Classroom to Boardroom with Carrie Conover

Classroom teachers and school leaders often wonder what it would be like to transition from working at a school to working for an education company or in corporate America. Carrie Conover, career coach and edtech recruiter, shares her insight on how she has coached educators who have landed roles at companies such as NASA, Discovery Education, School Specialty, Otus, NearPod, Paper, Scholastic and many more.

Five Things to Think About if You Want to Leave Teaching

Are you thinking about leaving teaching? Sit down with Carrie as she talks through a few things you could do to find happiness in the classroom before you decide to leave. 


Teaching Skills that Prepare You for Ed Tech Success

Teaching Skills that Prepare You for Ed Tech Success  Teachers looking to transition from the classroom to a position with an ed-tech company sometimes worry about whether they are qualified to make such a big career change. The reality, however, is that #teacherjobs are excellent preparation for ed-tech employment. Your time in the classroom has given you numerous skills that will make you an effective member of the ed-tech field.  Empathy Empathy is central to the teaching experience. As an educator, you do not just help students to develop their intellects. You also help them to develop emotional intelligence, and that means teaching them to understand and model empathy.  Great teachers TEACH empathy to their students in a multitude of ways. Every time you explore a character's feelings in a story, help a student navigate a conflict with a friend, or show your class how to care for their community or their world, you are helping them to use empathy to connect with those around them.  Great teachers also USE empathy themselves as they build relationships with students, parents, colleagues, administrators, and other educators.  When it comes time to transition to the ed-tech world, particularly in the fields of sales, customer support, and customer success, empathy plays a central role.  Research shows, for example, that empathy is one of the most important leadership skills. Empathetic leaders foster greater innovation, engagement, and inclusivity within their environments. You can use your skills in teaching and using empathy to create strong teams and effective communication within your ed-tech corporation. In addition, the school districts and educators with whom you will interact in your new role need more than just facts about the technology options available to them. They need someone who will listen to and care about their needs and who will find ways to support student learning and growth. Your skills in using empathy can help you to build trusting, effective relationships with them as you seek to meet their ed-tech needs.  Documentation Documentation can seem all-consuming in the field of education. A Facebook post that circulated when I was teaching said, "Teaching is at the point that if a student passes gas in class, we have to document it."  While the post was a bit sarcastic, there was some truth to it. A decade later, the need for documentation is even higher. IEPS. Behavior improvement plans. School lunch lists. COVID contact lists. Teachers spend many hours meticulously documenting student progress and behaviors.  When you are ready to transition from the classroom to #edtechcareers, those documentation skills will be a highly valuable skill in any role you take on. From engineers who need to write a postmortem to a customer success manager who needs to document a success story for a case study, to a recruiter who needs to document the outcomes of an interview, great documentation skills are essential.  Organization Most of us remember that one teacher who struggled with organization  - Late test grading, messy classroom, etc. However, most teachers are extremely organized because they have to be. Thoughtful, intentional organization keeps their lives at school less stressful and equips them to teach more effectively.  You can take those same organizational skills and use them to succeed at an ed-tech company. For example, in my first ed tech position, I used my organizational skills to build a tracking system to manage the company's book of renewals and expansions. The system caught the attention of my CEO, who told me at my year-end review that  “I didn’t know you had this operational side to you!”  As a teacher looking to move into ed-tech, you too can leverage those organizational skills as the valuable contributions they are to the ed-tech field. And, you can market those skills at the beginning of the application process, rather than waiting until you are in the role to let your operational skills shine!  Differentiation In my opinion, one of the biggest shifts in education over the last 20 years is the practice of differentiating instruction for students. Back in the 80s and 90s when I was a student, education was a one-size-fits-all approach. Every student received instruction in the same way.  When I became a teacher, however, we began learning the importance of tailoring the curriculum to match students' learning styles. Today, teachers are expected to provide an education that meets students' unique learning needs.  As a result, teachers understand the importance of differentiation to student success, and they understand how to implement it in their everyday approach. You are probably very comfortable with using tools and strategies to make a curriculum an effective teaching tool for all of your students.  Differentiation is also at the core of ed-tech curriculum today. Tools such as eSpark Learning, iXL, DreamBox, LearnZillion, NewsELA and ThinkCerca use technology to make differentiation easier and more effective within the classroom.  As an ed-tech employee, particularly in the customer support field, differentiation is also key. We all know the constant conversation that goes on behind doors about customer segmentation and services. Teachers are not only great at understanding the concept that some customers deserve higher-touch care than others, but they can also deliver on it without the urge to over serve the lower-touch customer. The former teachers on my customer service teams were the BEST at executing based on customer segmentation plans. Patience Patience may not be a skill you think to put on your resume, but it is a valuable tool that you can take from education to ed-tech. Those classrooms of busy children that you manage every day have given you a level of patience you would never have been able to imagine before you started teaching.  You have also learned how to read students (and sometimes parents) in order to determine when to push them toward positive change and growth and when to wait patiently in order to optimize their chances for success in the classroom.  That balance is essential in #edtechjobs, particularly in the sales and customer support fields. You need to know when to stretch the thinking of a school district and push them toward a certain solution, but you also need to know when to be patient and wait for a better time.  In addition, you will need patience when dealing with people inside and outside your organization. You are working with human beings, whether they are from the product team, instructional design, engineering, or another department, and successful interactions with others, as you know, often requires patience.  As an educator, you already have many of the skills you need to succeed at an ed-tech company. If you are ready to begin the journey to an ed-tech position, Classroom to Boardroom here at educators 2 educators can help.  In addition to teaching you how to recognize, and promote the critical skills you have, we also offer lots of online content, a #teachercareercoach, connections with others, and more. Here you can network, spruce up your resume, and become part of a community that supports you along the way. Contact us today to learn more! 


