Colorful Conversations: DIY & Home Design

<p>Colorful Conversations is a podcast by friends who are opposite in nearly every way chatting about DIY, home design, and life at home. Not only will you learn something useful every time you listen (Tasha HATES wasted time), but you’ll laugh out loud (at least once, pinky promise). Tune in to be a fly on the wall for their colorful conversations full of tips and advice that you can use to create a home you love. Tasha is the founder of Kaleidoscope Living®, the online destination for DIY and home decor enthusiasts that love color. Thea is Tasha's good friend, colleague and Type B counterpart. Kaleidoscope Living projects have been featured on TV, in print magazines, and on countless influential websites.</p><br><p>By: Tasha Agruso and Thea DeLoreto</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>

House Hunting Heartbreak

In this episode, Thea talks about her ongoing house hunting adventure. Plus Thea and Tasha both talk about their house hunting heartbreaks! Listen in to find out if Thea is moving soon and to find out how many houses Joe and Tasha put offers on before their current house. Plus hear how Tasha REALLY feels about her current house. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How to Plan a Gallery Wall

This week, Tasha and Thea talk all about how to plan a gallery wall. Gallery walls seem to overwhelm a lot of people, but they don't have to be that complicated. In fact, Tasha who usually approaches everything in a "Type A" way doesn't approach gallery walls that way. Listen in to learn about everything from choosing a color story for your gallery wall to how to pick an anchor point that will then help you plan the rest of your layout. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How to Update OUTDATED Tile

In this episode, Thea and Tasha discuss all the options for updating outdated tile, from hardest to easiest! And Tasha answers all of your BURNING questions about tile stickers, which she has used in her laundry room and most recently in Avery's bathroom. If you have tile you don't love, this is the episode for you. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How Color Affects You: What You Need to Know Before Choosing Colors

In this episode, Tasha and Thea dive into the psychology of color and its important role in interior design. Color affects how we think, feel and act. Yet most people choose colors based solely on what they like and don't consider how they want to feel or what they want to accomplish in a particular space. You will never make that mistake again after listening to this episode! Learn the basics of color psychology and hear all about how Tasha got it very wrong in her first home which caused her some serious sleep issues (literally). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How to Make Any Room Cozier

In this episode, Tasha and Thea share all their best tips for making absolutely any space cozier. Because there's nothing better than a cozy room that you want to sit down in and never leave! They also chat about Thea's nickname (which has the word "cozy" in it) AND about Thea's favorite cozy pants that make Tasha's eyes hurt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Best Furniture Painting Secrets

In this episode, Tasha shares her best furniture painting secrets. Thea shares her best secret (you'll laugh out loud when you hear what it is) and asks some of the most common questions that we get asked about painting furniture. If you have ever felt lost when it comes to painting furniture or wonder if there is a better way, this is the episode for you! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Mind Blowing Ways to Use Your Alexa (or other smart home devices)

In this episode, Tasha shares the mind-blowing ways she uses her Alexa devices to make her life sooooooo much easier. Listen in as she (kind of) inspires Thea to start using her Alexa devices to their full potential! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How to Pick the Perfect Paint Sheen Every Time

In this episode, Tasha and Thea talk about the importance of picking the right paint sheen for your painting projects. How a paint sheen looks is just ONE TINY consideration. There's so much more to consider, but it isn't complicated. Pinky promise. You'll be a pro at picking paint sheens when you are done listening! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How to Avoid a Dumping Ground in Your House

Do you have a "dumping ground" in your house? You know, the spot where papers, mail, boxes and any other random thing in your house lands? In today's episode, we are sharing our tips for minimizing and managing the dump zone (or zones) in your house. You may guess Thea and I have different dumping ground issues AND different solutions, lol! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Behind the Scenes of a Room Makeover

Curious how we can do a room makeover so fast? We get asked ALL THE TIME how we finish a room so quickly. In today's episode, I am walking you through our process and what it actually looks like! Even though it seems like it only takes a few days, there is a lot of lead-up work that is done for weeks before we actually tackle the room. Listen below and get the real behind-the-scenes of how we get started, work through the design process, and do the actual makeover, and then add those little finishing details.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Our Top Shopping Secrets Revealed

Want the best secrets for shopping? Let the pros give you their favorite tips for easy ways you can find exactly what you are looking for and get the best deal on it. I like to think I am a shopping ninja! Anytime we need to find the perfect thing for our home, I make it my personal mission to find exactly what I want at the best possible price. And I am REALLY good at it! Today Thea and I spill our shopping secrets and give you all the tips on how to find what you are looking for and some unexpected tricks to find the best deal on it. They are super simple and can potentially save you tons of money and time. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Tiny Life Hacks that Make a HUGE Impact

Make your life easier! We have some simple life hacks that will up your efficiency and give you more time in your day for what you REALLY want to do. People ask me all the time how I get so much done in a day. I don't work any more than anyone else, but I have some systems that I have developed that make my life run smoothly and save me lots of time! So today I am sharing my favorites life hacks that seem small, but really do make life easier! If there is ONE thing I am VERY good at it is efficiency. It really is a passion of mine :). I consider life hacks to be the ultimate efficient shortcuts. The sign of a really good life hack is that when you start doing it, you really don't know how or why you ever did it any other way!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Secret to Planning Home Projects Without Wanting to Kill Your Spouse

