DiscoverCome Follow Up
Come Follow Up
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Come Follow Up

Author: BYUradio

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Host Ben Lomu and special guests take a deeper dive into concepts and doctrines from the sacred scriptures. A companion to the weekly Come, Follow Me resource, Come Follow Up complements your personal and family scripture study.
233 Episodes
March 10-16 | D&C 20-22 | Joined by religious scholar Kimberly Matheson and special guest Elder Kyle S. McKay, General Authority Seventy.
March 3-9 | D&C 19 | Joined by religious scholar Kimberly Matheson and special guest President Mark L. Pace of the Sunday School General Presidency.
February 24–March 2 | D&C 18 | Joined by religious scholar Gerrit Dirkmaat and special guest Sister Tamara W. Runia of the Young Women General Presidency.
February 17-23 | D&C 12-17; JS—H 1:66-75 | Joined by religious historian and scholar Maclane Heward and special guests Luke Woods and Mayte Rodriguez.
February 10-16 | D&C 10-11 | Joined by religious scholar Sherilyn Farnes and special guest Samoana Matagi.
February 3-9 | D&C 6-9 | Joined by scholar Jasmin Gimenez Rappleye and special guest President Steven J. Lund, Young Men General Presidency.
January 27–February 2 | D&C 3-5 | Joined by author and scholar Janiece Johnson and special guest Dusty Smith.
January 20-26 | D&C 2; JS—H 1:27-65 | Joined by writer, poet, and religious scholar James Goldberg and special guest Cherisse Fisher.
January 13-19 | JS—H 1:1-26 | Joined by religious scholar Jenet Erickson and special guest Elder Jeremiah Joseph Morgan, deputy attorney general in the State of Missouri.
January 6-12 | D&C 1 | Joined by religious scholar Patrick Mason and special guest Dr. Jette Halladay.
December 30–January 5 | The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ | Joined by scholar Kimberly Matheson and special guest Keith Erekson.
December 23-29 | Christmas | Joined by Scholar Lynne Hilton Wilson and Special Guest Kaylene Harding.
December 16-22 | Moroni 10 | Joined by Scholar Scott Esplin, Dean of Religious Education at BYU, and Special Guest Judy Bester Brummer.
December 9-15 | Moroni 7-9 | Joined by Scholar Lynne Hilton Wilson and Special Guest Katie Bunnell.
December 2-8 | Moroni 1-6 | Joined by Maxwell Institute Scholar Rosalynde Welch and Special Guest Gérald J. Caussé, Presiding Bishop in the Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
November 25-December 1 | Ether 12-15 | Joined by Scholar Kimberly Matheson, Doctoral Student in Theology at Loyola University Chicago, and Special Guest Tanner Gillman.
November 18-24 | Ether 6-11 | Joined by Scholar Kerry Muhlestein, Professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, and Special Guest MyKayla Skinner.
November 11-17 | Ether 1-5 | Joined by Scholar Patrick Mason and Special Guest Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency.
November 4-10 | Mormon 7-9 | Joined by Scholar John Hilton III, Professor of Ancient Scripture at BYU, and Special Guests Lisa & Kate Moulton.
October 28-November 3 | Mormon 1-6 | Joined by Scholar Kimberly Matheson, Doctoral Student in Theology at Loyola University Chicago, and Special Guest Blaine Butler.
Comments (1)

Christy Parker

It is wrong to say we can't judge people and that everyone is trying to do their best. That is a lie Satan wants us to believe so that we will not learn to discern and see the unrighteousness around us. That is unrighteous judgement. We are are here to learn to judge right from wrong, evil from good. There are people here who seek to destroy and deceive others for their own gain or just for kicks. We are to learn to discern spirits and the intentions of others. What we should not do is condemn others. Satan wants us to not judge unrighteous people and to rationalize people's behavior so that we will condone it and sit silent, or never say "no" to them, disagree with them or walk away from evil. We have judges throughout the land who judge all day long. It is naive and does damage to people, families, churches, communities, organizations and states when we do not judge and see that not everyone is doing their best.

Jun 17th