Why You Need to Build Community in Your Ed Tech Job Search

Looking for a role in Ed Tech? Then you are embarking on an exciting, challenging, and potentially lengthy journey to find your dream position. You should not have to do it alone. In fact, finding a community of like-minded educators, and receiving guidance and support along the way, can make it faster, easier, and less stressful to land the right job at an education company.  In this episode, Carrie talks about the why and how of community in your job search!


From Teacher to Director of Customer Success with Donnaly

Donnaly Crull went from middle school teacher to Director of Customer Success at Skillstruck. In this episode of the C to B podcast, hear Donnaly's story and why her Mexican roots play an important part in her career path.   Learn more about Classroom to Boardroom here.


From Teacher to Head of Business Operations

Teacher to Business Development with John Putman John Putnam went from teacher to professor to head of business operations at Schoolytics. In this episode of the C to B podcast, hear John's story and learn the number one skill John believes you already have that can help you make the transition out of the classroom. Learn more about Classroom to Boardroom at


From Teacher to VP of Sales with Patrick F.

Patrick went from teacher to VP of Sales at Acadeum.  Patrick’s career path helped him uncover his common thread: helping people realize their own potential. He majored in engineering but pursued being a high school math and science teacher. After 7 years of teaching Algebra I and II, geometry, statistics, and physics, Patrick did the unthinkable and quit his job as department chair two weeks into the fall semester. He took a job as an entry-level salesperson at a midsize tech start-up that worked with universities and colleges. It was the scariest thing he could have done but it was the right decision.  Sign up for Classroom to Boardroom at Check out Patrick's workbook at


Teacher to Client Success Leader with Heather Hoeppner

Heather Hoeppner went from high school teacher to client success leader at Affirm. Heather sits down with us to chat about how her love for data drove her to make various twists and turns in her career. In this episode, Carrie and Heather talk about their time together working in ed-tech at eSpark Learning and what Heather has been up to since that time. Learn more at Heather's Bio: Heather leads big box retail initiatives for Affirm, a San Francisco-based Financial Tech firm offering honest financial products. Prior to Affirm, she oversaw enterprise key accounts at Narrative Science, a Chicago-based AI company focused on language capabilities in advanced analytics. Heather spent the first 10 years of her career with Teach For America, first as a high school English teacher in West Baltimore followed by seven years supporting and managing teams of teachers and district leader relationships. Heather holds an MBA from the University of Chicago, a Master of Arts in Teaching from Johns Hopkins University and a BA from Kenyon College. She is also the co-founder and advisor of Tilly, an online landscape design company. 


