Conservative Christian Moms

You're gonna' hate us, but we're conservative Christian moms. We’re here to empower other women like us to speak up, say what’s true, and defend their children’s futures.

035: But... We want to talk about marriage.

Today we are going to discuss the all-encompassing topic of marriage. Since last week we shared our thoughts on God’s heart around divorce, it only makes sense to think about God’s heart for marriage. Each of us is over a decade into our journey of marriage with a lot to learn. But also, we have many lessons learned thus far. Pull up a chair, and let's discuss.Resources:5 Love LanguagesLove & Respect


034: But... how should the church handle divorce?

We want to tackle the topic of divorce. Today, 40-50% of marriages end in divorce. And we don’t see much of a difference between Christians and non-Christians. What does the Bible say about it, and how should we as the church care for people in this broken place? Resources: Bible Project on Jesus and Divorce


033: But... did we hate the Jesus Super Bowl commercial?

The day after the Super Bowl, social media exploded with criticism for all kinds of things... one of them being the He Gets Us campaign that said "Jesus didn't preach hate. He washed feet." What's our hot take, and who was *actually* behind this campaign?Pull up a chair and let's discuss.


032: But... it's time to talk about our tragedy. | Part 2

In this second parter, we discuss the stigma of suicide, especially in Christian communities. We talk about statistics, grief, and the realities that surround this kind of loss.Resources:Suicide Hotline: Dial 988 Dying playlist on SpotifyWhile We're Waiting - Hope After Child Loss Podcast


031: But... it's time to talk about our tragedy.

At the beginning of season two, we mentioned a tragedy that struck our community. And now we're ready to talk about it. In this episode (not for young ears), co-host Candy Rose shares with great vulnerability the tragedy that struck her home in the fall of 2023.Resources:Suicide Hotline: Dial 988 Dying playlist on SpotifyWhile We're Waiting - Hope After Child Loss Podcast


030: But... can we demystify spiritual gifts? | Part 2

Host Amy has been deep-diving into Ephesians 4 and the spiritual gifts outlined by Paul. We wanted to bring her new obsession with all things Ephesians 4 to a two-part episode, in which we discuss what to do with this list, how we feel about personality tests, and if we can demystify spiritual gifts.Resources:5Q: Reactivating the Original Intelligence and Capacity of the Body of ChristActivating 5Q: A User's GuideGifts inventory and coaching session for leaders


029: But... can we demystify spiritual gifts? | Part 1

Host Amy has been deep-diving into Ephesians 4 and the spiritual gifts outlined by Paul. We wanted to bring her new obsession with all things Ephesians 4 to a two-part episode, in which we discuss what to do with this list, how we feel about personality tests, and if we can demystify spiritual gifts.Resources:5Q: Reactivating the Original Intelligence and Capacity of the Body of ChristActivating 5Q: A User's GuideGifts inventory and coaching session for leaders


028: But... do we stand with Israel?

As moms who love Jesus and vote for freedom and life, where do we stand on the current conflict in Israel? Do we fault Israel for their part in the conflict? Do we blame the Palestinians? Or is Hamas the one that's driving all the pain and horror?


027: But...does God love Satan?

It's season 2, and we're BACK! To open up this season, and hit some spooky vibes, we're discussing a question that Amy's four-year-old daughter asked: does God love Satan? Since Satan is evil, can God love Satan? And since God created him, what kind of love and compassion might he have for his fallen creature?


026: But... are culture wars working? | Part 2

In our first Culture Wars episode we dove into the deep end, divulging our views and opinions on politics and culture. But, more importantly, we framed our belief that far above politics and any allegiance to America is our desire to seek first the Kingdom of God. How we jump into culture wars and to what extent is still up for debate. And we’re excited to keep the conversation going! Show Notes >>You Are What You Love


025: But... today is husband takeover!

In honor of Father's Day, we've asked the husbands to bring their unique perspective to parenting that moms don’t always understand. Especially when it comes to parenting boys versus girls. Being a Christ-centered father is not always easy, and knowing how to parent our sons and our daughters comes with its own challenges.


024: But... are conservative culture wars working?