People ask me all the time how we get so much done around our house. We have a secret to planning our home projects and staying on track without killing each other in the process. We use one easy way to plan an entire year's worth of projects and it is SO much simpler than you can imagine! Through the years, Joe and I have developed a foolproof system for keeping track of our home projects. We are able to plan an entire year's worth of projects with (almost) no fuss or disagreements. In today's episode, I let you in our secret so you can kill the home maintenance/home project game without killing each other in the process!!! I LOVE to plan and do all things efficiently and this allows us to plan and execute lots of home projects every year without getting burned out or forgetting what we wanted to accomplish. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Are you thinking about painting your kitchen cabinets but are scared to death? We are here to put your mind at ease and answer your questions about the EASIEST way to paint your kitchen cabinets yourself. This week we are discussing all. the. things. about how to paint your kitchen cabinets. It is actually so much quicker and easier than anyone believes! We give you all the secrets and tips for how you can get your whole kitchen done quickly and easily. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How Even the MESSIEST People Can Get and Keep Their House Clean

I hear from readers all the time that they just cannot find a way to keep their homes clean. I have always been a tidy and organized person, so it has been genuinely confusing for me to understand why people have a hard time keeping their houses clean. Just implement a system and stick with it. It seems simple to me.But then I met my friend Rosemarie Groner from Busy Budgeter and I began to understand the fundamental differences in personality and basic psychology that affect how people approach things like laundry and cleaning their homes. It's not that people don't WANT to have a clean house. It's not that they don't understand how the system works. It's that the system does not jive with their personality. In other words, it's doomed for failure from the very start.So Rosemarie has figured out how to lean into her natural "hot mess" tendency to figure out a way to get and keep her house clean for good. Instead of working against her personality, she works WITH it. And in this episode, she gives you her best tips so that you can do the same thing! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Secret to Finding Room in Your Budget for Home Projects

Stop complaining that you can't afford to do anything to improve your house and then go buy coffee out at Starbucks! If you do that, you are lying to yourself. But the good news is that by shifting your mindset and approaching your budgeting by defining your VALUES first, you can make room in your budget for what actually matters to you!In this episode, I share my interview with my good friend and money coach Nicole Rule of Greatest Worth. Her approach to budgeting is totally different from anything you've ever heard before. It will go from making you feel DEPRIVED to making you feel FULFILLED. Have a listen! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How to Get Home Projects DONE (even when you are crazy busy)

For as long as I have had a blog and shared my home renovations and DIY projects, people have commented that they wished they could find the time to tackle their own renovations and projects. Well, I am here to tell you, anyone can CREATE the time to create a home you love. You just have to understand the secret recipe for making that happen. Last year I sat down and talked with Megan Sumrell, a coach who helps women master time management, organization and productivity. Megan has cracked the code for learning how to plan your life so that tackling home projects is not only doable but easy. And in this interview, we talk about practical steps you can take to start getting those home projects DONE no matter how busy you are. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Conquering the Emotions of Decluttering

Decluttering becomes emotional when we get people and memories confused with THINGS. Learning to separate the two is key! Changing your mindset and creating solid systems will help manage your stuff and keep your home clutter-free.I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing New York Times best-selling author Ruth Soukup and founder of Living Well Spending Less last year for my Beautiful Home, Beautiful Life Summit. Ruth has written not one but TWO popular books on the topic of decluttering and simplifying. She is an absolute expert when it comes to decluttering and simplifying and in this episode she shares her best tips for how to conquer the emotions that often get in the way of decluttering. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Genius Small Space Organization Hacks

Living in a small space requires some serious organizing skills to maximize every square inch, but it’s well worth the effort. Learn the best tips for organizing small spaces so you can enjoy your cozy home!I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Nicole Blackmon from @Sweet_Domicile last year for my Beautiful Home, Beautiful Life Summit. Since Nicole lives in Manhattan, she is an absolute expert at organizing small spaces and maximizing every square inch of living space. And she shares all her best (and surprising) tips in this podcast episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Pandemic Burnout... The Struggle Is Real

This week Thea and I are discussing our complete and utter exhaustion lately. It turns out that women everywhere are seriously suffering and we want you to know you are not alone! Un moms are doing all the things--working, mothering, teaching, cleaning, cooking, and on and on and on. If you are feeling all this and the occasional rage, then you are in very good company. We talk about all the ways the pandemic has affected us and then we share the ways that we are attempting to combat our endless exhaustion. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Kathie Brinkman

I'm so glad to hear your podcasts are back. I love the fun banter between you and Thea.

09-25 Reply

Kathie Brinkman

Fun episode today Ladies! I listened on my bluetooth hearing aids while shopping in Walmart for craft glue. Now, that's got to be one of the most unique listening situations you've ever heard about. I love Tuesdays with Colorful Conversations!

03-23 Reply

Elizabeth Foster

love this podcast. I was actually making my list of items to sell where, and for what we are pricing them for. yall gave us great tips and a totally new place to sell. I absolutely agree NO CRAIG'S LIST. NOT all but most are just weird. LOVE marketplace, thx for all the advice yall give. cant wait for the next one.

09-24 Reply

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