Collective Evolution with Joe Martino

We explore new and emerging ideas in philosophy, well-being, human potential, consciousness and more as we seek clarity and direction through heavily changing times. Virtually every aspect of our society is crumbling or transitioning – media, technology, consciousness, economies, education, relationships and more. Old ways of looking at and understanding our world are no longer relevant, and new ways encourage us to look more deeply at why our world is the way it is, and what about US creates it to be this way. The questions of who we are, why we are here, and what future we truly want to create, are on the table for us to re-approach.

Ep. 47 | This is How We Change The World

Today I present a solocast about the phenomenon of emergent collective evolution.. that is to say, how our world changes as a result of us as people and the mysteries of our consciousness. Since our world, society, nature, and selves are complex systems/beings, we must embody this reality when thinking about our own personal transformation as well as our collective one. I refer to a piece I wrote on my personal SubStack here: In this episode: - The importance of understand complex systems vs linear systems when it comes to personal transformation, collective transformation and nature. - How the space of fundamental wellbeing produces emergent being and action in our local and collective field. This is where material change is born. - The difference between linear striving for change, where we worry about the future, and having a deep trust in moment to moment change. - How we can let go of the worry and anxiety associated with global problems that feel bigger than us and out of our immediate control. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here.Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - I'd love for you to join our membership to support our work, it goes a long way in helping -  


Ep. 46 | Awakening Collective Consciousness with David Helfrich & Dr Madhava Setty

In this episode, I bring my friends Dr Madhava Setty & David Helfrich again as we hope to make these discussions a regular event.This one was a lot of fun as we spoke about the themes of the recent solar eclipse and how it can bring about revelation and awakening within collective consciousness - little by little. We explore some recent cultural examples of shifts in how we think, relate to, and attune to the world. Examples include subjects around RFK Jr, the JFK assassination, 9/11, and mainstream media. In the episode: We explore the astronomical and astrological significance of the eclipse. How happenings in the mainstream media world are awakening hosts and audiences. An examination of perspectives around the upcoming US election. Exploring Trump, Biden and RFK Jr. Including the advocacy groups looking to oust RFK at all costs. Larger collective themes of awakening and revelation, and what it may mean in the cycle of human consciousness evolution. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -


Ep. 45 | The Collective Shadow of Modern Society with Lubomir Arsov

In this episode, I talk to artist and storyteller Lubomir Arsov about his portrayal of various relevant collective themes in popular animations. Whether it's the shadowy figures running our world from beyond government, the collective unconscious, the ways in which our consciousness is shaped and suppressed or whether it's the unfolding awakening that we're collectively witnessing - Lubomir's work and this episode touches on it all!Watch In Shadow here: Kingdom here: In the episode:- The symbols portrayed in Lubomir's viral animations and why they are relevant to us now.- The potent nature of the times we are in and how to become an active player in the game, without getting stuck in anger or withdrawal from it all.- What it means to overcome and awaken from the collective unconscious, and how to do it. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -


Ep. 44 | Building Local Regenerative Communities with Marc Angelo Coppola

In this episode I talk to entrepreneur and farmer Marc Angelo Coppola. We discuss his more than a decade long experience building a local community on his 88 acre farm just outside Montreal, QC. We discuss the ins and outs, the set up, the difficulties and where things are with the project today. Learn about Valhalla here - In the episode:- We discuss how Marc set up his community, ownership structure and purchase of the land.- Navigating the difficulties of starting a local community, growing food, and the various challenges with organizational structures.- Recommendations for how people can start or get involved in a local project. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -


Ep. 43 | Staying Grounded & Resilient in Chaotic Times

In this episode, I explore how we can stay grounded, generally happy, and embodied during chaotic times. I do so by exploring our autonomic nervous system and it's role in how we feel and see the world. I go over some techniques for building capacity and resilience in life while still engaging with the world and society. Recall that the sympathetic system is not solely responsible for survival, but also provides energy and mobilisation to live our lives. Similarly, the Dorsal branch of the parasympathetic nervous system is there to provide a survival response when needed but also rest/digest/repair. The challenge is we can often become locked in the survival portions of these systems. TechniquesIf the links below don't work, visit you feel overly Sympathetic oriented, try this: HRV BreathingPhysiological SighIf you feel overly Dorsal oriented, try this: Breath of FireOrientingListen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here.Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -


