Cliff’s Notes on Profitable Coaching

In this podcast I share what I have learned about building a profitable coaching business. If you have a desire to bring about massive transformation in the lives of those you serve and get paid extremely well to do it, this is the podcast for you. Be sure to check out my main podcast, The Cliff Ravenscraft Show, in your favorite podcast directory.

039 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 05

This is session 05 of The Mark Mason Sessions. In this month's conversation, Mark came away with the following insights: Mark gained clarity on how his values and rules impact his progress and success, and that redoing the values exercise more thoroughly could provide greater clarity. Mark gained a greater understanding of the Values/Rules exercise and its overall intent and purpose. Mark understands the need, moving forward, for goals and plans to consider life realities like responsibilities, commitments, energy levels, and margins changing over time. Mark expressed a desire to discuss his experience with cycles of high motivation and productivity followed by seasons of procrastination and low productivity. We did uncover that Mark's bursts of motivation often start at the end of the year when he has more free time, but he had not accounted for how priorities and available time change with the kids’ sporting seasons. One of Mark's top priorities is being present with his family during sporting seasons, which means consciously adjusting goals and expectations during those times. We discussed how a practice of journaling can help discover patterns that could help understand what drives these cycles. Resources Shared Click Here for Full Instructions on the Values/Rules Exercise aTimeLogger app  NEXT LEVEL COACHING PROGRAM If you found today's conversation insightful and are looking to take your coaching business to the next level, I have an offering I think could really help you. I facilitate a weekly group coaching program called the Next Level Coaching Program. For 90 minutes each week, I share proven frameworks and strategies to help coaches attract ideal clients and create transformation in the lives of their clients. One of my clients who has built and sold eight-figure businesses says he gets tremendous value from each session. If you'd like to experience this for yourself, all you need to do is email me at  and mention this podcast episode. I'll invite you to join two sessions for free, with no strings attached. Take me up on this opportunity to learn from my 30 years of sales, coaching and business experience. I'd love to share what I know to help you build a highly profitable coaching practice. I look forward to possibly welcoming you as my guest.  


038 - The Number One Method For Finding And Reaching Your Ideal Clients

In this podcast episode, I interview my dear friend Jessica Rhodes about her podcast guesting service business, Interview Connections, which she started in 2013. Over the past decade, her business has become a powerful entity that helps individuals reach their ideal clients and expand their audience. Listen in to learn valuable tips on how to make a strong impact when given the opportunity to be a guest on other people's podcasts. Hear are just a few of the key insights from this episode Appearing as a guest on other podcasts has proven to be the most effective method for reaching your ideal clients and exposing your message to a large audience. Over the past decade, I have referred numerous clients to Interview Connections and have received entirely positive feedback. The importance of thorough preparation for podcast interviews cannot be overstated. This includes researching the host and having a clear call to action. Having a clear call to action is important, but possessing unwavering confidence in the value of your course of action is the key to eliciting responses. There is a need to be fully present and engaged during interviews to establish a connection with the listeners and hosts. Using a clear, compelling "one sheet" to make it easy for hosts to say yes and ask questions that help you achieve your goals. Audience size numbers from directories are not accurate or transparent, and the right audience is more important than a large size. Thorough onboarding, training, and pitching over multiple months is important for services like Interview Connections to deliver top-notch results. Authenticity and vulnerability build strong business relationships, and local employees provide personalized service better than outsourcing. Referral partnerships can help promote services when there is trust, integrity, and a track record of success. Ongoing coaching can help overcome mindset blocks keeping clients from achieving their goals. Jessica Rhodes has been running her "Interview Connections" podcast guesting service for over a decade. Our conversation in this podcast episode has convinced me to be a long-term advocate for her company. I fully endorse Jessica Rhodes and her podcast booking services. Book a call with Jessica today at Let her know that Cliff sent you.  


