Contend Podcast

43 Episodes
Church is incredibly important for the Christian. There is a great role that it plays in the development of our Christian life. Let's look at 4 reasons that the Church is so important.
Worksheet from "The Importance of the Church":
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Revival is something that is desperately needed in the world, our country, and our communities. But it is equally necessary, if not more necessary, in our personal lives.
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An audio only Bible Review? You know it. You might not get to see the Bible itself or notice all the intricacies of the features, but you can still hear my thoughts. And if you're interested, you can always watch the video later.
This is an awesome New Testament from my favorite publisher - Church Bible Publishers.
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As we dive back into our Biblical Response Series, we look at the topic of being wronged. Although no one likes to be wronged or have something done against them, Christ offered great instructions on this subject.
Check out the other Biblical Response episode:
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Peter was someone who was a true Contender. We have seen him contend as a Follower of Christ, in his Faith, even through Failure, and in this episode we look at him contending with Fervor for the Lord.
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As we continue looking at the life of Peter, we come to a lesson that is important for the youngest to oldest person - God can use us even after failure. Peter is a perfect example of that.
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Peter was a great Contender. Last week we looked at him contending as a Follower for Christ. In this episode we look at him contending with his Faith in Christ.
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The life of Peter is truly fascinating. He was, without a doubt, a Contender. Over the next few weeks we are going to look at several areas of his life that can encourage us to contend for the faith.
As Contenders, we should always be looking to stand and contend. But in the time we are living in, we must realize that it is as important as ever to stand and contend for the faith.
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Caleb was a man who was driven to contend because of the promises of God. What a great motivation for him, but also for us. There are many promises for us in God's Word that serve as great motivation to contend for the faith.
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There is so much to learn from the life of David. We can see so much of his life in Scripture. Let's take a look at just one story from his life and see how it can help us better contend for the faith.
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Esther is a great example of a contender who stood in good times and bad. There is much to learn from her as we contend "for such a time as this."
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Enoch pleased God, and he did that by walking with God. As contenders we should have a desire to please God, thus we must have a desire to walk with God.
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Goals are important. As we start 2021 we need to have a plan of where we want to go and how we're going to get there.
We need to follow these 5 simple steps: Pray, Plan, Pursue, Partner, Praise
Barna article in Contend Wrap-Up:
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As Christians we should want to Contend in such a way that others see Christ in us. In today's episode we look at a man who did just that - John the Baptist.
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In this episode we talk about some important things to remember as we continue to contend during the coronavirus crisis.
We then continue our Contenders Through History series looking at the life of James. We, like James, need to be steadfast as we contend.
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In this episode we revisit an article we looked at several weeks ago in light of our stats from last week regarding inviting people to church. We need to be sharing our faith as we contend for the faith.
We finish out the episode looking at the life of Andrew as we continue our Contenders Through History series.
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We start this episode talking about some important stats regarding inviting people to church. As we contend for the faith, we must be passing that faith along to others.
We then talk about another contender - Joseph - as we continue our Contenders Through History series.
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In this episode we look at VP Mike Pence getting mocked after praying with the U.S. task force to combat and find a cure for coronavirus. Then we look at how England's abortions of babies with cleft lips and palettes rose over 150% in 2019.
We finish out the episode with the next character in our Contenders Through History series looking at The Boy with the Sack Lunch.
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In this episode, Sam discusses coronavirus and the effects on us and how we contend for the faith.
We then look at the wonderful song, "I'd Rather Have Jesus."
We finish out this episode looking at our first Contender Through History. We look at the life of Noah and what we can learn from him about being a Contender.
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