Ep. 42 | Astral Genesis & Gates of The Annunaki with Jason Quitt

Curiosity and wonder are important states of mind and being to maintain, and today's guest is going to help us do just that. Jason Quitt presents his fascinating research into our past. As we explore ancient cultures and their artwork and motifs, it appears we are  seeing clues to an ancient language they coded into their relics. Could this be a sign of ancient advanced intelligence? Let's find out. Grab Jason's Astral Genesis book here: his new book The Gate of The Gods here: In the episode:- We explore a hidden language with ancient motifs from cultures all around the world- The language relates to a profound understanding of Earth's cycles, positions in the sky, astrological alignments, and complex measurements of celestial bodies.- The same "code" is seen amongst cultures with seemingly no contact with one another.- We explore why this ancient language would have been so important to the 'esoteric classes' of people at the time. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -


Ep. 41 | Conspiracy & Ways of Knowing with Dr Madhava Setty & David Helfrich

In this episode I speak with Dr Madhava Setty & David Helfrich about the current cultural zeitgeist around conspiracy. We explore what conspiracy is, why it's such a dividing factor, and what about our human condition is really driving conspiracy. We also talk about the upcoming US elections. In the episode: - We explore a definition for conspiracy and why it's become such a cultural phenomenon. - We explore the cultural breakdown in sensemaking, trust, and discernment. - We explore the underlying social and human condition that drives the desire for dominance, manipulation & control. - Some thoughts on upcoming US elections. Things like RFK Jr, division, the issues with our existing systems. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -


Ep. 40 | Post-Material Science - Reality, Consciousness & Spirituality with Dr. Natalie Dyer

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Natalie Dyer. Natalie has published many scientific papers and book chapters on post-material science, psychedelics, and the therapeutic effects of integrative medicine. In this conversation, we'll explore many questions around post-material science, the nature of reality and what this all means for us as humans! In the episode: - What is post-material science, and the implications on everyday life. - We explore if what we observe at the quantum level can occur at the material level. - Some of the most interesting studies conducted in the realm of post-material science. - Why there is so much resistance to post-material science.  Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -   Connect & Follow: Follow Joe on Instagram: @joemartino29Follow Collective Evolution on Instagram: @collective_evolutionSubscribe to the Collective Evolution Newsletter


Ep. 39 | Overcoming Meaninglessness

A survey revealed that 80% of people in the UK feel their life is meaningless. This is likely representative of other developed nations as well. Why? Why is there such a feeling permeating our collective experience? This episode discusses this revelation and explores ways we might find our way back to meaning. Join the email list - Join our membership to support our work - Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here.


Ep. 38 | How Trauma Gets 'Stuck' In The Body & What To Do About It | Irene Lyon

In this episode, we welcome Irene Lyon back to the show. She is a nervous system and neuroplasticity expert and has spent over 25 years developing her expertise to help people heal from trauma and what modern life throws at us. In this episode we explore trauma, what it means for it to get stuck in our body, how to release it, how we might get childhood and developmental trauma, and more. Click here to learn more about Irene's upcoming Smart Body Smart Mind cohort - Learn more about Irene's work: Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here.  


Ep. 37 | Channelling: Another Way of Knowing | Sam The Illusionist

In this episode, Madhava Setty & I have a discussion with Sam The Illusionist about his channelling work. In a time where different ways of knowing can be useful while we hold a curious and open mind, this conversation feels meaningful. The key for me tends to be, that we need not take channelling as fact, but is a signal worthy of considering and discerning in our sensemaking. Sam's Channel: Channelling research: Listen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here.Join our Explorer Lounge:  


Ep 36. | Marianne Williamson, RFK Jr. & Disrupting The Status Quo | David Helfrich

I speak to State Director for New Hampshire on Marianne Williamson's campaign David Helfrich. We break down: - The current collective consciousness moving into this upcoming election- An overview of Williamson’s campaign vision- How she's being received on the campaign trail- How the DNC is blocking out Williamson and RFK Jr.- Whether either might run as independents- How these campaigns are exposing the corruption within the DNC and the democratic process.- And moreListen to the episode: On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Donate to CE here:


Ep. 35 | Transhumanism, Exoconsciousness & Human Potential | Rebecca Hardcastle Wright

Our guest is Rebecca Hardcastle Wright PhD. Rebecca has over 30 years experience as a Counselor, Hypnotherapist, and Coach; specializing in Consciousness Psychology. She also has professional expertise in the field of parapsychic science, principally consciousness, and was a senior member for Apollo 14 Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s, Quantrek organization in Washington, DC. There, she worked with a team of international scientists researching and applying zero-point energy, consciousness, and the extraterrestrial presence. On Spotify here.On Apple Podcasts here.Watch on YouTube here. Learn more about Rebecca’s work here.


