Con parole nostre

A podcast for Italian learners who love chatting over drinks with their friends. We're Elfin, Silvia and Barbara. We meet up twice a month to talk about practically anything under the sun. We live very far apart, Elfin in Cremona, Barbara in England and Silvia in Tuscany but we don't let that stop us from chatting and staying connected. Get to know Italy through the words of three very different perspectives. You'll get real life expressions, laughter, passions and pet peeves. Maybe you can't make it to Italy anytime soon but you can join us for a chiacchierata. Close your eyes and pretend you're having an aperitivo with us in our favorite piazza. Join us and take part in an authentic Italian conversation. If you want to catch every word and make the most out of our chats, grab the transcription bundles Sign up to our newsletter to receive updates at

EP 67 Le nostre attrici Italiane preferite

Nell' episodio di oggi, Elfin e Silvia parlano delle loro attrici italiane preferite. Prendete carta e penna perchè sicuramente sentirete consigli per film e serie tv da approfondire. Questo episodio è presentato da Italian TV Night, il programma per migliorare l’italiano con le serie TV, per info e iscrizioni Se siete anche interessati agli attori italiani potete ascoltare l' episodio 62 del podcast:


EP 66 La Cucina Povera

Cos'è la cucina povera esattamente? Nell'episodio di oggi, Elfin e Barbara spieghiamo bene cos'è e come potete farla da casa. Questo episodio è presentato da Language Trips Marche di Time to be Italian. Per info e iscrizioni Se non volete perdervi nemmeno una parole potete trovare le trascrizioni dei precedenti episodi qui:


EP 65 Le Nostre Isole Del Cuore

Buongiorno nell’episodio di oggi, io Silvia e Barbara parleremo delle piccole isole che circondano l’Italia. Ci piacerebbe averle visitate tutte, ma scoprirete in questa puntata che sono veramente tante, andiamo. Questo episodio è presentato da Create connections, meanings, memories, la Membership di Silvia da Italearn. Per info e iscrizioni: Se non volete perdervi nemmeno una parole potete trovare le trascrizioni dei precedenti episodi qui:


EP 64 Detox Digitale

Quando stiamo troppo tempo online? Stare troppo tempo su internet o al computer può avere conseguenze sul nostro benessere mentale? Nell' episodio di oggi, io Barbara e Silvia parliamo dei detox digitali e cosa ne pensiamo. Questo episodio è presentato da Language Retreats di All About Italian. Per info e iscrizioni Se non volete perdervi nemmeno una parole potete trovare le trascrizioni dei precedenti episodi qui:


EP 63 Il Nostro Rapporto Con Lo Sport

Buongiorno! In today's episode, Barbara, Silvia and I talk about our relationship with sports, which we like to watch and the ones we like to engage in. Andiamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates. All you have to do is go to


EP 62 I Nostri Attori Italiani Preferiti

In today’s episode, we will be chatting about our favourite male Italian actors. What we like about them and which movies or TV shows they star in. So grab your pen and paper to take some notes! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 61 Sai Giocare Al FantaSanremo

In Today’s episode, we talk about Fantasanremo. The virtual game we played this year during the Song Festival of Sanremo. We explain what exactly it is exactly, how it works and why we enjoy it so much. Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


Ep #60 Siamo Meteoropatiche

Are you sensitive to weather changes? Do you think that seasons affect your mood? Today on the podcast, it's only Silvia and I because Barbara is very busy with her move back to Italy. We discuss the Italian word "meteoropatia", weather sensitivity, and how we feel it has been affecting us. Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 59 L'inglese In Italiano

Buongiorno! A thing that many people notice on learning Italian is that there's a lot of English in Italian. As you're always asking us about, we've decided to explore the topic together. It's something Barbara, Silvia and I find quite confusing as well. In today's episode, we're exploring how we feel about this increasing trend. We don't have any real answers but we can share how we feel about it. Because we're very passionate about this, we spoke a bit faster than we usually do. Make sure you have your transcripts handy so you can follow. Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 58 I Nostri Amici A 4 Zampe

Buongiorno, today's topic is animali domestici, household pets. Barbara, Silvia and I all have either dogs or cats at home and they play a big part in our lives. Today we'll talk about our own furry friends and pets in Italy. Andiamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 57 Gli Italiani Sono Pigri

Buongiorno! Today’s topic is laziness. Are Italians lazy ? is there truth in this stereotype? Barbara, Silvia and I today chat about this and explore the topic in depth. Andiamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 56 Castagne, Funghi E Le Feste Autunnali

Buongiorno! It’s the end of October and It’s definitely time for autunno here. Today’s topic is fall events in Italy. This will be the first fall since the pandemic began in which some events will finallly be scheduled. Barbara, Silvia and I can’t wait to share with you all that is happening in Italy now. Andiamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 55 Storie Di Caffè

How many coffees do you have in a day? In today’s episode, Barbara, Silvia, and I are talking about il caffè. Italy is famous for it but do Italians actually drink a lot of it? What does coffee really mean to Italians? This and more on today’s episode. Andiamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 54 Le Passeggiate

Today’s topic is ‘passeggiate’, walks. Today we are talking about a few of them. Walks in Italy can be more of a social event as well, a moment to connect, burn some calories, and show off the best clothes. Are you curious? Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 53 Fare Bella Figura

Grab pen and paper because, in today’s episode, we’re talking about a very complicated concept in Italian culture, la bella figura. Many of you ask us about it so today, we’ll explain what it is and how we feel about it. Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 52 Gli Eventi Estivi Nelle Piccole Citt

Buongiorno! Today on the podcast, we're having a summer episode with just Barbara and Silvia and we talk about what's going on in Italy this summer in small towns. Compared to last year, Italy is having so many more events going on and today we're talking about them. Andiamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


Ep 51 I Libri Che Abbiamo Sul Comodino

Today’s topic is books. Barbara, Silvia and I, we’re all book lovers today we’re chatting about what books either Italian or of other authors, are on our bedside tables. Andiamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


Ep 50 Gli Odori Dell'estate Italiana

Buongiorno! It’s summer here and we decided to focus on one aspect of this wonderful season today, the smells of estate, gli odori dell’ estate. Barbara, Silvia and I will bring you to Italy today by telling you what smells we identify with summer. Get ready for a very evocative episode. Cominciamo! Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 49 Gli Italiani E L'opera

If there’s something that Italy is famous for in the world it’s opera. But are Italians really into opera that much? Today at Con Parole Nostre, Barbara, Silvia and I chat about opera and how much we actually listen to it. Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to


EP 48 La Merenda Italiana

Are you familiar with the Italian word "merenda"? It’s the snack that Italian children have between lunch and dinner, in the afternoon. Some adults ( me!) have it in adulthood as well. Today, Barbara, Silvia and I talk about our favorite merenda from when we were children. Don't want to miss a word? Grab transcript bundles of previous seasons of the Con Parole Nostre Sign up for podcast updates and transcripts. All you have to do is go to



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