037 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 04 | Uncovering Your Unconscious Values and Rules

Below is the email follow up that I sent to Mark after this session. Pay special attention to the additional resources section which has a link to where you can find the full instructions to the value/rules exercise.Mark, It was wonderful to connect with you during our call today. Below, you'll find a link to the recording of our session, along with a list of insights and action items that emerged from our discussion. 💡 Insights From Our Conversation You now understand how unconscious values and rules shape your emotional experiences in life without you even realizing it. Through this exercise, we began the process of uncovering what your current system of values and rules are. You see how any rule that is outside of your control can trigger negative emotions like embarrassment or discouragement if not met. Evaluate how many of your rules have elements out of your control. You recognize that by having too many rules, it sets you up to never truly feel your most important moving towards values. You understand the value of rewriting your rules to have fewer requirements that completely within your control. I gave my example of focusing on my connection to God is the only rule required for me to feel peace, love and abundance regardless of circumstances. You can see how identifying and challenging unconscious rules from your past can help you overcome embarrassment, disappointment, and discouragement, even when not meeting original goals and targets. 📦  Additional Resources Click Here for Full Instructions on the Values/Rules Exercise 🎯 Action Items From Today’s Call I encourage you to continue the process of uncovering your current system of values and rules. Of course, I also suggest that you complete the exercise by consciously creating your new intentional values and rules for moving forward. See the “Additional Resources” section above for a link to the full exercise with instructions. Take some time to evaluate what the appropriate goals are for you to work on in the month of April, and email me a list by next Monday. I look forward to our next session. Sincerely, Cliff  


036 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 03

Below email followup that I sent to Mark following this session: Mark, It was so wonderful to connect with you during our call today. Below, you will find a link to the recording of our session, along with details for our next session. Additionally, you'll find a list of insights and action items that emerged from our discussion today. 📼  Recording of our call This is a link to the VIDEO recording of our call with full transcript 🗓️  Next Scheduled Session Our next coaching session has already been scheduled at the date and time listed below: Monday, April 1st at 2:30pm Central Time (3:30pm Eastern Time) 💡 Insights From Our Conversation You have clearly made progress on your coaching journey since our last session, even if you didn't meet all of your goals. You've moved forward in important ways by spending time thinking about this and taking action steps. It was insightful to hear about your experience coaching the woman through the Amazon program and how fulfilling it was to help her gain clarity and confidence to move forward. This validated why you want to pursue coaching. I'm impressed by your willingness to thoughtfully reflect on your ideal client definition and be open to redefining it based on your recent experience with a seasoned entrepreneur who is looking to develop and online aspect for his business pursuits. You recalled the value of like follow up using video. You recognized that creating an environment that will provide for a professional coaching experience will allow you to better serve future clients. You recognize that you can give yourself permission to prioritize the carefully created environment for coaching over the desire to get a session scheduled as quickly as possible. Through our dialogue, you gained awareness of the subtle resistance you may face when prioritizing the identification of prospects. We spoke briefly, at the end of our conversation, about the need to create the neuroassociations of pain and pleasure that Tony discusses in Creating Lasting Change. 📦  Additional Resources Cliff’s Invitation Language I'd be honored to offer you a COMPLIMENTARY 90-Minute Coaching Experience with me. This would be my gift to you, with absolutely NO obligation and NO expectation that you'll ever become a paid coaching client. To ensure a successful and productive session, I kindly ask you to agree to the following three conditions: Join the call from a 100% distraction-free environment, allowing for open and candid discussions without the risk of being overheard. Participate in the call from a location with a reliable internet connection that supports both audio and video via Zoom. Choose a date and time for our call that you will protect and prioritize, even if other commitments arise. In return, I promise to prioritize our session just as highly and provide you with unlimited access to all the insights and resources I have to offer during our time together. If you're interested, there is a simple two-step process: Please schedule the call at LINK HERE Please complete the pre-coaching experience questionnaire at LINK HERE I look forward to the possibility of connecting with you further. Sincerely, Cliff 🎯 Action Items From Today’s Call You committed to thoughtfully crafting your invitation to the second prospective client using the language we discussed, to fully communicate the benefits they will receive. Sending a video follow-up to your first client summarizing insights from your session and inviting them to book another will help strengthen your relationship. Setting up your coaching environment through Zoom with full tools will allow you to deliver the highest level experience without compromise. Creating a list of at least 10 potential clients to invite within 30 days will help you fill your available slots and move your coaching practice forward. Optional: Committing to focus on inviting new clients during unfilled session times, perhaps with an accountability partner, can help overcome challenges you may face in prioritizing this. Recommitting to taking action on inviting prospects this month will keep you moving in a positive direction on your coaching journey. Develop strong neuroassociations around the massive, immediate pleasures of your coaching invitation work and create strong neuroassociations around the massive, immediate, and unbearable pain that you will experience if you neglect this work. I look forward to our next session. Sincerely, Cliff  