The Importance of Knowing Your Strengths with Tomer Yogev

Tomer Yogev specializes in helping people identify and understand their strengths. This process helps his clients find the ultimate joy in both their personal and professional life. During this interview, Tomer and Carrie sit down to discuss the process we used during our coaching sessions to identify and maximize Carrie's strengths as she began her work as an entrepreneur.  ____ Dr. Jax ML Black and Tomer Yogev, a married couple, have become two of Chicago’s most sought-after executive coaches thanks to their genuine, contagious passion and radiant energy. Their journey to The Big Joy Theory was set in motion after a skydiving trip, where they both had a revelation. As they hurtled through the air, snugly tied to a trusted expert, they realized what all leaders should embody: security, trust, and confidence.  Following their realization, Dr. Jax and Tomer founded TandemSpring: a coaching center that empowered leaders to break free from the corporate mindset and work as their authentic selves. The couple spent the next decade teaching others how to find and own their strengths so that they could become the skydiving instructors of their own lives.  As they watched more and more leaders elevate into their fully-expressed and authentic selves, Jax and Tomer realized there was one more component that came out of their life-changing skydiving trip: joy. Now, TandemSpring has become The Big Joy Theory, where they teach and encourage leaders to become their whole selves so they can jump into joy —  and land in their own authentic leadership presence.  Jax and Tomer invite you to connect with them on LinkedIn or schedule a time to connect with them in-person here.  


Teacher to National Sales Leader with Rachel

Rachel Van Aken turned her passion for helping her students grow into a passion for helping entire school districts meet their goals. In this episode, hear how Rachel found a fulfilling career as an education sales leader and in her role as a Board Member in her local school district.


Teacher to Professional Learning and Support Coordinator with Kristen

Kristen Harris always knew she wanted to have a positive impact on children and she made that dream come true by teaching pre-K to 3rd grade for many years. She is now a Professional Learning and Support Coordinator and helps other teachers use best-practice to implement new technology in their classroom.  In this episode, learn how Kristen used the power of social media and the tools provided to her in Classroom to Boardroom to make her career dreams come true. Learn more at  


Teacher to Program Delivery Manager with Lauren

What jobs can teachers do outside of teaching? Lauren Benefico tells her career story from going to classroom teacher to implementation and customer success manager at an education company to her role today as Program Delivery Manager at Habits at Work.  Lauren talks about letting go of the guilt (hello, she impacted thousands of teachers and students in her work at Discovery Education) and how she carved a career to job satisfaction outside the classroom.  Interested in a job outside of teaching but don't know where to begin? Learn more at


Teacher to Senior iOS Engineer with Taylor

Taylor Daugherty went from teacher to customer success intern, to sales associate to senior iOS Engineer. She reached her career sweet spot by taking risks and truly understanding her strengths and the type of work that brought her joy. Hear her story and the fun Taylor and host Carrie Conover had together during their time working at eSpark learning on this episode of Classroom to Boardroom. Learn more about Classroom to Boardroom the online course at    


Teacher to Senior Customer Success Manager with Anya

Anya Dudek went from high school Writing Teacher to Senior Customer Success Manager by using her ability to backward plan to reach large goals within the classroom, large school district, and fortune 500 companies.   Learn more about Classroom to Boardroom at


Open Role for Transitioning Educators (Job 1): Professional Learning Facilitator

Calling all #bilingual PreK-5 educators! Are you looking for a role at an education company? I've got the job for you: Bilingual Professional Learning Specialist 🧠 Must live in Texas, Florida, or Puerto Rico 🧠 Experience in early childhood education 🧠 Fluent in Spanish and English (speaking and writing) 🧠 Ability to present virtually and in person in English and Spanish 🧠 Able to travel 20% This is a contract position that may turn into a full-time position.   To apply, send an email to  subject line: Bilingual (Spanish) PLS Please include an introduction and resume.   The job is posted on March 18, 2024.