The culture wars in America have become cutthroat over the last few years. And, today they are as hot as ever. We’re entering into the Pride month of June with plenty of intense news stories to fuel division and anger on either side of the aisle. As Christians, we have to ask: what part are we supposed to play in all of this? If we’re conservative, then should we be jumping into the war and if we do…. Will it even work?// Show Notes:Magatte Wade on How Black Lives Truly Matter


022: But... why is rest so hard?

If you’re anything like us, certain seasons of the year become an all-out sprint toward insanity. Whether it’s busy work seasons, closing out the school year, or preparing for holidays… mom life is full of scheduling and remembering all the things, plus being successful at work and volunteer life. It’s just a lot. But, we are called for Sabbath. We are called to create margin and time for rest. How does this fit? What does it mean to be obedient? And where the HECK does the time go?!


021: But... why is there evil? | Part 2

Last week, we dove into the problem of evil, asking: “If we have an all-powerful, all-loving God, why does evil exist?” That conversation led us right to this question: “Then… why did God create the world if He knew we would fall?” If God always knew we would fail, why did He create us like this… why did He create us at all?Show Notes //The Problem of Evil VideosThe Logic ArgumentThe Probability ArgumentBible Project: Firstborn SeriesKatherine WolfTim Mackie on sufferingThe Problem of Pain By C.S. Lewis


020: But... why is there evil? | Part 1

In this two-part episode, we’re asking one of the harder questions: why does evil exist? How can God be all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful but still allow evil? This “problem of evil” plagues a lot of people’s minds if they’ve never taken the time to consider it. Whether you have a friend asking this question of you, or whether you’ve experienced something deeply painful that has you doubting God, it’s an understandable and pertinent question. If God loved us he wouldn’t allow evil… right?Show Notes //The Problem of Evil VideosThe Logic ArgumentThe Probability ArgumentBible Project: Firstborn Series Katherine WolfTim Mackie on sufferingThe Problem of Pain By C.S. Lewis


019: But... is spanking abuse?

Today, we’re talking about disciplining our children. There are a lot of parenting styles out there these days. From gentle parenting to spanking and everything in-between, where do we land on a Biblical approach to proper parenting? What has worked for us, what hasn’t, and how can we honor God with the way we respond to our children’s behaviors?Show Notes//Parenting with Love and Logic


018: But... is it ok to take pride in our giftings?

In this episode, we talk about Christian gifts, and the egos that often trail behind. Within Christian culture, people are gifted with such a variety of things. Whether we’re gifted with something more public, like speaking, teaching or leading worship. Or, whether we’re gifted with more behind-the-scenes skills like prophetic prayer, pastoral care, catalytic vision, feeding a group of 50, or setting up lights in the production booth. In church, it can feel like you have to have something to offer. It’s easy to build your worth and pride around what you’re bringing to the table. How do we balance the need to humbly offer our talents with the egos that often creep in and take hold? Or, even worse, the jealousy of someone else’s talent and recognition?


017: But... what's considered legalistic?

For most of us, legalism has an icky, loveless, judgemental undertone. We think of legalism as the opposite of freedom and the opposite of the grace and mercy Jesus embodies. But, most people wouldn’t call themselves legalistic. Even among Christians, everyone has different boundaries and lines they draw around their habits, life values, and mode of operating. So, how do we define legalism so that we don’t become modern-day Pharisees? And, why do we mention “legalism” so much on this podcast?!// Show NotesDave Lomas: Rule of LifeDavid Bennett: Lamp Unto Your Feet


016: But... is depression a sin?

Depression. So many of us struggle with different levels of depression. Silently, we walk around dealing with the shame, guilt, and isolation that come with depression’s stigma. Despite the fact that it affects millions of people, many of those within the Christian church, we act like there’s a lack of faith or depth in someone’s relationships with God if they’re struggling with the deep sadness that comes with this kind of condition. Is it a sin? Is it a lack of faith? What do we need to consider when approaching this topic, and those that struggle with its effects?Show Notes//Suicide StatsFreedom Program


015: But... division is not the goal.

It’s no secret: we started this podcast because we wanted a conservative, Bible-believing voice to be heard in a culture that cancels people for far, far less. But, we’ve had the privilege of being supported by not only conservative Christian moms, but liberal Christian moms. And, that brings up an important point: why are we so divided?! And how can we model great conversations between diverse opinions while also having our values heard loud and clear?Show Notes //Adam and Eve as necessary oppositesSoviet nature of American culture + paying a price for speaking up now vs. later


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