035 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 02

Welcome to Session Number 2 of "The Mark Mason Sessions." In this series, I am coaching business leader and internet marketing expert Mark Mason, one-on-one, and you'll get to hear every detail of each of these twelve sessions. Over the course of the year, I will work closely with Mark to help him launch his new coaching business through proven methods of attracting and serving high-quality clients. Listeners will gain invaluable insights as they witness Mark's transformation through these sessions. Each episode in this series will provide a real-world example of how the prosperous coach method creates results, serving as both inspiration and practical education for anyone looking to build a successful coaching practice. Mark's journey is sure to offer profound lessons that can be applied immediately. If you want to hire Mark Mason as your coach, email him before his only two coaching slots are taken. His email is Next Level Coaching Program If what I shared about the Next Level Coaching Program resonated with you, please email me at to discuss how you can get into this group coaching program.


034 - The Mark Mason Sessions - Session 01

I'm thrilled to announce a new "series" of content within the Cliff's Notes on Profitable Coaching Podcast. This is the first of twelve of The Mark Mason Sessions. In this series, I will coach business leader and internet marketing expert Mark Mason, one-on-one, and you'll get to hear every detail of each of these twelve sessions. Over the course of the year, I will work closely with Mark to help him launch his new coaching business through proven methods of attracting and serving high-quality clients. Listeners will gain invaluable insights as they witness Mark's transformation through these sessions. Each episode in this series will provide a real-world example of how the prosperous coach method creates results, serving as both inspiration and practical education for anyone looking to build a successful coaching practice. Mark's journey is sure to offer profound lessons that can be applied immediately. If you want to hire Mark Mason as your coach, email him before his only two coaching slots are taken. His email is Next Level Coaching Program If what I shared about the Next Level Coaching Program resonated with you, please email me at to discuss how you can get into this group coaching program.


033 - Elevating Your Coaching Business: A Deep Dive with ChatGPT

Today, I'm offering you a front-row seat to a groundbreaking episode – a merging of human intuition and AI brilliance. This conversation isn't just a testament to technology's marvels, but also a dive into my unique approach to connecting conversations and building authentic, no-strings-attached relationships. Here's a sneak peek at what you'll find in this episode: The Essence of Genuine Conversations: Learn why I place immense value on profound, meaningful interactions. For me, every conversation is a doorway to a lasting connection, a bond that's free from any ulterior motive or agenda. Organic Growth Through Referrals: Discover my organic, heart-centered approach to generating referrals. It's all about genuine connection, adding value, and trusting the process. Embracing Empathy in Business: In a world where transactions often take center stage, I've always believed that it's empathy and true understanding that set the foundation for any successful business relationship. Dive into how empathy can be the game-changer in your interactions. Mindset Over Techniques: While strategies and tools have their place, this episode emphasizes why 80% of success springs from the right mindset. Learn how to tackle challenges not just with technical skills, but with a perspective that propels you forward. This conversation speaks to the heart of genuine human connections in the realm of business. Dive in, and let's deepen our understanding of what it truly means to connect, relate, and grow authentically in the world of business. Unlocking Next-Level Growth with Cliff I want to invite you to dive deeper with me into the transformative world of coaching and masterminding. If you're hungry for more, if you feel that call to elevate every facet of your life and business, I have some opportunities crafted just for you: 🌟 The Next Level Mastermind: If you're a full-time, self-employed, business owner, I invite you to engage with a community of like-minded individuals, learn from collective wisdom, and supercharge your journey to success. More about The Next Level Mastermind at 🌟 One-on-One Coaching with Cliff: There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Each coaching relationship I enter is unique, tailored to your dreams and challenges. Dive deep, get personalized insights, and transform your mindset and strategies with dedicated one-on-one time. Interested? Reach out directly at with 'Coaching' in the subject line. 🌟 The Next Level Coaching Program: Whether you're a newbie coach or a seasoned professional seeking to master the Prosperous Coach Method for Creating Clients, this program is designed to equip you with invaluable tools and insights. Every week, engage in a call that could vary from an 'ask me anything' session to expert-led trainings. Join us and elevate your coaching game. Curious to learn more? Drop me an email at with 'Next Level Coaching Program' in the subject.


