Collision Coffee Talk

Collision Coffee Talk

Hear the latest from Kristen about what's going in the collision industry. Collision Hub can help you make new connections, better follow industry events, and catch up on industry news and job opportunities.

Collision Coffee Talk: Adjusters Ask DOI Help Them With Claims, USAA Hit with $114 million Bad Faith

Good Morning!Farmers Adjusters Beg State DOI to help them ADAS Legal Issues Present new Problems State Farm and the Tinder Box DateMissing Total Loss Vehicles Safelite Settles $31 Million Fraud Case USAA Hit with $114 Million bad Faith Verdict California Shop caught in bait trap by the BAR Arkansas Attorney General sues Allstate Will Tariffs Affect Collision Repair? 


Collision Coffee Talk: Adjusters Practicing Law Without License!

It might not be steering and it might not be Tortious Interference, but too many adjusters are engaged in practicing law without a license, lets talk about it. Also: - Paint Labor hours going in the wrong direction - Oklahoma Looking To Pass Bill to Stop bad rebuilds - STOP looking for easy buttons. It may cost you more than you can imagine. 


Collision Coffee Talk: Allstate and Liberty Adjusters In Hot Seat!! Is State Farm Broke?

It is better to thought an idiot then to type and prove it! In this episode we cover the claims and public posting by Liberty Mutual Safeco and Allstate Adjusters. - State Farm AA rating changed to Negative and placed on credit watch! - Bodyshops and their Bills continue to march through legislation - Are bodyshops charging too much for 'teardown'?- Are you talking to a human or AI when scanning a vehicle? - ADAS and Radar Compliant Paint 


Breaking News: asTech Makes HUGE Statement to Industry Publication Regarding Calibrations

The saga around asTech and their agreement with GEICO took a shocking turn on Monday February 24, 2025. In an email sent to Repairer Driven News (RDN), asTech Senior Vice President of Marketing Kennedy Taylor stated information shared in a video by Mike Reynolds, Mobile Automotive Services Solution President in December of 2024 around a radio interview that also featured Chris Chesney, Repairify Vice President of Training and Organization was outdated due to a company policy change on November 5, 2024. And it went downhill, very fast from there. Read the full article from RDN: to reach our guest? James "Spike" Rodis Manager, Process Procedures and Training OEM Calibration   ‪@oemcalibration‬ 


Collision Coffee Talk: BMW Ends Certification For DRPs? What Is Constructive Total Loss

I was a slower than normal week in the news, but the things that popped up deserve some discussion. - Arkansas passes law that leinholders must be on all payments even rental - State Farm moves to eliminate OE glass from use - BOI is back on for shop owners - What is a Constructive Total Loss? Can an insurer total a car regardless of how much the repairs cost?


Collision Coffee Talk: Allstate DEMANDS Story Removal and Adjuster Fails Test 5 Times!

It’s Monday February 17, 2025 and we’ve got another content jammed edition of Collision Coffee Talk. The only NON-Sponsored podcast in the industry. This week we cover:- New insurance companies that face insolvency and liquidation. - Allstate DEMANDS blog site Futurism remove article or make extensive “corrections” via change request format similar to auto repair estimates. - asTech parent company Repaify files motion to dismiss lawsuit filed by another Repairfy holdings company, but former employees write in to tell his about missing Ferraris?? - Illinois collision association sponsored bill has major issues that could put collision repair shops within the state in a bind - Adjuster hired by GEICO admits they failed the basic exam 5 times - Opus IVS white paper has been downloaded over 600 times, get your copy here:


Collision Coffee Talk: Liberty Mutual Legal Dept Upset and Kristen Hates DRP!

