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Conversations with Psychics - what they do, how they do it, and why.
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Conversations with Psychics - what they do, how they do it, and why.

Author: polly evelegh

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Psychics, mediums, healers, and more talk to Polly, who first visited a medium at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain when she was just 18. She then spent 20 years training as a medium but doesn't practice because "It takes discipline", and she worked at the College of Psychic Studies. She wants to make psychic things approachable (as much as you can) so that people who are interested but unsure don't feel afraid or weirded out. She asks her interviewees all sorts of questions from the basic to the probing so that you realise they're everyday people who do extraordinary things.
15 Episodes
It's taken me a while to put this together as it captures 20 years of learning in 28 minutes and I so want to do it justice. I had the amazing good fortune to be put in touch with Mitzi and then be guided by her for 20 years. It's pretty safe to say that if it wasn't for Mitzi I wouldn't be here now. She taught me about past lives and held my hand through it all. Anyway, this one is for Mitzi! x
In this second episode about healing, we go into how Charlotte realised she was a healer - she didn't, she just felt the urge to do it - and how she stumbled upon the perfect course and what they did. I can vouch for her being the most amazing healer so it came as some surprise that she hadn't been doing it all her life. You'll hear all sorts of noises in the background including trains and birds tweeting. And thank you again to Charlotte's tutors Julia Shepherd on and Sharry Clark on 
This is a fascinating episode about healing, I had the amazing good fortune to be a case study for professional healer, Charlotte Prescott, as she went through her two years training. Charlotte explains what healing is and how it works. We discuss different methods - including hands off, hands on, distant and reiki. And we talk about the experience and effects of having healing. I refer to her teachers: Julia Shepherd who you can contact at and Sharry Clark who you can contact at Sharry also talks about mediumship in previous pods. They are the most amazing teachers. By the way the funny wooshing noises on this episode are trains going past. 
In this episode, Victoria Shaw, an Ivy League alum who switched science and research to become an intuitive counsellor and consultant, explains the importance of intuition, following what your soul urges you to do, how to recognise what your soul is telling you and how to discern your soul vs wishful thinking. Additionally, receiving intuitive information, she talks about karma and even the Covid virus. Victoria's website is (I apologise for the sound quality but go with it, it's worth it).
In this episode Sharry Clark, mediumship teacher, amongst many other things, allows me to record one of our medium classes. You'll hear just a few snippets as obviously the detail is confidential to whoever the mediums are reading for. The mediums are not trying to protect themselves but rather the information that is coming through. Sharry also goes into more detail about how the chakras work and gives us more insight into what happens after death. As you know Sharry works at the College of Psychic Studies, conducts her own readings, and was a teacher at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain. If you have any questions about this field, I suggest you drop her a line. Her website is Sponsorships: off for this episode
Part 1 was mind-blowing. Part 2 goes even deeper so if you haven't already done so, have a listen to Part 1. In this, the second part, Natasha talks about why she wrote her energy book for anxious teenagers but how anyone can find it a great stepping stone to balance and calm. She talks about balancing energy, the importance of energy management tools and The School of Energy. Once again, apologies for the dodgy sound quality. Natasha's links are: School of Energy Natasha's book
Energy explained. This is one of those conversations that will change you. I for one, had a eureka moment. Natasha, founder of The School of Energy, author of Freedom of the Soul, and founder of Dandelion Therapies talks about all things energy, energy healing and different healing modalities. Easy-going, no jargon. Apologies for the wonky sound - we talked over Skype. Natasha's links are below and part two to follow.  The School of Energy Natasha's Book
Nature spirits are around us all the time - don't try to see a face or figure - just sense the energy. Kathleen Pepper, a yoga teacher for 40 years, talks about sensing nature spirits and angels, crystals, near death experiences and her new book, "Devas & Nature Spirits and how to communicate with them" and her former book, "Hand in hand with Angels". This episode is a beautiful revelation. Part 2 to follow. Kathleen publishes with Polair Publishing.
In this episode I talk to my extraordinary, gifted, empathetic and kind mediumship teacher and now lifelong friend, Sharry Clark, about what it's like for her as a mediumship teacher. She teaches and gives private and Skype sittings at the College of Psychic Studies but I met her at the SAGB (Spiritualist Association of Great Britain) about 20 years ago. This is extremely illuminating about what happens when you're moving into the psychic and mediumship territory and developing and taking classes. Even if you're not interested in mediumship Sharry talks about the importance of getting to know your subtle body (and chakras). Sharry teaches personal, psychic, mediumship development ... and yoga too. She also makes auric sprays that genuinely work. She is amazing. She is the most beautiful person. She is a Teacher with a capital T. Her website is
Geoffrey Beitz is a psychic, medium and meditation teacher, to name just a few of his many talents. He teaches at the College of Psychic Studies and offers one-on-one sittings. He's the one wearing a never-ending smile, a sensational coloured scarf from his enviable collection and having a good old chat with everyone. In this episode he tells us about meditation. He explains how it can go very deep ... to the soul level, to the non-judgemental 'observer within' and even to freedom. We discuss the difference between meditation and mindfulness which are used interchangeably these days but which are disciplines in their own right. And we discuss the benefits of meditation for folks damaged and broken by criticism and judgement to the daily stress relief everyone could benefit from. As if that's not enough, he tells us how easy it is to meditate by ... by just following the breath.  His website is 
Martha Brett specialises in psychic attacks, clearing houses of unwanted entities, spirit attachments, spirit release and negative cords ... to name just a few of her many talents. In this episode she helps us understand psychic attacks and even gives us a powerful grounding exercise to help prevent it (towards the end of the pod). She also goes in to the fascinating subject of house clearing and what she does to tackle that. This episode is a must for anyone who thinks they may be under personal psychic attack or has suspicions that something may have 'gotten a hold' of their home ... lights going on, doors opening, that kind of thing ... and of course, it's great listening for anyone who's just curious. Martha is fascinating and fun with a huge infectious laugh. She teaches at the College of Psychic Studies and has one-on-one sittings at the College and at her own practice. Her website is
Avril Price is a Tarot Master who teaches and conducts intuitive or psychic tarot. In this, the second of two pods, Avril tells us the unusual way she got in to tarot, how she taught herself and the history of tarot. Once again, it's truly fascinating stuff and reveals the depth of Avril's extraordinary knowledge and talent. Her website is
Avril Price is a Tarot Master who teaches and conducts intuitive or psychic tarot. In this, the first of two pods with her, she explains what tarot is, how it works and what it does. It's truly mind blowing ... turns out that tarot is way more than 'will I get a man' kind of stuff but instead a way to bring forward very deep, unconscious, soul-level, life-purpose information and insights. Avril explains it in a down-to-earth, fun and easy to get-your-head-around way even if it does blow your socks off. She can be contacted via her website or at the College of Psychic Studies.   
With Avril, Tarot is way much more than, 'Is there a man on the horizon?' She goes into your life purpose. It's mind blowing. She does and teaches intuitive or psychic tarot. Saddle up. 
In this pilot episode Polly Evelegh interviews Martha Brett, a spirit release specialist. Martha even leads us through a powerful grounding exercise, crucial for protection from psychic attack, from 17.33" - 22.34". Martha teaches at The College of Psychic Studies in London and also takes one-on-one bookings at the college and via her own practice on 