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Code Ballet

Author: Zsolt Bodi

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 'Code Ballet' - a jovial waltz through the intricate dance of software development! Here, our ensemble cast of product owners, scrum masters, and developers pirouette through development processes. In bite-sized acts, we promise a rollicking mix of industry insight and humor. Don your metaphorical ballet shoes and subscribe today!
5 Episodes
Let's continue our journey through the wonderful land of Agile ceremonies, have you ever notice how code reviews feel like those awkward family dinners? You proudly serve your spaghetti code, hoping for praise, but all you get is, 'Is this gluten-free?' Code reviews are like parties where the main guest is a piece of misunderstood art. Everyone gathers 'round, pointing, poking, waiting for it to make the first move. Or sound... or just not crash! Then comes that high of approval—it's like hitting the high note on karaoke night! But just when you're about to drop the mic—BAM!—merge conflict. That's the universe's version of 'Playback error.' And being on the other side? Reviewing is its own beast. Sometimes it feels less like reviewing code and more like trying to understand abstract art. ‘Is that a loop or a representation of life's cyclical nature?’ But hey, it’s all one big comedy club. We’re all just trying to make sure our digital dance doesn't turn into the robot doing the cha-cha! Music - Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions ( SFX - Freesound
In this episode we take a break from software processes and dive deep into code. We will listen to the story of one, Martin Thornhill. The man's basically the Sherlock of the digital world. He’s on this epic quest, diving deep into code to find a bug that's harder to locate than my motivation on a Monday. Everywhere he looks, it's a mess - imagine the Bermuda Triangle but for code. He's checking, double-checking, probably triple-checking... The journey? It's wilder than any true crime show, since this is a based on a true story. In certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes.  Music - Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions ( SFX - Freesound
Let's continue our journey through the wonderful land of Agile ceremonies, where backlogs are like a mountain of sugar cane waiting to be refined into sweet bite-sized tasks. Our best friend in this sugar refinery? Story points, the measuring cups that keep us from biting off more than we can chew. Navigating this process is like turning a chaotic, sticky sugar factory into a refined candy store. And in this wild, unpredictable world of software development, keep refining, keep dancing. Music - Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions ( SFX - Freesound
Hey there! Who's ready for the rodeo of a morning Agile standup, huh? Picture this – a speed dating event, but everyone's talking tasks and blockers, not candlelight dinners! Now folks, these standups, they're our daily espresso shot - quick, sharp, and boy, do they wake you up! Some would say it's a daily chaos but don't you forget, it's the choreographed madness that keeps us sane in this coding circus. From the eternally optimistic to the ever-grim, it's a technicolor show each day! So put on your dance shoes and get ready for your daily jig in the coding ballet, folks! Keep it tight, keep it right, and remember, it ain't over till someone says 'Let's take this offline'! Now, dust off that keyboard, put on your code wrangling hat, and let’s get back to the wild west of our desks!" Music - Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions ( SFX - Freesound



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 'Code Ballet' - a jovial waltz through the intricate dance of software development! Here, our ensemble cast of product owners, scrum masters, and developers pirouette through development processes. In bite-sized acts, we promise a rollicking mix of industry insight and humor. Don your metaphorical ballet shoes and subscribe today!