DiscoverComputer Science/Software Engineering College Courses Review
Computer Science/Software Engineering College Courses Review
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Computer Science/Software Engineering College Courses Review

Author: Andres Arriaga

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Have you ever been curious on how a computer science/software engineering major might be like? As a student of the Costa Rica Institute of Technology, I'll hand you my reviews, tips, and experiences regarding the courses any aspiring computer scientist or software engineer must take in order to graduate. ITCR's curriculum is mainly influenced by the ACM guidelines. Contact:
42 Episodes
Hello guys! It's been a while since we had an episode, but I plan to change that really soon with your help. Please let me know what kind of content you would like to listen to on the podcast and I will take each suggestion into consideration for the next episodes!
Sorry for the wait! After a long time I decided it was about time to come back with the rest of the Semester. On this episode we will be talking about the Programming Languages course and how it's really not about the languages altogether! We talk about the paradigms and the differences they have. Not only that, we have a very special guest with us! Jostin Álvarez
S4.2 - Databases II

S4.2 - Databases II


A course that's about NoSql databases and new technologies! If you are a techy individual who loves to learn about new technologies and new ways of solving problems then look into this one! This course was hard on me. If I could pass, so can you! Today I share two of my most painful tips; they could help you out a ton in college and in life! Welcome to the world of Databases II :)
The genesis of the software development cycle. Listen to the course that teaches you how to specify requirements and deal with clients in order to develop a project that completely satisfies the client's needs! Good requirements means cheaper projects and safer outcomes :)
This is our third checkpoint in the podcast! Tune in for tips in each of the courses in this semester :) This was my rise of the dark night, so I hold this semester highly!
As we have been saying, fundamentals are key. This is because technology is always changing, and your work will most likely omit lots of technicalities. Linear Algebra comes to strengthen those fundamentals in mathematics, logic, and algebraic structures. Plus, this course is 100% necessary for computer-graphics-related careers.  
Efficiency is underestimated. Complexity can be measured. Turing Machines define the nature of problems. Computer science is, for the first time, studied in depth!  Join us on this exciting episode where we explain numerous pivotal concepts for the analysis of algorithms as well as some computer science basics! Also, check out Andrew Sario's podcast, Engineering IRL, on Spotify: or Anchor:
S3.1 - Databases I

S3.1 - Databases I


Databases are actually not boring? Well yeah, turns out that you can program stuff in them and there are different kinds of cool structures to retrieve information! Tune in for an overview of the introductory course to data bases and team work advice! Pun alert: There will be a SQL to this episode called Databases II :)
This is our second check point in the podcast! Today we go over the most important points in each course of the semester and I share some useful and interesting stories about ups and downs I had in my second semester of college. Hope you find helpful insights and value from my experiences!  
Calculus is here! But wait, isn't calculus only for real engineers? Well, you'd be surprised! Calculus is not only vital for Linear Algebra (which is vital for computer graphics), it's also common knowledge between engineers and scientists. Hop on to learn the basic concepts and my number 1 tip for math courses on this episode!



Just a quick update on some upgrades done to the podcast!
The sequel to the Fundamentals of Computer Organization Course! We talk about the major concepts of a computer's architecture as well as some of the contents in the course. Fun fact, I failed this course but aced it later on. If you fail a course, don't worry, it doesn't define you, and you will be successful by standing up again and again! :)
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!
Bonus round! I attended the Costa Rica Big Data School, a five-day event where two speakers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center spoke about current computational subjects like object-oriented programming in Python, High Performance Computing (HPC), Hadoop, and other important technologies. Hope you guys can find valuable knowledge here!