Contrasts in Humanity

This podcast glimpses into the evolution and transformation of human culture within the most significant civilizations in world history while contextualizing these cultures with landmarks in art. This podcast is primarily used as a resource for the "Introduction to Humanities" high school course that I teach.

The Romans

Join me throughout this brief historical sequence as we discuss the story of Rome's most significant geographic expansions while also focusing on the transition of Rome's Republican Governmental structure into it's consolidated Empire. 


The Greeks (Part 2)

As the rise of Macedonia eventually involves a conquest into Persia, Classical Greek progressiveness and intellect spreads throughout North Africa and Western Asia during the Hellenistic Period.  


The Greeks (Part 1)

From the defense of King Leonidas and his brave 300 Spartans to the accumulated Greek wealth provided by devious Persian treachery, the rise of Classical Greece introduces us to a new era of human civilization that incentivizes intellectual and philosophical thought. 


The Mesopotamians (Part 2)

As Middle Eastern Civilizations emerge out of a Post-Bronze Age decline, the world's first true empires begin to dominate the region.


The Mesopotamians (Part 1)

From the ancient story of the "Tower of Babel" to the mysterious dark age that followed the Bronze Age, we glimpse into the vast diversity of peoples and cultures that developed in ancient Mesopotamia.


The Egyptians

Can more artistic creativity foster within a civilization that is completely centered around divine and religious rule? In this episode, we consider this as we examine ancient imaginations displayed along the Nile. 


The Sumerians

As the first humans to take us from strictly nomadic lifestyles to civilization itself, these guys started it all.


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