Converse Christianity

Jeremy Moses and Andrew Haslam discuss how to live out a countercultural faith in a secular age. The Christian faith was always meant to be different. Jesus called his followers to a radical distinction from the prevailing trends in culture. In this podcast, the aim is to get down to the nitty gritty of just how different the Christian life is meant to be, and how to live Christ's way.

The City

Very often Christians can have a negative view of the city, or just see the city as a stepping stone to a future life elsewhere. In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew explore something of a theology of the city – a biblical vision for the city that includes God's heart of compassion, as well as the wonderful display of God's image in humans living there. What does the Bible have to say about cities? How can that radically alter our posture as we live in the city? And how can we flourish as we live in the city?



As Christians who live in an entertainment-saturated world, we often engage with entertainment in an uncritical way that feels disconnected from our Christian faith. We see it as something neutral and enjoyable, but basically irrelevant to following Jesus. In this episode Jeremy and Andrew explore why entertainment is so popular, some of the benefits and dangers of our engagement with entertainment, and how to enjoy entertainment to the glory of God.



In this (extra long but extra interesting) episode, Jeremy and Andrew explore the rapidly changing world of dating. We have seen a revolution in the way people understand love and go about finding a partner. What are the main changes that have happened in society at large? And how have these changes affected us as Christians? The challenges of finding a marriage partner need to be acknowledged, but Jeremy and Andrew also get into some advice on big issues like who to marry, how to go about dating, and what a relationship should look like.



Many of us are wrestling with the question of calling: What is my vocation in life, and how do I discover it? This is not a uniquely Christian concern; many secular Westerners are just as passionate about this issue of calling. But a Christian approach is nevertheless unique. In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew explore questions like, How do I find my call? When should I change my job? How should I approach these issues as a Christian?



As loneliness increases year on year so does the sense that true friendship is often missing for many people. What does the Christian faith have to say about friendship? What has gone wrong inside and outside the church in the way people experience friendship? And what vision for friendship should we pursue?


The Body

We often give very little thought to our bodies, yet our relationship with them is complex. Some of us hate our bodies, and others of us are obsessed with them. Either way, we cannot avoid them, and we need to learn to think as Christians about them. In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew explore some of the cultural shifts in how we treat the body, and then seek to articulate a Christian perspective on the body.



We spend a huge amount of our waking lives engaged with work. And all around us we see vastly different attitudes to work, from the city worker who never stops working, to those of us who see work as a drudgery or a necessary evil. How should the Christian think about their work? How can we work in a way that is distinctively Christian? And what does the Bible have to say about work?



Rest is not just an optional luxury, but part of our obedience to God and at the heart of the gospel. Why is rest so important for the Christian? How does rest help you grow in your discipleship to Jesus? Why do we find it hard to rest? Join Jeremy and Andrew as they explore some of the theological foundations of rest, and explain why rest is so crucial to countercultural faith.



Converse Christianity is all about living a countercultural faith, but that kind of faith isn't just you as an individual – it's inseparable from your life in the community of faith. How does modern life militate against a healthy commitment to church? What are the mindsets and attitudes we need to be aware of? And how does Jesus call us to something radically different from the norm?


Social Media

The existence of social media presents a new challenge, and a new opportunity for Christians. What are the risks and dangers we need to be aware of? What are the benefits? In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew reflect from a Christian perspective on the impact of social media – in society and personally – and seek to offer some advise in navigating these platforms.



What is the heart of the culture clash between Christianity and contemporary culture in terms of sex and sexuality? In this episode, Andrew and Jeremy aim to unpack some of the key differences in the Christian view of sex, and the way this clashes with the culture. They explore the challenges in living Christ's way, and offer some practical advice.


Countercultural Faith

Why is Christianity a countercultural faith? What does it cost to follow Jesus? The Christian faith has, in every age, laid down a challenge for anyone who chooses to follow Christ. But increasingly we are feeling the tension between our faith and this secular age in which we live. In this episode, Andrew and Jeremy aim to set the scene and introduce the theme of the podcast.


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