Cool Trans Girl

I know how easy it is to feel isolated during your transition. I've been there before and it breaks my heart knowing other trans women feel that way too. I have had my fair share of mental health struggles. Everyday I have to choose to love myself and some days are harder than others. Thus Cool Trans Girl was born and I began making the content I wish I had earlier in my transition. The goal of this podcast is for other trans women (you) to feel seen, to heal through community, and to create a really fun podcast you look forward to hearing every Tuesday! Xoxo CTG Aria 🎀

How to get tf over a boy

If ur booty hurt cause someone ghosted you or you just had a breakup this episode is for u :) Wednesday Wellness: I want the newsletter Le blog:


The Wheel of Life

In todays episode I give you guys a tutorial on what the wheel of life is and how it's a tool that can center ourselves. And announcing the newest addition to the website, the CTG Feed! Our first contributor is CTG Manny a star, a sweetheart, and a senior in high school. She wrote an essay on how deadnaming students leads to academic decline, crazy right?


Listen to this ep if ur going through it

This episode is for anyone who's going through some sh*t because these last two weeks for me have been TOUGH. I open a little bit about what I've been going through these last few weeks and how I was able to shift my mindset in order to self regulate! We also talk about how to take action and change your trajectory! Wednesday Wellness Newsletter: Yas queen My FFS Recovery Vlog: Take me 2 YouTube Le Blog:


25 things I love about being trans

It's so easy to focus on the negative things, here are 25 things I love about being trans <3 Wednesday Wellness Newsletter: I want in MtF Transition Handbook: Take me to the blog!


Mental Health Walks are Magic & Make You Beautiful

A 30 minute walk 3x a week is all the physical activity you need to start noticing significant improvements in your mental health! Walking will increase ur confidence and make u sexy I PROMISE Wednesday Wellness: I want the Newsletter! Read the blog post: Yas Queen


How to not go insane :)

This episode is for over thinkers, remote workers, those with social anxiety, those who feel they are the brink of insanity <3 Wednesday Wellness Newsletter: Yes slay omfg The ultimate guide to transitioning: Boots mother Meet your future self meditation: I'm ready


One Week Post FFS

Doll check in! The day I published this episode I'm officially 8 days into my recovery. I break it down day-by-day from the hours leading up to the operation to getting my stint removed. I'm hoping this episode can be helpful to anyone who's been thinking about getting FFS but is scared. I got my FFS covered for FREE by state of NY Medicaid: How to get Free Gender Affirming Surgery Wednesday Wellness Newsletter: Yes Mother!


My HRT Journey

Titty skittles, injections, and all the wonderful changes that have happened to my body over the last 4 years :) Join: Wednesday Wellness Newsletter Visit le blog:


Navigating the Emotions of FFS

TW: Gender Dysphoria In this episode I talk about the flood of emotions I'm experiencing after getting my date for my facial feminization surgery... literally a week from today Learn: How I got my Gender Affirming Surgery Covered for Free Watch: Gia Gunn's FFS Recovery Sign Up: Weekly Wellness Newsletter Other podcasts I love: The Porch Pioneers and Trail Blazers


An interview with CTG ANGEL, Miss March 2024

Today I sit down with multidisciplinary artist ANGEL for my first ever interview on Cool Trans Girl! We discuss the artist's background, her debut album HRT(error), gender dysphoria, skincare, the importance of community, transmisogyny and so much more. Stream: CTG ANGEL's HRT(error) Follow Miss March 2024: CTG ANGEL Subscribe: Weekly Wellness Newsletter Read the blog post at:


Boymoding & my coming out story

Recently I got asked about boymoding earlier in my transition. What is boymoding and how did it affect me personally? Is there a right way to transition? Feauturing me sh*tting on Caitlyn Jenner (sns) Le blog: CTG of the Month February 2024: Honoring Cecilia Gentili Sign up for my Weekly Wellness Newsletter here


27 hot girl life lessons for my 27th Birthday

Practical life advice but like sexy, hot, gorgeous and cool <3 Blog:


Setting Boundaries with Cis Ppl

How I set boundaries with cis ppl and a storytime about how I got scammed out of $800 by some guy who was probably named Paulie. Le Blog:


How I practice self love after a low day

This week I had a hard week when it came to my mental health, I backslid a little bit. Luckily I was able to take a mental health day. These are the ways I practice self love after a bad day <3


How vision boards saved me

How vision boards helped me not want to end my life and also that time I went to LA with an ex sugar daddy Blog: Free vision board app:


Dopamine detoxing, hate sex, and lessons on confidence

Going to get dick in the middle of a hurricane becomes a lesson on confidence and setting boundaries blog:


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