032 - The Ultimate Tool for Scaling Your Coaching Business Online: My Kajabi Experience

In this info-packed episode, I'm joined by my longtime friend and fellow online business expert Ray Edwards to dive deep into why we believe Kajabi is the ultimate all-in-one platform for online business owners. Ray and I take a trip down memory lane to remember the "bad old days" of cobbling together a frankenstein's monster of different tools, services, and platforms just to create and sell an online course or membership site. We share horror stories of downtime, limited storage and bandwidth, security issues, and the general hassle of managing it all. We then explain how Kajabi changed everything for us and made our online businesses infinitely easier to manage. Key benefits I discuss include: Robust website hosting with amazing uptime and security Unlimited storage for videos, audios, PDFs, images - No Caps! Unlimited bandwidth - no traffic overage charges Built-in payment processing, coupons, subscriptions, etc. Full featured email marketing and automation Easy course and membership site creation Podcast hosting and distribution Webinars, coaching, and live streaming Affiliate program tracking and payments Page builder and templates optimized for marketing and sales Active user community for peer support And so much more! And all this for just $159/month on the Growth plan! Ray and I agree this is an amazing value compared to paying for individual tools and services. Whether you're just starting out or already have an established online business, Kajabi has everything you need to create, market, sell, and deliver your digital products and services all in one place. Listen now to hear our full discussion and decide for yourself if Kajabi could be a gamechanger for your online business! Ready to transform your online business with Kajabi? Sign up using my affiliate link and experience the difference for yourself! Affiliate Link:  


031 - From Probation Officer to Life Coach: Edwin's Transformation Journey

I'm thrilled to welcome Edwin Soler to the show today! Edwin dedicated 27 years of his life to helping others as a probation officer, where he made a profound impact guiding thousands of clients. Now, he's courageously stepping into a new season and harnessing his gifts to become a full-time coach, speaker, and author. While this transition hasn't been easy, Edwin is determined to own his value and share his story. Today, we'll dig into how we can strengthen his mindset, gain clarity on next steps, and put together an actionable game plan. Edwin is eager to fully own his potential - so let's give him our full support as he moves boldly into this next chapter! If you would like to experience one of these complimentary full blown 90-minute one-on-one coaching experiences with me, send me an email at and put "Live Stream Coaching" in the subject line.


030 - A Workshop Where You Can Learn All My Coaching Tools, Techniques and Strategies

This is a special episode of Cliff's Notes on Profitable Coaching. I'm really excited to share an experience that has been the most influential one in all of my years of coaching - the Free The Dream message. In this episode, I share a conversation with my wife Stephanie where we discus who we are, what the Free The Dream message is, how we are bringing Free The Dream back as a workshop that you will not want to miss.The reason I'm bringing this to you as an episode of Cliff's Notes on Profitable Coaching is that if you're subscribed to this podcast, you're probably a coach. And what I'll be teaching and training on in this workshop are hands-down the most influential techniques, tools, and strategies when it comes to making serious changes in the lives of my clients. My average lifetime value of a client right now is between $45,000 to $70,000 and climbing. If you'd like to have insight into the deepest teachings, strategies, and techniques that I use with my clients at a hands-on level, sign up for this workshop today. I also hope that by attending this workshop, that it will also inspire you as a coach to see what you could do in hosting your own live events. Register Today at


