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Close the Door: Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast
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Close the Door: Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast

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Weekly Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth fan podcast discussing Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. Close the Door and Come Here.
536 Episodes
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Dorne seems delightful as the metaphors literally drop from the sky. We meet the Sand Snakes through the male gaze, but at least we can fall back on our other senses with those delicious descriptions of Dornish food. Yum!! Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Feast for Crows - The Captain of Guards. Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 536
535: AFfC The Prophet

535: AFfC The Prophet


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Is this the worst chapter in all of the books? Maybe, because the Iron Islands suck. Is it Damphair or Damfere and is he naked this entire chapter? Kingsmoot! Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A A Feast for Crows: The Prophet. Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 535
534: AFfC Prologue

534: AFfC Prologue


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Magic is back! But what are these guys' names? We're as confused as readers back in 2006 at all of the new faces as we start in on Feast. At least Oldtown seems cool. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Feast For Crows Prologue. Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 534
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. As we look back on Storm, is it really all Jaime and Brienne's fault that these books aren't finished? We talk about our favorite scenes, POVs and duos and more. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords Retrospective. Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 533
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. When they go low, we go let's talk about the Freys! Was the Red Wedding a $5,000 dragon affair, or a $50,000 dragon gala? Either way, the sweet playlists of Roose Bolton & Lame Lothar's Wedding Planners will make your night. But now for a serious question, who was Lady Stoneheart's neck flap holder? Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Epilogue. Originally recorded in 2017 Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 532
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. It's murder in a winter wonderland! But oh what a wonderland it is. We want to linger in the beauty of a snowy Winterfell, but the Moon Door beckons. Lysa deserves our sympathy, and she also deserves to binge watch a few shows on the Westerosi version of OWN. Oh, and stop trying to make Hot Hyle happen. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Sansa VII. Originally recorded in 2018.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 531
530: ASoS Jon XII

530: ASoS Jon XII


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Hail, hail the gang's all here. Jon ponders the life he could have, but could never have. We ponder Bloodraven's involvement in the whole thing and we get the glorious return of Ghost. GHOST! Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Jon XII Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 530
529: ASoS Samwell V

529: ASoS Samwell V


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Sam gets his electioneering on. Melisandre gets to talk to someone who already knows about Azor Ahai and we get to fall in love with peak Stannis. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Samwell V.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 529
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Hail, hail the gang's all here. It's been ten years, people. "Azor Ahai truly is the friends we made along the way." Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. 10th Anniversary Episode   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 528
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Your banter with Tyrion is awesome, even when you're breaking each other's hearts. Tyrion and Varys hold hands through the creepiest date night ever. Shae pets the wrong cat and Tywin gets what's coming to him as we finally close the door on Tyrion's chapters. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Tyrion XI. Originally recorded in 2018.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 527
526: ASoS Jon XI

526: ASoS Jon XI


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Stannis is looking for his Davos in Jon while Melisandre is here to save Stannis from his middle child woes, but would a hot woman choose to smell like blood and smoke? Stannis offers Jon everything he's ever wanted, but is Winterfell worth the price of dealing with wildling bs for years? Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Jon XI.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 526
525: ASoS Samwell IV

525: ASoS Samwell IV


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Sam is back at the Wall where George knows nothing about breastfeeding and they're convening the equivalent of the papal conclave to elect a lord commander. We consider questions such as: is life with Craster enough training to survive Randyll Tarly? And just what does freezer burned mammoth taste like? Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Samwell IV.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 525
524: ASoS Arya XIII

524: ASoS Arya XIII


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. It wouldn't be ASoIaF if someone wasn't dumping boiled wine on someone, but we're at the end of Arya's Storm journey and what a sad little journey it's been. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Arya XIII.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 524
523: ASoS Jon X

523: ASoS Jon X


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Jon is set up for failure by those two lovable scamps: Janos and Alliser when he's sent to meet with Mance. We still like Book Tormund, but we have real questions about George's sense of scale and the logic of the arrival of the cavalry. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Jon X.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 523
522: ASoS Jaime IX (repost)

522: ASoS Jaime IX (repost)


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. No more heavy leanings! Cersei tries to blow Jaime right out of the Kingsguard, but he's too busy rehearsing his big speech to Brienne. Jaime and Brienne act like awkward teenagers, and then Jaime acts like a man who can do whatever he chooses. Whatever he chooses. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Jaime IX. Originally recorded in 2019.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 522
521: ASoS Daenerys VI

521: ASoS Daenerys VI


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Dany's conquered yet another city state, but it's very much two steps forward, three steps back for her as she deals with the fallout and Jorah's crappy YouTube apology. Hell has frozen over and we find that we're the Dany Defense Squad now. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Daenerys VI.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 521
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Is Tywin a dad of his word? We’re not so sure. We are pretty sure he’s being poisoned, though. Tyrion’s putting all his faith in the Red Viper, and we wonder why Tywin didn’t see that coming. Join us for Inigo Montoya vs. The Mountain, a trial by combat for the ages, but not for the faint of heart. Just remember that snakes have no hands, but they do have eyes and teeth--or at least they used to. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Tyrion X. Originally recorded in 2018.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 520
519: ASoS Jon IX

519: ASoS Jon IX


Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. Jon and what's left at the Night's Watch are tired and so are we. We're not quite sure what the Turtle is, but our heroes are throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks despite or because of GRRM's Looney Tunes physics. Janos Slynt arrives to spoil Jon's first good night of sleep in a while. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Jon IX.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 519
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. It's time to get your PEEEETYR on, as Littlefinger moves from his Tiny House in the Fingers to a deluxe apartment in the sky. Will Sansa move from pawn to player? Could GRRM possibly have more SanSan foreshadowing in this chapter? A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Sansa VI. Originally recorded in 2018.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 518
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. It’s time for King’s Landing Cribs Edition, where the magic doesn’t happen. Are you a gasoline kinda gal or do you prefer manure? All we know is we’re not into the smell of rotting flesh. Jaime trusts Loras will fall in love with Brienne if he just spends a few minutes alone with her. Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords - Jaime VIII - originally recorded in 2019.   Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 517
Comments (3)

larry potter

shine star Avatar

May 4th

Jenn Clatt

Well done. Highly entertaining

Jun 19th

Ximenes Young

Do you want HBO rebuild the session 8???

May 17th