Co-Evolutionary Culturing

Welcome to our co-evolutionary pot of fermentation and composting, ritual and wonder! We want to have the largest conversations possible with you, at the crossroads of deep time, the future and the now. We invite you into this space for consciousness shifting spells to compost power-over culture from the inside out. We are leaning in to the edge of this present-time rupture that is the 6th mass extinction, and listening for the ways Earth might be dreaming through us in these times. Listening to the larger story, told by the web of the other-than-human world and thereby de-centering the human narrative so that our ways forward are sourced from wellsprings of wisdom, well beyond the limitations of the strategic-mind. Join us in tracking the scent of inner-led change out into the wildish world, remembering that we are earth, “not just troubled guests on this planet” (David Whyte). There at the wellspring, where the hieroglyphics of the hooves of creatures are pressed into the mud, we will listen to Earth’s Dreaming in the sound of water over rock. We will gather and speak what we’ve heard at the emergent edge of the unknown. We invite you into the ritual practice that is co-evolutionary culturing.

Episode 5: What we understand of Power

Greetings! In this episode, we speak of what we mean when we use the word power, and what we mean when we say power-over culture. We speak of composting power-over culture and how one might do that through inner-led change. It is a vulnerable and tender conversation that reveals our own experience and grappling, healing and transformation as we ourselves compost the shadows and wounds of power-over culture within our own psyches and within the relational culture that is Starter Culture. Music by Tamsin Elliot, Uma's Song from the Album Fey


Episode 4 - Tending the relational culture of Starter Culture

Join us, Claire Milne and Sara McFarland, as we tend the heart of Starter Culture and share what has brought us here and why each of us are passionate about what brings us to this work, the inner-led transformation of power-over culture into relational culture.    With music by Laura Brady Strong Ones from the album Stitch and Ocean Website:


Episode 3 - Eco- Belonging Awakening to our place in Earth Community Part 2

Description   The second part of our Eco-Awakening conversation of belonging to Earth Community, with Bell Selkie Lovelock and Sara McFarland. In this episode, you’ll find an experiential invitation to deepen into your senses and encounter the wild others within and without. We speak about how to Eco-Awaken, how to experience ourselves as Earth and how to continue the practice of it in our daily lives. With poetry by William Stafford and Joy Harjo. Music by Tamsin Elliot


Eco-Belonging - awakening to our place in Earth Community

Bell Selkie Lovelock and myself, Sara McFarland, speak about Eco-Awakening, which is the psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual remembering of the fact that we each are a part of Earth and that all beings are our Kith, in reciprocal relatedness. Come along with us for an imaginal journey through poetry, song and stories into the heart of belonging to Earth Community.


Introducing Starter Culture

Welcome to our first podcast, in which we dive into the heart of Starter Culture and all the ways in which we expand consciousness beyond the power-over culture into human wholeness and the other-than-human. We talk about the necessary death of the modern paradigm and the grief and fear that brings with it, the ways we might decolonize at depth and at scale, and the necessity of inner work for outer change for a possible future cultural renewal.


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