In our Season Finale, we talk about what it takes to make that leap from "local company" to "nationwide company" and the trials and tribulations along the way. Join us as we recount the evolution of our marketing strategy and some of the growing pains we've dealt with and, most importantly, learn from.
Company culture is important! This means that assembling your team is also of utmost importance. Sharing values is great, but to do it authentically is everything. When you're putting together your team, you definitely need to be mindful of not just WHAT a candidate is capable of, but WHO they are as a person and HOW they get along with the rest of the team.
This week we continue our conversation with Tyler Bennett of Bennett Environmental and GAR Bennett. Together we talk about pushing through and keeping your goals in mind when the going gets tough.
This week we talk to Tyler Bennett of Bennett Environmental and GAR Bennett. Together we talk about pushing through and keeping your goals in mind when the going gets tough.
On today's episode the gang talks about having something to prove when it comes to entrepreneurship, and just life in general. Join us as we talk through our motivations and what keeps us going!
In this episode, we talk about the difficult yet imperative decisions you need to make when getting your business started. A lot of times saying 'yes' to everything is the way to go, at least until you can afford not to. Rob Allison joins us as we discuss the early days of Haven Lighting and the ridiculous things we needed to do to get orders out the door.
Join us for Part 2 of our conversation with Russ Sorrells from Get a behind the scenes look/listen at what drives and motivates Russ in his many ventures in business.
Our first special guest on the Company on the Rise podcast is Russ Sorrells from Join us as we discuss the many different ways to fund a business and Russ’ personal approach to success.
We told you why we're doing this, now let's introduce ourselves and tell you who we are. Haven Lighting is an LED landscape lighting manufacturer based in Hebron, Kentucky. After a few years of research and development, we begin to start seeing growth. More growth than we ever expected! Let us tell you the story of how we got started and what obstacles we've overcome to get where we are today.
There are plenty of books, movies, and shows about entrepreneurial success stories. A vast majority of them talk about their successes after they’ve already become successful. To our knowledge, none of them talk about the ups and downs of their start up’s journey as it is happening; in real time! That’s where Company on the Rise comes in, your podcast about entrepreneurship that let's you follow a startup company on the rise. You get a front row seat to the action while it's happening, not be...