029 - When They Ask For STRATEGY, First Check Their STATE and STORY

Several years ago, I realized that my brand, Podcast Answer Man, wasn't fully reflecting the guidance I was providing to those seeking strategies, tools and techniques to [fill in the blank]. That's why I decided to evolve my brand to Mindset Answer Man - to provide a better indication of the kind of advice I was giving. As the result of working with so many people, I began to recognize patterns between those who were successful in achieving their podcasting goals and those who were not. What I found was that despite having helped many people launch their podcasts, many of them had built their podcasting efforts on a shaky foundation, leaving them unable to experience the full potential of podcasting. In this episode, I explore how important the order of operations of STATE, STORY, and STRATEGY is to creating the most successful outcomes.   Are you looking to drive growth and increase the visibility of your business? I am a Master Business Coach, Mentor & Speaker.   I have over fifteen years of experience in online business. Through my business, I've helped tens of thousands of people find their purpose and passion and create an online, personal brand and business that allows them to have a powerful, positive and profound impact in the world. I have generated millions of dollars through online course sales, physical products, one-off training tutorials, paid webinars, public speaking, in person workshops, conferences, paid mastermind groups,  one-on-one coaching and several other streams of income.  I want to help you break free from anything that is holding you back from living the life of your dreams and doing the work you feel most called to do in this world. Below are the the products and services that I know will allow you to take your message, your business and your life to the next level. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast provides invaluable insights that my high-paying clients receive from me directly, plus exclusive, never-before-seen behind-the-scenes knowledge about how I run my business. My clients have found this podcast so valuable that nearly all of them have subscribed to it. Click Here To Learn More. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Are you struggling to make your dream or goal a reality? Don't waste any more time! Take the time to go through the six-hours of content in the Free The Dream Online Course and unlock the power of transformation. Whether you choose to go through the material in a single day or take a weekend retreat, you will find yourself completely changed after your experience with this course. Discover the world from a new perspective and unleash the potential that lies within. Click Here To Free Your Dream Today. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you're a full-time self-employed professional and not yet part of an ongoing mastermind group, it's time to take action! Stop what you're doing and take advantage of all the incredible video content and written content about mastermind groups found at Unlock the power of collaboration and networking with like-minded professionals and be part of a group that will help you achieve success! Click Here To Apply Today! 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has blessed me with extraordinary gifts and the ability to help clients uncover solutions they can't see on their own. No matter the problem or desired outcome, I can help guide you on the path to success – with multiple paths available to explore. Through one-on-one coaching, I'll equip you with the tools and confidence to reach your highest potential. Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me.   Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast Shows Click Here For My Best Keynote Message “All Beliefs Have Consequences.”


028 - When Your Client Asks For One Thing, But You Sense That There Is A Bigger Conversation To Be Had