Last week was an hurried episode due to class, but now she has all the time and a lot of people…. We mean things to talk about. - Why industry meetings miss the point of the math problem - Liberty Mutual employee post generates lots of questions for potential lawsuits- Why Kristen picks on DRP shops - What’s happening the next few months with training


Collision Coffee Talk: Comparative Negligence and Associations Push Bad Bills

- Insurers using comparative negligence in attempt to reduce total loss fees. State Associations pushing bills that may have tough consequences for shops. - CCC hosting webinar training for insurers that shops should listen in and learn.


Collision Coffee Talk: LISTEN Before You Install AM Headlamp! Feds Investigate Auto Insurance

- Repairfy (asTech) and Kinderhook lawsuit allegations and documents. - Ford BlueCruise Under NHTSA Investigation AM Headlamps May Be Future Issue - US Treasury Department releases study on Auto Insurance - Bargain Deals For Material On Facebook Could Be Deadly - Insurers Total Cars With Little To No Damage Click here to download Court filing: here to download Federal Insurace Office (FIO) report:


Collision Coffee Talk: The Canoo is sinking!

In this episode we cover another company sinks under the leadership of Tony Aquila (formally Solera). - Honda wins ADAS lawsuit out of New Jersey - Car theft is on the rise. Find out what cities and states and how it affects Bodyshop liability - State Farm hired atty gives shop a compliment and agrees they should be paid. 


Collision Coffee Talk: We LOVE State Farm and MSO's (Seriously)

Nope it's not a comic book addition of Bizarro World. But you're going to want to listen to this one.


Collision Coffee Talk: Insurer Pays Policy Limits and CCC Spends Your Money (send more)

First Coffee Talk with Kristen in 2025 and we've got a lot to cover. Insurers Continue To Consolidate CCC Wants To Help Insurers Reduce Expenses, Asking Shops to Pay Them More AsTech Serves as Warning To All As Lawsuits and Public Awareness Increase Around ADAS Critical Thinking Around Policy Limits Automotive IA Claims School Benefits


Collision Coffee Talk: Christmas Gifts and Petty Corporate Jabs for The New Year

First, we're skipping next week so Kristen went longer than normal. Some year end thoughts on what's happening in the industry and who needs to exit immediately. We also include a list of companies we believe have earned your business in the things they have done to help collision repairers and the things they have refused to do when, even when offered great money.


Collision Coffee Talk: OEM Software Recalls and Insurance Company Blacklists

Did you know that OEM software recalls now account for 43% of OE recalls? Did you know that the scan tool you use is what is talking to the software? Why would you not want to use the OE tool? Add to the list insurance companies are being sued for data privacy, the laws around text messaging customers, Federal Transparancy laws and a coaching session with insurance adjusters... Yep it's a lot, better pour a big cup of coffee


Collision Coffee Talk: DOI Investigates RTA Untrained Independent Adjusters and OEM Scanning?

There is a lot going on in the industry and one of them may cost a shop some felony charges. Take a listen to the latest Collision Coffee Talk. Download the documents here:


Collision Coffee Talk: December To Remember!

After a holiday week it's a pretty quiet Monday. We chat about the changes in the shop around vehicle repair and planning for 2025, alternatives in estimating, itemizing for DRPs and Claims School.


Collision Coffee Talk: Total Loss Fees, Photos and New Insurance Adjuster Claims School

Kristen is back talking about the issues from the past week in the collision repair industry. - Insurance companies denying payment of total loss fees - Stop sending in a ton of pictures with estimates - Why can't shops understand electricity - NEW claim school launching in February


Collision Coffee Talk: Steering vs Tortious Interference By Insurance Adjusters

It's Monday and we're talking the most common question Collision Hub receives. Insurance company adjusters steering or tortiously interfering with customer choice in collision repair. We'll also talk about a $2.5 million dollar HR lawsuit won by a shop and the need for solid HR policies in your business.


Collision Coffee Talk : AM Parts Recalled, Insurance Supplement

Aftermarket Part Safety Recall...What is a Supplement and the Role of Insurers? asTech Thinks They Know What Is Good For Shops (and employees) 


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