Coach Steve Rau

3k Baseball is a mixture between serious baseball talk where parents and coaches can learn just about anything about how to play, coach and teach the game; yet some satirical episodes will be produced to show parents and coaches how ridiculous they may act at times. Forgetting that it’s just a kids game.....but we certainly love this game.

They Aren't Playing Baseball

Understanding why kids aren't as skilled at the early stages of their baseball career.


Size Does Matter In Baseball and Softball

The game has changed. Baseball and softball now is a game that requires strength, agility, speed and quickness. Don’t be left behind.


The next big thing in baseball

Coach Steve Rau talks with the father of little league player Dakota Wills who is a phenom from Wheeling, West Virginia. Bump Wills provide some insight into Dakota’s future in baseball and how talented he really is.


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