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Conversations with Peter Boghossian
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Conversations with Peter Boghossian

Author: Peter Boghossian

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Listen to programs, interviews, and conversations with Peter Boghossian. 

This show started as "All Things Re-Considered," which took a closer look at the ideological capture of NPR. That program is complete, but the podcast is carrying on with interviews, conversations, and new projects from Peter and his team at National Progress Alliance. Visit to learn more--and consider making a donation to support this work:

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103 Episodes
Welcome to the first episode of All Things Re-Considered! This 5-episode series is an analysis of NPR journalism.In this episode, we hear from former NPR listeners about falling out of love with NPR, insights from a former public media journalist, and conversation between Peter Boghossian and Matt Thornton about NPR's coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse and Ibram X. Kendi.This podcast is taken from the original YouTube video. To watch, visit 2 will be releas...
Episode 2 of All Things Re-Considered explores the dangers of free speech, James Damore, academic harassment, where NPR gets its "experts," how Ira Glass broke a woman's heart, how the ACLU is breaking Ira Glasser’s heart, similarities between NPR and Fox News, and much more. A former public media journalist explains how NPR’s fashionable ideology facilitates bad journalism and former listeners share the stories that pushed them over the edge. This podcast is taken directly from the vid...
Welcome to Episode 3 of All Things Re-Considered: Dinosaur Emojis & NPR's Compassionate Look at Antifa. We learn about T*RF demands, trans dinosaurs, bad journalism, objectivity, nonbinary alligators, the hyper-morality of Antifa, and much more. We also hear from three more former listeners (one masked) about their departure from NPR and public radio. Enjoy!
Topics include NPR vs. Public Radio, Trump trigger warning, cultivating fragility, holding powerful people accountable, not holding Rachel Levine accountable, ideology vs. science, divisive training, and much more. View this episode at
Gina, host of "Morning Sedition" on All Things Re-Considered, shares an update regarding the dinosaur emoji story from Episode 3 ( Things Re-Considered received an interesting critique about the trans dinosaur emoji story we analyzed in Episode 3. We criticized the story for failing to include events explaining why feminists (so-called T*RFs) used the dinosaur emoji in September 2021. YouTube user “Fake Chuck” claimed NPR’s story DID​ provide the background inf...
Fat identity/justice/liberation, intersectionality, saving public radio, interracial violence, George Floyd, Waukesha, Tony Timpa, Buffalo, data data data, qualified immunity and much more. This is our final episode of All Things Re-Considered for the season. We will release a conversation about what we learned next week. This is a great time to leave feedback about the show and suggest other topics for re-consideration (besides NPR)!Watch the series on YouTube:
Discussion: Viewer Feedback