If you ever wondered why I shut down my Podcast Answer Man business and rebranded myself as the Mindset Answer Man, this episode will give greater insight into my decision than I've shared previously. Recently, I hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the topic of "The Business of Coaching." Kate Nankivell let me know that she would be participating live and that she planned to ask the following question:  "I’ve just started a new podcast called The Shape of Kate. I’m at the beginning of my much needed weight loss and regain my fitness and health journey and I want to share this journey and so much more through this podcast. Now this represents a departure from my current business so I’m thinking about my monetization strategies. My clear intention with this podcast is to be an inspiration through sharing my journey but not a weight loss coach or fitness expert. I’ll interview those experts as I go. They rightly claim their expertise. My monetization ideas at this early stage is to bring on advertisers who pay for results. Eg when people who listen and click through to their offer and/or use my coupon code they pay me an agreed affiliate fee." When it came time to have my conversation with Kate, I had already created an outline of insights that would have helped her optimize the effectiveness of her affiliate income streams, plus I had created a list of several other income streams that most people have not considered. Yet, within a few moments into our conversation, I closed the browser that had all the pre-outlined insights that I had prepared. It had become clear to me that there was a much more powerful and important conversation to be had. Have a listen to this episode to see where our conversation went.  After the conversation, I give a commentary on the overall experience.  I know that you'll gain a lot of value from this conversation.   If you are resonating with the content that I create, you will find one or more of the following products and services extremely valuable and life transformative. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast provides invaluable insights that my high-paying clients receive from me directly, plus exclusive, never-before-seen behind-the-scenes knowledge about how I run my business. My clients have found this podcast so valuable that nearly all of them have subscribed to it. Click Here To Learn More. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Are you struggling to make your dream or goal a reality? Don't waste any more time! Take the time to go through the six-hours of content in the Free The Dream Online Course and unlock the power of transformation. Whether you choose to go through the material in a single day or take a weekend retreat, you will find yourself completely changed after your experience with this course. Discover the world from a new perspective and unleash the potential that lies within. Click Here To Free Your Dream Today. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you're a full-time self-employed professional and not yet part of an ongoing mastermind group, it's time to take action! Stop what you're doing and take advantage of all the incredible video content and written content about mastermind groups found at Unlock the power of collaboration and networking with like-minded professionals and be part of a group that will help you achieve success! Click Here To Apply Today! 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has blessed me with extraordinary gifts and the ability to help clients uncover solutions they can't see on their own. No matter the problem or desired outcome, I can help guide you on the path to success – with multiple paths available to explore. Through one-on-one coaching, I'll equip you with the tools and confidence to reach your highest potential. Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me.   Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast Shows Click Here For My Best Keynote Message “All Beliefs Have Consequences.”


027 - Creating An Evergreen Marketing Funnel That Will Bring A Consistent Flow of Potential New Coaching Clients

Recently, I hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the topic of "The Business of Coaching" and Jennifer Swanson asked the following question:  "My coaching is off the side of my desk (and I want it to stay there because I'm doing several things) but it would be nice to have a handful of steady clients, and while word of mouth has been good in the past, it's never stead. What strategies would you suggest for finding clients that are not high-pressured or sale-sy?" The advice I gave in this episode: Create an evergreen marketing funnel that is purpose built to consistently generate new potential clients who are interested in your coaching. Create a niche topic podcast with only five to ten podcast episodes that are more valuable than a $2,000 dollar course on the topic. For every episode, give away a high quality “hand-out” or “PDF Quick Guide” that relates to the content of that episode. (They will opt-into your email newsletter to receive this) Write a series of emails (at least 10 to 20) that will be released once a week after they are added and that are meant to add increase value that you are providing, thereby nurturing your relationship further. At natural points, put CTA’s will get people to submit an application for your coaching. Create a Waiting List. Create a series of easy to follow through, ongoing actions, that you can do to continue brining people into the top of your marketing funnel.   If you are resonating with the content that I create, you will find one or more of the following products and services extremely valuable and life transformative. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast contains many of the same insights that my clients who pay tens of thousands of dollars to get from me directly. Plus there are "behind the scenes insights," about how I operate my business, that have enticed nearly all my existing clients to subscribe to this show as well. Go to to learn more. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Do you have a dream or goal that you are struggling to turn into reality? Some have gone through this course in a single day, others have taken a weekend retreat to go through it. However, everyone who has gone through the six hours of this material has completely altered their experience of the world. Go to to learn more. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you are full-time self-employed and are not yet in an ongoing mastermind group, stop what you are doing and read every word and watch all the video content found at 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has granted me unique gifts and a capacity to help clients see things that they are not able see on their own. For every problem there is a solution. For every desired destination, there is always a path to get there (often multiple paths). Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me. Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast Shows Click Here For My Best Keynote Message “All Beliefs Have Consequences.”


026 - Struggle - How Can I Build A Thriving Business If I Can Coach On Almost Anything?

