ConverSayShons Wit My Black Self: Colloquialism Professionally Matters!

ConverSayShons Wit My Black Self: Colloquialism Professionally Matters!
Author: Tae'
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© 2025 ConverSayShons Wit My Black Self: Colloquialism Professionally Matters!
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It's about the effective understanding and relatability of Colloquialism and Transparency. It’s about influencing a positive relationship with oneself for mental, emotional, and spiritual GoODness. It's about living presently forward with a healthy perspective that supports your choice of what can happen, despite what has happened.
Mental note: Scientific Jargon is better understood and received by some, while Colloquial Expression is better understood and embraced by others; one-style-doesn’t-fit-all.
31 Episodes
Send us a text *Get the full message/concept with the video version: You asked me, and here's my witty reply! Creativity is what it’s about! All elements of human survival matters, and when opportunity doesn't present itself, take advantage of what's available, and create it! Life doesn't deliver failure; it grants another opportunity to... To experience change, you gotta upgrade your mentality, your skills, and do something different. "You'd be surpri...
Send us a text *Get the full message/concept with the video version: #timeshavechangedagain! #traditionisquestionableifchangeisinevitable! #selfawareness #selfhelp #searchypurselfandfindit! #getGod! #gettoknowYOUrselfforreal! Support the show
Send us a text#GodIsGoodToAndForMe!Support the show
Send us a text *Get the full message/concept with the video version: Sometimes, in the midst of being slapped with trauma and kicked in the gut with tragedy, a little bit of raw truth tends to hit home. This is a timeless clip from 2020 that has been sitting in my hard drive. #BeEncouraged #PrayBecauseWeAllNeedIt! Support the show
Send us a text When your story has gaps, take time to reflect, research and figure out the what, why, who, etc., so that you can work on "change" to move forward.When you create an issue and a problem that didn't exist, you end up with an issue and a problem that didn't have to exist if you hadn't created it! Evil is what evil does!Some people, maybe even YOU, need to go and be therap-IZED, psycholog-IZED, psychiatr-IZED, counsel-IZED, and/or baptIZED and bornAGAIN! #RestYourMindandStop...
Send us a text *Get the full message/concept with the video version: Support the show
Send us a text Dear You (you know who you are:-), You asked, and here's my answer regarding "cussing" and those other issues you mentioned. Read between the lines and fill/feel in your gaps... No one always does what's right or is always right about everything. Where there's a will, there's a way.Big or small, wrong is wrong. A lie is a lie. Sin is sin, and the choice is yours to make. Your spiritual walk, or not, speaks for itself and impacts more lives than you kno...
Send us a text #mentalspiritualfication! #mymindismypoweranddefense! #thinkinsideoftheboxyoucreate! #laughatyourselftodryyourtears! I encourage everyone to get to know YOUrself. Identify your many roles in life. Manage and shape the handling of each role. Create safe boundaries, abide by them, and conduct yourself accordingly. Be careful to not allow your mouth, action, and intention to contradict one another. I recognize fake people and l “ACT” accordingly, in my own sweet and ...
Send us a text Sometimes you have to be quiet to hear and listen to what you have to say. Learning and knowing when to talk and when to listen is a skill that a lot of people are missing! This skill requires being in-tuned with your thoughts and emotions. It requires growth and maturity to make wise decisions regarding what works for the good of your life, rather than becoming easily triggered and allowing the emotional side of you to make decisions for you. Listening to what you have to say...
Send us a text The older I get, the more I learn about the truth and lies associated with memory, specifically Selective Memory. It affects us all at some time or another, and for one reason/benefit or another. For some people, it intentionally supports them appearing to be dumbfounded as if they don’t know, don't remember, never knew, and/or don't have a clue. It helps some people appear right when wrong, and positive or not so bad when really negative. Nevertheless, we need to be reminded o...
Send us a textOctober is Domestic Violence awareness month! It's the time of the year when there's a specfic focus placed on the "loop of abuse" that's Déjà & Vu-ish!An important mental note that is underemphasized, underestimated, and is not highlighted as much as it should be regards the fact that: DV abuse does not discriminate against gender, culture, religion, age, etc., and neither does mental illness. #dvawarenessmattersforallpeopleinallplaces Support the show
Send us a text "Don't allow your mental well-being to be negatively affected by people who only care about themselves!" Insecure Villains who play Victim come in young and old bodies. Age ain't nothing but a number; believe it! Word ain't always bond; believe it! Love is loosely and lyingly slung around, and some friendships are relationshipLESS; believe it! This truth has been traveling through relationships for far longer than most will admit. Pay attention and act like you know. #bewareo...
Send us a text There is a phenomenon involving broken relationships between parents and their children, young, middle-aged, and old, and that’s a sad shame, BUT, I can relate. I hear and listen to these issues all too often, and here’s what I’ve personally learned: Extracting the positive out of everything that’s negative is one of the best coping strategies that we all can have throughout life. I am learning and teaching myself more and more of how to enjoy all that I have, can do, and have ...
Send us a textBitual is a word from a word, which fits perfectly for those who are what it means, and if you are indeed a Bitual that keeps getting knocked back three steps for every one that you take; you need to figure out what-the-frick is wrong with you, and not period, but ! *Don't be just "plain wrong" with no idea of how to get right, and again, not period, but ! #chasethechangeyouneed I'll see you's next season (October).Support the show
Send us a text Note: Men and women wear wigs, therefore, the title/topic refers to everyone. Too often, I'm listening to individuals address business and personal issues after the fact of this or that occurring, while they're struggling to pick themselves back up and thrive. When I'm asked, I encourage those on the receiving end of my advice to pray about it, and choose their battles wisely. Some do, and some don't. Some will, and some won't; to each his or her own. #chooseyourbattles...
Send us a textChoose your battles wisely. The things that you can't change and the people who are not being influenced by the positive morals, behavior, conduct, and the GOoDliness that you possess and exhibit; learn how to exercise your right to walk away, forgive, slam the damn door, and, keep-it-moving:-)Support the show
Send us a text Love has nothing to do with abuse. Emotion shouldn't be mistaken or substituted as love when abuse and violence have negatively talked their way into your head, poked at your heart, and have served you with violating hands & "things". Naive is not your friend, and there's no active place in a loving relationship for any form of abuse, regardless of who the violator/offender is, or what the shituation is/was. Experience is an awesome teacher, and sharing is one ...
Send us a textGOoD is what GOoD does. GOoD is how you see and interpret it. Support the show
Send us a textWhen you're blessed to see another day, complaints have already been defeated. Remain mindful of the good by challenging the negatives that you seemingly can't swallow! If you must complain, confuse anxiety and depression and "complain" about how grateful you are for an opportunity to keep living, working, and being undefeated.It's only hard to do until you've done it.Support the show
Send us a textThe message is lovingly, caringly, and unapologetically self-explanatory.#stopit #vanity #selfidentity #selflove #selfacceptance #behappySupport the show
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