how dysfunctional work dynamics bring out our workaholic tendencies and what you can do about it.


Gaps in your resume? Not a problem

The problem is not that you have gaps in your resume. It’s that you think other people will think less of you because of the gap. But the reality is that whatever story you tell is the story others will tell about you. In this episode I teach you how to own your story in order to get better results.


The power of leaning out

We all know that Pareto Principle – that 20% of our effort drives 80% of the outcomes. So why do we keep working past the point of diminishing returns? Because it’s uncomfortable and scary to lean out and set boundaries. This week we look at the unexpected benefits of leaning out and discuss practical tips for how to do so in your own life.


Why you’re not getting results

Chat GPT can basically provide you with step by step instructions for how to get whatever it is you want. So why don’t we see more people living fulfilled lives? Because getting results often requires us to become a different person. We have to become the type of person who gets the results that we want. This week I walk you through a step by step process — a “how to” manual for transforming yourself.


Are you thinking too small?

When we don’t get the results we want, we think that maybe it’s because we are being unrealistic about what’s possible. But what if the opposite is true? What if you’re not getting results because you’re playing too small of a game? This week we look at the power of setting “unrealistic” goals and how doing so can help you jump the curve.


The will to change

Most of us have a limited amount “will power.” So how do we create changes in life when we’ve run out? In this episode I talk about 3 ingredients needed to make change. I explore where will power comes from and how to generate more of it if/when you’re running low. Spoiler alert: it’s not about will power. It’s about something else.


How to make a lot more money and pay off debt

Want to make a lot more money and get out of debt. I have a process for this. I call it a Whisper Campaign. It’s 7 steps. This week I walk you through each step and tell you exactly how to do it.


The fallacy of hard work

Hard work will take you far. But it can also hold you back. When you’re wanting more out of your life or career but also at capacity, it’s time to look inward. It’s more natural than you think, and the results are often better than you’d expect. It’s counterintuitive to think that doing less can produce better results. Nevertheless, it’s often true. But you have to be willing to step back and step away from the rat race.


How to start a business without burning out

There is a lot of misinformation and noise about business building out there. This makes it confusing and overwhelming to think about starting a business for most people. So they stop before they start. In this episode I boil it all down to the lost simple formula for how to start a business and not get sucked into to the madness of it all.


How to increase productivity without burning out

Ever wanted to be more productive or efficient? You can do a google search on this topic and find a million strategies to improve efficiency. Some work, but most don’t. This week I explain why, and I give you a new way to approach efficiency — one that will yield lasting results.


Overcoming analysis paralysis

Do you suffer from analysis paralysis? Maybe you are self aware, but stuck. Or you struggle to make decisions / move forward in certain areas of your life. In this episode I talk about how to get out of your head by noticing your inner critic and letting go.


Maximize your income without working nonstop

People often think that maximizing their earnings will require a sacrifice of time, values, or purpose. But that’s only true if you’re playing by the rules of someone else’s game. This week we explore how to maximize your income by creating your own playbook and taking calculated risks.


How to work less and get great results

Do you suspect that you’re overworking? You’re not alone. Working less is not about giving up or neglecting your responsibilities. It’s about finding the your lane and clearing out the clutter. This week I give you practical tips to reclaim your time and energy in a world that’s always demanding more.


The #1 skill you need

Are you stuck or not getting any traction in your career / job search / relationships? In this episode I share the number 1 skill you might be missing. It’s a game changer.


How to be satisfied without faking it

Want to be satisfied? In this episode I describe my approach. It’s not about faking gratitude or “looking on the bright side.” It’s more fun than that. Listen in, and I’ll explain what I mean.


Getting your resolutions to stick

Do resolutions work? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. In this episode I discuss a few essential ingredients to ensure that you deliver on your resolutions this year.


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