Recently, I hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the topic of "The Business of Coaching" and Loubna Zarrou asked the following question:  "I have been coaching many years but one struggle is how to turn it into a business when you can coach on almost anything." The advice I gave in this episode: First, I shared one of my favorite Steven Chandler quotes about the topic of "choosing a niche" for your coaching. Next, I provided the following five pieces of advice: Determine how much money that you need to generate on a monthly basis to thrive financially from your full-time self-employed coaching business. Do the math…. Can you find 1 client to pay 100% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work? Can you find 2 clients to pay 50% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work? Can you find 4 clients to pay 25% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work? Can you find 10 clients to pay 10% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work? Determine exact ideal client for that offer and go validate it. However, while searching for that exact fit, don’t ignore all the other clients who would fit within that price ranged product. Commit to generating all your monthly income needs by working with as few clients as possible that would require no more than 15 to 20 hours a week of your time to serve. Once booked solid and consistently generating that revenue on a monthly basis, start adding other products and services.   If you are resonating with the content that I create, you will find one or more of the following products and services extremely valuable and life transformative. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast contains many of the same insights that my clients who pay tens of thousands of dollars to get from me directly. Plus there are "behind the scenes insights," about how I operate my business, that have enticed nearly all my existing clients to subscribe to this show as well. Go to to learn more. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Do you have a dream or goal that you are struggling to turn into reality? Some have gone through this course in a single day, others have taken a weekend retreat to go through it. However, everyone who has gone through the six hours of this material has completely altered their experience of the world. Go to to learn more. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you are full-time self-employed and are not yet in an ongoing mastermind group, stop what you are doing and read every word and watch all the video content found at 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has granted me unique gifts and a capacity to help clients see things that they are not able see on their own. For every problem there is a solution. For every desired destination, there is always a path to get there (often multiple paths). Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me. Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast Shows Click Here For My Best Keynote Message “All Beliefs Have Consequences.”


025 - Nine Tips To Secure High Ticket Coaching Clients From Your Podcasting Efforts

Recently, I hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the topic of "The Business of Coaching" and Chris Pinckley asked the following question:  How can a seasoned or veteran coach, in other words someone who already knows the coaching industry, turn their podcast into a lead generation tool effectively? Talk consistently about the exact topics that your current coaching clients are bringing to their sessions. (No Specifics of the client Included of course) Use the precise language that they use to describe their pain, problem, struggle, obstacle, etc. Host “Ask Me Anything” sessions like this to offer a “public example” of the type of coaching you do and include some examples of those conversations in your podcast. Create “Custom CTA’s” For Every Episode. Prioritize getting people to your mailing list to nurture the relationship. Add different price point offerings for your value ladder of products and services. Invite your best clients who have experienced the most transformation to tell their story, as a guest, on your show. (They 'may' share it with others) Consider creating “niche topic podcasts." Be a guest on other people’s podcasts who reach your exact, ideal, client.   If you are resonating with the content that I create, you will find one or more of the following products and services extremely valuable and life transformative. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast contains many of the same insights that my clients who pay tens of thousands of dollars to get from me directly. Plus there are "behind the scenes insights," about how I operate my business, that have enticed nearly all my existing clients to subscribe to this show as well. Go to to learn more. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Do you have a dream or goal that you are struggling to turn into reality? Some have gone through this course in a single day, others have taken a weekend retreat to go through it. However, everyone who has gone through the six hours of this material has completely altered their experience of the world. Go to to learn more. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you are full-time self-employed and are not yet in an ongoing mastermind group, stop what you are doing and read every word and watch all the video content found at 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has granted me unique gifts and a capacity to help clients see things that they are not able see on their own. For every problem there is a solution. For every desired destination, there is always a path to get there (often multiple paths). Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me. Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast Shows Click Here For My Best Keynote Message “All Beliefs Have Consequences.”


024 - Resolving An Issue With Getting 2nd Calls Booked

My great friend, Deacon Bradley, is a member of my Next Level Mastermind and has been using the Prosperous Coach Method to create new clients. Over the past several months, Deacon has experienced a few scenarios where he has had a hard time with follow-ups after the first complimentary coaching session, specifically getting his potential clients to book their second complimentary session. This is NOT an issue where the coaching is not powerful enough. On the contrary, Deacon's concern, initially, was that the first session may be far too powerful and that the potential client may have four to six months worth of insights to implement after the first call. Yet, in a recent conversation via one of LinkedIn Live Audio events, we uncovered a few missing components within the Connect, Invite and the first session of the Create phase of the Prosperous Coach Process. No doubt, you will find a tremendous amount of value in this episode. Links Mentioned at the end of the episode My Work With Me Page  


023 - The Biggest Opportunity In My Business And I Couldn’t Afford it!