I Quit Teaching: What Happened 10 Years Later

When I knew it was time to leave teaching, it was a tough decision. I wanted a career that would allow me to make a difference in the world and within education, but I also wanted growth, more money, and goals and aspirations. 10 years later, I’ve left teaching, worked for two different EdTech companies, and created two successful businesses. Here’s how I managed to network as a newly former teacher to land my first role outside of the classroom, use my transferable skills from teaching to excel in my customer success role, and turn those skills into the foundation of my career as an entrepreneur. Learn more at


Chelsea Moore: A Unique EdTech Career Story

Not everyone transitions directly from teaching full-time to EdTech. There are a ton of different ways in which those working in education find themselves looking for more. Even though you’re not in a teaching role, maybe you’ve found that the path to your ideal role isn’t as straightforward as you imagined. We’ll explore how Chelsea Moore landed her role with the Texas Education Agency, what that role looks like, self expression in the workplace, and Chelsea’s advice on networking. Having never taught in the classroom, here’s why Chelsea joined Classroom to Boardroom and how it helped her transition into her first role outside of education.


From Teacher to State Partnership Manager with Jen M.

Intimidated by the idea of leaving teaching after investing so much time in the profession? Here’s how Jennifer Moss left teaching after two amazing decades. In this episode of the Classroom to Boardroom Podcast, I sit down with Jennifer to discuss why she left teaching after 20 years and how she landed her role as a partnership manager with Discovery Education. We then explore what lead to her smoothe and quick transition from the classroom as well as how TikTok can help when leaving teaching. Finally, Jennifer and I delve into what her days look like in her EdTech role and how relationship building is a crucial part of her role.


From Teacher to Business Development Representative with Abby P.

Looking to leave teaching but hesitant to commit because you still love it? Abby Prouty was in the same boat several years ago, until she took the Classroom to Boardroom Full Course and gained the momentum she needed to transition. In this episode of the Classroom to Boardroom Podcast, host Carrie Conover sits down with Abby to discuss why she left teaching and her journey to becoming a former teacher. They then walk through the hard and soft skills crucial to her role as well as the differences she sees since her latest promotion. Finally, Abby explores how the Course supported her through finally deciding to make the leap and land her first role as a Business Development Representative at Discovery Education. Learn more about our courses and community at


Back to School When You Didn’t Land a Job Outside the Classroom

So you didn’t get the job before back to school. Setting up your classroom is probably the last thing you want to do after you’ve invested so much time and money into perfecting your resume, interviewing, and networking. But you’re not done yet. In this episode of the Classroom to Boardroom podcast, host Carrie Conover discusses what you can do to help your transition while facing back to school. With Carrie, you’ll explore your personal finances, refresh your resume, find communities, reflect on your teaching career, and put together a plan for the coming months. Carrie even shares a story about her own transition from teaching to EdTech to keep you inspired in your job search.


School Counselor to Sales with Dana B.

In this episode of the Classroom to Boardroom podcast, host Carrie Conover speaks with former teacher Dana Blumberg on her journey to working in sales for Amplify Learning. We discuss Dana’s career transition from School Counselor to sales at Amplify, and how her skills as an educator have translated to her current role. Dana shares her experience of leaving the school setting, including the toxic work situation that led to her transition. We also dive into the hard and soft skills that were crucial to Dana landing her first role outside of the classroom and seeing success on the job. After exploring the skills gained and other benefits of the Classroom to Boardroom Full Course, we conclude the episode with Dana’s final words of advice to transitioning educators facing rejection. Coursework and Coaching:


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