Conversations Along The Way

<p>This podcast features a series of conversations about what matters most, however you choose to label it. I have, since childhood, been fascinated by two fundamental, interlocking  questions: what does it mean to be fully alive? Why are we here? Drawing on my years of reflection on and practice of personal growth, Christianity and Buddhism as well as my vocational experience as a journalist and visual storyteller, I want to engage my guests deeply on questions of truth and meaning and how our respective understanding of these matters has shaped our lives. Life is equal parts glorious, confounding, and terrifying and the adventures and misadventures we all have along the way are a source of endless fascination to me. I hope you join me in exploring these timeless topics. Logo © 2023, Marcus Kollmorgen.</p>

CATW # 8 – with Hans about Masculinity in an Age of Shifting Gender Norms

A conversation with a new friend named Hans, who has been co-facilitating the Berlin Men's Group for four years, doing self-initiation work with men for over a decade and recently founded Zigmal, a psychosocial support service for men in Berlin. We talk about our personal stories around and understanding of masculinity and men's work, especially in light of more recent social trends and discussions around issue of gender and sex.Because of threats Hans has received for speaking out on this is...


TAMS # 2 – A Peaceful Day to Reflect on Anger

Reflections on anger, based on a tennis game gone south and focusing on how my adolescent self (Hothead) has no real sense of proportionality.


TAMS # 1 – A Beautiful Day to Reflect on Death

This inaugural episode of Talking Amongst My Selves — a companion series to Conversations Along the Way (see the trailer for it for more information) — takes on a light little topic: death. I reflect on how returning home to Berlin to be with my aging parents and struggling to find work brings up existential fears, with all of the different parts of me (Little Guy, Hothead, Mediator and Observer) having a different take on what is going on.


CATW # 7 – with Paula Friedland on Art and Its Connection to Spiritual Growth

I'm joined by my good friend Paula Friedland, a counselor, certified coach, corporate and public speaking trainer, as well as an actor and singer. We talk about the meaning and importance of art and artistic expression in our lives and its close relationship with personal growth and the spiritual quest. Our guiding questions for the conversation:- At its core, what is art (the appreciation of it, the pursuit of it, the creation of it) about for you?- When did you first know you were an artist...


Welcome to Talking Amongst My Selves, the CATW Companion Series

Introducing a companion series to Conversations Along The Way: Talking Amongst My Selves, personal reflections from Henrik on his personal and spiritual path. Meet The Little Guy, Hothead, Dr. Stentorian, the Mediator and the Observer, all aspects or characters that make up the beautiful mess that is Henrik.


CATW # 6 – with the Boulder Valley Men's Group about Men's Work

A conversation with my good friends at the Boulder Valley Men's Group, about the importance of men's work. The questions we discussed were:- What does it mean to you to be a man?- Who were your male role models and what did you learn from them?- How did you first encounter men’s work?- Why did it call you?If you are interested in learning more about men's work, here are a few suggestions for where to turn. (For those of you not in the U.S., note that the first organization listed also has cha...


CATW # 5 — with Kai Abelkis on the Spiritual Foundations of Our Environmentalism

Kai Abelkis is a pioneer in the sustainability movement, which he has been a part of for 25 years. He was the first full-time sustainability professional in the health-care industry in the United States and is now the Sustainability Manager at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. He and I discuss the following questions:- what was your relationship to the outdoors / the environment growing up?- what formative messages did you receive about the environment when you...


CATW # 4 – with Pastor David Roth on Conceptions of God

David and I have a conversations around the following four questions:- what is your earliest memory or conception of God?- how has it evolved over the years?- what conception of God / the Ultimate do you find most off-putting?- what understanding of God / the Ultimate does the world need to hear more of?


CATW # 3 — with Margot Burns on the Enneagram

My conversation with professional coach and Enneagram teacher Margot Burns on how the Enneagram has changed our way of being in the world. We talk about what Enneagram type we are working with, how we know that it fits us and what we see as the fascinating parallels (and differences) between the Enneagram and Buddhism.


CATW # 3 Bonus — An Introduction to the Enneagram by Margot Burns

Never heard of the Enneagram? Need a quick refresher? Sink your teeth into this delectable snack-sized introduction to this beautiful tool of transformation. Learn about the nine types and how they can be grouped into body, heart and head triads. Don't worry: it'll all make sense when you hear it. Enjoy!


CATW # 2 — with Susan Buss Roth on the Light and the Dark of the Path

My conversation with my good friend Susan Buss Roth on the topic of "Both/And: The Light and the Dark of the Spiritual Path."


CATW #1 Bonus — The "Sermon-Off" Teaser

Teasing the idea of the "sermon-off", where David and I will go toe-to-toe on spreading good tidings and words of comfort. You have to hear it to believe it.


CATW # 1 — with Pastor David Roth on Spiritual Calling

My conversation with my good friend and pastor of the New Church of Boulder Valley in Lafayette, Colorado, on the topic of spiritual calling.


Welcome to Conversations Along The Way

Brief introduction to the podcast – its intent, its structure, its first guest


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