This episode contains just one incredibly powerful story how how my participation within a mastermind group has made my dreams, personally and professionally, become reality.  Click here to see the video version of the message included within this episode. If you are full-time self-employed or plan to become full-time self employed within the next 12 to 18 months, I want to invite you to CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR THE NEXT LEVEL MASTERMIND TODAY. Here are a few testimonials from current and former members of The Next Level Mastermind: Tom Heffner said... Cliff Ravenscraft and the mastermind he created were a major inflection point in my career and life. I went from feeling trapped in a day job to creating my own freedom and autonomy. I left the day job at that time to start my own business to give myself more freedom to do what I want, with whom I want, when I wanted. I've never looked back. Here's the interesting part - as much as Cliff can help you with the tactical/practical (e.g. the in's/out's of online business - he can definitely help with this) ... what really helped me was changing my mindsets and removing the limiting beliefs holding me back from achieving what I wanted. Dan Faulknor said... I joined the group with the plan of maybe leaving my day job in the next year or two. Within 6 months of joining (and attending meetings at 3am my time. It was worth it!) I had a plan to leave my day job within a couple of months. I did leave my day job, much sooner than expected and now 4 years later my business is thriving with 3 employees + myself. Cliff's ability to ask you questions and get you to lead YOURSELF is his greatest strength, in my mind. You have nobody to 'blame' but yourself, because you provide all the answers with Cliff's guidance.  Kevin Davis said...  I was at a standstill. Didn’t know what the next step was. Actually, I didn’t think I was qualified to make the next step. Didn’t have anyone in my circle at that time to help. So I took a leap and joined Cliffs mastermind. My how things changed! First was overcoming some thoughts that held me back. Then some steps and next action items to get the ball rolling. Now I’ve moved the ball down the field farther and quicker than ever imagined. Leslie Graham said... If you are thinking about this, be sure to reach out to Cliff. Joining NLM was the biggest leap I'd ever made in terms of investing in myself and my business, but my life was radically changed in so many ways as a result of my nearly two years with the group. In fact, my current business was launched as a result and I couldn't be happier with the trajectory of that business.     I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at   Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups?  If so, visit my WORK WITH ME PAGE and submit an application today.


022 - Avoiding The Advice Monster

Avoiding The Advice Monster... I recently had a gentleman enter one of my Clubhouse rooms and he said.... "I'm a little concerned right now about where to go in life.  I'm curious about outsourcing ideas beyond people who know me well and I wanted to see if I could get some advice from a coach and professional such as yourself." In this episode, you get to hear our entire conversation.  This client got all the advice and answers to the questions that he had been looking for, but if you listen closely, you'll notice that I never once gave him any advice other than a book recommendation that I thought might be valuable for him. I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at   Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups?  If so, visit my WORK WITH ME PAGE and submit an application today.  


021 - How Long Have You Been Coaching?

  Anyone who calls themself a coach or wants to "become a coach" will need to have a solid answer to the question... "How long have you been coaching?" Before you answer that question again, listen to this episode first!     I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at   Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups?  If so, visit my WORK WITH ME PAGE and submit an application today.


020 - How Do I Decide How Much Content To Give For Free So That Potential Clients Will Still Hire Me?

Creating free content is an amazing way to demonstrate the amount of insight and value that you could provide to potential clients. I'm often asked the question.... "How do I decide how much content to give for free so that potential clients will still hire me?" Almost everyone is shocked when I say.... "GIVE IT ALL AWAY FOR FREE." I explain why this is my philosophy of content creation in this very short podcast episode.   I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at   Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups?  If so, visit my WORK WITH ME PAGE and submit an application today.


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