Discussion: Viewer Feedback


Watch the video of this conversation here.Now that the first season of All Things Re-Considered has concluded, Peter Boghossian and Matt Thornton met to discuss viewer feedback. The vast majority of feedback has been positive, but a few criticisms are addressed: why Peter and Matt used Rachel Levine’s preferred pronouns, the “Kazoo Dilemma” (who is responsible for its inclusion and who performed the devil’s instrument), why we chose to examine NPR, if/how NPR could be fixed, the possibility t...
In "The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World," Andrew Doyle reveals the similarities between the destructive irrationality of 17th-century witch trials (and executions) in Salem and the illiberal collective mania afflicting modern society. Peter Boghossian interviews Doyle about themes explored, including the sly use of progressive language by Social Justice activists, the infection of major institutions, new segregation, “academic shibboleths,” gender s...
In this episode, Peter Boghossian interviews Carl Benjamin. This is what Peter said about the discussion:Carl Benjamin, AKA "Sargon of Akkad," is best described as a free-speech activist, staunch critic of identity politics, and champion of English Liberalism. When YouTube and Google shadowbanned his channel in 2019 for wrongthink, Carl continued creating content on Akkad Daily. In November 2020, he launched a new media venture: and I have fundamental differences ab...
Associate Professor of Psychology Charles Negy was canceled by an online mob for “offensive” speech on Twitter in June 2020. Within weeks, the University of Central Florida (UCF) launched an investigation, firing him six months later. In 2022, an arbitrator ruled that UCF did not have just cause for the termination and Negy was reinstated.In this interview with Peter Boghossian, Negy details his experience with university officials throughout the 2-year ordeal and considers how universities c...
This conversation can also be viewed on YouTube!Peter Boghossian had the good fortune to be in Australia in March, the same time Kellie-Jay Keen brought her Let Women Speak (LWS) tour to Australia and New Zealand. They were scheduled to meet, but Kellie-Jay’s tour was cut short when a violent mob of TRAs (trans rights activists) threatened her life.On March 25, Kellie-Jay was at Albert Park in Auckland for a planned LWS event. These gatherings have a very simple structure: women are invited t...
This conversation can be viewed on YouTube When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives is the latest book by bestselling author Heather Mac Donald. Mac Donald sounds an alarm about the erosion of meritocracy through “disparate-impact” ideology in science, medicine, jurisprudence, and art. While concerns about civilizational decline are not a laughing matter, Peter Boghossian injects a playful element to this interview by t...
You can watch this episode on YouTube!Billboard Chris is a child protection advocate who travels the world talking to people about gender ideology. When Chris came to Oregon, Peter Boghossian joined him for street conversations at Portland State University (PSU) and the University of Oregon. The night before their visit to PSU, Peter hosted a meeting with Chris, journalists Andy Ngo and Savanah Hernandez, author Matt Thornton, and activist Honey Badger. Videographer Reid Nicewonder filmed the...
There is an epidemic of primarily white people—and white women in particular—who are pretending to be Native Americans for professional gain. Dubbed “Pretendians,” these individuals are predominantly active in academia and hold tenured faculty positions or even department chairs. To help make sense of this institutionally supported fraud, Peter Boghossian spoke with Jacqueline Keeler, a Native American author and journalist who’s an expert on the phenomena of Pretendians. Keeler names names a...
Keri Smith says she was in a cult for twenty years. It wasn’t NXIVM, Peoples Temple, or Heaven’s Gate, but something more widespread and insidious. Keri was a self-described Social Justice Warrior.Peter Boghossian talks to Keri about how Women’s Studies classes at Duke University provided the gateway to her conversion through new words, new definitions, and exposure to oft-repeated axioms. Keri describes her former self as a “woke evangelist,” spreading newfound truths about the patriarchy an...
According to journalist and author Kenny Xu, progressives fail to grasp the importance of merit in academic admissions and degree conferral, particularly in medicine. While Xu supports the long-held liberal ideal of equal opportunity through education, he argues that the university is not the place to address group achievement gaps. Instead, educational interventions need to begin much earlier—ideally in kindergarten.In this conversation, Peter Boghossian and Xu discuss holistic admissions vs...
“Is the trans movement anti-gay?” In honor of Pride Month, Peter Boghossian begins this conversation with an investigation into the increasing rejection of trans ideology by the LGB (without the T) community. Peter’s guest is Andrew Doyle, acclaimed author, comedian, and host of Free Speech Nation on GB News. Here’s an important piece of information to better understand this conversation: Andrew is gay.Andrew explains the impact the trans movement has inflicted on gay people over the last sev...
Helen Joyce is causing a lot of trouble. YouTube recently removed her conversation with Jordan Peterson (due to vague accusations of “hate speech” and “inciting violence”) and the BBC doesn’t invite her on air anymore. Among her heresies, she is guilty of believing there are two sexes and saying it out loud.Helen, an Irish journalist, bestselling author, and director of advocacy at Sex Matters, spoke to Peter Boghossian about the differences between men and women. In many arenas, the differen...
Michael Shellenberger appreciates the challenge skeptics offer regarding the existence of UFOs (also termed UAPs, "Unexplained Aerial Phenomena"). Skeptics, true believers, and everyone in between have taken note of Michael’s reporting on the topic. In this conversation with Peter Boghossian, Michael explains his level of confidence about visitations by non-terrestrial spacecraft. (Peter says the verified discovery of alien spacecraft would be a revolution comparable to humanity’s domesticati...
The world’s leading skeptic, author Michael Shermer, explains what it would take for him to believe claims of extraterrestrial visitation. Michael follows Pierre-Simon Laplace’s principle, popularized by Carl Sagan: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Michael has bet $1,000 that irrefutable evidence of human contact with aliens will not materialize by the end of next year. So far, he has no takers. Peter and Michael discuss the brain as “an engine of belief” and how the hum...
Comments (1)

James McCave

yikes! that was the most tedious thing I have ever listened to. never again.

Mar 4th
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