Ep. 34 | Is There Life After Death? | Franco DeNicola

The question of what happens when we die has been around for ages. In this episode Joe explores a prior interview with his close friend Franco DeNicola about his near death and full death experience as we explore what may happen when we die. As with any conversation that is 'out there' or 'controversial', or that explores something in the realm of mystery or wonder, can we be curious while exploring, and pay attention to the various objections that arise while we listen? If something butts up against our belief systems, what happens in our mind and body? Franco passed away a couple of years after this interview was filmed. Visit to learn more about our membership and course.


Ep. 33 | Twitter Files & Narrative Capture, Critical Thinking

This week I bring the concept of sensemaking to the Twitter Files. We'll explore some thoughts on separating the signal from the noise and critique a discussion around 'trusting' Elon Musk.  It has been rather fascinating watching elements of indie media interpret the Twitter Files  and the journalists who have brought them forward, all while the mainstream media virtually blacks out the story.


Ep. 32 | Indie Media, Twitter Files, Censorship & Passion | Jason Bassler

Back in 2013 there was a sharp rise in the popularity of independent media. An industry once dominated entirely by mainstream voices was now changing at a rapid pace to include an alternative perspective. There were a handful of brands fuelling what eventually became the end of mainstream media dominance. Eventually, those brands were met with a heavy hand from Big Tech & governments for overthrowing the monopoly on narrative control.  Today we'll talk to Jason Bassler, the founder of The Free Thought Project, one of the brands that helped pave the way for the rise of independent media.


Ep. 31 | Elon Musk, The Great Reset & Discernment | Arjun Walia

Joe and Arjun Walia chat about using discernment with Elon Musk, Twitter, and his neuralink project. They also discuss The Great Reset and discerning presented solutions on that subject as they related to solutions coming from others trying to make society better. Of course, they dive into a couple big topics around COVID as well.


Ep. 30 | Ayahuasca, Nervous System Health, & Wellness | Irene Lyon

Joe is joined by nervous system and trauma expert Irene Lyon to talk about wellness, nervous system health, ayahuasca and perhaps the missing ingredient to wellness.


Ep. 29 | Elections, Freedom Convoy, Brazil & Our Future | David Helfrich

Unrest is taking place in Brazil following an election. Claims of election fraud once again hit the airwaves as societies polarize in their views to some extent. We also talk the Freedom Convoy, how we might or might not engage in the existing political process and what our future could look like.


Ep. 7 | Technophobia & The Great Reset

The Great Reset (TGR) is touching on a felt intuition many people share: our systems are in deep need of an overhaul. The question is: shouldn't we all have a say over the direction we head?   Within this conversation of a new society is the advancement of technology and how it is re-shaping what's possible. TGR is presenting somewhat of a transhumanistic future. And in this sense people are becoming afraid of technology and where it could lead. But at the same time, technology being embraced in our future seems a necessity to take care of repetitive tasks and give us more time to do what we love. Will our fear of tech hold us back? Do we know how to resist the Great Reset - Or only insult its creators?


Scott Zeller

Like the podcast. Great topics. But don’t like that he tells us what the podcast is, at the beginning of every episode. I’ve only listened to a couple, but does he do that at the start of every episode? 85 episodes in, we know what the podcast is now, get to the topic at hand.

02-06 Reply


You could vote for Jo Jorgensen.

07-23 Reply

Lydia Gubitosi

the bottom line is, no one can look at our current government and admit that we have an unqualified, corrupt, hate-monger as our leader, yet turn around and claim all of these governments agencies are somehow exempt from all of that 🙄

04-08 Reply

Richard Evans

You don't think the black "Hebrews" screaming obscenities and calling a group of school kids the product of incest is wrong? Unsubscribed, what they did and that lying Nathan Phillips did can't be seen as anything but wrong

02-06 Reply

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