Controlled Pod Into Terrain

<p>A multimedia podcast about aviation accidents, featuring Kyra Dempsey (aka Admiral Cloudberg), Ariadne (aka the business knowing one) and J (aka the systems and physics knowing one) Best experienced with pictures at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href=""></a></p>

Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 9: Swissair 111

a surprising number of crimes in this one. also cursing in three languages (sorry ticino, none of us speaks italian).help us out at and you'll get to hang out with the cool kidscheck out our merch store at pod into terrain is:J, the engineerKyra, the plane crash expert also known as Admiral CloudbergAriadne, professional business knower


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 8: UTA 141

this one is about an airline that is entirely composed of crime, and a family of guys who give negative amounts of a shit about human life. the merch store is at Controlled Pod Into Terrain features, as always: the inimitable Kyra Dempsey, the famous Admiral Cloudberg, the irrepressible Ariadne Talchik, who knows and means business, and the iniquitous J, who is some kind of engineer


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 7: AF 447

subtitled "We've Tried Nothing, And We're All Out Of Ideas." this one features three very confused French men and a plane that was trying to tell them what to do, and they were ignoring it.featuring, as always, the CPIT crew:J, who is some kind of engineer, Kyra, who writes about plane crashes, and Ariadne, who knows about aviation business.and for the first time ever, a special guest, Fox2Mike28!


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 6: AA 965

re-uploaded to fix technical issues.this one features a couple of boomer guys who won't ask for directions because they know where they are, damnit, it's the FMS that's always, Controlled Pod Into Terrain comprises Kyra, the aviation writer who investigates plane crashes, Ariadne, the aviation business expert, and J, who is some kind of engineer.


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 5: Pinnacle 3701

Re-uploaded to fix technical issues.This one has a couple of guys who managed to show off to each other so toxically that they ended up flying into the ground after toasting one engine and core locking the other. Don't be these always, Controlled Pod Into Terrain comprises Kyra, the aviation writer who investigates plane crashes, Ariadne, the aviation business expert, and J, who is some kind of engineer.


Controlled Pod Six Feet Under Terrain epitaph 4: Launchpad of Horror

re-uploaded to fix technical issues. this was the halloween episode!wow, UPS 006 was heavy. We wanted to do something that wouldn't make us cry, so here's some rockets always, Controlled Pod Into Terrain comprises Kyra, the aviation writer who investigates plane crashes, Ariadne, the aviation business expert, and J, who is some kind of engineer.


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 3: UPS 006

re-uploaded to fix technical problems.this one has a lot of very light metal doing very heavy things to two guys who did everything right and still didn't always, Controlled Pod Into Terrain comprises Kyra, the aviation writer who investigates plane crashes, Ariadne, the aviation business expert, and J, who is some kind of engineer.


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 2: Paninternational 114

Re-upload of episode 2. this one has some very, very sketchy germans and the invention of the always, Controlled Pod Into Terrain comprises Kyra, the aviation writer who investigates plane crashes, Ariadne, the aviation business expert, and J, who is some kind of engineer.


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 1: Air Asiana 214

Re-upload of first episode!this one is about the time a 777 booped the sea wall at SFO.featuring J, the engineering one, Ariadne, the aviation business expert, and Kyra, who writes about plane crashes


Controlled Pod Into Terrain ep 6: AA 965

this time it's an actual controlled flight into terrain accident! featuring two fortysomething guys who are not going to stop and ask for directions because they know where they are damnit. as always, the CPIT crew comprises: J, some kind of engineer. Ariadne, the aviation business expert and Kyra, who's also Admiral Cloudberg. Support us on


Controlled Pod Into Terrain ep 5: Pinnacle 3701

"it's just a crash, bro, relax"two guys manage to kill themselves with toxic masculinity and poor understanding of their aircraft. some explicit language- mostly from the CVR. so classy.featuring, as always:J- who is some sort of engineer, Ariadne- the aviation business wonk, and Kyra who has written about more planes than the other two have even ridden in.


Controlled Pod Six Feet Under Terrain Episode 4: Launchpad of Horror

a very spooky hallowe'en episode featuring some of J and Ari's favourite rocket explosions.nobody dies in this one! featuring J, the science nerd, Kyra, the plane crash expert (but not so much rocket explosions) and Ari, gwynne shotwell's number one fan.sponsored by YOU: subscribe and get discord access, you too can watch J and Ari argue over which Russian aircraft is the most cursed


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 3: UPS 006

Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 3: UPS flight 006A big pile of very light metal did some very heavy things to two guys named Lampe and Bell.Featuring:Ariadne (the aero business knowing one)J (the engineer)and Kyra, the air crash investigation expert


Controlled Pod Into Terrain episode 2: Paninternational 112

paninternational flight 112: that time they invented the beforeburner by mistake. starring concorde's homely sister, the BAC One-Eleven, some extremely sketchy germans and some pilots who really didn't deserve what happened. this is a podcast with slides- for full effect, apply directly to the eyeballs. (find us on youtube). voices: ariadne, the aerospace business expert. kyra, who's investigated more crashes than we know what to do with and j, who appears to be some sort of engineer or something.


Controlled Pod Into Terrain - episode 1 - Asiana Air 214

we decided to make a podcast about air accidents. this one's about that time a 777 booped the sea wall at SFO. this is an audio-only version of a podcast with slides- you should look for it on youtube if you want to be able to see them.


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